Restore Harnak to Herbalist/seedmaking

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Restore Harnak to Herbalist/seedmaking

Post by Mythic » Fri Oct 26, 2018 12:19 pm

After spending some time digging in the forums to why Harnak was removed way back in 2016

It looks like it was removed from being craftable because it could be exploited?

If that exploit is fixed, could Harnak seeds be added back into the Hebalist seedmaking list?

As it stands right now the very few remaining Harnak plants are stolen or bashed, or kept behind locked doors. And allowing them to be grown again would mean people could make/copy more books, and generally give a higher QoL to people who actually use the seeds.

That and give more use to farmland which is already a relatively scarce resource
Howling around all year long

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Re: Restore Harnak to Herbalist/seedmaking

Post by Irongron » Thu Dec 06, 2018 1:38 pm

Its nice to have some resources remain special. Seeds are great, but can reduce the need to forage.

