More Than A Crown

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Royal Blood
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More Than A Crown

Post by Royal Blood » Sat Jan 05, 2019 2:21 am

The winds blew with a great gust. So great was this gust that trees were uprooted and thrown into the sky in a terrible rage. Even the boldest of warriors would have cowered at this display of turmoil. The most pious, the most holy, would have questioned their faith in the gods.
And I stood amongst this turmoil, this raging storm of hate for I was the one that beckoned it. The winds blew against me demanding I kneel. From me my clothes were torn and my skin was cut by the debris of broken trees. All the world came upon my shoulders and beckoned me to kneel but I would not.

I cried out in fury for it was I who demanded the winds heed my call. “I am your master!” I cried out. Until I was broken or victorious I would stand my ground. And whilst I stood the courage of my heart waivered and I did fear that I would bend and break. I cannot endure I thought, but my heart told me I must. And so I did.

Slowly the storm did subside and upon the horizon broke a glorious sight. The warm sun, a gold globe of redemption rose up cresting across the fields illuminating the carnage that lay around me, carnage that in the midsts of the storm I had not seen before. But in death there is life and I was now the master of the wind. I was now the storm and I swore I would never let this storm be unleashed again.

With steady hands and steady heart held up by those kindred who would support me I blew the breath of life into what was once broken. The heart of the land beat once more and my heart beat with it because the land and I were one and the same.

Life sprawled out in every direction, I felt that this would be my unmaking for so far it had grown that I lost connection with the land I did love. But still I was it's protector, still my breath blew as wind across the fields and I was master.

With anger and rage I struck down the enemies of my land. The same storm I had tamed I unleashed upon those that would harm that which I held dear. The gods above did watch me and blessed me for it was for them I fought and loved with equal passion to my home for they were one and the same.

And I stood in my realm, where the storm was my companion and the sun still warmed me and my people in its light and the gods did smile on us with favor. But on the horizon I saw clouds of darkness.

With each passing day the winds of change blew harder and the storm that was once my companion had become untethered from me at the call of another. I looked on in horror as I the tall grasses of my home land swayed beneath the growing fury of this storm once more and I would answer it, for I was the storms master.

The trees that I had planted groaned for their sturdy trunks were strained and their roots did threaten to tear from the soil. “I am your master I shouted!” once more to the storm, for I was, and the storm knew this. But to me the storm would not yield.

I braced myself, for once I had weathered this I would weather it again and tame that which would try to subdue me. I am the master of this place. I am its ruler. And the ground did shake, the tempest began to rage and I lost track of the sun light, for now the sky was only grey.

And as I stood in the fields of my home land and saw the great trees begin to quake and break and the grasses pull from the soil as the tempest of rage began to build above my head I fell to my knees in despair.

I had sworn in my heart that I would not let this tempest destroy my home again. Yet here it was. In my heart of hearts I knew how to subdue this tempest. I knew how to defeat the shadow that had started to consume my home.

The words I had to speak were words my lips would not utter but in my heart I knew that the courageous conversation is the one I did not want to have.

The truth pulled in my heart and for a time I denied that this truth was real. But honesty beckoned me and said that truth of all the world is that one does not want to know the truth at all. To know this and accept it was to find honest truth, and honest truth I did know.

In the face of this great tempest I stood. It had no power over me now I had ascended above it. I need not be its master for the tempest and I were now different beings. I strove towards the center of this tempest, like a great tornado of wind I did enter but the breeze did not blow me nor concern me.

In the center of this tempest I did find the one who beckoned that the storm leave my grip as I had done when I first came to be master. To her I did not look at with hate and spite, but instead with love.

I embraced her with my words and she knelt before me acknowledging that I was master. And in this act of humility I found her worthy. And so from my head I lifted the crown of my people and placed it on hers.


The tempest and the storm waivered, I had kept the oath I took when I first became master. I would not let this storm fester again.

The wind did cease and the storm clouds did clear. The sun rose again and the gods above me did cheer. To this new master I knelt, for I had given up my crown.

In the gardens of my own mind the storm had also ceased. I found peace at last and knew who I was.

To my people, to my land, I do love you so. The gods challenged me and said to me, if you are truly the Coronal of your people than you will kneel to them. If you are truly the Coronal then you will sacrifice your crown for them.

And so I did. For the people of my land are my first love and to them I give everything.

The gods did bless me then, for on my head the crown of Coronal was replaced with my own crown, the crown of my own mind for I became the master of myself.

I look now across the lands that I once ruled over. The warm sun lingers over this place still and the gods smile upon us all. My duty to them was completed. Yet still on the horizon a few clouds yet linger but I do not fear them for I know of those clouds and they know me. Soon they will pass and our land will bask in the full light of the sun and gaze of our gods.


Long live Myon and long live the children of Correllon.
I am not on a team.
I do not win, I do not lose.
I tell a story, and when I'm lucky,
Play a part in the story you tell too.

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