Roundup - Forum Access, NWSync & Arelith Twitter Feed

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Roundup - Forum Access, NWSync & Arelith Twitter Feed

Post by Irongron » Sat Oct 20, 2018 2:05 pm

So quite a lot going on right now, so I'm putting as much up here as I can.

Firstly, forum access. As announced previously, *and noted at the top of the Forums) is that access is now, once again, only possible by setting up an account in game (type -forum_password to commit one).

Further to this, due to legal requirements, one now has to agree to cookie policy, explained at this previous announcement: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=21455

Next up (and more excitingly) The NWSync is now in the development build of Enhanced Edition. This is the fabled 'auto-hak' downloader/updater, that will allow us to introduce a host of custom content to Arelith. This is going to be a lot of work, but will mark a series of major improvements to the server. This will be a one-click deal when connecting to Arelith. ... 5212191251

Related to both of the above is Arelith Twitter feed, which as proved invaluable with promoting the server. With some players as yet unable to access the forums, or uncomfortable about doing so, I will be using that as my primary means to share minor news about upcoming updates and server news, in addition to scheduled downtimes and broader news about NWN.

While we do post the 'big stuff' to the main Arelith's site's news feed, there are a lot of minor items that don't warrant an entry, it also allows registered users to leave comments, which is a good alternative for those currently concerned about the security here. I will also be running a poll there on what the community would wish to see us work on first for the upcoming custom content.

I will still be using the forums of course, but for those interested here is the link to our twitter feed.

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