Kudos from Eledain

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Kudos from Eledain

Post by nikoko » Fri Jan 05, 2024 1:50 pm

Hi guys! I don't usually post on the forums, but I figure its about time to say something :)

I am the player of Dain, or Archmage Eledain of Myon as she was lately known, and I wanna thank everyone who made my playtime on Arelith a good time. I planned to shelf the character, but she has recently met her end, and I'm content to let it be as it is. I've played her for almost two years now, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people, characters, and create stories with you all. She might have not been that important in the grand scheme of things, but she has seen so much, gone through so much, and it has been one of my favorite stories to write and experience. Dain's gonna go to a happy place in Arvandor unless the plot demands otherwise.

I genuinely wish I could remember ALL the characters that my bird interacted with, there were so so many. So many cool people I've met and spent time with. Many people that made me think differently about how I approach my rp, helped me improve my writing, my knowledge of obscure lore and other wizardly shenanigans that we got up to with the wizard gang. So many characters that impacted Dain in one way or another, and many who also let me impact their story. I couldn't ask for anything more. My memory is unfortunately really bad, so if I forgot someone please forgive me! There are so many people to say thank you to. So, Thank you so much, everyone! I'll try to list whoever I can remember, but firstly my kudos go to Myon.

Most memorable settlement that I played in, Myon hosted so many wonderful people that eventually became like family to my bird. People may judge your elf rp but don't ever let them tell you that Myon isn't cool. It's hella cool.

-House Nightstar: The people that helped Dain get her bearings and gave her something to do. Minmir restoration project was a large focus for a while, all thanks to inspirations from the house! The first thing that got me writing magical theories and speculations.

-Isendel Symbaern:
Dain's antisocial bff wizard, and honorary gossip girl. I still have his body pillow somewhere in her study. Hope his obscure magical store is making big profits in Evermeet!

-Maethiel/Baldissere Tyireale'ala: A pair of wonderful people I knew IC and know OOC, the wedding of your characters was easily one of the most memorable events I attended as a fledgling mage. Never drink and fly. Maethiel deserves some special attention because she was THE Councelor, and she hosted so many wonderful events. You guys are awesome.

Dain's second, also antisocial bff, whom they gossipsed with in hot springs. Dain never stopped missing him.

The unwilling mentor and teacher with questionable morals and methods, Valentino always stuck in Dain's mind as an example of how an Archmage should be. She always tried to live up to the example, even if the reality turned out a bit different. The book he gave her on curses did really help.

-Phyrra Grevyre:
Awesome Character. Girlboss. Zero to Hero. Poet, Bardess, Wonderful Coronal. Dain's lover and WIFE and soooo so wonderfully written and so many more things. I could probably write a whole essay on why I love Phyrra and on all the things she has done for Dain, but I have to keep this brief. I will miss their rp so very much. I will think about it in my sleep and then write poems about it. My favorite love story I got to play out on Arelith and the Biggest reason I got to enjoy this game as much as I did. Just big kudos to Phyrra, they really deserve them.

She is like a daughter to Dain. And Dain was ready to move mountains and protect this poor kid with all her might. She was going to teach her so much about life, and give her the care and love that she deserved. Poor Renestrae. I hope her life turns around for the better, genuinely want her to be happy.

-Tristan Elur'on:
Dain's first apprentice, a ball of sunlight and a wonderful person OOC. Wish we could've had more lessons, but the time I got to spend with Tristan I won't forget.

-Micah Tami'sioth:
Dain's second apprentice. You know who you are. You know what you did. You know what you have to do. You are really cool and I'm genuinely enjoying Micah's development and all the roleplay that you're creating. I had so much fun teaching Micah about the intricacies of being a Wizard, but they weren't just apprentice and master. They were like family, too. Dain never gave up on Micah, she always believed in her.

-Tirana Tami'sioth:
Dain was but a small part in Tirana's story self discovery, but I hope that the few words they exchanged can help Tirana find her self-worth and develop. Genuinely looking forward to seeing it - Tirana has so much more ahead of her!

-Harwae'vyll Ossndar:
God I Love This Character. From aiding the misguided Wavey with lessons on Elvish culture, to reverie practices, and to late hang outs in the estate and deep philosophical conversations. I was so happy to see that Wavey came around from her past, to the character she is now. You are a wonderful writer and a joy to play with OOC. I hope we meet again!

-Lyrian Grevyre:
The chill step cousin that always hung out with us, and her wolves. You know who you are, you have been with me through so many characters and I am so glad I met you.

-Ameria and Aerlynn:
A bubbly couple that I will never forget. Best friends, wonderful people, a joy to play with and talk to. Thank you for being Phyrra and Dain's friends, and helping them out with many, many things. One day they might return, but wherever they are I hope they're happy.

-Anorfilien and Melyanna:
I really wish Dain could have gotten to know Anorfilien more. But what I did see, and the time they did spend together I really loved. Anorfilien was such a silly, but profound character and I loved her roleplay and being around her. Your writing is wonderful. Many many moments with Anorfilien stuck in my mind, and you were so very memorable.
Same goes for Melyanna, I never really knew your character well, but I wish I did. Still, the letters that we got I won't forget.

-Peridan Twilight: A fellow avariel whom Dain looked up to. She never got to be his friend before he died, but she remembers the moment she saw him in the little Elven Quarter river stream, fishing. And yet not expecting to catch any fish. Never forgot that, it stuck with her.

-Loretta Vesper:
What was and what could have been. It would probably be a dumpster fire, but one I wouldn't be able to look away from. I still think about their parting.

-Vaeryll Aistra:
The Great Loremaster of Myon, and someone Dain really looked up to. Alas I am very bad with faction management, but when they did get to work together they were unstoppable.

-Conrad Havelock and house Havelock:
Conrad was a really cool dude. Thank you for indulging in my roleplay, Conrad and Dain have shared wonderful conversations, and I'm glad that I had him in my corner. I'll be your scrygank gf baby xoxo

Honorable mentions: You are all special in your own way. I loved the time that I got to spend with every single one of you. If I write out a detailed kudos for each person this is going to be SOOOO VERY LONG (it already is) BUT. Here are the wonderful characters that stuck with me, and I wished I had more time to interact with:

-Kalreith Lirathalas

-Lalaith and Gwyndaer Durothil

-Koeh'atma Vonaer

-Naljren Thyeater

-Sig'nisia Adongala

-Sylphrenia Driiquar

-Lethri Galanodel

-Victor and Celitha Galincourt

-Antoinette Rivorndir

-Ameline Madisone

....and many many others whom I inevitably forgot. I'm sorry! But I loved all of these characters, interacting with them was a joy. I'll miss you all.

Kudos also go to! (spoiler its so many many people)


Grymmiirn: THE GRANDPA. I have so many things to say about Grymmiirn, all of them are positive. He's great. He's wonderful. I love him. I could never be him. I enjoyed our time roleplaying together so much. If Dain went to visit Jotunhold, it was to see him. Her pastry was overflowing with the sheer amount of mjod that she received from him. He thrust a spear into Dains hands and pointed at a dragon and said kill it. And the silly wizard did, with her raw might. All because of him.
Basically every single Jotunhold memeber. I love you giants. Never stop being awesome. Kill dragons in my name.


-Providence: You helped Dain get rid of a little annoying gem in her neck, and performed a surgery. I remember. It was awesome. I loved Providence. She was a very mysterious character to me, and she left an impression and an impact. A wonderful woman, a wonderful player.

-Thomas Castemont: A generally Cool Dude that deserves this title. Don't care what the haters say, love him or hate him, he's inspiring. He does so much, he sacrifices so much. Basically one of the most inclusive players on this server. I never got to personally interact with Thomas much, but he was always there as someone who can be relied upon.

-The Cordor Guard: Dain Cordor Guard arc was certainly a thing that happened. I loved it. Was it short? Yes. Was it silly? Yes. Was I a bad guard? Absolutely. I love the Cordor Guard. Every single guard that knew Dain when she was a recruit - forget about it. It didn't happen.

-Juniper Oakley: Dain's little shroom fiend friend. I was so sad when she went away. Genuinely wanted to talk more with you, but ahhh! When Dain was a busy body, she scarcely had time to visit Juniper. But the hang outs, the parties they attended, all were made memorable because of Juniper.

-Kritheris Gwette: I enjoyed our discussions on sciences and magic and Minmir more than you can imagine. Kritheris is a genuinely wonderful scholar, and I'm glad I got to share and receive knowledge when talking with her.

-many many Rivorndirs:
Need I say more? I loved attending the Rivorndir carnavals and tournaments. Genuinely a highlight of my day.

-Estelle Misthollow and house Misthollow: Estelle was the best lady that Dain served. She loves Cordor and she loves history. It was always a joy to talk with you, and other Misthollow retainers.

-Urshak Dragonskin:
He was the commander under whom Dain served once. A generally wonderful guy. Pike Off and rest in peace.

-Seitera Colds:
For better or for worse, Seitera and Dain shared many months together, and were close friends. Seitera was the person that helped Dain figure out ritual magic. That was doing secret agent things. I'm glad I got to be involved on that. And while personally the ritual roleplay was way too complex for my taste, I did learn a lot from it. Eventually her story got a bit too overwhelming for me, but I hope you're doing well wherever you are.

-Minto Cloudpaw: Dain's friend, wonderful mage and ritualist, knowledgeable, wise, a kind heart. I want to rematch him in lanceboard and shout celestial at him again.

-Evemere Dundragon:
There is so much to say about Evemere. She's an old character I remember from when I played Sung Cho, I think. But I am so happy I met her. Evemere is such a wonderful friend, with a beautiful heart, and kind like no other. It was a genuine pleasure to write with you. She was one of the few people that tried to unpack Dain's emotional baggage, and I really appreciated that.

: My favorite gossip girl. BFF of BFFs. She knew him when he was just a Kid, literally. I remember seeing him go off on his desert adventurers and reflect. When he took his name as Flamma I also remember. Flamma was a character that gave me a very peculiar feeling that I don't tend to get a lot, not in this game: and that is the sense of passage of time for humans and elves respectively. While Flamma got older and started a house, married, raised kids, Dain was still hitting him up in the Lotus and gossipping with him about politics. A very striking feeling that you don't get often, I appreciate Flamma a lot.

...And kudos also go to many many others in Cordor that I also, inevitably forgot! Two years of social roleplay does that, I guess.

Big thank you to the Bad Guys for giving me something to do, and giving me a cool ending. Not many people get that I realize, and that I got to end on something interesting instead of fading away into obscurity, I appreciate that.

I'll see you all on other characters, or when someone inevitably tries to go and dig into Dain's grave.

Fair winds and Farewell!

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Re: Kudos from Eledain

Post by AmyAbridged » Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:05 pm

Eledain was a truly enchanting character and I thoroughly enjoyed my time with her, even at times of conflict. Out of character you are a wonderful person, and I am excited to see what you do next on the server. Sincere thanks for the honorable mention.

From the perspective of my character; Eledain was an icon of everything Ameline wished to become. It is an honor that she was one of the final people to speak with her before her demise. Ameline will carry those words with her forever.

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Re: Kudos from Eledain

Post by Cthuletta » Fri Jan 05, 2024 9:22 pm

Nooooo!! Just as I return, and Dain leaves!! I loved Dain, she was always so full of life and mischief. There were loads of laughs to be had, and you will be dearly missed!
I hope to see you with another story soon!

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Re: Kudos from Eledain

Post by TatteredFates » Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:53 am

cool character

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Re: Kudos from Eledain

Post by Lass is Class » Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:55 pm

Dain was always captivating and fun to be around, and the amount of work you've done to bring out the layers of her complex character was truly stellar.

And all the help OOCly, for the said overcomplicated rituals and beyond. Keep having fun wherever the road will take you, niko!

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Re: Kudos from Eledain

Post by Hedgehog » Sun Jan 07, 2024 7:16 am

It was both a blessing and pleasure being able to roleplay with you again!

Tristan still wears his little gold star proudly and prominently! I’ll never forget the fun RP we had.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with next, hopefully we’ll be able to rp more again soon!

I’ve got the power of god and anime on my side!

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Re: Kudos from Eledain

Post by Clear Pine » Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:44 pm

I literally made an account on the forum just to reply to this thread.

Dain's a bigger impact than you know on Tirana <3

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