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Clarification on major awards

Posted: Sun May 08, 2016 9:12 pm
by Liareth
As a team we wanted to briefly clarify our stance regarding major awards:

- As always, players can choose to redeem their major awards through the mechanical system in place on the server. They can be exchanged for things such as ECL reduction or reserved prestige class tokens.

- Alternatively, if a player has a good idea for a unique race, class feature, item, or anything they deem would enhance their enjoyment and the enjoyment of others, they may propose their idea to the admin team by sending a forum PM to the Active Admins usergroup. Examples of potential ideas include "I want a bow that has infinite arrows because of <x> reason" or "I want a sword that glows with righteous fire because of <y> reason" or "I want to play a dog because I really like dogs and I think I could create a lot of inclusive RP by playing a dog for <z> reasons".

We reserve the right to deny requests for any reason at any time, particularly if they require a significant investment in developer time or we don't judge them a good fit for the atmosphere of the server.