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Post by Dunshine » Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:27 am

To answer the most pressing questions and concerns.

1. Do I need to buy EE to continue to play Arelith?

Not immediately, but at some point yes. This are the plans:

Phase 1 (as in, now), we have a temporarily Arelith EE Demo module running, just so people have something to play on when they purchase NWN:EE, this version has no NWNX support, and will be brought down as soon as we have an NWNX version of the module ready.

Phase 2 (as in, within a couple of days from now), we will be launching the Arelith EE module, which is seperated from our current Arelith 1.69 modules, but will be merged to it later. As in, players/characters will be remain.

Phase 3 (month from now?, when we have our current 1.69 module fully ready for EE with the new NWNX versions, and we're confident our playerbase has had enough time to purchase NWN:EE. We'll be updating our current modules to the EE version and they will be combined with the Arelith EE module that was launched in phase 2. At this point you will no longer be able to play Arelith without NWN:EE. We'll be keeping FL in the air on 1.69 though, for people that can't / or don't want to update to EE.

2. Vault wipes? Nope

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Post by Irongron » Sun Nov 26, 2017 10:19 pm

We're hoping to move ont to what I guess we can call 'Phase 1.5' later, whereby we'll have a more playable version, with characters that will persist into the next stages (Characters made during the 'demo' phase will be wiped)

There will still be no NWNX support, so there may be some functionality missing, and it will still very much be a project 'in development', but it will be part of 'Arelth Proper' meanning anyone with access to EE can start playing there if they choose to.

I'll announce something then, though want to make 1 point first (which I'll probably repeat later):

Players shouldn't feel compelled to rush to purchase the EE Headstart so as to get in early. The setting will only be improved as we continue to work on this module, and the experience for a new player will likely be considerably richer if one waits until the formal release of EE. Basically; if you can bring yourself to wait, it will be better for it.

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Post by Mithreas » Tue Nov 28, 2017 3:49 am

The 1.5 server is now live - the demo server will go away once we're happy phase 1.5 is stable.

As Irongron says above, this is a limited functionality release with no NWNX. In particular, we've disabled all subraces, to minimise the work for ourselves as we add advanced functions back in.
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Post by Dunshine » Thu Nov 30, 2017 10:35 pm

Just to be clear about Phase 3, we're depending on 2 things for that to happen. 1 is that the new NWNX version for EE is released, and the other for Beamdog to release their full version of EE (currently it's still a beta). By the looks of it now, my 1 month estimate probably was too optimistic, so we'll just have to wait and see when those 2 things are done, and take it from there.

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Post by Mithreas » Sun Dec 24, 2017 1:03 am

More FAQs...

1. How do I connect to the EE server?

Arelith's EE server is running at arelith.com:5125. You can find it in the multiplayer server list (nice to have one back again). However, there are two gotchas.

Account names: to prevent people nabbing each other's account names, you won't be able to use any account name that has been used on the main server.

Some people have had problems changing their account names. Use this connection method to be able to change your name.
- Right click on your desktop and "create shortcut".
- In Target: put "C:\Users\<user>\Beamdog Library\<number>\bin\win32\nwmain.exe" +connect arelith.com:5125
- In Start in: put "C:\Users\<user>\Beamdog Library\<number>\bin\win32\"
- Correcting both paths to your EE install location.

That should prompt you for a login name each time you connect (but will remember your saved one if you saved one).

Client and server version: At present, Beamdog are releasing new server versions around once a week. We won't always update to a new version (at least not on the same day). So do NOT update your client until you see that the server has updated. Since there is currently no easy way to downgrade, you could leave yourself stuck.

2. When will the 1.69 servers go away?

We get this question a lot, and the short answer is "we don't know". Beamdog will have to formally launch (so we're not getting updates every week). And we'll have to have sufficient NWNX functionality that we're happy the move won't cost us too much function.

We're testing NWNX now, and there are some known limitations (see below). I think it there is a good chance that we will have a "good enough" NWNX at the point Beamdog launch, but that call will ultimately be up to Irongron.

3. What are the known issues with the EE server?

The major restrictions right now are:
- NWNX_Names hasn't been ported yet, so name changes won't work. Any function (like disguise) that tries to change the name will simply fail to.
- NWNX_Ruby hasn't been ported yet. So some modern languages (e.g. giant) won't work at all, others (e.g. xanalress) are reverted to their traditional forms. Character deletion doesn't work.
- NWNX_Events is ported, but currently causing the server to break, so is disabled. This supports various hooked functions, notably some of our dynamic examine text, addition of the Player Tool 1 when summoning a creature, and stealth name changes (though these also need NWNX_Names).
- Changing weapon appearances doesn't work. Something appears to have changed in the way EE handles this. (Also seems to be affecting other armour parts, e.g. cloaks).
- Various races and paths are currently disabled (all Underdark races, the Spellsword path).

Feel free to report any other issues, and if anything else significant crops up, I'll edit in in here.
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Post by Dunshine » Thu Feb 08, 2018 11:11 am

Removed the part about eekey setup in control panel, since it's no longer used/relevant.

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Post by Dunshine » Sat Mar 24, 2018 12:40 am

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