Consider lowering the lore requirment on Mordenkainens Disjunction

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Chosen Son
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Consider lowering the lore requirment on Mordenkainens Disjunction

Post by Chosen Son » Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:16 pm

I understand the purpose is to make higher level magic less accessible, but disjunction plays a huge role in the counter play of non casters vs casters/summoners.

Without disjunctions, you are left with greater spell breach making it considerably harder to breach deep enough to remove an acid sheath from a caster in a single action. You are left with the option of attacking into considerable damage, or using two actions to dig deep enough to strip the damage shield. Its even worse against palemasters, where their damage shield spell is buried far lower on the stack, and its unlikely that two greater spell breach spells will penetrate deep enough to breach it. And unlike acid damage, it is magical damage, and not preventable. And then there is also the reality that after you finally do manage to breach it away, they can simply recast, while their summon beats on you.

Disjunction is also a critical spell against summons, and summoners of all kind. The ability to remove 10 SR with a disjunction instead of the 5 SR greater spell breach strips is very important to ensure that you have a chance to get rid of a very powerful summon in two rounds. Using cl 13 scrolls against sr 20 (a disjuncted epic dragon) or 22 (disjuncted warlock/blackguard) is signifigantly more likely to succeed then against sr 25 and 27 respectively.

I suggest that the lore requirment be lowered to the 65 of lvl 8 spells, or even better, to the 50 lore needed for lvl 7 scrolls like word of faith.

I understand there are rods that have been introduced into the module as loot, and would not be surprised to learn that disjunction is found on one of them, but I feel strongly this fundamental spell should not be gated behind occational loot drops, but rather should be readily accessible so long as the above mentioned situations are reality on the server.

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Re: Consider lowering the lore requirment on Mordenkainens Disjunction

Post by Irongron » Mon Dec 16, 2019 8:34 pm

I would rather keep the requirements uniform and based upon the level of the spell. We have introduce a new dispel spell (faerie fire) and changed the 'rankings' of which spells are stripped by breach. I beleive that is enough.

