Flexible Crafting

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Flexible Crafting

Post by Anomandaris » Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:18 pm

Right now it seems there are a lot of cool recipes but many classes or races are favored over others. We'd love to see more recipes that reflect a broader range of play styles & builds (I imagine you're working on this), but perhaps another solution is to allow crafters to "customize their work" within certain parameters. That way you could have armor of any type, crafted in the same "power range" to suit any weird build someone may have cooked up.

For example, take x,y,z ingredients to build some light armor, but give them an option on the ability scores it adds. It wouldn't be like Dweomercrafting where you can gamble for more powerful items, it'd be constrained by what the recipe allows. This degree of freedom I think represents well how a true craftsperson could alter or innovate off of recipes, while not opening the door for weird abuses.

Secondly and not unimportantly, it would lower the burden on dev from owning the crafting menu updates.

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Re: Flexible Crafting

Post by Irongron » Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:27 pm

I think this is a great idea, truly, but the obvious problem is that it would require extensive development and balancing so as not to cause issues.

If I was considering making a server from the ground up, the this would be a great way to go, for Arelith, with a highly complex and advanced system built over the last 15 years, it is, sadly, quite unrealistic.

