Remove need to spend awards to rebuild special races

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A Mystery Clock
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Remove need to spend awards to rebuild special races

Post by A Mystery Clock » Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:24 pm

As per title, consider removing the need to spend an award for a l1 rebuild of special races.

Why is this rule in place begin with? What should it prevent or achieve?

If you have spent an award to -make- the special character, and you rebuild, you're not creating an entirely different character. In Arelith's ever-shifting meta, older characters especially will need adjustments to keep up with the times, or simply because the character has ICly changed and should be able to retrain from something different.

What's happening in practice is a lot of frustration, because no one wants to spend the next weeks/months mindlessly grinding new awards just for a chance to wriggle out of a now-obsolete build.

I'd much rather be able to restart as a level 1 weakling and roleplay said character having to "relearn" 30 levels worth of training- instead of having to shelve to play something entirely different, with the sole purpose of rolling.

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The GrumpyCat
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Re: Remove need to spend awards to rebuild special races

Post by The GrumpyCat » Sun Feb 12, 2023 3:41 pm

Well firstly, with -setclass, -setstats, -relevel and so on, there's not really a huge amount that you are stuck with from character creation now, It's all pretty flexable and it might be worth looking into whether using one or both of those will help you with your situation. Though we do try to limit it to once per character lifetime for -setclass and -setstats, so its worth putting some thought into it.

Secondly - the need for awards to rebuild award character is for several reasons, but the main one really is that we want to see people move on from characters eventually. This isn't somethign we force, though there have been arguments that to keep the amount of 'special' characters limited we should add some form of forced deltion. But at the same time, having the same pcs stick around roleplaying the same things in the same postions leading the same factions owning the same property and with possibly OP legacy items, is not healthy for the server.

Again, I'm not a proponent of forcing people to roll characters. I've got some very old pcs in my vault myself who I couldn't bare to roll, even brought them out a time or two. At the same time, I don't think it's healthy for the server to encourage 'forever characters' over much either.

So this isn't going to happen, at least not with race award pcs.

This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)
