Cubic Oozes of Cordor A Cryptozoological Study

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Cubic Oozes of Cordor A Cryptozoological Study

Post by DishServedHot2 » Fri Mar 02, 2018 7:28 pm

(Below is the full text of Augustin Dish's Cryptozoological study of the Cordorian Cubic Ooze. I wanted to post it here on the board as it is not going to be widely disseminated in character)

Cubic Oozes of Cordor Sewers - Overview

The Cubic Oozes are large gelatinous creatures, measuring roughly two meters cubed that are found in the main sections of the Cordor sewers below the city. Unlike the other oozes in residence they possess enough surface tension to retain some measure of upright posture.

Though they seem to have some sort of symbiotic relationship with other creatures in the sewers they are voracious predators, seeking to move towards any living creature, paralyze them, and then slowly digest them alive, able to successfully consume everything but bones, which tend to linger behind floating in the ooze itself.

Cubic Oozes of Cordor Sewers - Offenses

The Cubic Oozes are of substantial size, and can inflict a decent amount of damage from simply throwing their bulk against their victims, but their main danger is their ability to inflict paralysis. The paralysis looks like it is inflicted through a form of paralytic poison, causing muscles to lock up throughout the body, unlike other poisons it isn't actually a relaxant.

Attempts to harvest the poison have so far been unsuccessful. Once the Cubic Ooze has paralyzed its prey, it then slams iits body against them, bludgeoning them and slowly digesting them with what seems to be its own form of stomach acid, before it finally consumes the prey alive. Even while paralyzed this is a very uncomfortable experience.

Cubic Oozes of Cordor Sewers - Vulnerabilities

The cubic oozes are vulnerable to most forms of attack. All methods of physical striking were tested and found successful, with perhaps darts at range being the most efficient way to dispatch the creatures. The creatures have an immunity to any sort of acid attack, perhaps due to their physical composition.

Cold, fire, electrical, sonic and magical forms of damage all worked on the creature with no innate resistance. Negative energy was able to damage it, and positive energy was able to heal it. Furthermore the creature seemed vulnerable to effects that caused a temporary stun, electric loop was quite effective.

Most unusually, the creature seemed to be affected by hideous laughter, and 'collapsed' into a less upright form for several seconds. I am still somewhat skeptical of this result, and think that perhaps it collapsed on its own initiative. I am not sure that cubic oozes are capable of understanding humor, but will conduct further research on this.

Cubic Oozes of Cordor Sewers - Origin

The most commonly speculated rumor for the origin of the cubic oozes is that they were created from pollution caused by the original Arcane Tower. I doubt this to be the case, as new cubic oozes have appeared recently and the tower was moved away decades ago at the very least.

There is one specific room in the sewers, a normally locked arcane and alchemical laboratory where I have found a cubic ooze on two separate occasions, that contains among other things a summoning circle (see included diagram) and a series of specimen tubes. I believe this to be the source of the cubic oozes.

Once while searching this laboratory, I was confronted by an unknown wizard, who told me to stop meddling in his research and tried to attack me. I attempted to question him about the construction and control of the cubic oozes. He did not survive my attempts at questioning.

Cubic Oozes of Cordor Sewers - Conclusion and Further Research

The Cubic Oozes are voracious predators with a potent paralytic poison and a notable threat to the public health of Cordor. In addition to writing this study on the Oozes, I have also submitted a much shorter article to the Cordor press to warn the public of the dangers caused by the oozes and how they might be defeated.

I believe that further research is warranted, the oozes are capable of acting in concert with other creatures, and may even be able to become allied with humanoids. The vulnerability to laughter suggests that the oozes may have some sort of rudimentary mind which may be controllable by enchantment spells.

I believe that with preparation, further study, and a bit of academic skullduggery we may be able to create and control the cubic oozes ourselves, or at the very least discover a way to harvest their potent poisons. Further studies on the oozes will focus on creation and the potential to control them through enchantment and direct emotional appeal.

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