New Respawn Points - Planar

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New Respawn Points - Planar

Post by Yma23 » Sat Nov 10, 2018 11:01 am

So it occured to me today - fantasy stories are full of heroes returning from Heaven/Hell/Valhala/The Beyond in one form or another, sent by gods, or rescued by heroes after death. The 'revolving door of death' is a Thing, especialy in comics.

So what I'd like to see, is Respawn points in some of the Astrolobe areas. I'm thinking Celestia, Avanor, Abyss, ect.

Of course, like other respawn points, they'd have to be activated first. But respawning there might (in a wierd way) be more 'realistic' and also, with the access to both the Astrolabe, and the passage out, it means that the player can go to other places or not quickly as they wish. Or they can stick there and other pcs can go rescue them.

I guess there's an argument for making such respawn points alignment based? But I honestly think that's just an extra level of uneeded complexity and might be a cause for metagame, or stymying other plotlines. (Oh no, Joe Paladin's soul has been captured by evil devils, we must go to Baator to rescue him!'

The only things that would really need adjustment is - a fixture or two for the 'respawn point' and maybe putting some of said fixtures in a somewhat 'safe' area, away from spawns that could kill you (only really an issue in Baator/Abyss, maybe just Baator now I think of it). But even in that case, I'd hope that whoever attuned themselves to the 'dangerous' respawn point, had enough sense to understand that it came with drawbacks.

So yeah. I think it'd be a neat little addition that could make some cool rp.

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Re: New Respawn Points - Planar

Post by Irongron » Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:43 pm

There's nothing wrong with adding more respawn points, but this isn't a priority. Approved.

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