An abyssalists Journal

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caldura firebourne
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An abyssalists Journal

Post by caldura firebourne » Mon Jan 22, 2018 4:41 pm

*an ancient black leatherbound journal contains hundreds of pages of various alchemical and herbal formulae, as well as diagrams for rituals, abyssal runes and their uses, and various methods of torture that don't harm the body of a victim, but target instead the mind, amid these pages here and there, in no particular discernable order, some journal entries can be found, none are dated or signed*

"pacts are a dangerous thing to commit to, devils, demons, or anything in between, will not make a pact unless the offering outweighs the benefits, Never make a pact you're not willing to commit to, you have to live with it for eternity, in this life and the next....

Infernalists will claim that pacts with devils are safer, Abyssalists will claim the same of demons, these are the opinions of fools who seek to justify their choice in one side or the other to themselves by justifying it to others, both are equally dangerous, and the cost is nothing less than your own mortal soul, either now, or further along the path, you will commit sins in the name of your pacted, but the cost of these sins weighs on you and you alone...

the true difference between Baatezu and Tanarri is far simpler to understand, and the choice between one or the other relies mostly on the pact makers own personal preference, unless they're idiots who will pact with the first lower plane denizen to answer their call

Demons will take something from you now to initiate a pact, the pact lasts for as long as you're useful to the demon, once that usefulness is outlived, so is your pact, likely your time in this world as well.

Devils make contracts, they will give you power now, in return for something later, once that price is paid, your pact will end and your soul will be claimed.

there are plenty of fools out there who take on such pacts to gain power in this life, there's never a shortage of souls to be taken into the blood war, and soon, I too will be one such fool"
Plays as the monster in your closet

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caldura firebourne
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Re: An abyssalists Journal

Post by caldura firebourne » Tue Jan 23, 2018 8:00 am

*Several pages later, a few years worth of research pages being the only mark of time passing to be found*

"I knew they would never forgive me for the pact I took, knew I would be cast out to die on my own.
I never needed them anyway, planned for this. Thay is where I was headed next, and now I'm here, in the service of one of the red robed wizards, seeking his own power from the abyss. who better to teach him the ways of demons than one who has already made such a pact?

humans are so trusting when they think they're in control, he'll be my next sacrifice.


*an abyssal rune marks the bottom of this page, carefully drawn in ancient blood, now brown upon the parchment*
Plays as the monster in your closet

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caldura firebourne
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Re: An abyssalists Journal

Post by caldura firebourne » Wed Feb 07, 2018 9:43 pm

*several new notes can be seen in the next several pages, oddly different from the previous research, much of it now seems strangely scholarly, notes on languages, primarily undercommon, and a few entries regarding mythal fragments and planar travel*

"Had to leave Thay, nothing left for me there, at least until the dust settles from my betrayal, I'll give it some time.
In the meantime, I may be able to find ways to increase my strength with my connection to the abyss in a more chaotic environment, where betrayal is a daily occurrence and every ally holds a knife behind their back, just need to ensure mine is sharper, I'll be required to betray again.
Skullport first, and from there I'll find some out of the way city to call mine for a time, somewhere unknown, where they won't think to look."
Plays as the monster in your closet

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