Death Amnesia Waiving?

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Death Amnesia Waiving?

Post by Paint » Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:29 pm

If the title of this thread doesn't cause someone's blood pressure to rise, I don't know what will.

The death amnesia rules are created to protect both players in PVP from consequences from the other and draw out long grudge matches that spill over onto message boards and create unnecessary drama and paperwork for the team. It's unfortunate, because it does also create a lot of inflexibility for roleplay, but it's fairly necessary. I don't disagree with it, and in most circumstances, it's better than the alternative.

However, if both players in a PVP consent to waive the death amnesia rules -- the killer and the killee, or in the event of party vs. party pvp, all characters involved -- is that allowed in any circumstance?

Before you rule with a harsh, 'No,' consider the following: Two characters have a fight and one slays the other. The surviving character picks up the corpse of the other, moves them to another location, then asks the player for permission to revive their character. That character is revived, and now remembers nothing of the fight. There is some interesting roleplay to be had in recapping what happened, but I also think depending on the context and the roleplay involved, that the death amnesia rules may unnecessarily complicate the roleplay that follows by forcing the winning character to provide all of the context for what happened. Depending on the slain character's personal beliefs and personality, they might even disbelieve events.

And in my mind, if both the killer and the killee are fine with waiving the death amnesia protection in that circumstance in order to make the following roleplay more fluid, it should be allowed, since those two players are the ones most likely to be affected by it.

The potential abuse of this is the killed character agreeing and immediately lensing away the moment they're revived to go around doing the literal thing that the death amnesia rules are trying to prevent, though, but in the spirit of sportsmanship, I feel like that should be a reportable offense since it's very not be-nice.

The more realistic solution is to just use subdual, but if you know anything about PVP, it's that PVP can be messy, sometimes subdual fails, and shenanigans happen. It's also a lot easier to transport a person's corpse.

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The GrumpyCat
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Re: Death Amnesia Waiving?

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:43 pm

Speaking personally I think the above is fine. So long as everyone involved is Ok with it being wavered. and also (ideally) so long as we don't see someone going around saying 'yes XXX KILLED ME! they KILLED ME AND I REMEMBER IT!' - But if all sides consent, then it should be fine.

This too shall pass.

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Re: Death Amnesia Waiving?

Post by Paint » Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:47 pm

I appreciate the tentative answer. This doesn't refer to any specific event, so much as I was hoping for clarification in the future, but knowing that this is at least within the spirit of the rules is nice. Thank you!

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