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Settlement Salaries tweak:

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 3:41 am
by Mr_Rieper
If possible, could we allow settlements to pay salaries to factions? Currently we can only pay salaries to individuals, or settlement-created factions/divisions.

If a settlement wants to pay dues to a faction, it must first be paid to an individual, who then pays it into the faction account as a due. Is there no way we can streamline this?

It'd go a long way in encouraging factions to align themselves with settlements. It's a bit difficult paying for mercenary companies, bardic troupes or merchant guilds without routing it through my own character first, and it gets rather confusing (As well as suspicious. Why is one character siphoning off funds to themselves? Could be for any number of reasons.)

As an addition, could it be possible for factions to pay dues to a settlement as well? (And to be able to view who is paying tribute) Or even other factions, that would be great. It would allow rich factions to sponsor or support others.

In short, the salary system would be great if factions were more integrated and streamlined within it, so that we can use it to distribute money and see where money is coming from. I think it would affect a lot of players, even indirectly, if more support was added for the faction system and salaries.