The pages of a damaged manuscript found floating in soup.

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The pages of a damaged manuscript found floating in soup.

Post by Kriegos » Fri Apr 12, 2019 4:44 am

In my recent travels I have offered, and had the offer accepted, to record a travel log for my travelling companion. The big lummox has a good heart, but no ability to read or write. Of course I, the famed and illustrious gnome author -this part is smeared beyond legibility by a piece of beef- am known for my exquisite acts of charity, and donating my time and talents to organize the simpleton's words should be deductible for next year's taxes. I did make him 'sign', and I use that term loosely, any and all distribution rights over to me in case I wish to sell copies of this work in the future. I've also taken the liberty to fix the half-orc's manner of speech while writing to make it more palatable to the civilized eye. Both he and you, dear reader, are welcome.

Yog's Journal.
Day: This Many. (The subject held up two fingers. Three if you count the one he was chewing on.)

I have had the most splendid of days. After being thrown off a cliff for insubordination to the tribe chief, I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and began wandering on this grand new adventure life has given me. I think I lost an eye in the fall, but that's why you have two, right? (WHAT? Verify, please. -ed)

After wandering the steppes for a day and a night, I have found myself someone to travel with! My new companion is simply wonderful. He is witty, charming, stunningly handsome, and an absolute pleasure to travel with. (tone it down, we know it's you. -ed) When we met, he thought I was some sort of crazed beast. Bloodied as I was from the fall, that was certainly the natural thing to assume, but when we started speaking, the truth came to light. After trading pleasantries and discussing what each of us was doing here, my wise and talented companion-to-be decided that if I was tough enough to survive being thrown off a cliff, I was tough enough to serve as his brand new bodyguard. I wonder what happened to the last one. (we have a policy not to comment on ongoing investigations -ed) Having no direction of my own to go, and being offered the honor of guarding the very personification of masculine virtue on Faerun, (seriously? -ed) I couldn't possibly refuse.

My companion's generosity knows no bounds! As we travel, he is going to record some of my thoughts and words as I narrate them, then put them into a book! I've never been in a book before, and only ever eaten a few! This is very exciting. I do so wonder how it will taste when finished. My new gnomish friend says that this is enough for the day, so I guess that's that. Farethee well, journal!
Insomniac extraordinaire and owner of the cutest darn corgis you’ve ever seen.

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