In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

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In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:36 am

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In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

By Theodor Helbrecht ((With OOC kudos to the player of Marley for helping with several chapters!))
A.R. 175


“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away”

In memory of Marley Goodman / Rusty
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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:37 am

==A House of Secrets==

Beautiful red hair shimmering like ruby dust in the early morning sun, Marley always stood out wherever she went. Raised on a small farm in a peaceful village her childhood was filled with warmth, love and adoration. She was the only child of a warm and kind woman and a strong and sturdy father raised with the true love of a family. She was always surrounded by boys her entire life, but her father made sure she knew how to keep them in their place.

Like me, she too grew up on a farm, and this meant chores. Chores she was not afraid nor opposed to help in. For her, working together as a family meant that they could help those less fortunate in their lives. And as such Marley soon found herself aiding her father in the fields, ploughing the soils and sowing the seeds of her own future.

The sweet, ever smiling ginger would prove not only to have inherited her hair after her father, but his temper as well. A temper he had worked so hard to keep a lid on and never actually let Marley witness. A secret, buried deep beneath the floorboards of their farmstead.

One day one a local boy tried to steal a kiss from her as she managed to get their attention more and more. Unfortunately for the boy, the only thing he got to kiss was her fist as it collided with his nose leaving the boy with a broken one.

After that day, her father took it upon himself to try and teach her how to control her temper. And thus, the secret of his past that had been buried for years, was revealed to her. He had given her his old blade to try and swing, heavy as it was. He instructed her on how to wield it, much to her mother’s disapproval. The training however taught the woman enough discipline to put a lid on her temper.

For now at least.

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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Sun Aug 22, 2021 1:38 am

==A New Beginning==

Simple wanderlust, the thrill of adventure and constant nagging finally allowed Marley to convince her father to leave their home and turn a new page for herself. She wanted to stand on her own and explore the world.

She chose to venture with the first group she encountered and finally arrived on Arelith. She was taken by the change of scenery in Cordor. The castles, temples and manors and found herself in a new world surrounded by noble knights and brave adventurers. True wonders to the young red head.

She was told about the great many things that troubled the city. Sewer Rat gangs, undead in the graveyard, demons, devils and powerful liches. Terrifying for a young woman with minimal training. But outside of the dangers, this is where she met people very special to her and so this became her home. In amongst those she would go on to call her friends, Maya Ashald and Roselyn Kingsley were amongst the first.

Maya Ashald, a woman with a sad story gripping on her heartstrings and her desire to rebuild a family and Roselyn Kingsley, the Yuan-Ti and former Abyssalist who would one day betray Cordor and all those who thought her a friend. Marley always had a poor judgement when it came to believing in people.

A young woman ripe for a long road to corruption.

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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:42 am

==Knight of the Open Hand==

Maya had disappeared. Allegations made against her as a result of Roselyn’s betrayal and attack on Cordor. Marley was lost and in search of some greater meaning without her dear friend by her side.

It was then that she met someone who would change the course of her path. An elf of noble descent pointed Marley in the direction of a Knightly Order, the Open Hand. An Order devoted to the Triad.

This is when she met Tristan El’uron, Oathkeeper of the Open Hand. A man from a simple fishing village himself. And of course, by their connection of a simple upbringing they connected. They started spending a lot of time together and she told him things she’d never told anyone. Not even Maya. The way she spoke about him, I could tell that she admired him and loved him dearly.

But even Tristan was unable to give her what she truly needed, what she truly desired. A family. To become a mother herself and have a family of her own was her greatest wish. He even ended up abandoning her, unable to love her and fulfil her dream.

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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:44 pm

== The Inevitable==

Shortly after Tristan had vacated the isle, members of the Open Hand started departing and she found herself once more being abandoned by those she called family. The full roster reduced to no more than a handful active members in need of guidance. And even though she did not wish the responsibility, it was opportunity for her to take that role as her motherly instinct kicked in.
It was in those weeks that by sheer chance she came across a group of likeminded individuals. Denny Walvish, Aeradir Escarion and most importantly, Emma Young - The High Watcher of the Gauntlet.

A companionship emerged between the four and they spent more and more time together finding each other with similar goals and a common purpose. This eventually led to a merger of the two closely bonded organisations. As thus, Marley helped rekindle the Open Hand by letting each member enrol in the Gauntlet. Going from a leadership position all the way down to a simple Novice. She told me it was because she didn’t want any advantage over other members or special treatment. But personally, I think it was her own insecurities and her fear of failure that led her to this decision.

Her time with the Gauntlet was over nearly before it had begun. Not because she did not fit in, not because she did not agree, but because she was soon enrolled into the Cordorian Guard, Lieutenant and head of Intelligence. A mutual decision between her and Emma while she maintained her position in The Gauntlet on the proviso she’d be able to balance her duties. But the talented red head was too valuable to both organisations to let her split her time effectively and eventually she was let go from The Gauntlet when forced to choose between the two. Another family lost.

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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Mon Aug 23, 2021 5:57 am

==Descent into Darkness==

Serving a total of three Chancellors (Isabel, James Hightower and Emma Young), Marley served the city of Cordor loyally and without question. Having to grow into her new role as Lieutenant of the Military and later as Diplomat, she spent her time giving orders and taking greater responsibility while organising reports and tending to numerous tasks.

One day she was out in the Bramble Woods near the city, gathering wood for the printing press to copy her reports diligently when she stumbled across three individuals. These individuals turned out to be members of the Void Cult including the Pontiff, otherwise known as Ya'iil Siluhl. As one of the women kept Marley occupied another knocked her unconscious. Despite my dislike for the Cult and what they did in Andunor and later to the Reavers, I believe I owe them something at least in making this project a little easier.

The experience obviously traumatising to say the least changed her. She was tortured, humiliated, collared and broken. The Void Cult are known for their ability to manipulate minds and memories like no other and so they had done this with Marley, creating an entirely new persona for her by the name of “Karina”.

Eventually her friends from the Gauntlet and Cordor managed to get her back, but the damage was already done. She spoke to me about some sort of mind walking ritual she did to regain her memories and remove what the Pontiff had done to her. I’ll admit I had already consumed about half a dozen bottles of Absinthe when she was telling me about this, and I can’t quite recall the details.

Despite this ritual to help her remember who she was and where she came from, she continued to find herself alone and abandoned by her friends. Sure, there were a few people here and there who could be bothered to spend a little time with her, but it wasn’t enough. This experience with the Void Cult had left her unable to deal with her trauma alone and thus her descent into darkness began properly.

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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:07 am


Despite being freed and cleared by a healer after her capture by the Void Cult, Marley realised that slowly but surely those she once considered friends and allies began to alienate from her. Suddenly she was fighting allegations made against her for no less than treason charges. Ultimately, she managed to prove her innocence and soon made a return to her former position. The guard however, had begun to fall apart without her guidance. Now she had to cope being shorthanded and ended up being busier than ever. The workload started to slowly eat away at her.

One fateful day, she decided to get out of the office. When learning the Navy was preparing a trip, to test their latest weapon, she went along as protective detail. Little did she know, what she was about to face.

A barrage on Sencliff - Torrent waters. Massive waves. The soundwave from the impact of the sonic device ripping through flesh and bone. Umberlee's wrath descended upon them. A vortex of dark waters threatened to swallow the Leviathan, Cordor’s Flagship. Creatures from the depths spewed onto the deck of the ship while screams of the fight upon the isle resonated in the air. A wave hit, washing blood and gore off the ship, but our brave Marley stood her ground. A second wave came. The ship canted, nearly turned as Marley was hurled from the deck into waters of blood, swords, limbs and death. Swimming, sinking she and several others were pulled underneath the waves.

For hours she had fought for her life only to find the ship had sailed off abandoning her. Some had been conjured to safety, but Marley was alone. Drifting on a piece of timber to which she clung onto for dear life. It was for nothing but the mercy of the sea, that she washed ashore near Rayne's Landing. Drenched, exhausted and mortified of what she had witnessed. The sting of abandonment so familiar to her yet again, she made her way back towards Cordor. She knew that her time with the guard had come to an end. Marley would never be the same.

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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Tue Aug 24, 2021 1:05 pm


By the Dark Sun, I hated her the moment I first laid eyes on her. She wouldn’t give me her name, so I simply gave her one looking at her dreadful armour. I called her “Rusty” and from that day forward it became her Underdark persona. She still worked in the Cordor government at the time and was a bed partner to Markus Hawkwinter, a Banite and a Cordor Government Official. A man I would later find myself working alongside to try and bring the Void Cult to their ruin. But this is another story entirely.

Rusty was rude, obnoxious and frankly one of the most annoying people I ever had the displeasure of meeting. She nearly managed to get herself killed a few times and wasn’t appreciated much in Andunor. Even without them knowing she was a Surfacer and a Cordor Government employee at that, she managed to instil a lot of ire towards her.

Over time, she came to Andunor by herself more and more without Markus. Somehow, despite finding her intolerable we started spending more time together and she started to confide in me. Her relationship with Markus was on rocky grounds. He mistreated her, didn’t or couldn’t love her. I will admit I was only half listening and just picked up the things I could use against her later.

Eventually we found ourselves drinking in the Cloven Hoof in Dis when she poured her heart and soul out to me. The more we drank, the more it became clear to me how desperate for love and family she was. But this woman could not be won with kindness, this wasn’t what she sought. The state she was in, the way Markus had conditioned her, this woman needed to be challenged. And that’s exactly what I did. I made her so angry in fact that she not only lost her temper but jumped me right then and there. In the middle of the Hoof.

After that she vanished, and I didn’t see her for almost two years.

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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:59 pm


“You have a son Theodor” were some of the first words out of her mouth after she disappeared from my life for all this time. In truth, the news was surprising more than anything. I didn’t think I was able to father children and never wanted them. But I had remembered her dream as I do with anyone I speak with. And so, I feinted excitement and joy over the news convincing her that this was what I desired too. A family.

I had seen her fight, she was formidable. That anger when directed appropriately nothing short of admirable. And now, I was one of the most important people in her life. The father of her child. She would do anything to protect me. Even die for me if she had to. Who was I to deny such a powerful tool?

And so, her journey began properly with me. I claimed her as my project willing to make the investment and seeing the potential in her. I would turn her into perfection.

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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Wed Aug 25, 2021 12:11 am

==The Speaker of Fortunes==

Possibly one of the weirdest experiences in my life had been meeting a black cat in Avernus. Underneath its footsteps as it approached small purple flowers appeared. My curiosity peaked of course, and my brother Varelas and I engaged in a conversation with this being which was obviously not any normal cat. The creature appeared to be a familiar of an ancient immortal being who called herself “The Speaker of Fortunes”.

I don’t know how we got there or where we even were. The place was dark, but there she was surrounded by pillows and flowers. A giant unnerving looking woman. She spoke to us about her capabilities and powers and told us that she had knowledge of all in this world and even outside of it. She had access to personal information hidden even from ourselves. I saw an opportunity and took it. I offered my services to her and that of my brother and would deliver her volunteers and sacrifices who in exchange for the knowledge would offer something of themselves. Emotions, feelings, memories or even their soul.

She could only accept those who were willing, so I simply had to manipulate them to become willing. I brought her “volunteer” after “volunteer” in exchange for the knowledge that would see me fulfil one of my own personal and ultimate goals.

One such “volunteer” was Marley. She was so desperate to know about her mother and what truly happened to understand her past. Events hidden from herself unobtainable in any other way but through this creature. Marley was hesitant of course, but I encouraged and comforted her. And then made a quiet deal on her behalf with the Speaker. I offered to the Speaker Marley’s ability to feel guilt, regret and compassion. And without these emotions, making her the ultimate weapon.

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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Thu Aug 26, 2021 1:04 am


They say blood is thicker than water. They say family comes before all. They say she was mad; they say she was wrong, but all that she did was for love and family.

Marley told me that Sabre was in distress, miserable and suffering. No one could see it but her, not even Nathaniel. These two considered each other as close as mother and daughter. They had supported each other when needed and offered understanding and acceptance, even when their paths diverted. Not long after her return to the island, Marley simply had to share the news of her new family, her son and his father for Sabre knew this was Marley’s greatest dream and should have been happy for her.

Months later, after her continued expressions of disapproval of me and trying to reclaim Marley for herself, Sabre found herself caught in her own troubles and horrors. This time the elven woman, Dawnlord of Lathander, had no one left to turn to but the person she once considered a daughter.

Desperation was painted upon her face as she entered through the portal in Shadovar. The unlikeliest of places perhaps, but it was safe grounds. A safe haven for them both, considering who Marley had become. Sabre found herself collapsing under the burden of her regrets, the weight on her shoulders and the suffering she had to endure from her losses. And yet, everyone expected her to shrug it off and move forward. She no longer knew which path was right. And for the second time in her life, she was afraid of what lurked in the dark. That her past would catch up to her and she would be what she feared. That she would lose all she had.

Marley’s sense of family was stronger yet more twisted than ever. She firmly believed that no mother should be without her family. And so, she started her own very first project, using everything she had learned from me. She would lead Sabre to a “better” place and help her find the knowledge she sought so that she may find peace. But of course, Marley could not forget how Sabre betrayed her months prior leaving her to rot in a cell in the Fortress City away from her son and away from me.

The manipulation, the acting, the pretence of profound interest as she would listen to Sabre talk about her feelings and thoughts. She’d listen, remembering what I taught her and hooking into the smallest weak points increasing her sense of doubt and slowly beginning to poison her mind. I was so proud to watch Marley work from afar. She had truly come a long way. Sabre reported back to her frequently on every detail of her life, finding comfort in Marley’s unbiased advice and comfort. Soon Sabre trusted no one but her.

Sabre was ready now; the groundwork had been laid. Marley would show her the path to her sanctuary. Step by step she revealed her plan and little by little they progressed along it together. All that remained now was one final sacrifice.

It was not until the knife sank into her gut, that she realized her mistake. If only she had heeded her husband’s words. Nathaniel had tried to warn her, yet every word he spoke just drove her closer to Marley and closer to her fate. Infused with a blood curse I helped Marley create, Sabre was sent home on the brink of death. Weakened and now ready to accept what Marley had promised her all along. A family. She'd see them weep, fearing her life, dreading their own choices.

Marley told me that her only hope was that Sabre would remember to whom she owed this gift and who showed her what she could accomplish, if willing.

They may think they saved her. But we both knew the truth of it. A dragon may clean it scales, but once the cold hand of revenge touches a heart the stain never truly washes off.

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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Fri Aug 27, 2021 12:09 am

==Eternal Kiss==

I would have called K’yofein amongst one of my dearest friends in Andunor. An Ilythiiri loyal to Nas’hloah Xun’viir, former Archpriestess of Andunor. He was a mage of great skill and terrifying. But he accepted me for who I was, bluntness and all. There was one problem however, he was terminally ill. He had managed to control the disease enough for him to still live a long time, but his end was approaching and his ability to keep the disease at bay became harder and harder.

As Marley’s journey had turned her from Chauntea and lead her to follow The Mother’s greatest foes Talona, she was instantly obsessed with the disease. She managed to gather a sample from K’yo which at this point was only truly dangerous to Ilythiiri and Elves. She was determined to change that and turn this into one of the deadliest diseases on the island no matter what race.

She spent months researching and experimenting. I didn’t really ask about it, because I didn’t truly care what she filled her days with. But it kept her busy and she left me alone, so I was content to let her do what she wanted to do. Until one day she had developed a nasty cough. She told me it was nothing and shoo’d me away. I was happy enough to keep my distance from her, but every time I saw her, I could see it got worse.

Eventually, like K’yo, she started coughing up black mucus and that’s when I realised her experiments had been successful. For her, too successful. I took every chance I could to avoid direct contact with her. K’yo had spent centuries looking for a cure, so I knew that it would only be a matter of time before she’d die. I couldn’t let such an opportunity go to waste.

She was quite motivated to satisfy Talona and I, so she agreed to work on the plan with me to make the most of her unavoidable death. To ensure she would spread the disease effectively and die, I created a poison unlike any other I’ve ever made. A mixture of several poisons and other ingredients and a refined alchemical process. The poison would not only slowly kill her, but it would grow maggots inside of her which would absorb the disease and subsequently explode from her body as they’d quickly scatter and burrow themselves into the ground where they would breed and spread the disease through the soil underneath the Fortress City.

Ultimately, she was killed by people she once called family and friends. The disease contaminated their waters and some citizens became sick. But a cure was found quickly to my surprise considering K’yo’s extensive work on finding one over the decades, and the disease was controlled.

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Re: In A Sea Of Red, by Theodor Helbrecht

Post by D4wN » Fri Aug 27, 2021 12:12 am


It wasn’t a total waste in the end I suppose. She still caused chaos and suffering in her time alive with me all the way to the moment of her death. She hurt the people she once called family and betrayed her former friends. All in all, I would certainly call this project a successful one. I’d even go as far as to say that I achieved true perfection with her.

"In the end there truly was nothing left to take away."

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