Gift of Devotion?

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Gift of Devotion?

Post by Kalthariam » Fri Mar 01, 2024 8:27 pm

As it stands now, to be able to worship Draconic Deities that are not Bahamut or Tiamat, you have to either:

1) Not be a Cleric
2) Be a Dragon PC Cleric (Physically impossible anymore)
3) Be a Cleric PC with 10 levels of the RDD Prestige Class (Cleric RDD does not synergize.. at all, worse than a 20 sorcerer / 10 RDD)
4) Spend a Gift on the Gift of Devotion on a Cleric PC to be allowed to select them.

Part of this is my own personal interest in this, as I want my Kobold Cleric to be able to worship a draconic deity without having to use up one of my gifts on the gift of devotion, but it seems just so strange of a restriction for a number of gods on the deity list. It feels especially weird that kobolds (Whom lore wise have been venerating and worshiping dragons, and share bloodlines with dragons) do not qualify at all to worship draconic deities without taking a gift for it.

Originally the gift of devotion, was so that non-clerics could do things like bless altars, which added flavor to non-clerical classes if someone wanted that. It was optional it was a nice flavor thing.

Now it just feels.. sort of forced on clerics, unless you want to just RP as whatever the default worship for a specific race is. Feels more like a tax or a restriction for wanting to do something slightly different than something that actually enchances gameplay or storytelling.

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Re: Gift of Devotion?

Post by Iceborn » Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:02 pm

There's a larger, far more complicated issue of clerical consistency, alignment and race under all this.

But on the top, it doesn't make any sense that kobold clerics are barred from draconic worship and they have to take the same gift that - to extrapolate- a hin cleric would have to take to be a drow-loving lolthite.

Draconic worship is the core of their culture. We have spent literally IC decades paying homage to these entities and it seems sort of invalidating to add these deities after requesting them for so long, and then block them behind an a category that doens't include the main race of the players that urged to add them to begin with.

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Re: Gift of Devotion?

Post by Coolguy McMagic » Fri Mar 01, 2024 10:20 pm

To me, this isn't even about Kobolds or anything in particular. The entire Gift of Devotion requirement for certain Deities is superfluous. A Cleric is - by definition - already devoted to their Deity. There is no such thing as an "undevoted" Cleric. No other class in the entire server requires you to take a specific gift to RP your specific backstory or class identity. Why do we need to have this specific restriction?

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Re: Gift of Devotion?

Post by Sincra » Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:48 am

The requirements were setup by Redropes, who has read and knows most of the setting Lore and from that how to best represent the faiths in what would be a normalised approach.

This is also the fourth time you have asked this changed, Kalthariam.
Iceborn you play a Kobold.

I am locking this thread as you don't get to keep asking the same question till something changes.

Irongron wrote:I've literally never used -guard on anyone.
