A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by If Valor Were Inches » Tue Jan 16, 2018 8:49 pm

Seven Sons of Sin wrote:I think Ork and BegoneThoth both make fair points. And, tbh, the root of this discussion is nothing new(read: transparency).

I've probably been blabbering on about this a long while but if the swift pace of change continues to be swift, I encourage the Supreme Leaders to invest time and energy in making coherent, articulate Patch Notes that can later be consolidated to give proper outlines on mechanics to new and old players.

As someone who doesn't play with any great consistency, it can be difficult to navigate old/new changes. For example, I've been trying to figure out all the changes to druids made in the past year, and I've basically had to create my own google doc to consolidate all the new/altered/deleted mechanics.

I don't feel like players should have to do this - with ride, Kensai, or any other Arelith-specific design.

Don't they already do this with announcements? They're pretty detailed for the most part.

They also have been doing their best to consolidate change in one thread on the forums, and more neatly organized details on the wiki.

The solution really would probably be to keep each class page updated on the wiki, which we, the community, can help with.

While I would prefer if changes came out less often and more complete/encompassing, I'm honestly more happy that they're willing to add and update the module over anything else. I don't really have a hard time keeping track of things though or find the changes inconvenient as others might.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by nobs3 » Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:53 pm

Who wants to volunteer and collect and document all possible information on riding in a systematic way on the forum (mechanical changes) and on wiki?

Or collect all suggestions on this topic and make a good post in the suggestion box?

We all could contribute a small bit of work - nothing compared to those that are realy involved into coding/building and all this.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by Kuma » Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:13 am

nobs3 wrote:Who wants to volunteer and collect and document all possible information on riding in a systematic way on the forum (mechanical changes) and on wiki?

Or collect all suggestions on this topic and make a good post in the suggestion box?

We all could contribute a small bit of work - nothing compared to those that are realy involved into coding/building and all this.
The idea that you think the Devs don't already have a table of all the modifiers and an explanation of how Ride works that they could easily just drop in here is potentially more insulting to them than demands that they post one. It's 99% likely to already be plainly documented, just behind closed doors.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by BegoneThoth » Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:24 am

That's why I can't jump up to edit the wiki. I literally don't know when one thing has been changed. I can't insert correct information if it's not available. If the devs want to make me a wiki-editor and then provide me with a list of rulings/skills/spells/feat/class changes to throw on the wiki I'll do it, but I can't.

Anyway it's a different topic, lets stick to Ride.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by Tarkus the dog » Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:22 pm

BegoneThoth wrote:That would be extremely painful.
For you.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by BegoneThoth » Sun Jan 21, 2018 4:56 pm

Wanted to give this thread a gentle bump in hopes it gets addressed in more detail, and respond to something that was said earlier I don't feel I properly addressed.
Mithreas wrote: But then in the body of the post, referring to something as "cruel and bad design" is... not fine. For one thing, there are different opinions on what makes good and bad design, and context is important (e.g. Liareth commented that D&D mechanics are well defined and look-up-able... which is usually true.
The current system is 'cruel and bad design.' It manages to punish both those who plan their builds in advance, and also punish those who build on the fly. It hinges on three main factors.

First, not all classes get ride.
Second, not all classes can afford mounted combat, or mounted archery.
Third, epic skill investment and defying 3.0 core skill rules.

Now, those whom have read this topic should be familiar with the following quote;
Rather than you all complaining, why not play the game and explore. Grab a horse with 6 ride and see how you do. Fall off? Well put another point in when you level.

Rinse and repeat.
This is 'cruel and bad design' for a few reasons.

The first, those that do not plan their build may end up inadvertently wasting many more skill points then they need. If they just want enough ride for a casual trot around Cordor, but keep falling off their horse because they don't know that's because they're a half-orc on an elven horse (something only explained as mattering in this topic I believe), they may add more points then needed. Additionally, the feats required are not obvious, being disabled on the server for years and years, only now popping back into re-existence. These players are heavily punished, already 'behind' those that plan their builds to the last skill point, they are now even farther behind, as they may hit a point where they realize their ranger cannot properly mounted range unless they invest two feats (combat and archery) as well as a full suite of skill points. Of course, they won't realize this until they are, as a dwarf, trying to ride an elven horse that's attacked by a badger with an 'on fire' debuff, but as it's impossible to know what that DC is by design, they may make a character that fails in its core concept simply because of the obtuseness of the implementation. It's specifically punishing for these individuals, whom do not have or choose not to use Discord and learn how ride works, as they opt to take up 'ride' later in a characters life as the RP dictated they should begin riding. With re-leveling being a huge pain and not all builds having the 'free' feats, they may end up with a character that cannot execute it's main design (mounted combat) simply because the skill functions as it currently does with many avenues for dysfunctional character building caused by totally hidden mechanics.

The second, those that plan their build, are at a loss and simply not making 'ride' focused characters. This is particularly frustrating for me, as I had an idea for a build I wanted to do, unfortunately it does not take a class level of a class that gets ride in epic, meaning the amount of 'ride' I can get is quite low. The archetype is a 'knightly' one, and a mount would be ideal, but the build simply falls apart with even one level of a ride-skilling class in epic, simply due to how NWN handles epic levels. Ergo, the character was dead before it got made, because, as this topic demonstrates, the requirements to ride a horse are totally unknowable, and why level up a character if it's core concept may not be functional, or may be rendered nonfunctional, OR may end up with dead feats (mounted and archery) when or if the system changes? Why risk a busted character?

The third, there has still been no reason given for the necessity of Ride to be so complex and totally hidden from the playerbase. The inner-workings of every other skill are easy to understand, even the ones with complex interactions have a 'table' you can look up and determine how much you need. Ride, on Arelith, is so complex it apparently cannot be expressed in words, and as of yet there has been no attempt made to justify or explain it's singular complexity in a game that has 99% of it's content defined by a simple 1d20+attribute+skill+item. Because something can be a core concept to a character, but also because the system was made to hide its inner workings from players, players that may opt for a class spread that does not get a 'ride' class, I find this design philosophy quite bad, and the suggestion to simply put a point into ride every time you level until you stop falling off a particularly cruel one. Ride should not be FOIG.

Because characters cannot so easily level back down to get ride, and because not every build can spare the one (or two) feats that may not even be ultimately required for ride to work (as it's still indev) I feel the current system is both cruel and bad design. It has the potential to punish early adopters (I personally took 8 points in ride, but the required ride was reduced to 6, meaning I wasted 4 skill points), punishes casual builders heavily, and stops built-planners from taking part in the system at all.

I would be interested to see a breakdown of the current design goals of the ride system and how the current implementation meets them.

Also as an addendum, I do not believe that work done for free renders that work immune to criticism. People have implied i'm 'entitled,' and I do not feel that is a fair or helpful avenue of discussion.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by BegoneThoth » Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:16 pm

^^ Minor edits for typos/wording

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by Lorkas » Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:33 pm

I just want to register that this is garbage.

Your posts are constantly negative, unhelpful, and unrepentant in their entitlement.

I have a lot of respect for what the devs here do for free, and obviously it's not perfect, nor immune to criticism, but your posts are pure negativity and implication that you know more about game design than the game designers.

If you want your opinion to hold any sway on the devs and the direction that development takes, you need to find your way to a more respectful way of presenting your thoughts.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by BegoneThoth » Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:48 pm

Lorkas wrote:I just want to register that this is garbage.

Your posts are constantly negative, unhelpful, and unrepentant in their entitlement.

I have a lot of respect for what the devs here do for free, and obviously it's not perfect, nor immune to criticism, but your posts are pure negativity and implication that you know more about game design than the game designers.

If you want your opinion to hold any sway on the devs and the direction that development takes, you need to find your way to a more respectful way of presenting your thoughts.
I believe that I am being perfectly respectful, offering alternatives to the current problem, and presenting my arguments with facts and quotes and my own opinions. I'm sorry you feel the way you do but my posts are not an attack and I am trying my best to not present issues with the system and not also present a sound argument backed up with quotes and faces, as well as an alternative system.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by Lorkas » Sun Jan 21, 2018 10:59 pm

You haven't been paying attention then. Your posts have already made the developer of this system step away from the forums for a fair while because of how insulting your attitude is, and when they did come back, they expressed that this kind of attitude had them questioning whether they even want to work on the system anymore.

Those are the kinds of things that should make you stop and think "Am I really being "perfectly respectful" in how I present this?"

If what you want is to discourage devs from working on custom systems at all, and therefore for the horse system to be stuck in its current implementation, then by all means carry on as you have.

If what you want is to actually encourage the devs to make the system better, then you need to try a little but of self reflection and figure out how to start being actually respectful (not just respectful-according-to-Thoth) with your feedback.

It seems to me like your goal is the second, but you're gonna have the opposite effect if you don't work on this.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by Aelryn Bloodmoon » Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:01 pm

BegoneThoth wrote:Ride is -not- a class skill for every class, and it is simply not an option to max the skill on many builds, due to rogue, bard, wizard, and other classes not getting access to the skill. The suggestion, therefore, of "Fall off? Well put another point in when you level" is cruel and bad design, as many classes simply do not have the opportunity to do that, and heavily punishes those without access to Discord where such things are openly discussed anyway.
So... in perhaps an ill-advised attempt to play mediator here, as someone who generally tries to be a helpful player and will argue voraciously for both buffs and nerfs, to classes I play and otherwise, I'd like to point out the context of the words that are getting thrown in OP's face repeatedly, as they're from OP post one page one.

No one who is throwing the cruel and bad design remark around is including the context. They are hyper-focusing on four words out of an entire paragraph and shutting down what I believe the player meant to genuinely be helpful feedback in the face of a comment that seems to me, as an uninvolved party (none of my character have or have ever had ride), to be a "tough cookies, get over it" response.

It would, for example, be pretty cruel to tell someone who invested 30 cross class ranks by level 30 in 15 ride ranks that if they fell off, they should just increase ride next level.

His diction may have been poor, but throwing the baby out with the bathwater is seldom a good philosophy.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by Lorkas » Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:03 pm

Except he just doubled down on that wording, Aelryn.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by BegoneThoth » Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:10 pm

Aelryn Bloodmoon wrote:
BegoneThoth wrote:Ride is -not- a class skill for every class, and it is simply not an option to max the skill on many builds, due to rogue, bard, wizard, and other classes not getting access to the skill. The suggestion, therefore, of "Fall off? Well put another point in when you level" is cruel and bad design, as many classes simply do not have the opportunity to do that, and heavily punishes those without access to Discord where such things are openly discussed anyway.
So... in perhaps an ill-advised attempt to play mediator here, as someone who generally tries to be a helpful player and will argue voraciously for both buffs and nerfs, to classes I play and otherwise, I'd like to point out the context of the words that are getting thrown in OP's face repeatedly, as they're from OP post one page one.

No one who is throwing the cruel and bad design remark around is including the context. They are hyper-focusing on four words out of an entire paragraph and shutting down what I believe the player meant to genuinely be helpful feedback in the face of a comment that seems to me, as an uninvolved party (none of my character have or have ever had ride), to be a "tough cookies, get over it" response.

It would, for example, be pretty cruel to tell someone who invested 30 cross class ranks by level 30 in 15 ride ranks that if they fell off, they should just increase ride next level.

His diction may have been poor, but throwing the baby out with the bathwater is seldom a good philosophy.

I'mma go hide now.
Thank you, I appreciate the comment.
Lorkas wrote:Except he just doubled down on that wording, Aelryn.
Because I believe the wording is accurate. I don't believe it was designed maliciously to punish, but that is what the system in fact does.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by Cybernet21 » Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:34 pm

I didnt see any rudness from OP..he just said that for him the deisgn was bad,he did not attack the dev behind it personally or anything.

He could have used a word like "suboptimal" but using the word "bad" or "cruel" isnt necessarily rude he is just stating his opinion.

Plus even if the devs are considering his approach rude try to remember many other people (like me) would like a change and havent acted the way you are calling rude so please try to remember us ;)

Just my two cents
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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by Lorkas » Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:45 pm

BegoneThoth wrote:
Lorkas wrote:Except he just doubled down on that wording, Aelryn.
Because I believe the wording is accurate. I don't believe it was designed maliciously to punish, but that is what the system in fact does.
Fair enough, but what's your goal? To get the system changed? Your posts have actively made that less likely, not more likely, because you've discouraged the dev from working on it.

Arelith devs work on what they want to work on. If you're going to take an entitled and adversarial approach to criticising the work of others, then you're really not gonna get what you want.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by BegoneThoth » Mon Jan 22, 2018 12:00 am

Yes I'd like to see the system changed. i posted this back on page one, and stand by it as my main proposal.
BegoneThoth wrote:
Imperatrix wrote:The main thing that doesn't make sense about the current implementation is that you need epic levels to get enough ranks in ride to even competently ride a horse in any kind of remotely strenuous situation

This implies that only near-demigods are capable of riding a horse.
I agree with you, except that I don't think a ride DC of 25/30 is out of line if we're talking about planar horses, like the Nightmare.

I'd propose the following

DC11 to attempt to ride anything. Can ride ultra-basic horses with no problem.
DC16 to ride a warhorse with no problem.
DC21 for a race-horse if you're the incorrect race (such as a dwarf on an elven horse, etc)
DC26/31 for 'special' horses.

(Each DC is 1 higher then the investment because rolling a 1 should not be an auto-fail/auto fall off horse)

This would be clear, easy to understand, allow literally anyone to ride terrestrial horses w/o taking a class that gets ride, and allow for 'epic' riders to tame the more epic horses around. The ride feats would also be disabled as it's nothing more then a useless feat tax for no reason imposed on characters that want to ride a horse, and I don't see any RP benefit to making people take feats that are useless in caves or indoors just so they can be on a horse, and that requirement just makes horsemanship impossible on feat-starved builds.

It would ideally ignore 'ride' skill gear and only count raw character skill investment. I know there's some code already in the game that apparently also boosts your ride speed based on ride gear, and that can stay I guess, but I don't know the specifics (nor does anyone else) so my opinion is subject to change.

Thoughts on my alternate ride suggestion?
The only thing worth noting is that the DC's are 16/21 so players build to 15/30, rolling a 1 with 15 points gets you 16 and is thus enough to ride at that level.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by One Two Three Five » Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:00 am

You're gonna hate this suggestion but maybe just, like, put together the exact, brief changes you want. Take those changes. Stick them in the suggestion forum.

Then: Have this thread locked or step away from the forum for a little bit. Trust me.
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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by BegoneThoth » Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:13 am

I'm not a fan of the suggestion forum for major overhauls of existing systems as they prevent public comment.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by Nitro » Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:24 am

BegoneThoth wrote:I'm not a fan of the suggestion forum for major overhauls of existing systems as they prevent public comment.
That's the point though, because the devs don't always read through 3+ pages of debate over a proposed change whereas a single concise post gives them a nice idea behind the intent of the proposed change.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by BegoneThoth » Mon Jan 22, 2018 1:27 am

Well then perhaps if we have an agreement I'll write up a suggestion post.

In the mean time I want to hear the thoughts of more of the player base.

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Re: A plea to publish/redefine ride requirements.

Post by Cybernet21 » Mon Jan 22, 2018 9:28 pm

BegoneThoth wrote:
In the mean time I want to hear the thoughts of more of the player base.
Concluding my toughts: I like the suggestion that was talked about the DC's back on this thread,DC 5 for riding the simpler horses,DC 10 for Warhorses,DC 15 for race horses if incorrect race and DC 20/25 for special horse

That said,i dont think the current system is bad just needs to be better documented and let us know the details in numbers ,like combat adds a 1d6 dice to the DC for example,that's just an example of what i am thinking the current system might be.
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