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River Styx Exp robber.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 4:52 am
by Reptile
WTF arelith? Why would you put in some griefing script that took 28,336 exp from my character without warning? Yea, thats a great way to encourage RP with fixtures around the mod. *sarcasm about a 10.0*

Oh you want me to rp losing my memory? pfft, if you want anyone to be a good sport about a suprise grief this hardcore, then maybe consider giving some incentive besides griefing about 15 hours of intense farming exp.

Especially now that artefact chests are garbage (opened 18 since the update, 2 had worthless artefacts, 16 were empty), burning exp on 5% basin items is the way to go for gear, I might be level 30 but I had plans for that exp.

Thats just.. wow.. *logs off before saying what he is truly thinking*

Re: River Styx Exp robber.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 12:24 pm
by Tashalar
This is not a Suggestion. In addition, you clearly read the warning and then ignored it.