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new Pirates and odd bugs

Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2018 7:03 pm
by Terenfel
well, me and my pal was doing our first pirate missions.

rented the libirator and the guy on the ship told us we only had it for 3 hours. i though thats RL hours so lets go.

we find a other playership, decides to board it, lets just pretent we are not low level. on this othership there is allready a battle with shaugen. we both their.. the other sailer raise us. then we tell him that we are robbing him. but as he saved us we will just go our seperate ways.. exept.. we cant get back to our ship as those 3 hours was ingame hours not RL hours.. (how are anyone able to get any pirate missions done in that short time eludes me)

but well we have to break the grappling hook, the ship gets away, we run it as the our crew on the other ship might have lost faith in our poor raiding skills and mutineered.. so we had to catch a ride with this sailor to where he was going.

but anyways heres the bug. we all got a message that the ship was free and but the navigator refused to realize that. so we decided after a good long time to just log off, as the ship was moving nowhere.

Re: new Pirates and odd bugs

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:42 am
by Ridiculously Circuitous Plans
What probably happened is that someone else had rented the ship before you and then released it with only a few IG hours left. For some reason, a new renter does not cause the timer to reset back to 24 hours unless the previous lease has already timed out. Unfortunately, there's no way to check if this is the case until you are already on the ship.

The remainder of the issues sounds like odd behavior resulting from the lease expiring while a ship is grappled, which could probably use a look, particularly if RP during such a boarding proves longer than initially expected. Perhaps if the rental expires during a grapple, it could be set to only return once the grapple is released? Not sure how much effort that would take.

Re: new Pirates and odd bugs

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 9:43 am
by Teshil
I had just rented the boat from Cordor’s private dock when the OP and friend boarded. But when they lost control of their vessel, even when we destroyed the grapplying hooks, the Navigator still said the boat was grappled and wouldn’t leave.

It was like that until reset. We tried leaving with lenses and coming back, and also releasing and re-renting. All the NPCs had respawned but the Navigator still said we were grappled.

Thanks for looking into it!

Re: new Pirates and odd bugs

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 4:53 pm
by ActionReplay
I've made fixes to these bugs here. Let me know if any issues persists after next reset.

Rentable Ships being abandoned before their timer is expired should properly reset now.

Releasing a targeted ship from the Navigator should properly release the target ship so the dialog goes back to its default state.

As for grappling I saw in the code after you destroy the grapling iron it takes 30 seconds for the ship to be fully free (So the Navigator will still say you are grappled under these 30 seconds); I think this was added so attackers on the ship may have time to get back to their own ship from the skiff. This may cause problem but I adjusted it slightly, if its still a problem I will just have the skiff and ladders be removed instantly the moment the grappling iron is destroyed.

Re: new Pirates and odd bugs

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:07 pm
by Teshil
Thanks very much for the help! Will try it out after work.