Hunting for History

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Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu May 04, 2017 1:20 am

[Holding out for a Hero]

I saw him as clear as you can see anyone. The city was different then. People filed out of the Meeting Hall looking tired and frustrated from putting in a full days work before someone ran up and yelled in distress that the water was poisoned. Everyone's eyes turned to the grimy cobble streets as ankhs drew themselves in blood.

That didn't seem to slow him. He sped past the crowd, halting at the well in front of the Temple of Torm and drank from it like it was nothing. He was sure then that the water was diseased; the city would have to take precautions. He told them.

I have to confess my first image of him came from a very lewd statue that has a hard time leaving my mind but, then and now, he looks like he always does in subtle gold and white attire and his signature mask; (the one and only) Amadeo Pneuma.

I notice subtle difference in his gaze sometimes. Enough times that when I think back on this vision I can see that he is not the same. His look at the well reminds me of an old tiger; comfortable in his space but weary.

Still, I'm glad that that old tiger remained. I asked Our Lady for someone that had been there when she presented herself. I wanted a clearer view. More of a view than the documents I gathered from the library among Euclio Cartan's things could give me.

She gave me Amadeo. Praise be.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri May 05, 2017 10:26 pm

[Map of the World]

We were set to see the Pax. All of it. While we were at it, I suggested that we tend to the merchant's complaint about the 'newness' of Cordor. It seems the old merchants couldn't be sure where to find the materials they needed on the Pax and the new merchants couldn't be bothered. It is a strange complaint to have but that sort of staleness isn't uncommon on the island.

I never have the problem of 'newness'. The city sometimes feels like a fuzzy dream in which all of the lines are soft and nothing ever seems to add up. I can see the different versions of it; the infernal flags outside the barracks, the Thayan Conclave where the slums stand, or the tall shrine of Chauntea near the old windmill. Even the people, long since gone, make an appearance...on the harder days.

On days like that I like to visit the cows in the farmlands. I love those cows. Although, lately that double-dealing cow thief; Faeren Ashlight gets on my mind. I never much liked thieves, least of all a cow thief.

It can really ruin the visit.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Mon May 08, 2017 12:01 am

[Zombie Stomp]

I met Obren in the farmlands one night. We both share a disdain for the undead there; for different reasons. He is a sweet man but I find all Triadists strange. Anyone that has to wait for 'orders' to do the right thing or get started on the right thing is odd to me. I suppose that is true of all Knights, most of all the 'Benwickian' ones. You'd think people would learn their own history and get the hint but I suppose that is just my wishful thinking.

I've been searching for the answers on those undead. Thanks to poor record keeping, it is very hard to pin any theory down but every tenday I get a little closer and this time I am keeping records, just in case.

Pity I'm the only one.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Mon May 08, 2017 11:55 am

[Criminal Mind]

I never knew that the Mayfield's Inn used to be on the Pax. It is so cramped and loud now. I can see why people don't enjoy it anymore. As I walked in, so did the Rogue; adorned with daggers and a charming smile. He was on his way to the bar when the Monk came from upstairs. He was dressed in black with grey trim and a large helmet on that, sort of, reminded me of a pot.

The Monk was a man of few words. The air around him seemed heavy with the tension of violence; a brutal man. The Rogue threw a quip, a bit of humor but his gaze was cold and stiff. He changed his position to prepare for the fight.

The Monk was sure of himself and struck first but the Rogue drew a red glowing dagger, attacking with it. This seemed to come as a surprise because the Monk drew away, as if to cast but the Rogue fled back out the door...and then the vision was over.

I looked into them both with Amadeo's help. Rumor has it that the Rogue didn't make it to Fort Bendir before the Monk caught up with him and slew the Rogue and his lover on the Trader's Road.

They were both Cordorians. This was an important vision to have after the Healing incident with Ortega because I was...conflicted, I guess you could say. Don't tell Vincent, though. I don't think he'd approve.

In the vision, the history, both men were Cordorians and criminals, in their own way; moving outside the law while also incidentally doing good for the city. Now you could break down the amount of good and the bad and tally it up till you could satisfy yourself with an answer of who the true Cordorian was but you would still have to play with the grey. Not everything is black and white, no matter what the paladins try to tell you.

This city has parts to it. Its not all a potential bastion of 'Light'. If you saw the city the way I have seen it, in many of its versions, you would notice that we have made every effort to push back the slums. We have divided our taverns and our theatres.

You cannot throw out everything you believe to be 'bad' or opposite and still thrive. History has shown that, at the very least. Cordor thrives on change and that cannot happen under that level of restriction.

Even knowing all that, I was hurt by Ortega's actions. I suppose that in my mind I like to imagine all Cordorians, at least, working with some vague aim to better the city so when someone does something so opposite, it spears me in my warm, plushy heart.

Still, I couldn't shake my distaste for how the guards handled the matter. At first I spoke with Jadoth Dawnfire. He worried me with his bloodthirsty manner. If I'm honest, he still worries me. I'll have to look in on him. Anyway, he was eager to tangle with even the commoners; the poor and the sick, suggesting that he shouldn't have to protect those that weren't glad or grateful for his aid.

I was beside myself with that but Amadeo assured me that that was unlike him. Not that it helped much given the way they handled Ortega's case. Now, I'm sure you will say “but you can't be against the criminal and then against the punishment”...but you can though because when the punishment is handed down without diligence then the guard is no worse than those they are trying to punish.

In this case, the guards took one statement; mine and ran with it. Granted, I know what happened. Its hard to miss red attire in a sea of rags but that's hardly the point. They constantly get on about how those of the Clover are up to no-good but that means nothing if you do not have proof (and if you had proof you could press charges already). You have only your suspicion.

I'm not saying this is true of all guards but Cordorian Guards boast being morally upright and working within the law. That can't be true when they wait for an excuse to act on a suspicion. If the suspect was someone else, they would have dropped it to a warning due to insufficient evidence.

At any rate, I don't feel too traitorous by holding this opinion since, at least, Amadeo agrees with me. The entire mess makes me think a Rashemi proverb I found in the library; “You can't have the sheep and the money.”

Anyway, both the vision and the incident brings me back to that problematic question; What does it mean to be Cordorian?

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sat May 13, 2017 5:56 pm

[I Feel a Change Comin' On]

There is something refreshing about Cordorian elections. It used to be more chaotic when there were three Councilors but it still has that pop of flare that the other settlements can't grasp. They always do things peacefully or devolve into violence. Only Cordorians seem to be able to generate the appropriate amount of spite for one another but return to work together when its all over. It is uniquely us.

There is always that one candidate that wants to take Cordor back to the 'Good Ol'days' because they believe everything here is broken. Candidates like that usually don't know their own history and should be ashamed to ever describe themselves as Cordorian.

Then there is the professional business man or professional politician. Most people are worried about these candidates because they tend to be out for themselves but, honestly, Cordor was moved forward by people that were out for themselves so I can't really provide any fault on them until they do something that hurts the city.

Of course, there is also the Eldafire candidate. Now you will say, how can one family be their own category but I will tell you. Every few generations, one of theirs comes along and tries desperately to stuff the city back into the mold that they have envisioned. That is not the Cordorian way, to go backwards. Jadoth said it the best, it is very Myonian elven.

Naturally, most people don't see it but when the current reiteration of the Eldafire has to run on the platform of 'promising not to rewrite the law system' then you can gleam some notion of how bad it is. They won't tell you how many times they stepped in to revert changes in the guard, in the laws and in the leadership. Too many times. It is no wonder they are so disliked. It is now made worse by the Benwickian paladins after the Fall of Light Keep. There are no two elements that have hurt the city more.

I could go on for hours detailing how but I'll spare you. I'm sure you see it. I know you see it because I saw it in the words and glances of Cordorians during the election. This is why I encourage all Cordorians to think and act rather than just side with their 'factions' or faiths.

Think it through. Always.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri May 19, 2017 3:00 am

[We're Off to Meet the Wizard]

I caught sight of the Red Wizard while I was following the Nomad Elf. He is so pretentious; I love it. You should see him pour wine. Its practically an event. I try to find the Old Thayan Enclave at all hours and wait outside just to see him come or go.

He loves to have a crowd with him. To be see, to be known, talked about and what have you. He always has some real characters with him. Its never a dull moment. It might be strange to say, given that we have never met, but it makes me miss him.

In a city overrun by paladin types, I miss all those true characters like him and those that he seemed to attract. They were full of life and action. They were drive by desires and passions, not just faith and duty. You might think its sad to constantly be searching through the city for the older versions of it but when you are surrounded by paper cut-outs...its hard not to.

He scares me a little, though. Sometimes the space around him bends in a way that I've not seen another Wizard do and he seems to look at me. I mean really look at me, like he sees me. I'm sure he doesn't. He couldn't.


Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun May 28, 2017 6:00 pm

[We Didn't Start the Fire]

I was going to talk about how seemingly every complaint in the city comes to my door and that I do my best to investigate it or see it tended to but then six Cordorian Elites pulled me off the street. I was going to talk about how I was taken into a private meeting with King Edward's private guard and commanded to deliver all my documentation on Our Lady Cordoria as soon as it was compiled so that he could consider converting. And more over that I had no friend to tell when I was released.

I was going to talk about all that and the sacrifices of Duty but then I ran into Eric Lugger on the road. I could feel my thoughts bend and dispel to compel me to stay with him, to assist him today. He received a speedy putting him on the trail of the First Knight of Cordor, so naturally, my expertise was welcome but even that one I didn't know.

Thankfully, Our Lady wasn't restricting herself to compulsive thoughts this tenday. She Blessed us with sight of the past and direction, leading us into the forest where we found Amadeo Pneuma and Sarina Dragonsong. I should have known something was off when the pendant rattled. It never rattles.

The first thing I noticed is that there was only one exit. That weighed hard on me because I was foolish, I didn't ward us for a fight. I assumed if Our Lady was leading us, there couldn't possible be a fight. I can't imagine why I would think that. Life is full of danger and your work will bring you to it; Always be prepared to protect.

I ran through the blessings n my head a dozen times. I knew I could give him a fighting chance and turn the fight on its head for as long as I was standing. I would be proud to die protecting a Cordorian against a traitor. And make no mistake, that is what she is.

She confessed to all that she had done. She said she was unapologetic then later claimed she was a if that would help her case. What was worse is that Amadeo was on her side. This was a trap but one designed to attack hearts, not bodies. Although, I wasn't entire convinced it wouldn't break into a fight. If all it takes is a few meetings and two good deeds to convince Amadeo of something then she could easily have attacked and the damage done before he could have intervened.

She said her city betrayed her which sent her down this path. Really? You get a little push back, a little challenge, a little threat and you don't stay and fight for what is yours? For that great city? Worse yet, you torture someone later? You don't just wake up into torture. The state of mind you need to tie someone down and CARVE INTO THEIR FLESH while they wail and squirm isn't something that happens overnight. You cannot convince me that a single, alleged, betrayal was enough to send you straight to Hell.

Lugger may have bent a little to Amadeo's talks of 'No justice without mercy', the need for empathy and the exercise of compassion but I'm not plagued with a soft heart. /I/ \am\ /a/ \Cordorian!\ I will always be the exact right amount of suspicious for stupid, soft minded garbage like this. Words are not enough to sway me when horrible crimes have been committed. Not-even-half cleaning up your own mess will not convince me.

Yes, there is no justice without mercy. Fine I will give you that but there is no healing without justice too. You cannot set things aside. You cannot preach forgetfulness, Amadeo! Less so when YOU stood in the Commons with me lamenting how the island doesn't record its history well enough.

Do you know which monk I needed then? Which monk wouldn't get out of my head then entire ambush? Nautilus! He would have agreed with me. He would know that just because you are trying for righteousness (allegedly!~) doesn't mean that we cast aside your sins, that we forget. No, we bring hellfire and high water and pull every punch that is needed to heal those mistakes.

Yes, doing all that won't make it as though that pain was never dealt or the crime never committed but NOT doing it will cause a greater wound. One which will allow others to do it. One which will make it okay to just take someone's word, that hasn't earned it, as their punishment.

No! I'll not have it. Nautilus said it best “To forsake Justice is to surrender a fitting punishment to the capricious authority of Tymora. I will not take that chance.”

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sat Jun 03, 2017 12:40 am

[Future Days]

I always know when I have been off the Pax. You might not understand. You might say “Surely you were there.” but its not that easy. Things get foggier the longer I stay away. My mind turns into sand art in a strong gust. I always manage to find my way home, though. I wake up to paperwork being knocked off the shelf from when I stumbled in and a barely-locked door.

I would like to say that staying in Cordor is better. The versions of the city start to pile onto one another. There is this particular one that has been vexing me (likely because I have been slacking in cleaning up my notes and putting them on the board).

I see it whenever I stand in the city square. There is this Banite coming from the Merchant District, down a walkway that isn't there anymore. He has a Cordor Guard badge on his shoulder. He stops at the sound of knocking...I think that's the wall of the old Commons.

He casts a True Seeing spell. Perhaps he is a priest; he has the build of one. A door appears in the masonry of the Commons; a plain smooth stone door. Before he can reach out to touch it, it swings open to reveal a band of drow that pour out...and then its over.

Its strange that I'm hung up on that knocking. Why would they knock? After all this time, do Drow just reveal themselves to be of excellent humor? Could they not open the door otherwise? The sound is maddening.

Something about the entire thing has me on edge but how do you report that? “Oh, hi, resident Eye of Cordor here, I'd like to make a report because my gut suggests something is amiss. Nothing overly specific, just something. Oh, you want proof? Will a 90+ year vision of the past that I can only explain to you in words work? No? Didn't think so.”

I tried to find records of this but, naturally, the 'goodly' folk of the island sort to have all traces of a successfully run Banite Cordor Guard erased.

And they claim the Patrician was bad.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Jun 18, 2017 3:14 pm


I am starting to think that its bad that I can only relate to the relics or the visions of old like Amadeo. He and I had this strangely personal talk in the library and when we parted ways all that I could think was that this was the first real talk I've had in forever. That is not to say that I haven't had talks with people; I have sat with Obren, Kyle, Casimir, Jadoth, Buppi and others but they felt unreal. Or did I feel unreal being there with them?

I wanted so badly to be enamored with Azar or Erasmus. Both are beautiful in their own way but every time I try it feels like I'm staring at an oil painting. I don't know where to start and, really, what would be the point? For Cordor? Sure but my time could be better spent finishing the projects for the museum or the King.

There is no point to things in the present unless they need to be remembered. I am starting to hate this time. There is only work that makes it bearable. I spent the last few months chasing the other versions, catching a glimpse of other timelines and hunting for Haston Reyne in the sewers. He is very hard to pin down but he is worth it.

It all comes out clear like Amadeo which is strange because he is in the present...right?

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Mon Jun 19, 2017 2:05 pm


I stood on the bridge watching Krad Saikoro and company put on their disguises and wait for passersby to 'toll'. I stood on the bridge watching Katar Black do the same. And the Banites and the Hoarite and everyone in between. Its unoriginal, unimaginative garbage. It got old the first day it happened and, of course, Wharftowners can't come up with something better.

Pathetic animals that they are. I really don't know what people were expecting from a town that honors a coward; a man than ran away, for good. You better believe that I am not letting history forget /that/. I'm not against pulling back when you can't win but to forever turn your back on your city and your people is a weakness beyond words so Wharftowners will never surprise me. I never expect anything other than the bottom of the barrel from them and that is all I ever get.

Now you might say, 'well, some versions of the town have been good.' No, they haven't. There have been some -leaders- that have tried to follow Cordor's First Knight and what she set out for the place but that has no baring on the town. One fleeting leader changes nothing. If you need anymore proof, look around or ask around and you'll find that they don't even know their own history. They have no identity. Just a gathering of worthless misfits that couldn't cut it in the city.

Its in war time that I find myself thinking of the Herial Ghalen, Butcher of Wharftown. Some might turn their nose up to him and heavens knows that even he, in the end, was sorry for his deeds but I am not. I stand by them. Honor and virtue should be reserved for your people; Cordorians. Meanwhile, for everyone else, you should pull out every trick you can muster.

This is the only reason I like Ortega; we see eye to eye on that. Pity though, that everyone I know is a paladin type. Maybe I should dye my hair black and wear darker colours to get the right help for the job. Maybe~

Faith and Kingdom, my brothers and sister. Faith and Kingdom!

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:23 pm

[Long Live The King]

I spoke with the High Chancellor. I searched around for assassins, thugs and arsonists. I wasn't about to let paladin mentality hurt the war. You fight with everything you can think of. Then I woke up the next day and the King had pledged to raze Wharftown. I couldn't have been happier. We were on the same page; Cordor.

I honestly didn't think I could love the King more but after this decision, I absolutely do. I found more love to share, in here somewhere. My elation was short lived, though. They all came to me asking about Wharftowners, about what I think, 'how we can help'...Disgusting.

I had to struggle and fight to drum up an ounce of support for Cordorians that were sick and cold and hungry. Only three of us turned up to heal and the rest stood on the sidelines eating like it was a circus attraction. So you cannot tell me that you are good. That you feel badly for Wharftowners. That you want to help.

You can't be good one day then...what? Tired the next. Lazy. Bored? What is it? What compels you to waste your time and resources on anything other than your people? Now, I'm not against getting Wharftowners that want to be Cordorians. Cordor is a place of fresh starts and they are welcome under the condition of actually becoming Cordorians but for you to want to house foreigners and divert resources to them for no reason other than your /feelings/...I can't get behind that.

But I'm a team player. You have to be to work in government. So I will help out with the High Chancellor's directive. Although, the only real concern with the razing isn't the loss of Wharftowner life but the coastline and the nearby magical forest. Unfortunately, the island is so closely connected so one big change causes ripples that could reach us on the other coastline.

I will have to follow up with that. I did suggest to her to look into it. What were you expecting? Did you really think my 'helping out' would be anything other than watching out for the interests of MY people?

You should know me better than that, by now.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri Jun 23, 2017 11:42 pm

[Burn Baby Burn]

I remember standing on the Western Coast. I could see Wharftown's walls from the hill. I don't recall how I got there. I often don't. I find myself on strange spots on the island or wake up somewhere on the Kingdom or at home, if I'm lucky, without knowing where I've been.

The town was mind bending; version upon version. I saw the black temple made of metal with the Banite flags aloft. I saw the coal black half-orc sitting on the bench alongside a blonde, armored woman with a ponytail. The details were sketchy.

I saw The Clown standing with the Shoe Thief. I saw a tall barbarian woman with dark hair and the meanest disposition. One after the other and each coming as fast as strikes. Then it was broken by the merchant woman standing on the steps near the statue of the Betrayer.

She yelled; “Sweetberry! Sweetberry!' It broke my focus. It diverted my gaze to her. Strangely, she didn't have any product with her. That's when he past me. I would have sworn on my life it was Leonas. I wanted it to be him so badly that I mistook him for another Thayan.

No, that's an excuse. It was a rookie mistake. A shameful, rookie mistake. My mind was heavy from the choas that the town seems to give off now and my mind was full from all the projects I have pending. Amadeo was right; I should be training with him and I should keep it all written. It only hurts to keep it in my head.

Its a terrible thing not to be able to trust your own gaze. It will take a while for me to regain that trust now. Its all the fault of that awful town. I pray that the King burns it. It would improve this timeline to correct Aristotles' mistake. I truly think it would.

I eagerly await the verdict.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:33 am

[Death or Glory]

The King was wounded. They have the Palace warded now so I can't be sure if he has improved. They say he has but I have a hard time believing them. A bolt of lightening shoots through me when I think of it, focus on it, try to see it. It gives me the impression that he is dying. I pray that its not the case.

We've all been praying. We can help. We can try, if only they call us and let us know. Even Amadeo has a plan to help when he isn't wasting time building sandcastles in ruins.

I am trying hard to trust in them; the Palace wizards. I trust that they love him as much as we do. That they will try anything and everything to help him. Please keep him safe or have strength enough to know when you can't do it alone. We're out here, waiting with bated breath to help.

As if that wasn't enough, the refugee camps have gotten out of control. I told them not to do it. They wanted to do it for their guilt or because it looked good. I can't decide which. Either way, that action put Cordorian lives at risk because they put enough guards out there only to protect from the 'usual' dangers in the area.

Of course, this made the place a target for malevolent types. Now if they really wanted to help, they would have asked Cordorians to sponsor a refugee and house them in their homes in the city or made space in the Temples or the arena or the slums even.

But no, that would have been actual work and real caring. Now, I'm not advocating that for outsiders but, at the very least, put in the work to back up your talk. Sure, they are trying now but its too little too late. If you really cared then it would have occurred to you the first time not to put people in 'camps'. Camps are for travelers for a night or two or for slaves. Camps aren't used to /house people/.

Even so, the true atrocity are the drow. They couldn't even keep their portal open on their own efforts. Their Matron had to lend some of her life force to sustain it. They don't have enough Llolthites, enough faith, to power their plans. Pathetic.

Really, I shouldn't be surprised that they lack creativity. There hasn't been a respectable Underdarker since Belduil or Vippin. There are no shortages of sources I would try to power a portal like that but such a thing takes thinking outside the box. Heavens, even Katar Black, in his most manic of times, could have come up with something better.

It was the drow that got Black on my mind. Amadeo has tried to put me off the idea but I'm sure that, with the right stuff, I could open a stream to one of Black's creations in one time and move it to this time; to the city in the Underdark. My only concern is if reality would hold up. I'll have to look into it.

What? Did you think I would be worried about the unrestrained destruction it might cause? Hardly. Underdarkers are only marginally worse than Myonians. And that's~ saying something.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri Jul 07, 2017 6:52 pm

[Brand New Day]

I get so tired with all these soft hearts bleeding all over me. I recently had to review Alyssia Steles' judgment on a case. It is the weakest, soft-hearted, lets-all-just-get-along garbage that I have ever seen and that's saying something since I have had to regularly go places with Elona.

I wish I could understand the sort of thinking that breeds this behaviour. Surely, if you see a problem in a city that you love, effecting a people that you love, you don't just go “Oh, well. Say you're sorry and lets all get along.” No! Gods damnit, no. You look at why it is a problem.

You fix the damage done by the symptoms then you go for the cause. You don't just waste everyone's time then shelve it for later, hoping it doesn't break in the meantime. It will break. It will cause more damage and you would have helped it cause damage because the buck should stop with you.

Stop being complacent. Stop being a disappointment. I don't feel I'm asking for a lot. I can't be asking for a lot. Think. Like the Rashemi say; your head isn't just for your hairstyle (rough translation).

In all this, I found one ray of hope for future ventures; Ward Gallostone. He knows exactly when to reign it in, when to lay it on thick. He isn't above tricks or games to get the job done. He reminds me of Casimir and that reminds me of how much I miss Casimir. Damnit.

I can only pray that he will live up to our beloved Casimir and maybe beyond.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Jul 09, 2017 12:48 am

[The Show Must Go On]

I start to wonder about Arelithians; that their gaze can be so narrow that they can only see one moment in time. They talk about change like its a threat, like I don't already see the path. Mind you, looking forward is horrifyingly painful compared to looking back but its doable.

I remember a talk with Amadeo where I said I would give the system time (ha). I gave Casimir all the help I could muster because I wanted to believe in it. I loved the idea of it (how could I not?) But it only works with believers and it has been proven that those that followed are not such.

Cordorians forget that change is as much a key tenant of the city as cooperation. They try to restrain it or guide it but they (like the opposition) only see the sliver of time. If only I could show you everything that needs to happen to reach the best version of the city. You'd be shocked. You'd fight against me. You'd say the path was unCordorian but we've not come to where we are by towing the line.

I would have thought you'd figured that out by now. Sometimes you need to break things to fix them but you go on.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Jul 16, 2017 4:19 am

[Prophet of Idiocy]

Today I ran full force into two ideas that I feel should never be encouraged. The first one upsets me on a personal level. People seem to be of the notion that doing your job or doing things that are regularly expected of you should earn you praise. Really? You did what you signed up to do (in no exemplary way, mind you) and now you, what? You want a cookie? A pat on your back? A 'good job!'?

Please go back to hitting your head on whatever rock face you were at when that ridiculous idea popped into your head. You don't get praise for doing the work assigned to you. You don't get praise for loving your fellow Cordorian. You don't get slack for working hard. You signed up for this. You took the job. You decided to live on the Kingdom. YOU decided to have a family. So now gather what little mental fortitude you seem to have to finish the damn job without complaint about how you're not valued.

No one cares. Or, at least, they bloody well shouldn't. If you don't want to have responsibilities, go be a hermit in the middle of the swamps.

Now, you would think that that was the worst of it until I ran into this case with the Cavalry and all the others that followed. You have to be a special kind of stupid to promote Kobolds into your ranks or any Monsters, for that matter. But it doesn't stop there. I have had actual dragons ask if they are monsters and that 'it wasn't fair'. They were 'good' dragons.

Really? The moment you aren't entirely sure if someone is a Monster, then they are a Monster. If its something you don't need justification to go slay, then its a Monster. All their philosophical rhetoric and other related garbage doesn't sway me.

For you, as a monster or near-monster, to think that you are welcome to trot around without, at least, making an effort to hide is the height of stupidity that I think it even surpasses Myon's. This behaviour has only been permitted because the island is so wrapped up in getting along, in fearing change, that they forget the truths of the world.

The world has Monsters.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:39 am

[Letters to the King]

Even the prospect of the King in danger had enough to have me shaking. I had to clutch my pendant during the meeting just to look, remotely, put together. I never call them for anything that isn't related to them. Not once. I never get personal, I never waste their time on things that aren't theirs.

Not because I can't but because I simply don't think they will care. Most of them have proven that they won't. And yet, there are always my favourites. Naturally it was my favourites that stuck it out till the end to get a plan finalized.

I'm disappointed but I'm honestly not sure what I was expecting. They were quick to go back to their friends, or their re-election efforts or, worst yet, the refugees. What nonsense! I would burn a second Wharftown to the ground with all the Wharftowners in it for the King. Our King! /MY/ King! Heck, I'd burn ten.

I should have known better. I decided to trust them. What possessed me to do that? To think that people could be moral, competent and caring...They are almost never any of those things!

I should have known~ I've prayed for him. I've lost countless nights of sleep over it. Even stood outside the Meeting Hall, watching the Palace that my Sight can't pierce. And yet, I chose to trust them. I chose to believe that there were more Cordorians in there than filthy Amnians.

Disgusting. They should have me flogged.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:43 pm

[When Love Comes to Town]

Oh! My favourite of all favourites is back; Eric Lugger. His presence is enough to set the world straight. I adore him! He reminds me of sunshine; you just want to bask in it all day.

I was having difficulty withstanding the feeling of the city in this dark time, this year. Others may not understand it but it is infectious and seeps into the mind. It makes me unreasonably angry. Our Lady had a few choice words for me about it. She expects only the best mental fortitude and cooperation.

Amadeo made his annual effort to keep me in line over it too. He can be very uplifting in his own way but Lugger takes the cake. It all has me feeling much better.

I wasn't terribly pleased with this election before the three of them stepped in. The two candidates are Elwood and Faeren. Generally I like Elwood, when he wasn't in the cabinet. He is quick to solve an issue and offer support. I'm always a fan of that but during his term he seems consumed with telling you what you want to hear.

I understand how that can be helpful for others but when I ask your opinion on a case I expect an honest opinion back. I have some of the thickest skin in the city; you won't offend me. Although, in his defense, it is hard for a politician to be truthful.

Faeren on the other hand has no head for politics but lately she has been one of the few contributors to defending the city from threats with the Eagles a mess that they are and that means a lot.

All attempts to structure the Eagles disappeared with Casimir. This cabinet seems to think it is the job of the General not the government to arrange a mandate for a government created group and yet they don't do this with any other department.

Hopefully it is solved after this election because the threats on the city are mounting and we're running out of time.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Wed Jul 26, 2017 7:38 am

[Murder in the City]

You cannot scare me with a madman. I fear the virtuous man because he is loyal and his heart will not allow him to do anything less than everything for his cause; a man like Stellen Varg who walked into the Hells, unafraid and sure of victory. /That/ is a man to fear.

Not one that threatens an old man, a widow and a small child like Rhaeg did. You cannot scare me with such a man. Even less with his pathetic counterpart, Sarina, whose only accomplishment is being the island's greatest whiner. “I'm /so/ misunderstood~ Ignore me killing these men or literally chewing on this one.”

I went to the Lemax estate to see the Lady Lemax. I had confirmed that the Brotherhood was an extension of the Palace, in a sense, and that they did not act outside the law, as Rhaeg and his misfits claim. I would have considered that a victory but I had to watch little Lemax, in tears, try to chase the armed Rhaeg away from his mother by throwing parchment.

I wanted so badly to make for the door to aid the guards against Sarina but Rhaeg's shadow overtook me. He wasn't above attacking the unarmed in the bedroom, clearly, so I stayed to try to protect them. Although, in my heart I knew that no healing spell would be fast enough to heal the wound if Rhaeg brought that halberd down on the boy or Sarina a claw.

They can claim their 'truths' as much as they want. The rest of us have actual proof to the opposite. They are nothing but bloodthirsty opportunists that see an opening for violence in the remains of the Wharftown conflict.

I would have more to say, I really would, but my soul is worn. I felt Our Lady's presence in the room during the attack. I know what it means and yet, my soul is tired and my heart is sad. People wonder why I don't tend to deal out mercy but days like today should be enough to show you that most people don't deserve it.

Stay strong, My Brothers and Sister. Faith and Kingdom!

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Tue Aug 01, 2017 2:33 pm

[Living in the Eye of the Storm]

Its so strange that two tenants can fight against one another so boldly; Order and Change. There is always peace for a time then the battle begins. The Chaos of the fight isn't real, though, because until the change happens...nothing has changed. And yet, that cusp of change, the possibility of change can turn everything on its head.

That illusion of Chaos is where we are now. I can hear Her singing to me. Everyday it gets louder. You'd think I'd be upset by it but I have seen how far we have come. I see it in all Cordorians. The city is different now. We've all managed to usher it into a different version of itself. Imagine what they can do in ten more years?

All they need is Time. It is a little strange I suppose; I see the beginning like I see the end. Like it was all just one long day. I wish they saw it like that. Then all their efforts wouldn't seem so hard. It wouldn't all be a series of uncontrolled battles between Order and Change; it would be beautiful. It is beautiful.

How do you explain that to them? That Time, itself, is not against them. That life, with all its troubles, is good. That all their work isn't meaningless. That someone will remember. We will remember.

But really, who am I to say when I don't have any time left to give?

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:15 pm


I had to forgive Amadeo for all that he did with Lugger. He managed to get them into the Palace, find the problem. I'm not one to forgive and forget easily but that meant the world to me. It takes a great weight off my mind to know the state of the King. Even though the news isn't the best, it is more than I expected...I always expect the worst.

I love them all more for risking reputation and life on my word alone. My people are truly the best people. No other Arelithian can compare. I wish I could say that of all those that would call themselves Cordorians. You see, a traitor was never a Cordorian in the first place.

We rooted out another traitor this tenday; Faeren. I should have known given the first day I met her; what she did. I should have listened to my gut. I knew she had no loyalty, no faith. Instead, I wanted to be merciful, give her a chance. She twists the truth to fit her goals. I had to pull all cases involving her testimony because she is an unreliable witness.

Worse yet, she put the Palace is danger with her lies and soon, the rest of the city. If it were up to me, I would pike her outside the Meeting Hall and let her slowly die from the wound and exposure but Elwood is kind, weak. He wants to give her a trial; he wants to give her enough rope to hang herself with.

I don't see why. I can get enough rope and hang her with it.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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Re: Hunting for History

Post by Emotionaloverload » Sun Aug 06, 2017 5:34 pm

[Suddenly I See]

The Eye returned to the Light of Our Lady this tenday. I thought it would be harder but I suppose that is exactly why a Barer must have a strong mind, else they might fall apart when their task is done. She blessed me with the Sight of the Present. I haven't had occasion to use it yet but I suspect it will come in handy when chasing down criminals.

For now I must find a new task. I've noticed that my combat related skills are severely lacking; Arl really makes that all the more visible with how much trouble he finds himself in on any given day. So I've decided, finally, to train with Amadeo and he has accepted.

There seems to be an odd divide among Cordorians; those that fight and those that take part in government or civic activities. Why can't it be both? If the years have shown nothing else, its that it must be both. I can't imagine why I didn't see it before.

We should all beef up our skill sets. I suppose that will have to be my next task but first I'll have to gather up the best teachers.

Played; Echo Hemlocke-Ralkai, Joshua Colt, Namil Evanara, Elanor Shortwick, Sawyer Brook, Kaylessa Dree, Sines Oliver Selakiir, Birgitta Birdie Swordhill, Bella Weartherbee, Arael Laceflower, Corbin, Rupert Silveroak, Hadi, H'larr Twins, and others.

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