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Windworn Wanderer

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 3:20 am
by WanderingPoet

The bolt of lightning arcs across the night sky, illuminating the verdant landscape and immovable hills. The natural totems of wood; the sparsely populated Deciduous, seemed to dodge away from the arc of energy as it crashed towards the ground. The sonic wave emanated along the length of the lightning's path, the sound heard for miles around. The wind whipped across the landscape, stiring up dust and dirt and creating projectiles from the loosest of objects. A torrent of rain fell from the sky, creating a stew of mud and grass and shrouding sight beyond a dozen meters including the village in the distance.

The elf blinked as the bolt's afterimage remained in the vision of his eye, his fake eye unaffected. He walked brazenly down the path clad in but a white travelling cloak and cerulean silks, head uncovered from the storm. Yet the elf was oddly dry, the rains and winds deflecting around a shimmering shield of air. His gloves were a soft lilac silk, covering up the ring of his station in his church. He wore no footware, his feed lightly muddy from the trek. The blood on his whirlwind flail washed off in the rain as he slung it back over his shoulder.

He had heard them before he could see them, his keen ears picking up their steps before they had breached the veil of the rain. He had spotted their traps and stepped around them. Their leader had had a nimbus of fire, a violent storm of lava with a rim of black smoke - mirroring the rage the man had held against elves. The elf had tried to pass peacefully but when arrows had been loosed at him he had no choice. A burst of air to knock them from their feet and borrowing the speed of the wind - they had not lasted long. He wore a frown as he carried on, disappointed. He lightly rubbed a wound in his arm where an arrow had slipped through his defences, his hand glowing softly as the wound closed.

Finally making it to the town he walked past many empty buildings shuttered up permanently. Even the blacksmith's forge was cold, little good had happened her. He made his way quietly towards the only lit building in the storm, the inn. The elf slipped into the inn to no small number of hostile glares. His kind was not welcome here, not as an elf and especially not as a Green. It didn't matter, he had places to be, and gold to spend for a night in a mostly clean bed. He took a table at the back of the inn in the shadows, keeping an eye on the occupants. He'd wait long enough for a drink and to get a room, no need to stir trouble and get into another fight.

He would soon reach his destination.


Later in his room he finished quilling some letters, sealing them with a blank wax seal. He had family now, yet lacked the signet, for now. He smiled in memory, it hadn't gone as planned but he knew she was happy. For the first time in his three centuries he would have a name, a family. He had a home.

He would be gone in the morning before the villagers awoke and rumours spread. Three monthes on the road already.

He was happy.

The Airwalker wrote:Wander while you whistle,
Meander merrily mayhaps,
From fugue to furious foam,
Think thoughts of thistle,
Look, listen, lacking laspe,
As he humbly hurries home.

Re: Windworn Wanderer

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 11:48 am
by WanderingPoet
The elf had to admit. He was in awe.

After months of travelling he had arrived. The city could have rivaled Cordor in size but with nicer weather. At the foot of a mountain lay the boisterous city, with ancient forest stretching to the east and a large lake to the west. It was summer and the chilled winter wind swept away the humidity of the lake where many fishermen plyed their trade.

He stepped past a shrine to the Seldarine, noting the statues of the Triad nearby and altar to Moradin. Priests, clerics, and doctors mingled casually with the people of the town, seeing to injuries and advising them on general care or holding sermons to the various gods. A peaceful, cohabitable city. The guards on the walls were relaxed, playing cards and other games, gambling away favours instead of coin. As he walked he didn't see a single thug, single homeless or poor person, everyone was taken care of. Everywhere from the inns to the brothels, everyone just seemed so... Healthy.

So this is what a city at the foot of a healer's paradise could become. He now understood what Snow was creating on the isle of Arelith.

Yet it wasn't the city that had him in awe.Nearby was the Temple where Snow was raised, where she had grown, learned, played, loved and left. Where she had sent him. The Temple was not as close as it had appeared. It had seemed but a five minute walk away, yet took three hours to ascend the climb. It wasn't a small temple nearby, it was outright massive.

Standing a hundred feet tall, with towers reaching half that again, the building was a veritable fortress of the mountains. It could have housed the entire city below in an invasion, if need be. The Temple has sunbleached marble walls with five tall towers, one at each corner and one striking straight from the center of the Keep. The towers and roof of the keep were crowned with the same blackend timber roofing. Pots of carefully tended flowers lined the walk ways all the way up to the castle door, ranging from white lilies to violets and prickly roses of many hues; the flowers were interspaced to nearly give the impression of a rainbow walkway from afar.

A hundred steps took him to the door to the massive temple, he couldn't even see the top any more. The gate itself was only twice as tall as the elf was, although wide enough to fit a two carts side by side and an escort of horsemen. Stained glass windows cut cleanly into the marble high above his head, depicting pictures of the Seldarine. The sunlight on his back lit up the breathtaking artwork, showing murals carefully painted on the walls and illuminating the windows.

He turned to look out over the landscape, looking out over the miles of forests and rivers and the city itself. The Temple kept a watchful eye upon everything, safeguarding it's charges.

And then the doors opened.


Hours, many hours, later...

The elf flopped into the bed he was given. The room about him layered with various coloured silks and a roaring fireplace. The elf sunk into the bed, entirely at ease. After entering the Temple he had sought someone in charge to show his documentations to.
Documentation wrote:High Priest,

I send to you my dear brother Yeto...

... ask you again to please welcome my brother as you would me, and see that he is treated as the family he now is.

Doctor Snow Emil, of the Winter's Rest Clinic
He had spent hours meeting new people after that, being fussed over (some genuinely), and overall welcomed. Although many were surprised by a sudden addition, when he proved his medical knowledge and healing skills he fit in immediately. From no family to dozens of family members in but a single accepted offer. He would stay here and he would learn... He would heal. When he returned to his home, to his Arelith, and to his family he would be a new elf. A happy, healthy, loved elf that could again help others, but able to live instead of just exist. Tomorrow he had his first session with Herberus, he was oddly looking forward to it.

He looked at his hand where now rested a signet ring, his ring. A ring for his family. A ring for Yeto Emil.
The Airwalker wrote:The world I know is small, I love it still,
I walk, and wander th'valley and hills,
To seek the home I lost to fire's burn,
For love and life, for fam'ly which I yearn.

Re: Windworn Wanderer

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 2:04 am
by WanderingPoet
Letter wrote:Dearest Snow,

Thank you for sending me here! The trip was mostly uneventful, and it has been a true joy to be wandering again. I've even started writing poetry again, which I've included some for you. I arrived a couple days ago and they gave me the ring the same day, I've been welcomed. It's been nice. I had my first meeting with Herberus today as well... Well, we'll talk about that another day.

I went down to the village today to sell some of the goods I brought from Arelith and to shop around. There is a small shop here that sells the best chicken sandwiches I have ever had. I'm going to see if I can get the recipe and make you one when I am home.

Give the family my love,
Yeto Emil
Letter wrote:Corbin,

Still lost, not found, but wandering has brought me joy. I still look to learn what I want, to seek what I need. But I have new stories to share, when I return. I've been thinking about what we last talked about, and I do think it would do my heart well to learn to fly. To finally capture the flight I have desired for so many decades. I'll do some research while I'm here, they have a grand library - I wish you could see it.

Don't work too hard,
Letter wrote:Jasper,

I hope you are doing well, and that the 'situation' has resolved itself. I wish I could have helped more, but I knew you are in good hands Jasper. In time even it will be but bad memories.

I wish I could take back some of these books for you. Remember to take care of yourselves and take a day to relax every month, and take care of those you love - tell your sister the same. I'll bring you both back some good wine and rum.

Your Uncle,
The Airwalker wrote:A step, a hop, a run, to see the world,
Islands, forests, mountains, cities and towns,
Quessir, Samman, humans, gnomen and hins,
This world is full of life, joy and wonder.

Re: Windworn Wanderer

Posted: Thu May 17, 2018 3:38 am
by WanderingPoet
It was his birthday, the second one he'd held since he had arrived. He'd taken leave of Arelith nearly two years prior. The elf was genuinely happy for the first time in his memory, it felt odd. The darkness; the despair; the fear; while not gone was remissed and handled. He missed his home, his family, his friends... But he knew that even without them, even alone, he would be happy. The elf sat cross-legged on his bed reading over the two letters he had received once more.

His Sister was doing well without him, for that he was glad. He grinned again as he read about Cordor and Myon, Brogendstein and Bendir, about his friends and family. The cookie never made it, he suspected someone had filched it assuming it was a chunk of iron, but he wouldn't tell Snow that. The Elf still pondered what his role would be on the Isle of Arelith, where best he could put his talents to use. He recalled his long talks with Xellree and Shea up at the weatherstone, his discussions with Snow and Lacroix in the temple, Alenduil and Lunarya in the embassy, others. He was -good- at helping people see what was in front of their noses, perhaps that was were his path lay.

Or he could learn to fly.

It might be time to set up a proper church of Akadi on the isle, encourage people to her way of life, at least it would mesh well with the two goals.
My Sister, Snow,

How time moves quickly, yet the time feels short! I write this to you on my birthday as I age ever further. I feel old with experience, but young with new sense of purpose! I look forward to returning home, and I begin the trip there soon, although I have a detour first. I'm glad to hear the Family is doing well, I received a letter from Jasper as well, thank you for passing the letter along.

Cordor is always on fire, they best be careful before Batoor gets jealous! When I return I am going to pester you to do another sermon, I'll help you work out the details. I've never quite been able to tell if Jadoth needs to be bopped for being a jerk, or a hug so that he doesn't feel hated, I'm planning to reach out to him when I return and try to decide. But ignore the critism, you did well by all accounts and some people can't be happy unless things are exactly their way.

Gorudan was the Ulstevaard when I left the isle, although I am surprised that he stepped down from his paladin vows. I know he was always unhappy with them and net he couldn't untangle himself from. I hope now he is happier, even if the concequences for such might be painful at first - as we both know, excising a problem can be painful at first but save your life afterwards. Alice was doing a fine job as Mayor when I left as well, although the scrappier change came as a surprise! I know she wanted to recruit my ship into her fleet, although disappointe by my lack of grappling cannons, in order to privateer. My guess is that Alice and Ghestaldt just haven't had time to hash out the release of Guldorand yet, although I know your feelings on the subject there.

Tell Merry to name one of the kids after me! I'll spend a bit of time crafting the triplets blankets as a gift for Merry when I return, she's a kind soul. I can't say I got your cookie, I guess it smelled tasty enough that someone gobbled it up! I'll help you make a proper batch of cookies when I get home, I'll turn you into a master baker if I have to turn you from teacher to student for a year.

For myself, I'm happy. I miss you all, but I've found myself smiling for no reason. They also healed me while I was here, although they could do nothing for my eye, most of my old scars are healed. I've taken the time to enhance up my medical knowledge, they've -so- many books! I've spent entire weeks just reading away in their library and I wish I could filch a few books but they won't let me. I'll see if I can convince the head librarian to let me have -one- at least.

I'll have left before you get this as I leave in a week. So next time we talk will be in person.

Yeto Emil
He read over the second letter again with a grin. He was proud of Jasper, has brat nephew. That he was marrying his last remaining true friend Saelys just felt fated. He wished them all sort of happiness, the two of them were adorable. He'd be setting out to visit them in a week and still had to find gifts. Perhaps the wine and rum he was going to bring back to Arelith, and for Saelys a quiver of arrows - the only gift you could properly give to that archer (and the gift Jasper gave her dozens of times in place of flowers).

Actually, thinking about it he knew what he'd get them. A pair of raven amulets, both to remember him and to remember their love. He'd seek out a crafter in the morning. It'd be interesting to see Red again, and see how he'd react to an unexpected Elven Uncle. He'd have quite a few stories to share and hear about Arelith with Ruby and Red, and catching up to do with Jasper and Saelys.

Thank you for the letter! I'll definitely hurry on over to Luiren to be there for your wedding. I'm glad you decided to leave and pursue happiness with Saelys over being The Hero, it sounds like it was a great idea. Although I'll miss you when I return to Arelith and all the talks on books and magic we had, we'll just have to cover it all while I'm in Luiren!

I'll take some Luiren rum back for Scarlett while I'm there.

Having finished his two letters, the elf gets ready to leave. It'd take a month to get to Lurien, some time there for the wedding and then he'd be on his way back to Arelith. It'd taken a long time to heal from all the pain to both his body and spirit, but he felt ready to rejoin his friends and family.
The Airwalker wrote:The future is bright,
Yet clouded in shadow,
Even with a diviners sight,
We know not how it will go,
Yet we learn to stand and we fight,
For that is how we learn and grow.