Another Artefact Suggestion

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Another Artefact Suggestion

Post by Twohand » Sun Dec 10, 2017 10:10 pm

Instead of Artefacts, like in the past, one would find an item called "x Treasure" or "x Relic" (can't decide on a name). Basically, they'd be some sort of currency (opens up opportunities for loot boxes in the future! Everyone loves loot boxes!), and they'd come in several levels, like Lesser Relic, Greater Relic and so on. These items could be traded with special NPCs for items or item enhancements.

For example, you can trade a Greater Relic with Master Blacksmith [insert Dwarven name here] for one/two/three (depends on balance, and there'd be a limit ofc) enhancements to your currently equipped weapon. You get the idea of how the system would work, with different special NPCs working on your items in exchange for these treasures or relics.

Also, the current Artefact system could remain, more or less. There'd be a a magical pool or something in a very hard to reach place where you could sacrifice the treasure currency for a random item.

In any case, this currency could also be traded for a lot of gold with any merchant NPC.

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Re: Another Artefact Suggestion

Post by miesny_jez » Tue Dec 12, 2017 5:50 am

New system is already being implemented.

Artefacts are not coming back as they were braking the balance and were promoting meaningless little to none RP grind.
