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but then i woke up

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 6:18 pm
by Love Potion No. 9
I awoke bathed in moonlight.

It finds me half curled like an abused daughter in the bed of frosted leaves and brambles, embracing my dirty, ugly, mauled form delicately and lovingly; something that is almost more terrifying than Corellon's attentions. Blood caked fingers begin to worm through the foilage I call my bed, digging through the earth and frost with bitterness waning in the light of the softness surrounding me.

My fingers continue their quest to evaluate my surroundings, the layer of blood and grime acting as a minute barrier against the pricks and stabs of the brambles I lay in. Then they find my own form, disproportionate, butchered, ruined mutilated. Roaming over my face I count the gashes and scrapes, and over my arms the inflamed and tender injuries now stewing in infection. For all the hurts, the teasing kiss of the frost leaves offers relief. It's comforting to one degree or another, but it makes me think of my pool. Our pool. Of the soft inoffensively dancing lights cast off phosphorous rocks and glowspores cast against the cavern walls. My heart aches for that pool and the unarmed presence of my friend.

I should be terrified; I am lost and alone in a plane full of green where everything is beautiful and perfect. But I realize as I think about the pool and forlorn smiles hiding secrets that I should not be afraid of this place.

It should be afraid of me.

Pulling myself up off the ground by the invisible puppeteer strings of my will, I take in my surroundings. This is my destination, this is where I wanted to be. I want to belong here amongst the trees and the moonlight and the snow but I do not. Even embraced in the silvery light of Selune I feel the legacy of my people crawl upon my flesh and writhe. I look up to the moon I start to walk. Maybe I'll find him up here, and I'll tell him I know what that word means.