Unchained, by Thomas Castemont

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Unchained, by Thomas Castemont

Post by D4wN » Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:15 am


My life was good. I was a father of two. A son, Daniel, and daughter Sarah. I was the lucky husband to my beautiful wife, Eleanor, whom I was married to for fifteen years. I worked as a Magistrate in the court of Suzail in between dispatchments to hunt down fiends and monsters, bringing them to justice for the Holy Judgement Order. Tyr had granted me powers that made it possible for me to protect many people from these wicked perversions of lawfulness.

The Goblin War started when Nalavarauthatoryl, an elf-dragon, massed an army of Orcs, Grodd goblins, the seven Ghazneths and other monsters to attack the country of Cormyr. The war saw many places in ruin and endless innocents in despair and suffering. The early months of war had me away from my home, protecting surrounding villages and cities. As the war progressed, I was re-assigned back home, with the task of resolving several growing concerns in Suzail.

Despite the continued and trying duties, I was glad to be back home with my family. We owned a house just outside the main city of Suzail in a small place called Jester’s Green. I enjoyed being able to continue Daniel’s sword lessons. He was growing up to be a brave young man who would follow in my footsteps one day to become a Knight.

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Re: Unchained, by Thomas Castemont

Post by D4wN » Mon Jan 16, 2023 5:11 am

A Dark Night

Clouds covered the moon casting the sky in a bleak veil of darkness. I awoke from the screams, intense stabbing pains in my flank suddenly stealing the very air from my lungs. The mattress underneath me, wet and sticky, as the agony and disorientation hit me in unison.

My hand felt for my wife, but her usual place beside me was empty. I heard her screams again and tried desperately to search for her in the dark, rising from the bed. A strike to my face from the darkness sent me reeling backwards, more blows quickly following as I struggled to adjust to the darkness of the room.

Quickly, silhouettes formed around me, I judged them to be owned by several Half-Orcs and humans. My attackers continued their assault on me, whilst I could make out the wicked cackles of goblins somewhere nearby. Crippling pain struck me again, now my back and other flank, as they continued to beat and plunge blades into my flesh.

It took little more effort them to overpower me, and I was dragged to another room where I could make out the familiar shapes of my wife, son and daughter, each bound. I have not yet been able to bring myself to fully recount the events that followed, that night.

I last saw my son as we were dragged off to the slave markets and I was first fitted with a collar. We were separated as we were sold to different owners. My abductors fetched a large sum for someone of Celestial blood, and for almost two years I tried numerous escape attempts to find my son.

Each attempt unsuccessful and leading to dire consequences, but I would never abandon my son to his fate. Eventually, my owners believed I was too much trouble and sold me at a loss. To whom or to where I was headed, I did not know....

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Re: Unchained, by Thomas Castemont

Post by D4wN » Tue Jan 17, 2023 3:59 am

The Journey to Arelith

Thirsty, hungry and exhausted, I spent my days in shackles aboard the slave ship to Arelith. Any respite from the great discomfort of my darksteel bindings only came paired with demands for backbreaking labour aboard the vessel. I don’t know exactly how long I spent on this ship or even recall the name of it, but the crew were experienced ruffians and bandits.

I wasn’t the only slave they were transporting, of course. In fact, there were many. It was obvious what the purpose of the ship was. But where I was headed, I still did not know, and they wouldn’t tell me. The grins on their faces whenever I asked them however betrayed that it wasn’t anywhere good, and persistent questioning only led to a backhand to the face or worse.

Aboard the ship, the crew tried to take my wife’s amulet, the only thing I had left of hers. A beautiful silver and steel Tyrran amulet she gifted me early during our relationship. It was infused with divine powers granting me strength. They broke it and, in the process, it lost its powers. Despite this, I had to have it back. With all my strength I broke the bonds they put around me and charged for the men that laughed and held the amulet. Darkness overcame me in absolute rage and determination. After a blur of shouts, bloodied faces and the sounds of breaking bones, I was bound again. Tightly restrained and blood dripping from my body from countless lashes, I saw one of the men dead on the ground, another severely injured. The amulet clutched in my hand, they let me keep it at least. They kept me locked away in the darkest, most hopeless corner of the hull from then on.

When the ship finally made it to a port, we stopped and were put to work unloading the ship. I still had no idea where I was, but I was looking forward to having land beneath my feet again and the feeling of sun on my face without the scent of the sea...

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Re: Unchained, by Thomas Castemont

Post by D4wN » Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:19 pm


As I walked down the ramp, still chained, I had arrived in what can only be described as my worst nightmare. There was no sun, there was only darkness over the city of Andunor, a place deep beneath the ground on the island of Arelith filled with the worst of the worst. Criminals, Animators, Drow, Monsters, Fiends and Pacted.

The stink from the nearby sewers, dampness of the Underdark and other smells I care not to describe, was overpowering. Nearly two years as a slave on the mainland could not have prepared me for what I walked into or what I would experience here. Blood from continued lashings still dripped on the ground as I made my way to what I later came to know as ‘the Hub’. They had taken everything from me but the rags on my body and the amulet still clutched tightly in my hand which now lay powerless and dormant.

I found a spot I could rest and hopefully where I’d be left alone. I had nothing to cover my face and the Andunorians were drawn to me like a moth to a flame. A halfling approached me first, an odd sight in a place like this. But what he said to me, would forever stick with me. “Leverage..” A word I came to cherish and let myself be guided by later. But it took me too long to realise the importance of the word. They discovered I was Aasimar, they discovered I was unable to lie, and they discovered some parts of my past.

I tried for so long to remain without a named owner, thinking general service to the city would see me better. I rebelled and was as difficult as I could be so no one would wish to buy me in the hopes this would make my escape easier. I used the same tactics I did on the mainland, but these things down here were not like the humans there. For every time I was insolent or insubordinate, they’d lash me, beat me or worse. I was clawed and bitten by a Gnoll, cut with a burning axe and had my mind invaded for information. They cornered and threatened me and forced me to give over my amulet. I would be able to earn it back later in combat once my strength had returned. Or I would die trying.

I soon came to realise that being without an owner here was more dangerous than having one. I needed the protection while I tried to regain my strength. I tried my hardest to become less rebellious, drawing on thoughts of finding my son. It must have shown, since it did not take long for several Drow to encircle, examining and whispering over me like some prized trophy.

It took everything I had not revert to my old ways. I wanted to cut their heads from their shoulders, just to rid the world of a little more wickedness. I dreamed of bringing down Tyr’s wrath. But I couldn’t afford for them to kill me, I had to find and save my son...

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Re: Unchained, by Thomas Castemont

Post by D4wN » Fri Jan 20, 2023 9:00 am

Broken Spirit

Matron X’anrith Auvryn’rae made promises of protection and other things. She seemed the least bad out of a batch of terrible. I cooperated, to let her buy me, thinking I even had a choice. Little did I know that she would end up being my downfall. She fitted me with her own design of collar. I didn’t think much of it at the time, it seemed like just another collar. She then handed me a strong and powerful blade that once belonged to her son. Or so she claimed. She told me to draw the blade and as I did, pain shot through my hand as tiny needles sprung from the hilt and injected me with some corruption in liquid form. She lied to me of course, telling me she had no idea what the substance was, or did, and denied knowing what would happen when I drew the blade from its scabbard.

It didn’t take long before the first hallucinations started to plague me. I heard my wife’s voice and she came to me in my dreams. She told me of the Ilmateri Heretics that raided Cormyr alongside the Half-Orcs, Goblins and Humans. How they were responsible for besmudging the Triad’s name and causing suffering onto others. And now they were here, on Arelith. She tried to turn me against them, to confront them. From what I heard about these Ilmateri, they’d likely have struck me down before I could even draw my blade. I’m glad I never encountered them. Not only because of what may have happened to me as a result, but to face off against other Triadists wasn’t something I looked forward to.

The hallucinations became more severe. I mistook two Halflings for Goblins and nearly attacked them both. A numbness slowly found its way along my arm, and then the rest of my body begin to slowly paralyse. Blackened veins running along my arms towards my neck and face. X’anrith applied other substances to me through my collar. Medicine, she said. To prevent the paralysis and subside the blackened veins. They worked, but it wasn’t until later I found out the truth about what she gave me. Powerful and highly addictive drugs that made me submissive and calm, to control me. I’m ashamed to admit that I eventually did become addicted to them and let her apply them to me willingly.

Between the drugs and the hallucinations my mind started altering. I could feel myself doubting everything I was ever taught as a Paladin, everything I ever knew and slowly but surely, I could feel Tyr’s blessings and powers abandon me. Rightfully so, I did not deserve the Maimed God’s blessings.

I sought out the Radiant Heart. Perhaps there I could reconnect or find the answers I was looking for. I was gifted a signet ring. A ring that represented more than just a membership to me, it represented hope. But X’anrith found my ring, took it and cursed it with the same affliction Drow experience when exposed to sunlight. A clever limitation on my visits to the Surface during the day and ensuring I’d come back. She forbade me to go back to the Surface until I proved myself to her and could be trusted with this freedom. It wasn’t until much later I found out she had cursed my amulet too. All three of these experiments were designed to control me and to make me ‘the perfect slave’.

X’anrith was cunning. She caught onto my major weaknesses. Every time I would break one of her rules or showed any form of disobedience, she’d not lash me but the other slaves in her House. She made me witness the punishments, so that I would follow her rules. She knew that inflicting pain onto others for my actions was the best way to control me alongside of the experiments. She forced me to fight in the slave pits for their entertainment and so she could prosper from my successes.

One of my darkest days was yet to come. I knew I had changed when she and her Patron took me and two other slaves for writs in the Shadow Asylum. We came across a member of the Radiant Heart and her Firbolg friend when they made threats to the Drow. I pleaded them to leave, and I begged my owners to let them go. But the Surfacers decided to attack the Drow and I was forced to strike them down. I could not forgive myself for what I had done, and neither could Tyr. Any threads left were severed. I was lost, without divine guidance and it threw me into a desperation and suffering I had never felt before.

Later I would experience the full wrath of what had happened when Ulf and I were sent away and left the Surfacers alone with our owners. The Surfacers struck the Matron and her Patron down after they were returned from the Fugue on my request. My plea for letting them live and releasing them backfired. Griffy, Ulf and I were forced to follow them to the Spider’s Web Arena in the West Wheel. A leather ball was placed in the centre of the small arena when we were instructed that the three of us would fight each other in order to get the ball first. Whoever won this sick “game” of theirs would not have to suffer lashes for my actions. The ones who’d lose would receive double. They made a point to mention clearly that if it looked like someone was letting others win, they’d triple the lashes for all. She knew me too well… I considered Ulf a dear friend, who had already suffered enough due to my rebellious actions in the past and Griffy was even dearer to me. I did not wish to harm either, but I had no choice. Another example of their wicked perverted minds and how they slowly managed to break my spirit.

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Re: Unchained, by Thomas Castemont

Post by D4wN » Sun Jan 22, 2023 6:05 am

Bonds That Never Break

Alister, a Tiefling I once hated furiously for his blood alone, had become a close friend and someone I trusted. I owe much of my freedom to him and I am indebted to him for the rest of my life for all he’s sacrificed for me.

His owner, Rias, one day took him to their Red Tower where they invaded his mind, much like they did mine later. They pulled the truth from him as he revealed that he and Griffy had been trying to break free and helping other slaves to do so as well. They were transporting him to the Black Lash, an organisation largely run by the Xun’viir House, and told him they’d find Griffy and sever his head from his shoulders. He did what anyone would have done in his place and fled. He found Griffy and they fled the Underdark.

The three of us had become incredibly close during our time of suffering together. We’d been through a lot and all the sudden I found myself alone. I did not begrudge them for leaving, in fact, I had begged them to go and leave me behind. It was no longer safe for them to stay.

As if sent from the heavens themselves, I met Aksel. Another Aasimar and one who caught onto the ways of avoiding punishment much quicker than I had. Aksel and I became like brothers, whenever we were both awake and not summoned or tasked with something by our owners we’d be by each other’s side.

As Griffy and Alister had to leave me behind, one day I would have to do the same to him...

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Re: Unchained, by Thomas Castemont

Post by D4wN » Mon Jan 23, 2023 7:58 am

The Broken God

By pure chance I had met a Priestess of Ilmater, Evelynn. She had journeyed to the Underdark to find suffering souls to aid them. Having no regard for her own safety, I found her near the Slaver’s Tower. I took her back to the Saltspar where I got her out and back to the Surface safely. It was the start of an incredible relationship. I had no idea at that time how important that encounter would become.

X’anrith told me she would bring me to Celestia after my bond with Tyr severed. I didn’t know why, I didn’t ask. I didn’t care. I just wanted to see the place again. Smell the air. I also hoped to find answers there I did not find at the Radiant Heart. To be so close to the Triad, perhaps I could find what I sought there.

As we arrived, I made way for Tyr’s shrine. I did not wish her near me, and she went up the ramp to watch. Later, I found out she was adding to her research notes. The experiments she was recording which she later gave me a copy of. For what reason, I still don’t know.

It is what I expected. I prayed for what seemed like hours, but there was no response. Not even a sign. All the sudden I heard a soft ringing, like a small bell in the distance. It sounded almost melodic. A faint glow seemed to appear from Ilmater’s shrine and I made my way over to the statue. When I approached, I was overwhelmed with His warmth. The feeling welcoming and inviting. The same feeling I would have coming home to my family after being apart from them. He did not speak to me of course, yet I knew what He desired of me. What He expected. Between that and Evelynn’s guidance I now knew what I needed to do.

It is here that my journey as a Chainbreaker began. Not to free myself, not until I found and freed my son, but to free others. To ease their suffering. To comfort them and to protect them. I would become a guardian of slaves in Andunor...

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Re: Unchained, by Thomas Castemont

Post by D4wN » Sat Jan 28, 2023 12:11 am

A Turning Leaf

My transformation must have been complete or at least acceptable enough. X’anrith told me I would be sold off to the Matron of House Hel’Vael and Dread Chancellor of the Devil’s Table.

Although still a young House, the Hel’Vael were large. They had strong warriors amongst them and two Matrons. Unconventional certainly. For reasons of my own, I will not go into the details of this House, but this is where my journey as a Chainbreaker came to full fruition.

I was largely left to my own devices. I gave my word that I would not share information that could harm the House, and in exchange I was granted much freedom to roam the Surface and collect the gold needed to free my son. Through some dear friends and connections I made during this time, I ultimately managed to gather two million gold needed to free him.

Finally I could start the journey of breaking my own collar including the removal of all of X’anrith’s experiments and curses...

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Re: Unchained, by Thomas Castemont

Post by D4wN » Tue Jan 31, 2023 1:06 am

The Unknown

Even after the experiments from X’anrith were undone, some Andunorians continued to confuse and cloud my mind. They continued to validate what I heard in my hallucinations, but no longer were these hallucinations. I was protected and aided by Kobolds, Eilistraeens and others I did not expect aid or kindness from. I had always believed they were incapable of such. Was everything I was taught a lie? Have I been so wrong all these years? Or do we simply not take the chance and kill any without question simply for what they are? My mind remains clouded, and I remain confused. Even now.

I have seen slaves who were born to live in Andunor and may as well not have worn a collar, joining the criminal minds, animators and pacted of the city. Showing loyalty and even respect to the denizens of below. I have seen slaves like me and Aksel, who endured, who persevered. Who simply never belonged in that wretched place. I have seen many slaves fall into total desperation. Broken minds and hearts, tormented by the faces of Andunor. Treated like cattle and humiliated until there was nothing left much like my own experience.

There are many types of slaves, as there are many types of Humans, Elves, Halflings and yes, even Drow.

The Gods did not create all of us equally. I see this now. Whether this makes me a lost cause or a poor example to my kind, I cannot say. But when you see a Drow show kindness and mercy and a Paladin cut the head off someone’s shoulder without question with your own eyes, these doubts seem valid in a way.

I was once such a Paladin. With the goal and determination to treat all as equal and destroy all who were deemed evil in my eyes and the eyes of my God.

Who I am now, I do not know…

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Re: Unchained, by Thomas Castemont

Post by D4wN » Wed Feb 01, 2023 3:48 am

The Future

I will continue to aid and guide slaves and former slaves who seek it. For the touch of compassion and the kind words of someone who has been through it before can mean the difference between hope and despair. If there is anything I’ve learned from my time below, is that we can remain most of what we are and can continue to push our limits as long as we have hope.

For any slaves who seek their freedom, your journey will be difficult and one of total secrecy, but it is not impossible. Know who to reach out to and be careful who you trust, yet do not close the door on those who offer aid.

Hope shines as a bright star in the night, only darkened by the clouds that veil it. Let them not shroud your hope in darkness.

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