Sencliff - New Character Creation

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Sencliff - New Character Creation

Post by Rasha » Wed Nov 04, 2020 9:54 pm

Things have changed on Sencliff, with the implementation of the new Navigation systems and the changes to the ability to see ink.

I would like to see people who decide to start on Sencliff, automatically be given the ink. Too many people take Sencliff as a starting location, just to get the portal and leave until they want to come bother pirates later on. Now that Sencliff tattoos can not be seen until Dread Pirate status, there is no reason to not auto ink characters starting there, as it is already implied and disclosed before accepting to start there following character creation.

I would also like to “second” the suggestion to make the Sencliff destination portal as warded to inked characters only, like UD hub portal for UD players. Make non-pirates utilize the sailing system if they want to come out.


-=- Fluff Toothpaste -=-

Tessa O'Shea - Active
Vesra Maa've - Shelf
Rasper - Shelf
Ravenna - Shelf

Rasha Gilroy
Sazal' Dro'Vaalvaz
Wilhelmina Vehk "Billy"
Asrynda Maethe Caesonia "Mae"
Moray Evermoore
