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Empowering Harm.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 2:12 pm
by Aren
I feel like this is a longshot. But:

Is it possible to re-write the code, to enable the cleric spell Harm to be "empowered" through metamagic?

If so, I'd like to suggest this. :-)

Re: Empowering Harm.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 3:06 pm
by Cortex
Not without haks or automatically empowering it like the Death Domain aura does. And I don't think it'd be fair for Harm/Heal to be empowered further for free just for having a feat.

Re: Empowering Harm.

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:41 am
by DM Symphony
I won't step in on whether it should be empowerable or not, but, a lot of metamagic math has been fixed with Arelith's spell scripts, and adding in conditions for when the spell is cast with the empower feat is totally feasible.

However, your game installation has the list of which spells can be empowered or not, and harm is not on the list, the support for the math on the server side doesn't matter if your computer won't let you slot it.

So, rather than re-write the code, what we would have to do is change the 2da for the spells and which metamagic feats can apply to them (It's a binary number that's kind of like 5 lightswitches, on or off for each) for harm on YOUR computer, and the server, and the best way to do that (to make sure both client and server have the same information) is with haks. That's what they were made for.

Like one-handed spear slotting, a 2da in the override folder of both computers could also work, without haks, but anyone wanting to do it would need the 2da in their override folder, and that would get sloppy fast if the server made any changes to their 2da without sending you an updated version.