Trueflame can use potions & mundane!

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Red Ropes
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Trueflame can use potions & mundane!

Post by Red Ropes » Tue Jan 09, 2018 3:09 am

Trueflames should be able to use potables and mundane items. Being able to use potions to heal yourself, -temporarily- counter certain moves on the battlefield, and being able to synergize with some of your spells would be a nice little upgrade.

This isn't going to turn them into super immune cannons. Trueflame is a very vulnerable class and giving them potions & mundanes won't make them impossible to deal with. Probably will let people consider playing one without it being excruciating.

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Re: Trueflame can use potions & mundane!

Post by miesny_jez » Thu Jan 11, 2018 10:27 am

With great power... comes great limitations

Mundane items should already be usable by Trueflames, are You sure they are not?
