A Howl In The Wind.

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Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:22 am

Dear Ellinore,
As you are well aware war has broken out once again. While I am certain Bane will give us the strength we need to succeed, there are always causalities and I hope that I am not one of them. You are growing up to be a fine young woman, Ellie, and I should hope I can return and see you when this is all through. But if not, I write this journal, to you, so you may know my thoughts and perhaps glean some final words of wisdom before you father departs you. I hope it finds you well.
The filth snorted, chewing on his half rotted apple. He found the passage to be boring and bland, he fingered several pages ahead then stopped to read once more.
Dear Ellinore,

You should listen to your mother more. Fighting isn't everything it's cut out to be. I see that fire in your eyes, that zeal, you've asked me to teach you sword play and how could I say no to you? Your mother detests every lesson I've given you and every technique I've shown you. And perhaps she is right, I should not teach you how to fight. Wouldn't you be happier living within the city? Find a husband and settle down? I would be lying if I did not say that is what I wish you would do, but I also desire for you to follow your heart.

But if you are dead set on fighting then you should know what it's really like, beyond the training camps and wooden swords of the training schools. Fighting, war, it's violent, bloody, messy. Today we marched our column through the passage of D'rallimor, it was a bloody fight I watched some of my brothers die beside me, but there's no time for feelings, no time for emotion. You suck it up and you block it out lest you end up dead like them.

The boots of our warriors marched overtop of the bodies, once you die you are as good as dirt to be trod on by whomever pleases. While in battle you cannot think about those cold lifeless eyes that watch you from below. And you must ignore the crunching of bones beneath your feet and cries of horror and pain.

Is that the life you desire? One filled with blood? I would rather come home and find my daughter smiling and happy with grandchildren to present to me. But how can I deny you what I see so plainly in your features?
The filth smirked at this as the rotten juices of a far over-ripe apple drooled down his chin. Missing most of his teeth he sort of had to gnaw at the fruit while he made a complete mess of himself. The words of the journal entry amused him, he re-read them several times reveling in the descriptions of the dead. Nothing filled his twisted heart with more joy then reading of others suffering. He turned the page.
Dear Ellinore,

Today was less of a burden, while holding this passage we remained on the defensive giving our supply train time to catch up with us and better establish itself. Our enemies wandered just ahead, staying in formation and watching us, but I sense their generals are clueless and are worried they will not be able to stop our advance. Bane paths the way to victory once more.

That reminds me, Ellie, how go your studies on Bane? He Is a difficult god to understand, many, miss understand his teachings. Some believe subjugation through fear must me slaughtering an entire village and summoning devils from the depths to intimidate any who disagree with Bane. But such a tactic is unbecoming of a true Banite, no It makes them no better then a common thug.

A true Banite believes in Order, and while that order is maintained by fear, it need not be the blood of innocents to establish that fear. When we first took control of these lands there was a gathering of thugs who had long be harassing the outer settlements. Our ruler declared them outlaws and dispatched us to deal with them.

We ended their existence abruptly and made sure that every corner of our kingdom heard and saw the demise of these thugs. By taking down a common enemy commoner and noble alike learned what our Banite soldiers are capable of. They feared us, rightfully so, and so we maintained absolute order."
The filth spat at that, the slimey juices of saliva and his rotten apple staining the pages. He angrily flipped through several more pages regretting having ever picked this journal up to begin with... As he fingered through page after page he scanned them, decided the words were boring then kept going when finally, his eyes saw something he considered interesting...
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

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Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Thu Nov 16, 2017 10:31 am

Dear Ellinore,

I wrote in my last entry only a few weeks ago that we had made significant progress in the war and I hoped to be home to you by winter. But something has changed, the second division had reported an unusuall amount of sick soliders. It was passed over as nothing more then battle fatigue. But the sickness is spreading and killing quickly. The entire second division is halted.

Here at out camp we have a few sick I hope it is not related.

That's all I have to write today, As always, I love you Ellie and I look forward to seeing you soon.
The Filth rolled his eyes at the ending of the entry "Oh how I love you Ellie!" He said outloud in a mocking voice. "I can't wait to see you my sweet daughter!" He went on! Shouting his impression outloud "Blablabla what a sorry sod! " He grunted then settled down to continue reading.

He flipped through page after page detailing the growing threat of the plague. This amused the Filth to no end. Reading about his enemies deaths? And this poor sod? It filled him with a demented warmth only those who have turned truly evil could take pleasure in.

As he flipped through the pages he suddenly realized he had reached the end. The pages became blank so he flipped back and eyed the final passge as he did not wish to skim it over.
Dear Ellie,

I'm using the name you like, it's less formal, but on the brink of death Ive discovered how little formalities actually mean. I don't know if you will ever read this, one man was selected to ride back with personal possesions. I had to choose my sword or my journal. I knew you would appreciate the Sword. And I fear it may become a tool you will need to survive. I shoved a letter to you in the Scabbard, use it to find me when this plage has passed.

I'm not sure how much longer I can keep writing. I'm going to crawl outside for fresh air.

I love you, Ellie, my daughter. My final thoughts will be of your dimple faced smile. Just like your mother.

With all the love I can muster,

Your father.
The Filth wasn't sure what to think of this passge. Did he feel bad? No. He couldn't decide if the death of this man before he saw his beloved daughter filled him with vile warmth. Or if the gooshy writing was so tremendously sappy it hurt his eyes to read. Seeming conflicted he sat and stared at the tent's ceiling.

After a moments worth of thought he made up his mind. A big, wicked, toothless grin touched his lips. "Curse you banite Howlsongs! Wheeee! All of you are rotting in the grave by now! Do you hear that Mister Howlsong! Your daughter is dead! Dead! Just like you! The plague didn't leave any banite fiends alive!" The Filth himself danced around tearing pages of the journal out, whipping them in the air and dancing beneath them. Years of a fathers hand written journal entries to his daughter becoming nothing more then confetti for sorry exscuse for a man.

Mid Celebration the Filth heard a noise that he should have never heard. The sound of boots crunching snow. He gasped and scrambled aroubd looking for a place to hide. Before the Filth could however the tent flap flung open.

Standing in the opening was a man the Filth knew all to well. General Kruang, a despised personal enemy and General of the Third Division.

Kruang looked exceptionally surprised to see the Filth and squinted at hin hard. Behind the General several more soliders began to fill in behind. The Filth stared, dumbstruck. His mouth opened to speak but no words came out. His feet turned to run but he found his knees to weak.

"King Murlsham..." The General said as he grinned "When you fled your castle we thought we'd never find you. I guess I was wrong. Looks like you're doing well?" The General stepped into the tent as his halberd wielding soldiers filed in aroubd him and surrounded the Filth.

The Filth stared wide eyed, for the Filth wasn't always a Filth...
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Thu Nov 16, 2017 10:50 am

King Murlsham, ruler of the Dale's Kingdom of Lamore. Atleast, such was his title. The real ruler was a patriotic and older man who handled all the real business and believed that the Murlsham line could perhaps be redeemed to its former glory. Because the current King Murlsham was nothing more then a pompous noble who lived off the poor and taxed them to no end to feed his desires.

Murlsham had everything a king could want, a queen, no less then ten mistresses, several children, and of course above all else, wealth. The only thing he did not have was respect. But all of this came to an end when the Banites attacked. His fat lazy army used for nothing but bullying villagers into paying more taxes was easily defeated. And when the Banites came marching upon his own keep?

He fled leaving his family, queen, mistresses and all to be slain by the banites as a symbol of their take over.

King Murlsham was a pathetic man and as the years went on the loss of his luxurious life style caused him to grow mad and despise the Banites above all else. Month by month he grew dirtier, uglier, and his spirit darker and darker until he was nothing more then the pale shadow of a man. A grubby, dirty, mongrel of such pathetic quality that a dragon would not have even eaten him out of fear of indigestion.

When war broke out again he trailed the armies watching each bloody battle and looting from the corpses when he could. Nothing had delighted him more then to witness the Banites falling over sick and dead. But he had forgotten about the Third Division.

"The plague should have killed you." Murlsham The Filth spat out towards the General, Kruang. The General replied, "It tried, but a true sacrifice to Bane and show of incredible faith saw us saved from the plague. Perhaps the faith of our other divisions was lacking." The General tsked.

The Filth frowned at this. "Bane is nothing more then a-" The Filth did not get a chance to finish. His words were cut short as the hiss of a blade being unsheathed filled the air. With a dull thump Murlshams vile head hit the ground.

"So ends the line of Murlsham." The general said in a monotone, uncaring voice. "Burn this mongrels corpse." He ordered his men. As his men went about dragging the body away the General leaned over to examine the torn up pieces of paper. He grabbed a few then pieced then together as a faint smirk touched his lips "Howlsong... Damn, it got you too? And who is this daughter you are writing too... You never told me..." His words trailed off. The General began collecting the fragments of journal.
The End
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:49 am

The Banite divisions wore a combination of dark plate armour and chainmail that covered the soldier in an intimidating and largely arrow proof coating of metal. The ranks were determined by the outlining colors of their armour, green, red, or gold. The armour served to both protect and intimidate and when the soldiers got to marching in unison the thudding of their heavy boots on the ground would resound eriely like a walking giant were coming.

Heavy boots of a solider pressed against the first board of the first step leading up the small wooden portch to the Howlsong's house. The board creaked in protest of the weight as did the next three boards. Coming to a stop the solider's plated fist rapped against the hefty oak door of the house.

From within Ellie had easily heard the sturdy knocking. She was in the middle of stabbing her doll with a sewing needle. She hated both dolls and sewing but her mother insisted she dress her doll or sew so she made the best of the situation and had decided to combine the activities. Hearing the knocking Ellie sprang up to answer the door.

"No!" Her mother bellowed as she raced for the door. Ellie paused mid grip on the door handle furrowing her eyebrows at her mother but she did pause. "Ellinore, what have I told you? There's a bad case of the flu going around you mustn't answer the door!" Ellie's mother scolded.

Ellie frowned at this and retreated from the door. She knew there was more then just a bad case of the flu going around but she decided that her mothers advise was reasonable. Now her Mother opened the door just a crack. "Yes? Who is it?" She asked looking out.

"Miss Howlsong?" The soldier asked
"That's me." Ellie's mother replied as worried crease marks touched her face.
Ellie watched, eyebrows raising
"Your husband sent his sword home. His death wasn't confirmed to me. But I would assume..." The solider's voice trailed off as he offered the sheathed scimitar.

Tears began to roll down Ellie's mothers eyes as she grabbed the sword "Thank you." She said shutting the door. She retreated then into the house and up the stairs. Ellie heard her mothers door shut. Ellie stood then dumbfounded.

As Ellie's mother sat on her bed she tugged the sword free of its sheath. As she did a letter fell out onto the bed. She laid the unsheathed blade out on the bed then grasped desperately at the letter.
To my wife and daughter,

Emily, if you are reading this then my death is near. Our divisions have been struck by some sort of plague. The clerics are struggling to contain it and I fear these may be my last few days. I had a choice to send to you my journal or my blade. I chose my blade, for Ellie. I know this isn-"
It was too much for her to read. She crumpled the note and threw it on the floor as warm tears began to stream down her face. Before she let herself cry she grabbed the scimitar, sheathed it, then went down stairs to find her daughter.

As Ellie heard her mother coming she quickly hid the doll behind her back that was impaled by a sewing needle. As her mother came into view she noted the tears and was about to ask what was wrong when her mothrr tossed the sheathed scimitar towards her.

It hit the ground in front of Ellie with a thud.

"You want to fight so bad Ellie? There's your fathers sword, you can go die with him." She spat out bitterly at her daughter.

Ellie just stared. Her hands dropped the doll she was hiding. She was in shock.

Ellie's mother retreated back upstairs slamming her door. Emily, Ellie's mother, loved her daughter without end. But the fact she continually wanted to be a warrior disturbed her greatly. She wanted a daughter she could talk to, drink early morning Coffee with and talk about the newest sewing designs. She wanted to fully enjoy helping Ellie through her teenage years and bonding with her daughter! But Ellie and Emily could have not been more different.

Ellie's eyes slowly wandered down to the scimitar that had been tossed at her. She was crushed by what her mother had said to her, but despite the harsh words she found her fingers gripping the hilt of the sword. This felt right.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Sat Nov 25, 2017 6:33 am

Ellie held onto the blade sliding it slowly from its sheath. The weight of the blade... It felt powerful. Just holding it filled her with energy, a strength that felt like iron. Ellie looked over the gleaming blade, the sharp, elegant, lethally beautiful curve of the scimitar wondering how many lives it had taken, how many bones it had broken. The thought was gruesome, but Ellie always admired the primal power that came from hand to hand combat.

She was captivated by her fathers sword. Her only wish was that she had received it in a different setting, handed to her by her father, not thrown at her feet by her weeping mother. "Go die like your father!" That's what her mother had said. Was that her fate? Was that all she was meant to be. Her hands gripped the hilt of the sword tighter.

Maybe that was it, she'd be a warrior, one loud furious roar and then she would be dead, another body sunken back into the earth. Another life extinguished. Ellie gave the blade a mock slash, it was awkward, and she nearly dropped it. She was disappointed in her strength, but admired the thought of what she might become. She picked up the sheath and slowly slid the blade back in.

Ellie grabbed her doll, yanked the needles out of it then with doll in her left hand and blade in her right she ran upstairs to her room and shut the door.

Emily, Ellie's mother lay weeping on her bed. Grief was a terrible thing and it washed over her like a tidal wave. She sniffled, looked around the room then found the note that she had discarded earlier. She grabbed at it angrily now, yanking it open to read it.
To my wife,

I was only able to choose one possession to send home with the courier. I know the blade is the last thing you would have wanted me to return. I know you must be furious with me. But you and I have both seen that steel in our daughters eye. You know she's a warrior, proud, strong, just like me. You can dress her up in as many dresses as you want, and give her all the dolls in the city Emily, but you won't change her heart. She's still your daughter, no matter how much she infuriates you, I know she loves you and I know you love her. I hope you can both navigate your differences with each other despite my absence,

Emily, I want you to know how much I love you. Every morning I awoke with you in my arms, I can tell you its something I long to return to each time I leave. Opening my eyes to cots filled with smelly snoring men is not nearly as appealing as waking up to my face buried in your hair. When my final moments come I will be thinking of you.

The plague has gripped our legion and my time is short. I can feel my body slowly decaying and giving into the sickness. Our legion is in the passage of Albathor on the western slope. If you survive, come find me and bring me home when it's safe

Love, your husband and warrior.
Emily stared at the letter a moment longer then broke into tears once more. Warm wet drops fell from her eyes staining the paper.
The other night dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head and I cried

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you...

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

The End
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Sun Nov 26, 2017 1:09 pm

"Acid... Of course it was acid, why would it be anything else?" Ellie thought to her self. She had seen the stuff slurp out above her managing to twist her head out of the way just before the burning liquid cascaded down her skin. It hurt, but she'd been through worse. She closed her mind out, ignoring the greedy eyes that looked over her mostly bare form and the pain that was burning across her skin.

"Now the water..." Came a voice.

"Thank the gods." Ellie thought, and wasted no time in moving towards the water. She was beyond pleased to find it was indeed water, and not more acid...

Ellie Howlsong had decided to take a rather unusual path. Having failed to make any notable progress with her markings on the surface she threw herself into the depths. Determined to find the answers she needed. It didn't take long for her to attract the attention of an aspiring Drow Matron looking for a slave. Ellie's adventure had begun.
Dear Diary,

I've decided to start keeping a diary. If I don't, I am liable to go insane. I knew that this wouldn't be easy, but it's already stretching me to my limits. I just need to stay calm, cool, and collected I can get what I need. I can survive this.

I am a slave in Andunor, that wasn't... Quite what I had in mind when I came down here, but I quickly ran out of options. Or rather, I had options, but most of them involved dying horribly so slavery seemed to be... Agreeable... It gets me what I want but it adds a difficulty I'm not sure how to manage.

The only respect I have for these drow is that they're strong. They're not like the squabbling babies of the surface, I can respect that, I guess... I'm really grasping for positives I've got to hold onto something.

My time here hasn't been as bad as it could have been. The Matron that enslaved me seems reasonable and interested in maintaining my health. She's not insane, at least, not that I can tell. That's important. It means I can predict what she wants.

I suppose my well being is much like how the surfacers treat animals. No one wants to keep a mangy dog. I'm not thrilled to compare myself to a dog. That might be how they treat me, but I know I'm better. I have to believe that.

I have an advantage, being a female, I guess... It's kind of gross the way some of them look at me but it's something I can use. The Matron has promised me well being so long as I serve faithfully. So I will. One of her lap dogs called me pretty. Again... Gross- but at least it should help me avoid any punishments that could cripple me forever. I've managed to avoid being mauled, the acid bath burned but that was it. I kept it out of my hair, my skin is irritated, but It isn't damaged in a way it cannot be repaired. This drow house seems different then what I expected.

The collar is the most annoying, this cold metal clamp around my throat. I've lost my freedom, when I am ready it's going to be difficult to get it off.

Something else happened, something... Odd. There is another slave in the house, she's a drow who failed her priestess tests. She tried to fight her way out of being... Collared, I guess? She was wounded. I was told to treat her wounds. I was doing so, and asking her questions trying to learn more about drow culture then something odd happened...

She kissed me.

It wasn't a small kiss either- it was... A full kiss. I was so... So so so so... *She writes the word several times then seems to decide on what she wanted to say* Dumbfounded... Being kissed was the last thing I expected in the Underdark, least of all from a drowess.

This is going to be very interesting.

Signed, Ellie Howlsong Slave of the Xar'tel House.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Sun Nov 26, 2017 11:46 pm

Dear Diary,

I'm tired and sore as heck... I was taken adventuring with the drow, I don't know if I can keep track of how many creatures we put down. The fighting got rough sometimes but we pulled through, I think I impressed them with my fighting ability. It wasn't too bad, except I wasn't allowed a break until the Drow wished to rest. It's hard to keep up with them.

They did give me time to bathe, I got to be alone, the water was hot, it helped. I had an hour to myself and I appreciated it. They also told me to take care of myself, I guess if I don't stay healthy and clean I'll get punished. That's easy enough, I didn't plan on becoming one of those filth that crawl around on the ground. Dead eyed human mongrels. They might share my blood, but I look down on them for being weak. For letting themselves become so...

I was in charge of looting, I did so, but I with-held some of the gems for myself, call it self preservation, I didn't expect a cut of the gold. This plan back fired, I've got to repair a small rift, I think I have some gifts to make up for it and win back any favor I lost.

I've also gone to the surface. It's not hard, I had free time and was left alone and the portal in the Hub goes right outside Cordor. I disguised myself and snuck in, I needed to see a friend of mine I wanted her to know where I was and that I was... Alive. She promised to help me, but I told her it wasn't time yet. I need to try and get rid of these markings, and If I try to escape and it's not done perfectly? I don't want to think about what they would do to me if I failed to get away.

Until next time,

Ellie eyed her diary, two entries so far... She leaned her head against the wall. She was in a small enclave within the house, there was a jail bar door in front of her, but the door was open. A small allowance. She shifted a bit, then laid down in the cot to stare up at the ceiling.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:01 am

Ellie made a mistake. She sensed weakness and pounced on it the only issue was the weak one had dominion over her. She made it off easy for a day or two then punishment came crashing down like a hammer. Literally.


Staring at the Drow Ellie thought she could reason and persuade him. She was wrong. As the first swing of the hammer came she nearly drew her scimitar and fought back. That would only make it worse, she stumbled back and raised her arms to try to block the next blow. It did little to shield her and as she felt a bone break she stumbled away again hoping the drow would relent. Such wasn't the case, another blow, she blacked out and fell over. Another hit, then another. She lost onciousness. Was this the fugue? She felt displaced for several hours before life came rushing back to her.

As her eyes opened she was looking directly at a angry matron...

Ellie was sent to be thrown in a slave pit. The slave pits of Andunor are deep holes filled with a shallow amount of water and used for slave storage, punishment, or perhaps a master gets tired of a slave and leaves them in the pit.

Ellie stared warily into the pit she was above. Two peace keepers had dragged her by her collar to the pits having recalled the rebelious slave from earlier. One of the peace keepers loomed over the pit and barked "Aye lads, I got a friend for ya!" He chuckled as the slaves below looked up. Two ragged figures that barely passed for human and one tusked creature. Their eyes focused on Ellie.

The peacekeeper turned to Ellie "There's a wagon to sleep on down there, you can probably share it with one of your new pals." He smirked then grabbing Ellie by her collar threw her into the pit. Ellie gasped then splashed into the shallow water. She was still armored and her scimitar was on her hip so the splash she made was considerable.

The water was dirty and reaked. As Ellie pushed herself up she found herself surrounded. The peace keepers watched from above chuckling.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:37 am

Let me tell you, I'm vicious
Not pass-aggressive
I got my finger on my pulse, staring straight into a hole and I'ma get it
And I'm a savage
It's automatic
I got a way of making noise, the power to destroy with no static
Now victory is all you need
So cultivate and plant the seed
Hold your breath and count to ten, just count to ten

Ellie felt something change inside of her as she stood to full height. The vile water dripping from her hair and armour.

"Come on sweety, you and me, we can share that cart and get outa this water." One of the male slaves said with a grin that might be described as toothy if he had any teeth.

Ellie's eye twitched as she looked down, being submissive had began to become normal. Yes patron, yes matron. All day, day after day. Keep your head bowed. Don't make eye contact. That was for Drow, not these... Living garbage.

I'm gonna make it rain, so ring the bell
I know it all too well
Switchblade on the edge of your wrist
Can I get a witness? (witness)
'Cause agony brings no reward
For one more hit and one last score
Don't be a casualty, cut the cord

The tusked creature growled at the two humans and stepped forward asserting dominance as he reached to grab Ellie.

The peace keepers above the pit glanced at eachother with amused smirks as they shookhands on some sort of bet.

Ellie saw the movement of the creature. Her reaction was instant, a skill honed by hundreds of hours of training. Her scimitar flew out of her sheath in a blur chopping the hand of the creature off. As the creature howled in pain she didn't relent but lunged at the creature. Her attacks were savage not elegant, she simply hacked at the creature until it fell backwards with a splash, lifeless.

You gotta feel courage
Embrace possession
If it was easier to shatter everything that ever mattered
But it's not, because it's your obsession
Be a fighter, backbone, desire
Complicated and it stings, (but we both know what it means)
And it's time to get real and inspired

The observing peacekeepers laughed merrily as they watched.

The two male slaves stumbled back in the water as they saw the tusked creature easily dispatched. "H-Hey now girly let's be sensible yeah? The wagon is all yours!" One slave stammered as the other nodded.

Compassion and mercy were qualities Ellie had left behind. She was still hurt from the mauling she received from the hammer from her master and she didn't know how long she could fight. So she decided to finish it right here.

She lunged wordlessly towards the other slaves and dispatched them quickly and easily ignoring their cries of pain. Covered in blood and stinking of rotten water Ellie climbed into the hay wagon and stretched out happily. She shot the peace keepers a look then lowered her head and eyes to them. She knew her place.

The peacekeepers smirked at eachother as coin exchanged hands and they left amused with the entertainment they had seen.

Ellie was trapped in the pit until someone let her out. She tried to ignore the stench of the water. Her skin crawled. She felt slimey, disgusting, and would surely become sick. Atleast she was out of the water and could dry off.

She closed her eyes. She felt half asleep but otherwise spent most of her time staring at the rock wall blocking the feeling of disgust.

"What would your father think of you now?" Ellie shoved the thought away. It hurt to much to think.

Don't be a casualty, cut the cord
Don't be a casualty, cut the cord
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Thu Nov 30, 2017 11:03 am

While Ellie was an adapt warrior she was still relatively fresh to the Underdark and she had no dillusions about where her limits were. She had really pushed the limits once and suffered a mauling that was so brutal she fell unconcious after the first few blows. Then her time in the slave pit? When she was finnally allowed out she immediately cleaned herself up. She was lucky some drow found a pleasant looking slave to be essential and would not tolerate their slaves becoming dirty mongrels.
Dear Diary,

It's been awhile since I had time to write. It's been sometime since I have seen my Matron, perhaps my words bit harder then I thought. But a slave to one makes me a slave to all and I cannot compete with the beasts and other drow here. I have claimed I am a slave to a Drow matron, that much is true. But if her name slips into oblivion and she is not seen then what do I become?

A slave with no deffinate master, I lose what measly status I had and none will fear reprucusions for harming me. Some of the creatures down here simply take pleasure in pain. For some, breaking spirits brings them delight. They strive to destroy until all that is left is a submissive dead eyed husk.

I wear two faces. To my masters I am a slave and I will do everything I can to ensure that is all they see me as. I spoke out of turn once, I am lucky to be alive. I'm... Broken, in a sense, but I cannot let them see that a small fire still burns.

Since the supervision over me has been minor I have walked on the surface again and friends and allies have promised to save me. Am I worth it?

I contacted many, One is a paladin, We are friends, sort of. I knew he wouldn't turn me down, admittedly I am using his own nature to get what I want, what I need. He has promised to help and work towards freeing me. He is interesting, more thoughtful then most paladins, he even makes his god sound appealing. Part of me hopes he can save me from myself.

Next is the boss. For some reason I feel like he is my father. The island people fear him, he's a high stakes criminal and I worked for him once and now again. But when he sees me he changes, I'm like his daughter, he never asks for payment, service, or reward but I give him what I can because the aid he has offered me in this and other matters is immense.

Despite his reputation he has done a lot of good for me, I can't let that go unpaid.

Then there is my mage friend, she's a lot like me, we've had our differences, but she never fails to lend me a helping hand or an ear when I am in trouble or need someone to talk to. She has freed slaves before, I trust she can get me free too.

So for now, I bide time. I bow my head, I kneel, I'm polite, submissive, and I do what my masters want. I've been practicing serving wine and food I nearly made a fool of myself and matron before another house, luckily the Jaluk was there to brawl the female and draw attention away from my poor serving skills.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:20 am

Ellie frowned as her collar was tugged on by the drowes, she was not particularly pleased about being pulled around like a pet, but she had little say in the matter. Rather, she had all the say she wanted to have, and she could have said anything; if she wanted to die. She was familiar with this drowes and had seen her in combat. The last thing she wanted to do was make her angry. So she stood here, hunched over as her collar was held, the dark metal biting into the soft skin of her neck.

She had been claimed by a new house, this was preferable as she had been sleeping on the streets, trying to keep herself clean but without a currently active matron she was rather stuck, her collar remained but she had no where to sleep and found herself being pushed around by the other slaves. Luckily, she was capable of holding her own but for how long she did not know.

After being pulled away by the drowses Ellie found herself in a new, much larger household. The dark cold eyes of mansion guards stared at her, she felt her skin crawl beneath their gaze but was surprised to find that this was becoming second nature to her. Greedy eyes meant little to her, she moved by with her head bowed as always eyes downcast respectfully.

As the day concluded Ellie pushed the door to her sleeping room open. It was a room filled with cots. She was surprised to find she was the only one there, she moved over to the cot she had been told to sleep on, removed her armor then lay down. She let out a quiet sigh and stared at the ceiling then grabbed for her diary.
Dear Diary,

I need to be careful what I write in you so if anyone is reading I wish I could share with you more but I a simply cannot. Right now I have been claimed by a new drow house, this might seem bad, but living on the streets was getting old and my collar kept me bound to the deeps.

I am learning the undercommon tongue faster, and I wish to have it mastered soon. I sense my new mistress will grow tired of garbling out orders in common to me, so it's important for the future of my well being I learn this quick.

Right now I feel sort of... Neutral. I want to feel bad, I think, I want to cry. But what good will that do? I just need to hang in here... I just need to thrive
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:49 pm

Ellie was almost shivering as she equipped the new set of plate. It was made of one of the rarest and most powerful metals available and the craftsmanship was excellent. Ellie pulled up the breastplate over the chainmail beneath and strapped the main plate on. It first perfectly. She glanced at the drowses that was watching her and gave her a smile. For the first time on Arelith she felt... Empowered.

It was ironic, Ellie thought, that with a collar bound around her neck she had the least freedom she had ever had, yet she was being treated better by the Drow then she was the Arcane Tower when she was a Warden. Of course, her good treatment came from good behavior. It was paying off.

"It's a gift" Ellie's matron said. Ellie was tingling. All she could do was reply with thank you and bow deeply. Ellie's original matron, and owner, had returned after doing some searching. She seemed to find Ellie agreeable and had given her the reward.

The plate was composed of a long sleek black breastplate that fit tightly overtop of a adamantine chainmail mesh. Her bracers connected to the adamantine gloves, everything fit snug. Her shoulders were adorned with two shoulder guards, wicked spikes rising from them. Moving down her body, the plate gave way into more chain around her legs allowing for easy movement but ideal protection. The dark steel of the chain glistened, the larger thigh plates had intimidatingly large spikes. From the spikes, the chainmail flowed down to her metal boots also with elongated spikes. The boots were comfortably heavy padded with leather, but on the outside menacing and fierce.

Ellie slid her helmet on as a final touch, her features and most of her skin now hidden beneath the dark steel shell. She stretched her arms out, flexed her fingers and moved around in the plate. It was perfect and stunningly fierce.

She paused in her movements to consider, Why were the drow so evil? At least she could understand them. Sure, she had some bad punishments, but she had broken the rules. Obedience brought reward. And this was an excellent reward.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:12 pm

"You'll want to cloth yourself in something that takes advantage of your assets " The lady explained "A matron wants a slave she can show off." Ellie squinted at the lady, then her eyes slowly panned down towards her own chest... Then slowly back up to look at the lady. "Right... Assets." she replied sheepishly feeling mildly embarrassed...

Ellie had been seeking a teacher now for several weeks. She wanted to know how to serve food and wine. Sure, she was a great warrior, graceful, lethal, savage. It was second nature to her. She could fight better then most, hand to hand combat was her specialty. But that elegance in battle did not convert to elegance in servitude and that was something she sought to amend.

After several hours of practicing wine pouring and learning about how to serve food, what to start with, what hands to use and what rotation to work with Ellie felt she had a considerably better understanding of Drow dinners then she had before. The next time she was asked to pour wine she would not be such a mess.

Standing alone in her slave quarters Ellie was trying on a variety of different outfits trying to decide what best showcased her form without potentially intimidating her matron or the other female drow. She needed to look pleasant, beautiful, even, but she could not be the focus of attention, simply a pleasant female slave to admire while drow dined and monsters ate.

One good thing had come from her original acid shower, while she had managed to move her head out of the way the rest of the hair on her form had been burned off. Her skin had healed and she found her thighs were smooth. Paired with her lean muscled form the less clothing Ellie decided the best asset she could show was her body.

She grabbed a few articles of clothing and decided upon a simple outfit that showed off her lean muscled form but was modest enough to not detract from her owners. A pair of dark green shorts left her long smooth thighs exposed. She attached a leather belt, a tabard, and tugged on some leather boots that came up to her knees. She considers going in only a simple wrapping for her chest, then decided it was too much skin. She found a form fitting shirt and cut it to match her size and tugged it on leaving her arms bare.

Ellie moved to a nearby mirror and admired herself for a few moments then smiled. She thought herself elegant in a way that showed herself off without being overly ambitious. The dark color pallet matched her black hair and as a final step she applied a dark eyeliner making her cloudy blue eyes almost glow against her normally darker complexion.

She felt good about herself. But something in her mind reminded her that didn't matter. If the Matron liked it she would keep it. She hoped she found it agreeable.

Capable of decapitating a body in one instant and then serving fine wine and food the next Ellie was making a determined effort to be the most capable slave she could be.

Her survival depended on it.

Ellie was about to depart from the mirror when she glanced at herself again. She was growing up, out of her teens now Ellie had turned Twenty. She let out a quiet sigh, the soft curves of youth were slowly fading leaving her with the defined features of a young woman.

Ellie stared at herself, meeting her own gaze in the mirror. More then just her physical appearance was changing. Something inside was growing up, suppressed, but now revealing itself. What was her destiny? She didn't know. All she knew was that dying wasn't apart of it. And she would avoid that at all costs.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:17 am

"You call that a bow? Do it properly" The drowess demanded. Ellie hesitated, she had bowed her head to the passing drowess but the gesture wasn't enough. She reacted then bowing from her torso to her knees then rising. "Better." The Drowess said then departed. Ellie let out a sigh of relief and glanced side long at a pair of drowess who were snickering at her. Ellie's form was hidden by her armour and helmet, she dropped her head low in its usual perpetual bow but beneath her helmet she was grinding her teeth.

Later once she had returned to her slave quarters Ellie slid her armour off with tired movements then fell back onto her cot grabbing her diary from her backpack
Dear Diary,

These female drow are so diverse. Some of them whisper to me on how much they appreciate a good slave and encourage me that I am doing well. One drowess even allowed me to touch her to massage her muscles... Then there are the other drowess, who are never content. Some of them ask me questions, I answer slowly because one wrong word that is miss communicated and I'll be punished. But if I reply to slow, that could also be a punishment...

I had a few minor blunders today against an exceptionally nit-picky drowess but I was quick on my feet. I even accidentally stepped into a trap and got her poisoned, oh my gods! I was poisoned to but I scrambled to get her the herbs she needed then a restoration potion. My immediate response pleased her, then once she was well I cured myself. That was a close call.

Ultimately I was told by the drowess I had done so well that she would feed and water me. I felt like a horse, or... A pet hamster. It was humilitating to be spoken to that way but I bit my tongue and bowed lower to her. Remarkably she paid for my meal and food and served it to me. That I consider an extreme honor. I can do this.

I've not been directly punished for some weeks and the list of good deeds I've done for my masters is increasing. I won't get arrogant I know that I am nothing to them and one mistake could undo my work.

But this is also going to bring me to an impass. My 'friends' have made it clear if I do something to evil I will pay for it. More so, they have no qualms with putting me down should they think I am too far gone or to prevent some evil.

So what do I choose! I serve my drowess and I am killed by my friends. I defy her and what? I am tortured? Thrown to the slave pits to fend to myself? Sacrificed? In all truth I fear the wrath of my mistress far more then the blades of my friends. Atleast if they come to kill me they will make it quick.

What a mercy.......

Eventually I will be told to do something terrible. But my friends expect me to die and endure torture rather then commit evil. I won't. My life is important and I won't throw it away to save someone else. If someone has fo die, whys it got to be me? But at the same time I am asking my friends to risk their skin to save me. Am I a hypocrit? Probably... But I am in this for my survival not theirs.

Am I any better then the drow? I'm becoming a monster. But who decides who is a monster and who isn't? The paladins? They sit in their warm keep with food and drinks laughing with friends and living comfortably. Who are they to tell me what I am?

I am Ellie Howlsong and I am what I decide to be.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Wed Dec 06, 2017 11:45 am

Ellie stared at the slave watching the pitiful creature grovel as the drowess stepped onto his back. He was a young man but was filthy and in rags his back torn and bloody from whipping. Crawling across the street he reached out to Ellie. "Help me." Came his coarse voice as his fingers fell onto Ellie's black adamantine boots.

The drowess was intrigued as she stepped closer letting her wicked whip drag across the ground. "Well slave, will you help him?" The drowess asked Ellie. Ellie looked at the man, pleading green eyes, his hair was a dirty sort of blond he probably would have been handsome if he wasn't in such bad shape.

Ellie bowed her head to the drowess. "No mistress" she replied. "Good girl" the drowess said with a grin as she tugged Ellie's helmet up and pinched her cheeks in a teasing manner. "Look, if you had been as good a slave as her you'd still be standing." The drowess chuckled coldly as she released Ellie and stepped back.

The male slave muttered his fingers gripping the cold metal of Ellie's boots "Perhaps, but then I would be no better then a dog." He growled.

The drowess tsked then channeled her energies summoning a rather large demon. "Well girl, he has insulted you. Defend your honor and kill the slave then my pet will finish him." The drowess commander with a smirk.

Ellie grabbed her scimitar pulling out the wicked blade. She stared at the man at her feet for a moment then spared the impatient drowess and her pet a glance. She waited no more and ran the sword down through the mans back peircing his heart. She tugged her sword out, the man garbled out blood and a final breath.

The drowess chuckled then have a gesture to her pet. There was a horrible screatching then the creature began to suck in the air. Ellie felt she could see the soul, she could feel it. The man was killed not only physically but eternally. He was food for a pet, what good was his honor? What good were his values? He was a treat. A life time of memories, passions, reduced to a meal.

"Dismissed slave" the drowess said. Ellie bowed, slammed her scimitar into its sheath then moved away to a back alley. She fell to her knees and vomited her meager lunch into a sewer drain in the steet. Ellie was determined to never share that mans fate.

Another day in Andunor.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Thu Dec 07, 2017 11:06 am

Ellie was well equipped for a slave, her armour was worth a fortune, her clothes were comfortable and appealing, she had wands, bandages, potions, and more. But free time naturally was scarce. As the drow house she served grew larger she was on call constantly. A guide, a sword, a servant she filled any role she was asked too and made an effort to not just perform but excell.

Even Ellie surprised herself by her ability to stuff her emotions and thoughts away and simply serve. She faced a growing number of moral challenges, things were changing and she could sense the shift but could not decide if it was bad or not.
Sitting, legs crossed, in her bathing suit, a two piece of pure white fabric that stood out against her naturally tanned skin and black hair Ellie was concentrating. She watched the warm water of the bath bubble in the pool of water surrounded by black and dark blood red stones. She valued the time to bathe immensly keeping herself clean was one of the few small reliefs she was able to exploit.

"Are you clean?" Her thoughts moved slowly "What's the point in bathing? You're becoming a monster and nice smelling soap and water won't clean you." Was the voice in her head her own? "He'll kill you, the paladin, he is only indulging you because he likes you. But if he knew what you really were he'd kill you..." Ellie closed her eyes tight...

"Stop..." She said outloud to quiet her own thoughts. Her infernal tatoos were glowing against her flesh a symptom of being in a difficult emotional state.

"I'm doing what I need to, to live..." She reassured herself. The glowing of her markings slowly came to a stop as she breathed in and out finding some measure of peace.

She scooted herself across the dark tiles and slipped into the bath sinking down to her nose. She breathed out a sigh of relief, tugged her hair ribbon out then sunk all the way down letting the water soak her hair.

"The water can't clean you." Her mind said. "It will." She replied to herself then shut her mind off as she rose up out of the water and grabbed a container of smelling soap.

Twenty years old but the enjoyment of a bath with way, way to many bubbles hadn't lost its appeal. She dumped the entire container into the pool with a childish smirk then Watched as the soapy bubbles filled the tub and spilled out onto the tiles.

Lost in an alternate dimension of bubbles Ellie happily soaked away the cycles of the underdark and hummed quietly to herself.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Fri Dec 08, 2017 7:09 am

Ellie was sat on the cold stone floor of a drowess house. Girls night out for a pack of drowess was a bit different then the surface. Ellie sat quietly on the floor as she was directed to do. She had been told to change out of her armour and as ahe listened to the conversation and practiced her own undercommon something odd happened.

Ellie was directed to sit on the floor at the feet of one of the drowess of her house. As she sat the drowess had reached forward and began petting her like a dog. Ellie was hummilated, she made a face which was spotted by the drowess sitting on the couch in front of her. All three drow laughed and the one petting her told her she had been a good girl today.

Ellie pursed her lips flat resisting the urge to scowl as the petting stopped.

Some hours later the same hand found its was back to her head. It didn't bother her as much this time. To be honest, being pet was a lot better then being eaten alive, crushed by a hammer, or thrown in a hole. Ellie focused on the positive aspects and tilted her head in towards the drowess as she felt her masters fingers glide through her smooth soft hair.

Petting is better then being beat.
Or was it?
How much of myself am I losing?
None, you're only doing this to survive
It kind of feels nice...
I really am a slave.

Ellie's mind churned through her thoughts. She sighed.

Just keep it up.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:19 am

The blond haired paladin tackled Ellie into a field of lush green grass. Both of them were laughing happily, Ellie was wearing a simple but elegant strapless high cut dress that framed her figure in an agreeable fashion. Her hair was tied back neatly in a more formal bun. She felt great. She was a bridesmaid for her close friends wedding and had managed to charm a paladin during the reception.

As the pair toppled into the grass Ellie laughed happily feeling the warm hands of her partner against her skin then the sweet moment when their lips met in a kiss. She was entirely captivated in the kiss as the bright morning sun washed over them and the birds sang happily.

Everything was perfect.

But slowly Ellie began to realize her partner was no longer returning her kisses. The hands around her grew cold. The paladin's figure morphed taking the form of her first crush she had only a few years back right before coming to Arelith. The look on his face was one of horror, blood dripped from his nose and mouth.

"How could you do this Ellie? You're a monster!" He shouted

Ellie's jaw dropped in horror then she felt the burning of her infernal markings. A strapless dress? She couldn't do that! Everyone would see her markings! They burned, Ellie began to shove the dying paladin off of her but his hands gripped her throat strangling her.

She closed her eyes, sobbing, then she felt the hands release, instead around her neck was a darksteel collar, a slave clamp. She opened her eyes, looked up, the paladin had shifted forms. Her friend Quentin stood over her clothed in light looking like an angel. His divine sword was pointed at her

"Evil filth, I will purge you!" He declared in a booming voice!

Ellie simply cried, her markings burned, she pulled uselessly at the collar around her neck. Her dress was dotted in blood and torn and everything good had suddenly become a nightmare.

Quentin's blade came at her like a beam of pure sunlight it ran through her chest. Ellie choked, warm blood coughed up from her mouth and flowed from her chin down her slim throat soaking her darksteel collar. Her blue eyes met Quentin's but she found no compassion in them.

Before she died the earth consumed her. she felt herself being pulled down then all at once she was deposited in a large stone cave in the Underdark. She gasped for air, trembling, crying. As she sat in her torn dress she felt a hand close around her collar and tug it. She jerked her head to see a drowess dragging her.

As she was dragged the drowess purred at her "What a good girl Ellie." Ellie struggled to get away but the effort was useless. The cave gave way to the streets of Andunor, greedy eyes of monsters, drow and slaves followed Ellie with smirks. A few whistled at her, winked and made other rude gestures.

The drowess continued to drag her, it was Rauvlin. Eventually Ellie was dragged into the Barrith house where Rauvlin let her go and turned to face her. Materializing in her hand was a crude blacksmith hammer. Rauvlin toyed with the hammer as her eyes stared at Ellie.

"You will be a good girl, won't you slave? " she cooed. Then her voice transformed into one dark and menacing instantly "If you ever strike a member of my house I will smash every bone in your body."

Ellie stared at her wide eyed, sitting on the cold stone floor of the menacing mansion in her torn brides maid dress Ellie's weaker self was fully exposed. She cried.

She wept, sobbed, cried.


Then her breath caught!

Ellie jerked, she fell out of her cot with a dull thud. "Hnngh" she huffed... Then opened her eyes looking at the ceiling.

It was all a dream.

Her eyes were wet, the only real part of her dream was the sobbing.

"Am I really this weak?" She murmured outloud to herself.

She was alone in the large jail like slave quarters.

She sighed, wiped her tears away and glanced down at herself. To her considerable dismay she wasn't wearing an elegant strapless dress but was half wrapped in her blanket wearing nothing but her underclothes

She sighed again.

"Is this really what my heart fears? Desires? Am I lying to myself? How much longer can I supress myself?" She murmured outloud then placed her hands over her face.

She was exhausted and fell asleep on the cold stone floor wrapped partialy in her blanket.

Ellie was afraid, but she would sooner strangle her emotions rather then show them. Her last thought was of the surface. She had to find someone to talk to.

Ellie slept.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Sat Dec 09, 2017 5:35 am

With her eyes closed Ellie tried her best to suppress a smile that was slowly trying to edge its way onto her lips. Earlier in the day, while her mistresses were busy doing drowses things, Ellie had escaped to the surface to find the wisdom and solace of a friend.

He had pulled her into his lap, they were both wearing armor, and Ellie had been crying, so romantic perhaps wasn't the word to use. But comfortable? Yes. He provided her exactly what she had hoped, conversation, contact, and love. She soaked it up like a dying tree would water and savored the hours they had to spend together.

The only thing giving her hope, perhaps the only rope that she held onto that prevented her from falling completely into darkness. She wasn't far though, and she slipped closer with each passing day.

"You've been a good girl today." came the voice of her mistress as she felt a hand come down and pat her head, the drowses fingers combing through her hair. Ellie snapped back to reality

Truthfully, she had been a very good girl. She and her mistress had fought furiously with a dwarf in the chambers of Stonehold, a brawl worthy of a bard to make a story of. And she had helped spot and root out a spy with some clever thinking and tactics.

More over, she had survived where another Drowess had failed. Ellie was an ideal slave.

Ellie lowered her head knowing better then to get angry about the head patting. She had been commanded to sit on the floor beside her mistresses chair, and just like the time before she was being stroked like one might stroke their favorite dog while carrying on conversation.

Ellie leaned against the chair, a human to a drow was as good as a dog. She didn't expect them to treat her any better then one, and setting her expectations low helped her cope. At least the patting felt nice.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Sat Dec 09, 2017 10:18 pm


Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie
Greetings, my name is Ellie

Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress
Dark cycles, Mistress

The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith
The first house of Barrith

Day after day after day, endless hours of practicing. Ellie wasn't dumb, but for some reason the ability to even speak a lick of Undercommon evaded her much to her own frustration and the frustration of her masters. It'd been two months now and she had made about as much progress as a turtle trying to run a marathon.

Even after an in-depth story time where each speaker would add a portion of the story then Ellie would add hers, but had to say it in undercommon, Ellie made almost no progress. To say the least, the story never got very far when after four hours Ellie still failed to speak her sentence.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Tue Dec 12, 2017 7:23 am

Dear Diary,

The drow are much more complex then I initially believed. Evil, yes, by my standards atleast but they are not so black and white as I was taught on the surface. For one, I do not think I have met a single Lolthite. Ive been learning about the other drow deities many share the same chaotic tendancies as Lolth but seem more... Stable?

This was interesting to learn, a drowess who prides herself on her independance taught me about drow culture. She herself was different then the other drowess, she told me she wanted to speak to /me/ not the slave me. I looked her in the eyes and we spoke. Not as equals, but atleast a recongition that I was senient.

During our conversation something did come up, what makes a good slave. The drowrss described a slave she knew, his master broke his mind so entirely that he slaughtered his own tribe and family for his master. He was a husk, nothing but a mindless extension of his masters desires. The thought of being such a puppet makes me sick. I tried to argue that a slave who serves willingly is /much/ better then a husk, but the drowess disagreed and I was not going to push it.

Can I be broken like that? Will they try to break me like that? Admittedly I may not have far to fall... How many nights would I endure torture, for what? I have only a handful of friends that I would consider dying for but admittedly my drive for self preservation is strong.

For now, I serve and try to go above and beyond what is asked of me. I have proven myself in combat when I fought beside my mistress against a wild dwarf in Stonehold and I have proven myself in other ways.

I will never let them see the part of me that is defiant. Nor the part of me that wants to sit in a warm grassy field wrapped in the arms of my paladin friend.

They will always see me with my head down and eyes lowered. Any hint of rebeliouse attitude and I will lose everything. I am treated well enough for now. I have a place to sleep, my mistresses seem content and even at times proud of their slave?

I can do this.

I have so much more to write but I have to clean the mansion
-Ellie Howlsong.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:32 am

"I want a daughter" Ellie heard the drowess say with a degree of what she would consider sympathy and desire. Ellie thought that was kind of cute, well, it would have been cute if the purpose of birthing a daughter wasn't to turn her into a priestess of doom. Ellie smirked faintly at the thought.

It was amazing what she would hear. As a slave Ellie sometimes just blended into the background and she found the drowess often spoke freely around her. She was learning a lot, for example, there were no good Jaluk's in Andunor for breeding. And what if a drowess of the house got pregnant and had to kill someone? Were there enough cappable retainers to protect a pregnant drowess?

Ellie blushed a bit as the conversation became more specific. She found herself filled with conflicting emotions. The big evil drowess were concerned about giving birth. Granted, there was no love involved. None of the conversation about Jaluk's had anything to do with personality but rather focused on physical characteristics. Ellie still found it interesting, it was "girl talk" for female drow. It half scared her and half intrigued her.

Ellie continued to listen quietly and then blinked as the drowess began speaking another tongue then both promptly departed into a bedroom nearby leaving Ellie suddenly alone.

Ellie blinked at the closed bedroom door. Her mind wandered~ "Nope." She said outloud shaking her head. She was conflicted on staying since no one had given her orders? But her instincts told her she better go...

Ellie wandered the streets of Andunor then she sighed resting her fingers through her collar. "This is wild..." She murmured to herself shaking her head.
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Wed Dec 13, 2017 6:37 am

Ellie sat on the edge of the bed quietly. It had been awhile since her mistress, the one who actually owned her, had time to speak directly with her slave. Then something happened. Something she wasn't expecting at all.

"Can I test something?" Her mistress asked

"Of course mistress." Ellie replied expecting to get punched for some reason.

Her mistress leaned in and kissed Ellie. Ellie's eyes widened she almost pulled away but her brain told her to stop. "Oh my gods oh my gods... Settle down you can use this. You have to like it. " her mind demanded. Ellie relaxed, her lips were soft she tried to focus on that and tentatively returned with a small kiss before her mistress sat back.

"Honestly tell me. Do you want that to happen again?" Her mistress asked.

"No" Ellie thought immediately but said nothing. She sat quietly looking around as her mind raced

You /Cannot/ blow this. Your mistress is lonely and wants /you/. If you say no she might get angry and torture you. You have to say yes. Use her emotions and take advantage of the weakness. Maybe she'll even release you?


Ellie shut her mind down. The advantages of having her mistresses favor like this was far to great to ignore. She could leveragre the relationship. 90% of everything she had done in the underdark was a lie. A vicious side of Ellie that was willing to sacrifice almost anything to survive.

Then a pang of emotion hit her...

Her mistress had awarded her greatly and shielded her from the more insane drow that would have hurt her. Honestly, she had been far more reasonable then the Arcane Tower maybe she did feel something for her? Maybe this wasn't so bad...

"No. She enslaved you. How could you even think that? Use her and once you are free leave her." Ellie thought.

The question from her mistress still lingered but Ellie had already made up her mind. She looked to her mistress meeting her eyes in a genunine manner. Then she leaned forward and kissed the drowess softly on her cheek. Her mistress seemed delighted and quickly wrapped Ellie in a hug.

For Ellie, it was all a lie.

"What in the nine hells am I doing?" She thought. The answer was simple. Surviving.

Ellie hugged her mistress back and was surprised to learn her mistress desired a two way relationship meaning Ellie had input... The ball was in her court. Where does this go now?

Apprehensively Ellie asked if they could share the bed tonight. Her mistress agreed. This was already paying off... A bed was a /huge: impovement over the small stiff cot she had.

As Ellie settled into the bed beneath the blankets her mistress and owner sleeping right beside her Ellie stared at the ceiling cloaked in darkness.

"How did this even happen."
She just stared. The day had been going fairly poor for her after another drowess threatend to whip her and worse... Now things were turning around.

But she had to convince her mistress that she also wanted the relationship. If she sensed it was a lie Ellie had no doubt she would suffer immensely.

She was playing with fire. Litterally.

The Underdark continued to proove to be a rollercoaster of ups and downs and dangerous encounters. Ellie was determined to survive and make it back to the surface.

"I haven't seem the sun in weeks" She murmured to herself with a sigh.

After a few minutes Ellie couldn't help but fall asleep. The relief of being in a soft bed was great. And if she ignored the fact she was sleeping beside a drow the warmth was almost comforting...
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:56 am

Ellie rolled quietly out of bed. Wow. She felt great, resting on an actual matress was a luxury she had been without for months. As her feet hit the cold dark tiles of the floor Ellie grabbed her diary and wandered over to the kitchen across the hall. She shuffled through the kitchen, her tastebuds had not fully converted to Underdark delicacies. Eventually she found some okay tasting roots and retreated to the library where she hid herself in a dimly lit corner to write out of sight of the patrolling mansion Jaluk's.
Dear Diary...

It's been an insane few weeks. Somehow I went from nearly being whipped silly to having my owner and mistress kiss me and proffess some desire to know me as an intelligent being that she wants to pursue a relationship with. She cut the head of her last lover off for betraying her so I guess she is in an emotionally weak spot... A drow and a human? I guess it's believable.

I don't know if it's a trap or genuine. I thought perhaps she just wanted me for the... Physical aspect but she has decided that it cannot be a true relationship if she forces me into it. She wants me to... Love? Her...

But how can I? This nightmare in the underdark has all happened because of her. I know I am lucky, really lucky, many slaves are treated worse but that doesn't lessen my emotions.

I want her to believe my feelings for her are genuine and perhaps in some wiered twisted way they are... But I want her to see me as her... Lover, and I am hoping I can persuade her to remove my collar in exchange for my willful and loyal servitude. Of course then I'll just leave.

But... Part of me feels bad. Some stupid part of me wants to stay here... What about Quentin? His words were so warm... But is there really a home for me on the surface? Will anyone truly care? If she releases me and I stay because I choose to what does that mean? I will forever be an outcast on the surface and everyone who has tried to save me will have wasted their time and effort.

Do I stay? Do I adopt what was once a nightmare as my reality? I could make allies here and carry out my revenge against the Tower. I would be loved by atleast one, and reapected by the others. I would have wealth...

I don't know what I am feeling like. This is hard... I'm conflicted

Signed, Ellie
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

Posts: 423
Joined: Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:02 am

Re: A Howl In The Wind.

Post by FrozenSolid » Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:51 am

Decorative tatoos. That is what Ellie called her runic markings back when she was standing bare beneath an acid shower as the drow collaring her looked on. Emotions for Ellie were obviously running high and acid wasn't exactly comfortable to be showering in so her markings had flared up and glowed.

The drow bought the exscuse and didn't think anything of it. In the underdark infernal markings and the like were not uncommon so no one ever asked about them. But Ellie never forgot why she had the come to Andunor to start with and that she had been collared trying to find someone who could read them.

Moving to the present, after years of searching Ellie found what she was looking for. Someone who was a master in the infernal arts and more then cappable of reading her markings.

Standing in her underclothes in the bottom of a boat with skeleton heads hanging from its sides Ellie shivered then called out.

"I'm ready!"

And out of the backroom emerged the woman. Ellie was directed to sit and as she sat the woman looked over her markings and began to mutter and command the infernal markings with the infernal language. She managed to spur them into glowing but none of her commands made them form the letters Ellie had discovered with a previous mage.

Things eacalated. Ellie needed to be in pain or great emotional distress to coax the markings into moving. The woman's hand came around her throat as she started to choke Ellie while also muttering in the infernal tongue.

Gasping for breath Ellie gripped at the woman's hand but steadied herself. For once her wariorress calm was a bad thing. The woman grunted then shouted out a summoning spell as a devil emerged in a bath of fire.

Ellie's eyes widened. She felt the boney fingers tighten around her throat choking the air out of her. She started to think this was a bad idea and as the devil grew closer, a large menacing monster of red flesh, it struck her.

Ellie wanred to cry out but her throat was clamped shut. She squirmed, what was she doing? The devil struck again, tears broke at her eyes as she tried to thrash. Despite Ellie's thrashing the woman remained steady it was working. Slowly Ellie's markings began to move and dance breaking apart as they began to form words. Ellie let out a strangled cry. The woman dismissed her devil and held Ellie in the throat lock a moment longer before releasing her.

Ellie gasped for breath as her thraot was released. She let out that cry that was strangled away before. The woman stood back and healed her with the same magic that had initially hurt her. Then the woman sat beside Ellie laying an arm across her shoulders.

"It worked" she said

Ellie rubbed tears away. "Good" she thought. Progress... It had been years and she finnally had someone read the markings.

"But I think there might be more." The woman said

Ellie sighed. Of course there was.

While all of this was going on the crew of the vessel had been sailing towards Sencliff. As they arrived into port Ellie was led onto deck still mostly undressed and shieled by the woman as they made their way into the inner chambers of the island enclave.

Entering into a spacious room Ellie stood on a carpet watching the woman as she expained her theory that there might be more words hidden that could be exposed by increasing the level of danger one was in.

"I've come this far... Let's do it" Ellie said.

She would soon regret ever saying that.

The woman's idea to push Ellie farther into fear was fairly aggressive. A headstrong warrioress Ellie was hard to scare but as the massive red dragon clawed it's way from the upper roof of the room Ellie was more then frightened.

The dragon stared down at her a small girl standing almost bare versus a massive dragon. The woman barked an order to the dragon in the infernal tongue and the response was instant. The dragon lurched forward and knocked Ellie easily to the floor then released a terrible roar. Ellie raised her bare arms a patheic defense. The dragon scooped Ellie into his mouth then threw her across the floor the razer sharp teeth tearing her exposed flesh. As Ellie tumbled across the floor she scrambled to stand but was quickly smashed beneath a Dragon paw then let out a cry of pain as the dragon proceeded to rake her with it's talons.

The woman barked another order, the dragon pulled back. Ellie struggled to stand, and as she did the dragon suddenly turned back and hammered Ellie back onto the floor. Ellie cried out as she hit the floor certain more then a few bones were broken.

Crimson blood seeped out of deep wounds as she lay mostly dead on the floor of the chamber. Ellie couldn't tell where the woman had gone, her vision was blurred and the pain was so immense she was close to blacking out. The woman was in fact standing nearby examining Ellie carefully, her markings did not change, no other words were revealed.

"Walk" the woman said, and cast an immense healing spell onto Ellie. Gasping for air Ellie stood, slowly, wiping tears from her eyes the relief of being healed so overwhelming she was about to cry.

That was all they had planned. After almost a decade of work Ellie now knew what her markings said and was that much closer to being free of her curse...
*Didn't just do that* As an arrow flies hitting someone in the face.

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