Arelith Updates!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:50 pm

After the next reset:

Piety & Crafting (Courtesy of Xerah)
- A Knowledge and Invention deity will now intervene in Dweomercraft failures, if the Dweomercrafter is a mundane crafter.
Whether a Dweomercrafter is a mundane crafter is calculated based on comparing a 'mundane rating' to a 'magic rating.'
Mundane rating is:
+1 for ranks of Craft Armor and Craft Weapon at 15, 25, and 35.
+1 for each (Epic) Skill Focus feat in Craft Armor or Craft Weapon.

Magic Rating is:
+1 for each magical item creation feat. (Brew Potion, Scribe Scroll, Craft Wand)
+1 for each dweomercraft tier qualified for via caster levels.

When the mundane rating equals or exceeds the magic rating, a K&I deity will intervene in dweomercraft attempts.

Rangers (Courtesy of Xerah)
- A Nature aspect diety is no longer required for a ranger to cast from her spellbook.

- The bonus APR granted by Spellsword True Strike only applies if the caster has a majority of their levels in Spellsword.

- Tiefling and Aasimar have been removed from the current rotation of award races.
- The following races are now available as Greater Award Races:

Yuan-ti Pureblood (Award: Greater)
Base Race: Human
Required Alignment: NE or CE
ECL: +3
Stats: +2 INT, +2 CHA, +2 DEX
Bonus Features:
> +6 racial bonus to Bluff
> Snake-Blooded Feat.
> Darkvision
> Poison Immunity
Special Abilities:
Serpentine Polymorph - Yuan-ti can, at will, change to either a viper form (snake model), hybrid form (yuan-ti model if female, lizardfolk model if male), or human form. This can be done via the -polymorph command. (Yuan-Ti players will receive extra instructions when typing in '-polymorph ?').

Air Genasi (Award: Greater)
Base Race: All
ECL: +1
Stats: +2 DEX, -2 WIS
Bonus Features:
> 25% lightning immunity and 5/- lightning resist.
> Darkvision
> Starts knowing the Air Elemental Stream.
> Automatic Success at climb and other mobility checks.
> Unaffected by heavy wind and other weather effects.

Earth Genasi (Award: Greater)
Base Race: All
ECL: +1
Stats: +2 STR, -2 WIS
Bonus Features:
> 25% acid immunity and 5/- acid resist.
> Darkvision
> Starts knowing the Earth Elemental Stream.
> Does not leave tracks.
> Bonus to mining ore deposits.

Fire Genasi (Award: Greater)
Base Race: All
ECL: +1
Stats: +2 INT, -2 CHA
Bonus Features:
> 25% fire immunity and 5/- fire resist.
> Darkvision
> Starts knowing the Fire Elemental Stream.
Special Abilities:
- "Spot Weld", can once daily repair a forging item up to 20 charges. This is implemented as a 1/day 'Flare' spell added to the special abilities widget. When targeting an item that can be repaired by forging, it will repair that item up to 20 charges.

Water Genasi (Award: Greater)
Base Race: All
ECL: +1
Stats: +2 CON, -2 CHA
Bonus Features:
> 25% cold immunity and 5/- cold.
> Darkvision
> Starts knowing the Water Elemental Stream.
> Immunity to Drown.
> Able to pass through underwater areas without assistance, and receives a bonus to swimming-related activities.
> Thirst meter does not tick down.

You can find the full announcement here.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Mon Apr 08, 2019 9:56 pm

Sseth, chief god of the Yuan-Ti, has been added as an Intermediate Deity.
Mersshaulk, The Sibilant Death, the World Serpent, the Slitherer Supreme

Symbol: A flying snake with fangs bared
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Portfolio: Snakes, yuan-ti, poison, somnolence
Worshippers: Yuan Ti, Snake Cultists, Poisoners, Assassins

Cleric alignments: LE, NE, CE

Arelith Aspects: Trickery & Deceit, War & Destruction

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Thu Apr 18, 2019 4:01 pm

- Dodge is no longer a prerequisite for taking this class.
- Dwarven Defender is granted the Dodge feat at level 1.

- Lightly Armored: The amount of DEX regained as Dodge AC when wearing Light Armor is now capped at 1/4th Rogue levels rather than 1/3rd Rogue Levels.
- The Level 14 bonus to detection skills has been reduced to +2 Spot and Listen. The improvement at level 24 is reduced to +3 to Spot and Listen, resulting in a total of +5.
- Stealth movement bonus scaling has been changed to +10% at level 16, +20% at level 20, and +30% at level 24.
- Choking Powder is now a Fortitude save versus Poison.

- Assassin and Shadowdancers stack with Rogue levels when qualifying for the +1 AB to Rogue proficiency weapons at levels 19 and 24. Rogue levels are required for this bonus to trigger.
- Assassin and Shadowdancers will stack with Rogue levels for the purpose of calculating how much lost DEX is regained as Dodge AC via the Lightly Armored feat. Rogue levels are required for this bonus to trigger.
- Assassin and Shadowdancer levels now count for the reduction of Blinding Speed Cooldown. Rogue levels are -not- required for this bonus to trigger. All applicable class levels stack - this includes Rogue, Assassin, Shadowdancer, and Harper Scout.

- Hidden Danger: Assassins receive a passive AB bonus when wielding a concealable weapon, equal to +1 AB per five class levels. Small characters treat any Tiny weapon as concealable. Medium or larger characters treat any Small or Tiny weapon as concealable. This bonus does not apply to Kama, Katana, Shuriken, or Lances. If the Assassin qualifies for the Rogue bonus to the AB property of Rogue Proficiency weapons, the Hidden Danger bonus will not stack - the Assassin bonus will be reduced by the same amount of AB granted by the Rogue bonus.
- Assassin levels now contribute towards interpreting tracks. At class level 10, Assassins no longer leave tracks.

- Shadow Daze now has a cooldown of 5 minutes. At class level 8, the effect is improved from Daze to Fear. At level 16, the effect becomes Stun. The DC is now 15 + base INT Modifier + Class Levels. (Previously 10 + DEX Modifier + Class Levels).
- Shadow Evade now has cooldown of 5 minutes. The Concealment bonus scales further after level 10, at an additional 10% per two levels until capping at 50% at level 16.

- Katana and Club now benefit from Monk UBAB progression.
- Katana can now be used with the -twohand command, when wielded as a single weapon with nothing in the off-hand slot. Katana, however, will not benefit from the 1.5x Divine Might bonus from using a -twohand weapon.

- The Monk Speed feat has been removed. Instead, monks receive a scripted, permanent bonus to movement speed: +10% at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15, capping at +50%. Monks now share the same movement speed cap as other characters.
- Every Ki Strike and Improved Ki Strike feat is now accompanied by increases to damage or attack bonus. Every odd feat is accompanied by +1 Bludgeoning Damage (1st, 3rd, and 5th Ki Strike feats). Every even feat is accompanied by +1 AB (2nd and 4th feats) These bonuses only apply when unarmed or wielding a Monk proficiency melee weapon, or a katana. At level 24, monks gain a further +1 AB. At level 28, they gain a further +2 AB and +3 Bludgeoning damage.
- Monks now gain Improved Ki Strike 4 and 5 at levels 18 and 20.
- Empty Body is now on a 5 minute cooldown.
- Wholeness of Body is now on a 10 minute cooldown. This feat now heals damage equal to class levels multiplied by WIS modifier and removes debuffs as per a Restoration spell.
- At level 12, the Monk gains Uncanny Dodge.
- At level 23, the Monk gains Weapon Specialization in any Monk proficiency weapon they have the Weapon Focus feat in, including Unarmed and Katana.
- At level 25, the Monk gains Blinding Speed.
- At level 28, the Monk gains Epic Dodge.
- At level 28, the Monk gains Epic Weapon Specialization in any Monk proficiency weapon they have the Epic Weapon Focus feat in, including Unarmed and Katana.
- Tongue of the Sun and Moon: Each Monk level counts as 2 Lore ranks when it comes to understanding an unlearned language.

Weapon Disciplines: Monks are adept with an assortment of weaponry. As a character progresses in monk levels, they unlock additional weapons that they can wield ably.
> At level 4, the Monk gains Weapon Focus in Club.
> At level 8, the Monk gains Weapon Focus in Kama.
> At level 12, the Monk gains Weapon Focus in Quarterstaff.
> At level 16, the Monk gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency and Weapon Focus in Katana.
> At level 26, the Monk gains Epic Weapon Focus in Club, Quarterstaff, Kama, Unarmed, and Katana.
Weapon Familiarity: At level 28, the Monk receives Martial and Simple weapon proficiency, if they did not already have it. Additionally, they gain Improved Critical in Club, Quarterstaff, Kama, Unarmed, and Katana.

Note that monk movement speed bonuses and ki strike bonuses only apply when unarmored and not wielding a shield.

( These recipes may not be available until after the next reset. )
- Disciple's Garb and Disciple's Wraps added to Tailoring.
- Disciple's Kama added to Carpentry and Forging.
- Deadman's Cross and Black Scepter added to Forging.
- Assayer's Lens added to Art.
- Murder's Raiment and Penumbral Vestment have been updated. This will only apply to newly-crafted items.

[ Edit: Due to code gremlins, the items were not properly packaged with the update. This includes the updated versions of existing items. It may take a day or two before they show up in crafting menus. Don't worry, they're coming. ]

[Edit 2: No rebuilds are offered at this time. ]

For the news feed on this update, go here.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Fri Apr 19, 2019 9:03 pm

A few notable tweaks, which will be reflected in edits to the post above:

1) Ki Strike bonus progression is as follows: Every Ki Strike and Improved Ki Strike feat is now accompanied by increases to damage or attack bonus. Every odd feat is accompanied by +1 Bludgeoning Damage (1st, 3rd, and 5th Ki Strike feats). Every even feat is accompanied by +1 AB (2nd and 4th feats) These bonuses only apply when unarmed or wielding a Monk proficiency melee weapon, or a katana. At level 24, monks gain a further +1 AB. At level 28, they gain a further +2 AB and +3 Bludgeoning damage.

2) If an Assassin qualifies for the Rogue bonus to the AB property of Rogue Proficiency weapons, the Assassin 'Hidden Danger' bonus will be reduced by the amount of AB granted by the Rogue bonus. For example, if a character would normally get a +3 Hidden Danger bonus from wielding a dagger, but is also receiving a +1 to that dagger's properties from Rogue, then that character's Hidden Danger bonus is reduced to +2.


- Aura of Glory now only lasts Hours/Level if the caster has a majority of their levels in Paladin. Otherwise, the default duration is used.

As ever, we appreciate your patience as we iterate on bugfixes and tweaks following a major release. Feedback and issue reports are always welcome, through the usual channels.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Sat Apr 20, 2019 9:27 pm

Next reset:

- The Blackguard Bull's Strength feat now lasts a number of turns equal to caster level. Once the Blackguard has reached class level 10, the feat's duration is once again measured in hours per caster level.

Courtesy of ActionReplay and the helpful volunteers in Monster Development:

- The Truesight spell now also provides Ultravision for the caster for the duration of the See Invisibility effect.
- Fear Aura removed from Epic Dragon Knight summons. SR lowered to 30. The Dracolich summon longer has on-hit paralyzing touch.
- Upper tier fiend summons have been made more equal in terms of damage output. Note that there is currently a disparity because one of the summons appears to be benefiting from -twohand bonuses. This is a known issue and will be fixed.

Additionally, monsters in several areas have been re-balanced and their abilities updated. Adventurers should always be prepared for surprises.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:37 pm

5% Reward Race Change:

- Officially retiring the Dragon PC race as a selection for use of race rewards. Existing dragons will exist and be unaffected; however, applications for dragon PCs will be rejected going forward.

- We are currently in development of new reward races to replaced the lost Dragon race.

- As well, just a reminder that reward transfer are not something that will honoured. The player will have to earn the reward themselves.

The wiki will be updated to remove reference to Dragon PC. Can be found here:

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Sun Apr 28, 2019 7:37 pm

The Arcane Tower is no longer a private guildhouse, and has been removed from a system of player control and leadership.

Instead this now functions a public space, with quarters restricted to arcane classes, and to be available to all players to pursue magic-themed roleplay.

While resident mages, bards and sorcerers can form their own groups, factions or schools, this is not be done in the name of the tower itself.

It to be considered an arcane equivalent of the neighbouring Mayfield's Tavern.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Wed May 01, 2019 12:13 am

Crafting - Mastery Rolls
A mastery roll system has been added to reward characters who invest heavily into a craft. The basic mechanic is that a character who has a crafting skill at least equal to the DC of the crafting check can make a second 'Mastery Roll' at DC + 20. Making the mastery roll has the following benefits:

> When an initial crafting roll fails due a fumble (rolling a 1), a successful mastery roll results in the check being a success.
> When working on an incomplete item, a successful mastery roll adds an extra point of progress.

Crafting - Misc
- The 'Market Stall' recipe has been removed.

- When worn, the Champion's Belt shows up in right-click examine, with details concerning how it was won and the wearer's identity.
- It is impossible to disguise oneself when wearing a Champion's Belt.

- Owl's Insight will only affect characters with druid levels.

Area Work
- A number of small quality of life improvements for the Church of Bane following player input.

Spawn Restriction
- We're trialing a system that should prevent hostile creatures spawning in certain areas of the map, such as happens when a guildhouse/castle is within a dangerous area. Will test this on the walls of the Bane Church first, and if it works then extend it to Gloom, the Fox's Den, Darrowdeep, The Desert Fortress and a number of other locations.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Thu May 09, 2019 2:17 am

A large update to Sencliff.

- A number of dungeons added both within and around the island, each with associated quests for pirate characters to help them earn coin and gain ranks in their Pirate Reputation.

- Storage Vault added to the settlement (Remember these do COUNT as quarters)

- A new quarter, a great many new creatures and associated items.

As always more on this can be found on our news feed:

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Morderon » Thu May 09, 2019 5:03 pm

Live on Surface, otherwise coming soon:

Path changes

Rangers can select totem at character creation menu.

-path command: Allows selection of the following paths as long as you otherwise meet the requirements. The qualifying class has to be level 2 or below. Your first class can only choose a path via the character creation menu.
- Archer
- Healer
- Knight (this one can be taken on any level of PDK)
- Shadowmage
- Spellsword
- Tribesman
- True Flame
- Wild Mage

Eventually conversations outside the -path command for the above paths will be phased out.

Dragon Discipline bloodlines introduced, currently available are Red (Fire) Gold (Fire) Bronze (Lightning) Brass (Fire) Blue (lightning). These change your damage typing and wing color. Only able to be selected at level 2 and below through the -path command.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Thu May 09, 2019 8:41 pm

Following on from the recent policy change Rags has completed a signifcant expansion to the Arcane Tower.

- 2 new floors added, with many new quarters & features

- Adjustments in the Foyer to improve performance for players.

Details of the update can be read here on our news feed.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Sat May 11, 2019 8:56 am

- Courier quests are being introduced. For more information see this post.

- Due to the effort of local adventurers, economic activity in Skal has increased. The local branch of the Registry (read: the Mayor) can now pay rates comparable to those offered by Registry agents elsewhere.

Potion Crafting
- Casters using the Brew Potion feat can now convert stacks of magical potion bottles, rather than needing to do so one at a time. Casting on a stack will convert up to ten empty magical bottles into finished product. XP and Gold costs will be multiplied accordingly.

- Characters with the Brew Potion feat will now create additional potions when doing so through crafting recipes and a work table.

- Three new Skleens have been added to Alchemy.

- The Dusty Rose Skleen now improves Shield AC rather than Deflect AC.

- Potions of Freedom and Black Potions of Warding have been added to Herbalism.

- The product quantities of some existing potion recipes have been adjusted.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Fri May 17, 2019 12:19 am

From Anatida and Morderon this is a major update for the underdark, introducing a large set of areas extended beneath the city. and a new playable race.


- A number of new areas, including the Fungal Maze and the Derro town of Norogh Norr

- Many new creatures and systems.

- New Award Race - Derro

Stat adjustments: Dex +2, Con +2, Wis -2
Size: Small
Feats: Darkvision, Stonecunning, Hardiness vs Spells, Hardiness vs Poisons, Use Poison, Small Stature
Skills: Hide +4, Move Silently +4,
Spells: Darkness on Cooldown
Spell Resistance: 16
Vulnerability to Sunlight: Become more vulnerable to damage every hour within sunlight. Vulnerability decreases every hour when not in sunlight.
Languages: Dwarven, Undercommon
Alignment: Non-Lawful, Non-Good
Other: Doesn't receive dwarven war axe feats for free when battle axe feats are taken.
ECL: +2

Base Race: Dwarf
Award: Normal

You can read about these updates, as always, on our News Feed

And from yellowcateyes

- Courier quests are now offered by the Mayor in Skaljard. These quests offer XP rewards up until level 16, and are available as a gold-only quests at level 17 and above.

- The rewards of some existing courier quests have been adjusted.


- Added storage chests to Sencliff PC Vaults

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Sun May 19, 2019 6:48 pm

- The Derro subrace is now +1 ECL, rather than +2 ECL.
- Diirinka has been added as a mechanically represented deity, and can be found under the Intermediate Deities category.

- The quests offered in Anundor have been updated to account for the new dungeons.
- Pirate quests focused on the low-level areas in and around Sencliff itself should now be available.

Ranged Weapons
- Ashwood Repeating Crossbow added as a craftable Heavy Crossbow. This recipe may not be available until after the next reset.
- The Massive Critical property has been removed from Elite Sling and Enchanted Elite Sling. The AB bonus from Enchanted Elite Sling has been reduced to +3.
- New Enchanted Elite Slings will no longer be created with the Runic property. Existing Enchanted Elite Slings with Runic, or a property added via Runic, will not be affected.
- The 2H bonus to Divine Might damage will now only apply to melee weapons, and not ranged weapons.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Tue May 28, 2019 11:26 pm

- Updated one of Cordor's player temples, providing an extensive private area, and adding in the 'temple system' as seen is Andunor (Must be purcheased by Cleric. Main area public, owner can set faith of the temple updating the name of the resident NPC etc)

- Added an 'almshouse' to Cordor (adjoined to the above temple). This follows considerable player effort. (so please blame them for allowing the riff-raff into the Governement District.)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Wed Jun 05, 2019 12:28 am

A large update of the Distant Shores (Skal)

- The introduction of an Underdark to Skal.
- Many large new areas and dungeons.
- Over 25 new enemies.
- A default start location for the Deep Imaskari reward race on Distant Shores.


Racial Changes: Deep Imaskari

- Base race now Human
- 5% size increase

(Full stats can be found on our wiki)

And from Morderon:

Faith related: Settlements can set an official faith up to 1 + 1 for every 60 citizens. Characters of matching faiths while within the settlement with have an up tick of .1 piety. More Content on this theme will follow.

You can read the write up of this update on our news feed.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Wed Jun 05, 2019 10:15 pm

- Repeating the same writ will yield NO adventure XP (Though standard XP and Gold Reward will remain for the time being)

Something along these lines was always our intention once we had enough quests out there, and with more to come we decided now was the time to make that change. Players are encouraged to travel to find new quests.


- The derro lair trap system has been reworked, which should make traversing those areas less of an ordeal

- The Underdark Silver Mines now connects from the eastern edge to the Shipyard. This should make fuelling the Dreadnaught easiser, and stems from recent player efforts to excavate the new tunnel.

All live after the next reset.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Thu Jun 13, 2019 12:59 am


- A 3d District added to Andunor, as the Middledark Port becomes tied to the settlement system.

- The district house of Greyport brings the player run tavern system to Andunor.

Elections now underway.

Read about it on our News Feed.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Mon Jun 24, 2019 9:24 pm

Pariah Status
Settlement leaders can now declare a person a Pariah within their settlement.
- Revoke citizenship power now replaced with Bestow Pariah power

Pariahs penalties:
- Cannot buy/sell from pc/npc shops.
- Cannot use ship travel TO the settlement, but they can FROM
- Can only donate to the trade czar
- Loses access to settlement services (but may still vote during elections)
- Pariahs can use persuade/intimidate/disguise (DC: 40) bypass the restrictions for all but settlement storage.


- Outcasts suffer the same restrictions as Pariahs in EVERY surface settlement.

Please Note: If a PC wishes to have their Outcast status removed at any time they may contact the DMs explaining the surrounding RP and why they feel it should be lifted, if accepted this will only be done at the cost of receiving a Mark of Despair.

Live after the next reset.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Morderon » Tue Jun 25, 2019 1:38 pm

Next reset:

Monster races cannot buy from Surface nation shops except for Deep Gnomes and Imaskari.

Deep Gnomes and Imaskari can now use Laurik without a disguise.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Silvard » Fri Jul 05, 2019 3:09 am

Live now:

[Of Essences, Dweomers, and Runes]
- Permanent essences of any kind will no longer overwrite existing damage bonus from newly applied dweomers (i.e. applied on the dweomercraft basin) on a weapon, which means they can now be applied in any order without risk of losing either.
- Permanent essences will still overwrite other types of non-racial/alignment permanent damage bonuses, such as those inherent to the weapon (e.g. Blade of Elements), but will now warn the player about it. The player will need to confirm the application by using the essence again.
- Newly applied permanent damage essences will no longer count against the number of properties to which a rune is restricted.

Note: These changes are not retroactive. They are not in effect for weapons that already have essences or damage dweomers on them.

[Notebooks & Message Boards]
-Notebooks are now protected against the accidental disappearance of notes, and now behave more like a real notebook. When a notebook reaches the max amount of notes it will no longer accept more until some are removed.
-Message boards now have the option to disable posting of new messages on a full board, to prevent the disappearance of older messages in a similar manner. This option is only visible and toggable for a character who is tagged in the message board's name, or holds the power to remove messages in a faction so tagged.


The Sencliff "Snitch" NPC is disabled for the time being.

Live next reset:


-Craftable bookshelf fixtures with persistent storage have been added. These are available in several different appearances and styles and their recipes are included among different crafting disciplines.
-They accept all types of books, including notebooks.
-Bookshelves present an alphabetized list of all stored books, grouped by title/contents and number of charges, and allow the player to read any book, including the contents of notebooks, from their interface.
-Adding books (up to a limit) and reading them is available to any. Removal of books is only available to those with their name tagged in the bookshelf name, or those who have the power to remove books in a similarly tagged faction.
-Bookshelves eschew the take fixture screen to have fewer screens between interaction and reading, as such one can only pick them up with the -pickup_fixture chat command.

Dev Notes

There's a lot that can be said about the technical aspects of the addition of bookshelves, and why, despite it being an often requested feature for a long time, they're being implemented now. Suffice to say that a lot of the existing work wasn't really transferable and it required specific implementation and design to have it be both functional and not too compromising of resources or performance. Though you could say that about a lot of systems, it's especially true for something as relatively niche as IG books.

The flip side is that this now becomes the groundwork upon which a lot of new functionality and support for IG writing can be built. This is exciting because it really opens the door to a lot of potentially cool features that make it easier for Arelith to foment an aspect of RP that I believe a lot of us enjoy: exercising our creativity through a shared IC-written body of work. From making it more convenient to contribute, introducing more interactive systems of distribution to improving discovery, these are opportunities that I hope enthuse you as much as they do me.

That said, please enjoy the update and don't forget to share feedback and/or reports.


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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Silvard » Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:16 pm

Live now:

-Names are no longer grayed out in the player list while a character is in stealth.
-The commands -reveal and -revealparty are functional once more.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:34 pm

Crit Immunity & Sneak Immunity

- We have separated these two features, as they were in early versions of NWN. This means that rogues will now be able to use their sneak attacks on creatures that are crit immune, and that the Palemaster Deathless Mastery will no longer provide immunity to sneak attacks. This will take effect after the next reset, and is on a trial basis as we assess the impact on balance and build strength. From the development side it means we can decide on a case by case basis whether a creature is immune to critical hits, sneak attacks, or both.

Other things
- 'Pause' and 'Save' disabled for DMs on the client, so no more accidents!
- Some small visual fixes to the Grotto and Trader's Route

(Please also read Silvard's post above, as this update comes on the heels of his own.)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Morderon » Wed Jul 10, 2019 6:44 pm

Next reset:

Given it not working as advertised/more then what was advertised (ex: it broke flanking sneak attacks), critical hits and sneak attacks have been combined again.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by ActionReplay » Wed Jul 10, 2019 8:39 pm

Live with the above, or soon after:

Portal ordering feature (Courtesy of Artenides)

The -portal_ord command will be introduced for the players that brings up an interface in which up to 10 portal destinations can be favourited and unfavourited. The favourited destinations will always be displayed at the top of the portal list and the rest of the portals will follow in alphabetical order. The favourite list can be changed at any time. If no portals were favourited, the original alphabetical order will be used when displaying the portal destinations.

Special thanks to DM Hoodoo for sparing no effort and time when helping testing this feature.

[Scroll Cases] (Courtesy of Silvard)
-Wizards will now see scrolls of spells they are able to learn highlighted in orange when browsing the contents of a scroll case.

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