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Dirty Fighting As A Basin Option

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2018 10:19 pm
by Durvayas
As Twily said...
Its a terrible feat people can use to drastically lower their power when they wish to for RP purposes.

Example 1: If two people of drastically different level are having some sort of roleplay founded duel and don't want it to end after three seconds
Example 2: If a master in a field is training a student of theirs and wishes to do so through direct example.
Example 3: Someone is fighting another and wishes to slow the fight to offer a chance for them to surrender without dropping flat footed while still being able to move(the latter of which parry does not work for)
Putting it in the basin would let it be put on rings, which would allow these sort of effects while being easily removable down the line, since its been demonstrated that properties can be found and wiped from items serverwide without much issue.

Re: Dirty Fighting As A Basin Option

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:01 pm
by Irongron
Perhaps on a loot item, but we won't add it to the basin. I've a feeling enchantment will eventually need an overhaul anyway.
