Arelith Updates!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Sun Aug 05, 2018 2:48 am

- The stack limits on common items have been increased.

True Flame Path
- Sorcerers of the True Flame path may now use potions.

- Epic Caster Level scaling now applies to Greater Planar Binding.

- Fey Charm Person now uses a Cooldown in line with other racial abilities. The spell's DC and CL now improves with character levels.

- The True Sight spell now also provides a turns/lvl See Invisibility effect.

Assembly Templates
- Created ammunition is now renamed according to the properties granted by an Assembly Template.

Djinn (Change by Artenides)
- Every time a djinn appears - either as a result of wild magic or from item use - it will grant a wish to the summoner whether the summoner wishes it or not.
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Mon Aug 06, 2018 6:44 pm

Sencliff Update (Courtesy of Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia)
- Smuggler NPCs now allow evil surfacer (non-UD race, non-Outcast) PCs to travel to Sencliff and all other available destinations.

- Smuggler NPCs now charge much less for transport for Pirate PCs.

- Angie "The Carver" Yonner now serves as a Slave Clamper with both Slave and Prisoner collars available, and Sencliff now has a Slave Caller NPC to summon errant PC slaves (should be active next reset).

- Sencliff shops have had their IDs reset to hopefully clear out the persistant timer bugs going on. Any shop owners who require assistance reclaiming their shops can ping the DM team or contact DM Spyre for assistance recovering ownership. All shops should have full 7-day timers now. Please report if they still expire early.

- Some merchant inventories on Sencliff have been expanded: more to come.
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Irongron » Tue Aug 28, 2018 9:14 pm

Added a new player ship, accessed from the Half-Breed Camp in the Southern Peninsula.

Live at next reset.

Let me know if any bugs arise!

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Morderon » Wed Aug 29, 2018 12:43 am

New service is available to settlements:

Clean Wells (5,000 stone, enabled through the Settlement registrar):

1) No disease chance from wells within the settlement.

2) Water uptick within settlement .

Note: There's no impact on poisons for the clean well benefit.

Undoubtedly, there will be some areas that are not marked as belonging to a nation that reasonably should, go ahead and post those within the bug forum.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Morderon » Sat Sep 01, 2018 10:31 pm

Settlement leaders can now set restrictions on services:

Two primary steps:

1) Make the restriction/ruleset
2) Apply it to the service

Notes on making a restriction/ruleset

Open conversation with your settlement coordinator

Navigate to the services menu, it will be the first option.

You'll have the option to make a new restriction or view and older one.

Restriction types:

If a restriction type isn't set it's ignored.

Race: If multiple races are set, a character only has to match 1. If a (sub)race isn't in the system, the character is treated as their base race.
Class: If multiple classes are set, a character only has to match 1. The character needs to be at least level 7 to qualify as a member of that class.
a) Noble within & Noble without: If either, or both, of these are set, a character only has to match one.
Noble within are settlement leaders and nobility granted through the castle system.
Noble without are all other nobles.
b) Citizenship & trade partner: If either, or both, of these are set, a character only has to match one.

Note on the other section: If noble within, noble without, and citizenship are selected, the character can be a noble of any type as well as a citizen to qualify. If noble without and trade partner are set, the character has to belong to a trading nation with the settlement AND be a noble without (see above for definitions).

Factions: You can set an unlimited amount of factions. To qualify for this type a character has to be a member of at least one of them.

To apply a restriction to a service, navigate to the service menu, select the service, then select the apply option.

A character has to qualify for each restriction type in any one of the applied rule sets to qualify.

If restriction(s) are changed/added they're not updated for an individual character until they change areas.

Notes on writs:

An unattached restriction set can be modified freely.
Names can always be changed.


Q) What happens if there's no restriction applied to a service?
A) Only dev set restrictions will remain in place, anyone who meets those requirements can use the service

Q) What's possible to restrict?
A) The uptick from the water service and Citizenship Storage Access

Q) You can restrict the citizenship storage access? How does that work?
A) Characters still need to be citizens, the trade partner and citizenship settings of the restriction are ignored.
Characters that are restricted from using the Citizenship Storage Access can store 3 items + 1 item for each service level, for a maximum of 6.

Q) Why isn't Expanded Warehouse covered?
A) It already has a system for restriction. It will eventually be migrated to take advantage of the new features of the new system.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Morderon » Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:09 pm

Next reset:

Real life time is used for the duration between death and respawn (to prevent having to wait 3 days of game time if you switch servers) and the duration of respawn effects.

The respawn effect duration starts when you die, instead of it starting when you respawn. This means if you spend 20 mins in the death area, your respawn penalties effects are 20 mins less when you respawn. Or die, log off for 3 months, you will only have penalties until your first RPR tick.

Strength penalty has been removed (for real this time) and replaced with AB/damage penalties.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by ActionReplay » Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:10 pm

Courtesy of Artenides:

Scry changes:
No spell component loss when trying to scry twice without resting first.
No spell component loss if your target goes offline.
(Please note that you still need to pay the cost if the scry fails due to the target being protected)

After next reset:
Same rules apply to divine casters, they won't lose piety in those cases.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:57 pm

Pale Master

As of next reset, the Pale Master PrC no longer requires a token to take the class. This class will now be selectable upon level up, similar to how Shadowdancer, Arcane Archer, and other non-token classes function. Players will need to still meet the same class requirements.

However, this does not mean that "good" palemasters, palemasters that are unwillingly subjected to the art, those concepts that are focused on immortality and lichdom are acceptable. Upon leveling up for the first level of Palemaster, players will receive a warning message about these expectations. And, DMs reserve the right to address any concerns. All expectations can be found on the Arelith Wiki for Pale Master:

Andunor Property Buildings

Andunor has received two property buildings; one in each district. These properties function similarly towards Cordor's and list properties that are owned and available. Furthermore, settlement leaders can use settlement powers there, but must still fulfill their requirement of interactive (face-to-face) RP over evictions.

Please let me know if there is any issue with the scaling and transformations used in the areas.

House Freth Update (Courtesy of Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia)

"Down in Andunor, Founding House Freth threatens further expansion of their bunker in the Devil's Table with the completion of some initial construction. The Claddath will be unlikely to stand idly by."

More to come with this one!

Minor Bug Fixes:

- Skal Dungeons addressed for placeable issues.
- Skal Longhouse has had increased seating spots, and cleaned up a misplaced stool.
- Guldorand has a paper source by its message board.
- Pirate in Sencliff less hostile to everyone when you decide to act tough.
- Kinsmen Mine in Brog had one of its doors repaired. Shouldn't disappear now.
- Other bug fixes here and there.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Liareth » Wed Oct 10, 2018 5:41 pm

We've added a new experimental NWNX plugin which disables certain shadowing effects that have been linked to the Intel crashes and poor performance in outdoor areas.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by LittleWeasel » Sat Oct 13, 2018 12:23 am

Fey have been removed from starting character choices, and are thus no longer tied to RPR.
However, they are now a 5% Major Award choice upon application.
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by LittleWeasel » Sat Oct 13, 2018 1:27 am

We've added a new -recommend console command (available next reset).

Some of you might have noticed that we have a lot more players since the onset of EE. While we've recruited more DM team members, it's still the case that way too many people who deserve RP raises haven't got them.

To broaden our reach, we've added this new tool, usable by 40 RPR players. It lets these players recommend others around them for good RP, and has two effects.
  • Firstly, if the recommended is currently 10 RPR, they get raised to 20 RPR. This will help us get new players into the system faster, and broadens the pool of people who can notice them.
  • Secondly, it logs the recommendation and broadcasts it to the DMs (both in game and to Discord). This is both to monitor use of it, and so that DMs get more input on who is worth reviewing for a higher rating.
The intention of this is both to get new players rated faster, but also to give DMs more time to focus on assessing 20s for 30 RPR.

Anticipating some immediate questions
  • It works by being sent as a Tell. Just like -yoink etc.
  • No, we do not plan to open this up to everyone. Getting huge numbers of recommendations would limit our ability to keep up with them, and lead to an expectation that everyone should be recommending everyone else.
  • You can't tell whether you've been recommended or not (though you might see your RPR go up, you won't know whether a DM was watching or whether a player hit you up).
  • We have very few 40 RPR players (around 1.5% of active players last we checked). So while this broadens our reach, it's still going to take a while to notice everyone - don't expect your RPR to magically shoot up overnight.
  • We hope this will help - but if it's abused, we'll need to remove it. One sort of abuse would be people pestering other players to raise their RPR. Don't do it.
    If you wish your own RPR reviewed, continue to use the old existing venues: Pester the DMs. NOT the players.
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Mon Oct 15, 2018 12:42 pm

Effective next reset:

Character Resizing:

Characters, new and old, now can choose a different height range for their characters. On creation, the options will be present in the initial character setup conversation. For existing characters, they will require the use of the Character Editor Room, and talking with the Resizer NPC.

With the addition of height selection, unique designs can be made to characters by selecting one of the five options:

- Short (-5% to -4% of original base height)
- Below Average (-3% to -2% of original base height)
- Average (-1% to +1% of original base height)
- Above Average (+2% to +3% of original base height)
- Tall (+4% to +5% of original base height)

On selecting one of these options, a random integer will be selected in the specified range such that two characters that choose the same option can have a slight height difference.

To have an existing character resized, please ping the DM channel and be patient. I suspect we will have a lot of requests, and the DMs are more than willing to help; however, they cannot be on at all times.

We can also apply this to encounters, and will actively review them to adjust heights as needed.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:51 am

- Keen Edge: Now adds AB and Massive Criticals in addition to making the weapon keen, scaling to CL.
At CL 6 or less, the spell adds +1 AB, Keen, and 1d4 Massive Criticals.
At CL 7-11, the spell adds +2 AB, Keen, and 1d8 Massive Criticals.
At CL 12-17, the spell adds +3 AB, Keen, and 2d6 Massive Criticals.
At CL 18+, the spell adds +4 AB, Keen, and 2d8 Massive Criticals.

- Flame Weapon and Darkfire: Now adds +AB and Elemental Damage, scaling to CL. Elemental damage type now depends on the currently active elemental -stream, defaulting to Fire.
At CL 6 or less, the spell adds +1 AB and 2 Elemental Damage.
At CL 7-11, the spell adds +2 AB and 4 Elemental Damage.
At CL 8-17, the spell adds +2 AB and 6 Elemental Damage.
At CL 18+, the spell adds +3 AB and 8 Elemental Damage.

- Spell Resistance calculations fixed to account for bonus CL provided by Pale Masters and Harpers.
- PDK AoE behavior standardized - no longer limited by LoS.

Note: The following is a changelog. Existing path bonuses are unchanged, unless specifically mentioned.

Harper Scout
- Lucky, Luck of Heroes removed. Instead, the Harper Scout gets an Improved Sneak Attack feat at class levels 3 and 5.
- Harper Scout levels now stack with Rogue in calculating Rogue class bonuses, with the exception of bonus Sword & Dagger feats.
- When used by a Harper Scout, the -track command now factors in both Harper Scout and Rogue class levels.

Harper Mage
- Autoquicken I now obtained at level 1.
- Autoquicken II now obtained at level 5.
- ESF Concentration now obtained at level 3.

Harper Priest
- Extend Spell at Level 1.
- Planar Turning (as the feat) at Level 3.
- Armor Skin at Level 5.

Harper Paragon
- Caster Level scaling reduced to +1 per even class level (2, 4).
- Divine Grace replaced with +2 Universal Saves per odd class level (1, 3, 5).

Master Harper
- Full CL Scaling. Master Harper levels stack with Bard levels in determining Bard Song potency.
- Master Harper songs no longer cure Lycanthropy.
- Master Harper now gets SF: Perform at class level 1, and ESF: Perform at class level 5.
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Morderon » Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:00 pm

The counter part for the water service has been added, the food service.

Requires: Clean Water/wells service to be enabled.
Increases food uptick by 3 in settlement areas, double in self sustain areas. But only if your food meter is below 40%.
Cost: Unlike other services, usage is tracked by how much is actually used.

The minimum cost is: Citizen Count / 3 * 600 / Efficiency.

Efficiency is currently set to 3.

If your tracked food is less then then minimum, you're charged the minimum.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Morderon » Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:54 am


Imps have been removed from the automated system and are now an application/major award subrace.

Troglodytyes have been added as an automated normal award

Base Race Half-orc
Underdark Race
Final Stats & Feats
+2 Con
-2 Int
+2 AC
ECL +1
Languages: Draconic & Undercommon

Stench Aura:
Fort DC vs Poison: 10+half level+Con mod
Effects: -2 AB, -2 damage, -2 saving throws, -2 to all abilities and -2 to skills for 10 rounds
There's a cooldown of how often the aura can effect a specific individual of 10 rounds, on both success and failure.
Location on the radial: On right click character: 9:00 position then 10:00 position (where sorcerer/wizard infini spells show up)

To activate you have to click another character, but the aura will still surround your character.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Fri Nov 09, 2018 5:34 pm

As of this reset:

Vampire Fixes

- Vampires now should be able to travel the Shadowplane, Baator and Abyssal Planes without fear of combusting regardless of time.
- Dreadnaught traveling will no longer kill Vampires when on deck due to sunlight - you may still die from other encounters!
- Other planes may still be dangerous, depending on sunlight! So do tread carefully still.
- Vampires should not respawn out in daylight areas so they can just die again. They have a set respawn point elsewhere to ensure this does not occur. (Courtesy of Mord)
- Other fixes to known bugs will come with time.

Note: Please let me know if there are any issues where you start to take damage or die in an area that you feel you should not. I'll review it and make sure it is up to date.

Small Fixes

- Fixed some stuff in House Freth, courtesy of Batch... (You know, the person with the long name.)
- Adjusted some stuff in property buildings.
- Added (and will likely add more) placeable books to the server.
- Dreadnaught should have its safety darkness on it - variable wise - so treat it as it is meant to be treated with that field!
- Resource drops have been tweaked for ores, changing the percent chance a bit. (Courtesy of ActionReplay)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by ActionReplay » Sun Nov 11, 2018 10:06 pm

Next reset:
You can now gamble Skull Coins by the Ogre in the Andunor Ogre Caves and also added a Skull Coin merchant to the Trading Post.

Gambling will take all your Skull Coin and count their value, the more the better, and increase your chances to get better results. Some Skull coins are worth more than others. So if you gamble with a lot of low tier Skull Coins your chances won't improve much. Fair warning, this is risky and chances are you may lose all of them for little return, it's gambling after all. You can get multiple items depending on how many Skull Coins you have; it's always better to gamble with a large chunk of them rather than splitting your Skull Coins up if you want to have go at the higher tier rewards.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Fri Nov 23, 2018 5:38 am

After this reset:

- Bendir Dale has had an update to an existing area within its community. Be on the look out for any particular bugs, inaccessible placeables and such - report them to myself or the bug forum.
- Added another player submitted placeable in the module. Keep an eye out for it.
- Updated some shops and what they purchase / sell around the module as a whole.
- Other small bug fixes (that are likely unnoticeable!)

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by LittleWeasel » Sun Nov 25, 2018 10:29 am

Update on Skal (for a testrun):
If you have killed 2 or more other characters within 24 hours, the Mayor will refuse to give you further writs.
IC Actions, have IC consequences, and NPCs are taking note and are apprehensive of those who seek their fortune in murdering potential customers.
(note: if you kill no one for 24 hours, the timer resets, and the Mayor will work with you once more)

^ This has been reversed.

Further, as of next reset:
- Fixed an Exploit

Additional Update: The Starter conversation at the Arelith Entry no longer recommends Skal to newer players. So new players will likely show up more again at Cordor, Sencliff, Andunor, and Brogendenstein starting locations.
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by LittleWeasel » Mon Nov 26, 2018 11:55 pm

Quality of Life Update:
As of next reset, the Bankers will no longer display deleted characters as options to transfer money to.
So you can no longer stare confused at a list of 8 same names and play Russian Roulette as to whom gets your well earned coin.

Please, if any bugs / errors arise from it, ping me so I can investigate.
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by LittleWeasel » Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:30 am

As of next reset:
- Various bug fixes across the board (thanks to all contributors, as they have spent an insane amount of time laboring over bugs over the last weeks!)
- Updated the conversation for the 3 Slave Clampers in the module to make the difference between collars clearer.
- Note: There is still a bug with the clampers swapping Prison Collars to Slave Collars upon repeated conversation with them. It's still on the "to find and fix list". IF that happens to you, contact a DM, who will swap them back for you.
- And as always, if you find any troubles, please let me (or the bug forum) know, and we'll look at it.
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Mon Dec 03, 2018 8:49 pm

A system has been added that adjusts Arelith's dynamic weather based on regional variances. For example, Sibayad should be consistently hotter and drier, while the Dark Spires should be consistently colder and wetter. If you run into any bugs or anomalies, please let us know through the usual channels.

- Divine Might having a 1.5x multiplier when applied to two-handed weapons is no longer a class-locked feature.
- Summon Shadow, a class feature of the Shadowdancer PrC, now has a minimum duration of 24 IG hours.

- Shadows summoned by Shades and similar spells now have +1 Magical Damage on their equipped weapons.
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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by yellowcateyes » Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:35 pm

- The -date command will now also display the amount of time remaining before a character can accept new writ jobs.

Blackguard Update
- Hide skill ranks and the Cleave feat removed as prerequisites for taking the Blackguard PrC.

- When using Divine Might, the Blackguard also confers an Attack Bonus and magic damage bonus to their active summon, equivalent to +1 per 4 class levels.

- When using Divine Shield, the Blackguard also confers a Dodge AC bonus to their active summon, equivalent to +1 per 4 Blackguard levels.

- The Blackguard's Bull's Strength spell-like feat is now on a 10 minute cooldown, but is also now self-target only. When a Blackguard uses this spell-like feat on herself, the +4 STR bonus is also automatically applied to the Blackguard's active summon.

- When targeting their own equipped weapon (right-hand equipment slot), a Blackguard casting Inflict Serious Wounds or Inflict Critical Wounds will instead apply a negative damage effect similar to a Temporary Damage Essence. (As with Temporary Essences, this will over-write other similar effects.) This effect lasts a number of hours equal to class levels. Doing so gives the weapon a red glow.

Piety Changes and Misc. Updates (Courtesy of Xerah)
- Added % progress for -language.
- Your summons now give piety for W&D.
- Racial requirements now removed for the following: Corellon Larethian, Garl Glittergold, Moradin, Yondalla, Gruumsh, Titania, Bahamut, Tiamat.
- ILR shows up regardless upon examine of an item (though green).
- Clerics gain piety per tick, based on cleric level: 1-8 = 1%; 9-27 = 2%; 28-30 = 3%.

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by MalKalz » Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:17 pm

As of next reset:

Crafting Recipes

- Added bulk ingot creations (stacks of 10)
- Added bulk gem creations (stacks of 10)
- Adjusted Leather Torso to use Medium Leather
- Created an extra recipe for Bronze Ingots to produce 2 Bronze from 1 Copper and Tin Ingot

Other Fixes

- Started tackling some old area bugs with placeables
- Addressed topics in the Approved (Pending) subform of the Suggestion Box.

More to come down the road.

- Spyre

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Re: Arelith Updates!

Post by Morderon » Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:10 pm

Minor update

Harpers should now be able to take citizenship in settlements to allow them to be able to take part in settlement services/castles.

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