How to quickly solve the new balance issues:

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Dr. B
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How to quickly solve the new balance issues:

Post by Dr. B » Wed Oct 16, 2019 4:30 am

Add a mundane item that casts Word of Faith (or has a similar effect), a mundane item that casts Mordenkainen's Disjunction (or has a similar effect), and a mundane item that casts Time Stop.

Make these craftable, and about as difficult to acquire as the equivalent scrolls were. Have them sell in shops for the same base value.

This would pretty much solve the balance issues created by the update, and will not even take much work.

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Re: How to quickly solve the new balance issues:

Post by Irongron » Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:29 pm

The upcoming changes to desummoning spells, coupled with the changes already made to breach should make this unneccesary.

