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2 suggestions for disguises

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 5:21 am
by Syrima
1) Make it easier to set a already typed description
-Saveable descriptions or via notes?
2) Make your portriate the default blank one (during disguise like how shapeshifting gives the shifter portriat)

Suggestion 1)
This will make it so you don't have to completely rewrite your description if you want to change between disguises or personalities.

This can be done a few ways, but I thought of two possible ways:

Via savable:
Basically type -description save 1 to save it in the first slot, and save 2 for the second slot. Then type load 1 or load 2 to load those descriptions.

Via notes:
Just have a command to target and copy a note to your characters description.

Suggestion 2)
I think I suggested the later before and got "Meta's gunna meta", but honestly if I see a familiar portriat being used by someone in disguise of a race I know someone else using that portriat also uses and logic it out that way without even giving it much thought all and not wanting to meta, the bais is there and it kinda breaks the suspense a bit.

Shapeshifting already gets a portriat change so why not?