initial Haks now live on PGCC

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initial Haks now live on PGCC

Post by Irongron » Tue Aug 06, 2019 4:23 pm

As we prepare to lanch HAKs on the main three server, we have launched HAKs on the Arelith PGCC server.

This allows for a number of features, including correct racial and class displays, an enhanced radial menu, and much else.

If this test goes as planned we will likely be introducing it on all servers within the next 48 hours.



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Re: initial Haks now live on PGCC

Post by Morderon » Tue Aug 06, 2019 4:59 pm

Change log (partial):


Lances are now 1d8 20/x3 weapons in addition to being small and dealing piercing damage.

Add weapon feats for lance

Two-hand, mundane, and custom UMD check statuses are now item properties.

Splits lance into a medium and small variant


Ranger/Assassin skill boost now come from the 2da.

Rogue HP boost via 2da.

Arelith additional feats, for the most part, now come through 2da. So you can now choose an advanced feat that you now qualify for on the same level up.

Bards can be lawful at creation.

All 3/4 classes receive Parry as a class skill.

Every class now has the Craft * Skills.

Most IC -command actions are now feats

The new polymorph feat allows you to choose between totem form (if available), race form (if available) and werewolf form (if available)

GSF: Transmutation when used on another can be used to teleport another.

ESF: Illusion can be targeted on another pc to create a clone of them. Though uses the caster's stats.

Greater Spell Focus added to Sorcerer's bonus feat list.

Harper scouts, Shifters, and Palemasters can now take weapon profs.

Rogue has ESF: UMD on their epic bonus feat list.

Harper classes rework (you can read their descriptions IG).

Dwarven Defender (Now Earthkin Defender) Defensive stance has largely been fixed.


General feats: As long as you otherwise meet their requirements, you can now take any general feat on any class level.
(Epic) Skill focus ride has been added.

Player Tool 1 and Player Tool 2 functions have moved over to a custom feat.

Half-elves and Half-orcs now get their arelith bonus feats at level 1.

Passive Skill boosts shouldn't contribute to the +50 cap.
Scaling Spell Resistance goes past 32 (except for dragons),

Subraces can have items restricted to them but also wear items of their parent race.
Subraces now count as their proper racial type for favored enemy.

Edit: On Subraces, those which can be added ontop of Human will currently work how they are. Gnolls are goblinoids given it tends to differ on the ruleset. Derro are dwarves as again tends to differ on the ruleset.

Generally, -commands that aren't simple utility, OOC, or have unlimited paramets are now feats.
Generally, if the feat gives a combat advantage it's now an action.

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