Neverwinter Connections

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Neverwinter Connections

Post by Irongron » Mon Feb 25, 2019 3:36 pm

I'm sure by now some of you have noticed I've been promoting the relaunch of this site on our Twitter account and news feed, but I wanted to take a few moments to address our players directly about why I feel this important, and why I hope our community can get involved to offer them our support.

For those that don't know, the concept of their site is to act as a 'matchmaker' for players and NWN games (especially campaigns) as well as working in association with the 'NWN Campaigns' forum. Players can share screenshots, discuss the game, join or promote scheduled events and games, and generally act as a hub for Neverwinter Nights.

And, well its something I think the community really needs. Generally the playerbase for Neverwinter Nights is more fractured than it should be, and while I've tried to promote other servers here on Arelith there is so much more that could be done in this regard. I've recently spoken with the owner of Ravenloft about their site, and our joint wish to see it succeed. While there are NWN Discords and Reddits out there, as well as the Beamdog forums themselves, none of these really bring the community together in quite the way this site promises to do.

And then of course there is the 'campaign' element to consider, which I consider a really under utilized feature of Neverwinter Nights. PWs like ourselves will always play a major role, but the possibility to join actual campaigns designed more around the intimate Pen and Paper D&D experience is something I think a lot of us might really enjoy.

A huge kudos to these folks for trying to create a neutral hub in this way, and to specifically help promote events. Right now, with NWN back in development this might not seem so important, but the times we're experiencing also represent an opportunity which I am certain will never come again. The true legacy of the Enhanced Edition will be what we, as a community, do to ensure that this game endures for another 10, even 20 years. Of all the NWN related projects to be launched this last year I think Neverwinter Connections has the most potential to achieve that.

Personally I think initial momentum is really important here, and that if we can get registered with them, send a note of greeting and encouragement on their forums it will go along way to provide the motivation they're going to need to make this a success. I can't make any promises here as to that success, or what the conduct will be in either their forums or their Discord, but thus far I find all the signs extremely positive. I really do hope we can all get involved.

- Irongron (Owner/Creative Lead of Arelith)
- Co-signed by Soren (Owner/Creative Lead of Ravenloft POTM)

Oh, and you can find them at

(For my part I would like to realize the completion of a 'NWN Campaign Manager' Mod. A plug and play module where NWN players can try running their own campaign without needing to spend months (or even minutes) in the toolset. I envision this as a module with hundreds of template areas that DMs can dress, rename and populate to run their own adventures, along with all the various 'wands' and functions as used by our own DMs to add creatures, special effects and player boons.

There would also be a lobby/table' area for DMs to run conventional tabletop sessions, or to return to between adventures in the areas offered. This would exist both as a downloadable module DMs could launch themselves, and a hosted version, for those seeking database access (to save their groups set up between sessions, and for improved performance). This idea is of course and ambitious one, but I do think it could provide a much needed utility to those wishing to use NWN in this way.)

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Re: Neverwinter Connections

Post by Mr_Rieper » Tue Mar 12, 2019 9:39 pm

So I've been "sitting in" on a campaign run by Ranan, one of the admins from Neverwinter Connections. I offered to livestream it, thinking my regulars would enjoy a more interesting take on a D&D session. Turns out, it was quite enjoyable to watch, even for myself. The folks taking part in the game were very accommodating to the whole thing being streamed, and of course there are two videos of it for others who want to see what Neverwinter Connections campaigns are typically like. It differs from DM to DM.

[NWC] Necropolis of the Wyrm Ep 2 (DM: Ranan, Voice RP)

It's not Critical Role with professional voice actors, which to me is still perfectly fine. Just a bunch of guys enjoying a tailor-made campaign.

They have a Discord server for people looking to get involved in games like these, though the website is still used as the primary tool for arranging games.
CosmicOrderV wrote:
Sat May 11, 2019 4:55 pm
Be the change you want to see, and shape the server because of it. Players can absolutely help keep their fellow players accountable.

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Re: Neverwinter Connections

Post by Face » Sun Mar 24, 2019 1:38 pm

Thank you for the shout out Irongron! Bumping with some further links and news:

Death Row One-Shot Campaign
There's an INCREDIBLY fun-looking prison break one-shot campaign being run by Carlo tomorrow.

"Your character, along with four others, has been imprisoned on Death Row in the city of Trailsend, with only two days remaining before their scheduled execution. Your only options are: escape or die."

It doesn't match with my timezone so I am gutted, but maybe it'll match yours! Full details are here ... d=15548883. You can create an account to set your timezone so that you can see whether this event, or any of the other events, is a match.

Get Involved!
The community is really starting to take off now. The Neverwinter Connections event calendar - - was pretty empty about a month ago and is now covered in events and campaigns. If you're at all interested in trying out a campaign or a one-shot or want to be kept up to date on news, head to the Discord. As someone who never played NWN pre-EE, or DnD for that matter, stepping into Carlo's weekly Westgate Campaign has been incredible. I think there are plenty of players who would enjoy this kind of experience, and you'll be able to find it here!

Discord - find DMs and players here -
NeverwinterConnections site -
NWC forums -

(if it's a bit confusing, start by heading to the discord and introducing yourself :) )

Starter DM Tool
Carlo has also released a module designed to help first-time module builders and DMs. It comes pre-loaded with guides and a TON of stuff to make your life easier. If you've ever wanted to try you hand at DMing a campaign or one-shot, head on over to ... -mod-nwnee to get started! If you need advisers or players, you can find them on the Neverwinter Connections site and the Discord.

Upcoming Events
There are a number of upcoming projects being worked on at the moment.

- Carlo is working on a Border Kingdoms 'kingdom management' style module, which will be playable both in single player and competitively in multiplayer. Beta testing will start with a multiplayer game in April.
- Other DMs and builders in the community are working on other multiplayer/singleplayer modules and discussing new campaigns.
- Myself and RebelWulf from Arelith are working on a concept for a Western-Marches-style mercenary company campaign with revolving DMs.
- Some of the smaller niche Persistent Worlds have started advertising on the discord and the forums

Basically there's going to be a lot of cool stuff coming out of this corner of the community in the next few months. This is a really exciting time for anyone interested in regular campaigns and one-shots. There will be a constant flow of events happening which will increase as more players try their hand at DMing. Eventually there will be something for everyone. Come check it out!

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Re: Neverwinter Connections

Post by Mr_Rieper » Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:34 am

Somebody asked if I was still streaming the campaign, the answer is a resounding "YES" and it's something that is done every sunday evening. As of Episode 5, I've actually joined as a member of the party as well, instead of just being the camera guy.

I've made a collection for the people that feel like watching through them. They are unedited, but some players seem to enjoy keeping them in an open tab while they are busy with other things.
CosmicOrderV wrote:
Sat May 11, 2019 4:55 pm
Be the change you want to see, and shape the server because of it. Players can absolutely help keep their fellow players accountable.

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