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Sharps Theatre feedback thread

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 8:15 pm
by Itikar

I reiterate that the area looks amazing. But this thread should be good for feedback.

I am exploring it right now, and I noticed that among the stage dressings there could be an Underdark/drow interiors one. Ideally also a tribal interior, for stuff related to goblins/orcs/etc.

The current city theme, which is good, is surface based. I have of course no idea how hard or easy it is to change, just mentioned it because I think it would be handy for the type of plays we usually do below. In worst case, we can always bring in fixtures of course.

Re: Sharps Theatre feedback thread

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:51 pm
by Spriggan Bride

I know I could probably make a character to test this but asking anyway. Is the bard-only guild open to anyone with 3 bard levels or is there a higher requirement? What about a dirgesinger without bard levels?