How did you get interested by rpg world?

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How did you get interested by rpg world?

Post by zambalaw » Sat Sep 09, 2017 3:56 am

For me, I got interested in fantasy games after reading The lord of the rings. Since I read the books I imagined how I could feel inside of that kind of universe, I liked to imagine I walking in the middle earth as a hobbit and having I knew the RPG.

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Re: How did you get interested by rpg world?

Post by High Primate » Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:00 am

My kind and loving father tied me to a chair and pried my eyes open, sort of like in a Clockwork Orange, then logged me onto Arelith, and I was given an electric shock if I refused to play. Now I can't get enough of it.
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Re: How did you get interested by rpg world?

Post by Giftstoff » Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:11 am

About 15 years ago, a few months after NWN was released and I was still a early teen I happened to be in wal-mart with my mother, and saw the extremely strange box of nwn on the computer games shelf in the electronics section. It was shiny and bright pure white, with the giant neverwinter eye on the cover. I instantly went for it and picked it up. I had next to nothing to go off of looking at the pictures and reading what little text it had on the box. I'd never played D&D before, still thought it was a stigma for super nerds at the time.

Yet for knowing nothing about it, I still bought it with my allowance.

Now im still playing it, and have played it ten times longer than any other game in my life. I would consider it a life changing experience and I don't regret it for a moment.

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Re: How did you get interested by rpg world?

Post by DM Always This Late » Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:48 am

I played on some other servers as a kind on NWN and yeeears later went to see if anyone still played? Sure enough there was! A large active RP community. I had never RP'd before so I watched.

I mostly observed others RP at first. I was so fascinated by the stories that were developed in real time. It was like reading a novel, and seeing it unfold before your eyes. And the best part was! The ending was a mystery to everyone and always being changed due to player action.

So that's what I play for I guess. The stories are great.
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Re: How did you get interested by rpg world?

Post by Black Wendigo » Sat Sep 09, 2017 6:48 am

All my life I have been fascinated by science fiction, fantasy, and the various spin off gendres related to them. When I was I child growing up in the 60's there was a lot of experimental and downright weird TV shows and movies going around. I grew up watching the original versions of Twilight Zone and it's lesser known cousin the Outer Limits, as well as original Star Trek. I saw 2001 A Space Oddessy when I was 8 years old: I didn't understand a single frame of it but I liked it a lot.

this carried on throughout my life, as teh 70's brought on a lot of stark' depressing, and downright creepy science fiction movies as well as some that were actually hopeful. It wasn't until the 80's when I found out about dungeons and dragons and read the first edition of AD and D ver. 2.0 Players' Handbook. I didn't get RP then but the complexity and depth given to fantasy taken seriously caught my attention. (Back then fantasy was considered frivolous and things like Lord of the Rings was not mainstream yet.

It wasn't until the 90's that I discovered computers and computer games. (At that time I was kinda of a game snob: To me there was a difference between video games (which were Atari, NES, and the coin operated arcade ones) and computer games (which had a lot more depth and to my surprise, some of them were aimed at adults and had adult theses).

When NWN came out, I bought it and liked it. But at the time I considered the original campaign to be a step down from the Black Isle isometric games and the SSI gold box d and d games. BY then I knew about TSR and playing CRPG's helped me understand what role playing was all about. I started playing NWN servers and found serval good ones and a LOT of bad ones. Eventually I found my way to Arelith.

Now I love video games and find that ,despite what certain critics say, there is an art to many of them. My enjoyment comes from great writing, stories, game design, and art of a game (though art does not necessarily mean graphics). It has been great seeing what was once considered a children's hobby that adults were embarrassed to admit they liked, to a legitimate adult entertainment, in many cases. It is similar to what happened with cartoons, another interest of mine).

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Re: How did you get interested by rpg world?

Post by AnselHoenheim » Sat Sep 09, 2017 7:10 am

Well, my interest about rpg worlds started at my childhood, about.....26 years ago? Something like that, when I got rented a cartridge (Yeah, in that time, we were renting cartridges instead buying new ones) from my usual game store named Shining Force, for the Megadrive, and when I started playing it, with monsters, goblins, dwarfs and magic, I got absolutely in love for the environment, the thrill and the adventure that comes from it (And from there comes either my love for tactical games, but that's another story) and since then, I started reading books (Included old D&D books where you can choose your path) related to fantasy, and I got involved in everything afterwards.

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Re: How did you get interested by rpg world?

Post by Memelord » Sat Sep 09, 2017 8:06 am

My father introduced me to all this - I was playing D&D at the ripe age of 8 years old, kicking in doors and making characters who were pretty much just walking puns. I bought NWN as soon as it came out, and ended up wandering my way onto Arelith after a spell on other servers like Torr and Isandor. Been here on-and-off ever since, though I spend a fair bit of time playing and running pen-and-paper games too (Pathfinder/Starfinder, RuneQuest [GLORANTHA FOR LIFE], and Dungeon World mostly.)

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Re: How did you get interested by rpg world?

Post by Tryn Dralar » Sat Sep 09, 2017 9:30 am

Much the same as Black Wendigo said other than I grew up in the 70's.

A couple years before NWN came out I found a RP based Forum site called Skullport. It was pretty cool. Someone would jump in and post the opening to a new story based on their own character and an ooc note would be left saying anyone is invited to join and any rules that may apply to that particular thread/story. The one rule that never changed was you never.....ever.....ever wrote in someone elses characters actions, reactions or happenings of any sort. So if my character joined in and meant to scare another, I couldn't say that I popped out around the corner scaring the crap out of "jane doe". I'd have to say I popped out "trying to scare" her. In her next write up she would say whether she was sacred or not. So did that for a coupe years.. Funny thing is I lost contact with all those folks other than one I stayed friends with. But maybe 2 years ago I saw the name of one log out of Arelith. Korin Deathstalker and Katrina Dragonstar are two I wish I would come across again.

I was also playing other FR games on the commador 64 until finally udating and playing even more FR related games. I got NWN when it first came out, and since day one I have been a part of many many servers, of which I can honestly say I only really enjoyed 2. Arelith being one. I did come across some that people were working on but the player base was to low to keep interested and stick around.

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Re: How did you get interested by rpg world?

Post by Iceborn » Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:40 pm

My dad - which owns a computer tech shop - had this employee, which for quite a time looked up as a mentor. In the many stories I stole from him, there were those early days that he spent roleplaying and serving as DM in one of those now-deceased NWN servers. The many absurdities he got to see and experience. I was... mesmerized by the collection of events, the flow and dynamic of the game.

At that time, I was known for playing nearly anything, as long as I had something to play I would be alright, but I was constantly jumping from one game to the next. Nothing truly managed to hold my interests, to cater to what I wanted.

NWN does. This was nearly four years ago, and I'm still here.
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Re: How did you get interested by rpg world?

Post by DSM-IV » Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:07 pm

I stumbled upon an RP server named Vives roughly 11 years ago, which I remember perfectly because I would rock my first born son with my foot while playing. I had never RP'd before, never played D&D and had no understanding what RP'ing was. I logged in and immediately starting irritating people who were talking really weird and putting these * * in front and behind stuff. At one point having someone shout ooc STOP PLAYING IF YOU DON"T KNOW HOW!

Well I didn't. Learned the craft, treated it as an art form, and got badly hooked. Many RP worlds big and small both DM'd, played upon, I ended up here. 3 kids later, I still can't stay away for too long.

I still remember every PC I have ever played, every DM plot I ever ran, over these 11 odd years, but I cannot seem to remember my own wedding anniversary. I call my kids the wrong names all the time, but can recite nearly word for word the scenes when Toad's face was taken off by Wheau or when Amadeo nearly drowned him to get him to talk. Hell, even remember Tonky eating Buppi's finger. Better stop going down memory road will never stop typing.

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Re: How did you get interested by rpg world?

Post by Dalenger » Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:50 pm

My dad and I played NWN when I was like 7. I don't remember the campaign we played, but I was a fighter who was really good at clicking on things and he was a cleric of some sorts. We had to stop when the computer which was hosting the campaign blue screened, corrupting the file. However, it was super fun while it lasted.

When I was 11 he and I started playing D&D with family friends and old college buddies of his. We still sit down occasionally and manage to play a game. Now I'm a ME major playing D&D on Fridays with other STEM majors.

Thanks for making me a frickin nerd, Dad.
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