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A Couple Assassin Related Suggestions

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 5:51 pm
by Maladus
The Assassin is one of my favorite archetypes to play, and I think there are a few things that can be done to make their signature ability more appealing.

Make the Death Attack roll trigger on the entire opening flurry instead of the first attack in a round essentially reverting the “fix” that Beamdog made. With saves getting higher and higher these days, a single chance to have Death Attack work per engagement basically guarantees that it won’t land.

Make Death Attack a Will saving throw instead of Fortitude. While Death Attack is in fact an attack, the Paralysis effect can be viewed as something else and other similar paralysis effects are a Will save.

The next suggestion is more a quality of life change rather than just a straight mechanical upgrade. If possible, it would be amazing if the floating text of “Death Attack” could either be removed or changed to “Sneak Attack.” If it can be removed, I’d suggest just removing that extra text from both Death Attacks and Sneak Attacks. I have actually been outed as an assassin because someone saw that text and said in character, “That’s no normal attack.”

Finally, I have a suggestion for the Assassin’s Guilds in Andunor and the Shadow Plane. It would be pretty cool (and logical) to have a Shadow Door into the Shadow Plane Guildhouse from Andunor. It could be one way so that Assassins don’t have a free portal to Andunor, but it would help UD Assassins get involved with the main Guild sooner and more easily. For the Guildhouse in the Shadow Plane, it would be nice to have an NPC there to access your bank account. A lot of money is exchanged there by the NPCs and the contracts so having a place to deposit that gold without risk of losing it before getting to another would be welcome.

Re: A Couple Assassin Related Suggestions

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:14 pm
by garrbear758
Death attack is hardcoded, so the first change isn't going to happen.
Denied (although we don't have much choice here)

Changing it to will even if possible would be a bad idea for balance reasons

Change the floating text (and ideally combat logs as well) to say sneak attack.
Side note: If people are metagaming that should be reported to the DMs, although hopefully we can get that fixed and it will no longer be an issue.

No comment on the last suggestion. I'll leave that for Irongron / Builders

Re: A Couple Assassin Related Suggestions

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2022 7:44 am
by Sincra
Impractical and tlk override doesn't work cleanly enough.
Complete due to no remaining items.