Soulhaven School

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Mon Apr 19, 2021 3:03 pm

Are you still accepting books here for the school?

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Irongron » Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:08 pm


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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue Apr 20, 2021 1:42 pm

First Sharran War

Author: Adelyn Belle'rose
Rozen Chalice Publishing, a division of East Arelith Trading
Original Publication: 167 AR "The Black Witch"
Revised & Updated Edition: 175 AR "Arelith: First Sharran War"

"The Arelith Antiquarian Society is instituted to examine, preserve, and publish all antiquities as connected with the art, language, literature, and history of the Arelith Archipelago. Articles bearing this notation have been selected for conservation regardless of race, faith, alignment, or affiliation. While all efforts have been made to ensure the information within is accurate regarding the subject matter covered, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein, whether such errors or omissions are the result of negligence, accident, or any other cause. If any such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions are discovered please contact the author who will address the issue."


The settlement of Cordor, ruled by a triumvirate of elected Senators until The Baronial Age of 15 AR, was a bustling metropolis of commerce and corruption in 06 AR. Though the end of the recent Stonehold War had brought a quiet stability to its citizens, the surface soon witnessed a new conflict with Udos Dro'Xun, the Drow settlement located deep within the Lowerdark. As a result of the near-constant skirmishes, the Arcane Tower was magically relocated within the boundaries of Cordor by the mages of the First Conclave. With the Tower's long shadow cast over the city, its influence and wealth quickly expanded. Regardless of the Tower's new status, or perhaps because of it, the First Conclave dissolved as its many members departed for varying personal pursuits save for one - the gnome Archmage Zedeln and his apprentice Cordorian Senator Allanna Coloana.


Archmage Zedeln would depart the Arcane Tower in 08 AR, leaving Senator Allanna to assume the mantle. Under her ownership, access to the Tower and its massive library was quickly limited, achievable only under the watchful eye of the new Archmage herself. Such an action was possible at the time, for the Arcane Tower functioned more like a guildhall rather than the public location we know it as today. This allowed the Tower's leaseholder to exert considerable constraint upon any seeking admittance to the facility. With this restricting grip on the isle's only source of magical knowledge, the Senator worked with Cordor's well-established criminal cabal "The Silent Hand" to cement her position of authority over the city. Secured in her status, Allanna moved quickly to corrupt the new associates of the Arcane Tower, proclaiming herself the "Black Witch'' of Shar and guiding the easily molded minds of acolytes into the embrace of the Dark Goddess.

This situation continued for nearly a year until the misjudgment of several delicate political situations cascaded into a deterioration of both her social and political standing. Soon the terms murder and corruption became synonymous with the name Allanna Coloana.


Cordorians eventually overcame the influence of The Silent Hand, which had monopolized the city's illegal activities for the last decade, through an election in 09 AR. Without the suppressive tactics of The Silent Hand's puppet Senators, the citizens of Cordor were able to rally in open conflict against The Black Witch and her arcanist supporters. This strife raged upon the streets of Cordor in what would later be coined the "First Sharran War." A confrontation that lasted several bloody weeks until partisans led by Aristotlus Bibliophilus the Fifth, Sway Sand, and Kaeshan Se'Lhane cornered the agents of shadow within the Arcane Tower. The Black Witch was apprehended and her Sharran adherents defeated in a final confrontation upon the Tower's upper floor.


The former Senator, Archmage of the Arcane Tower, and "Black Witch" of Shar was placed on trial for her crimes. Found guilty, she was beheaded in full view of Cordor's citizens in a public execution.

The Goddess Shar, ignoring desperate pleas, stripped Allanna of her spellcasting abilities as a final reward for her failure.

While never proven in court, many records later found in the Arcane Tower suggest the former Archmage Zedeln introduced the Senator to the Lady of Loss and was responsible for Allanna's knowledge of the Shadow Weave. The gnome's ultimate fate remains unknown.

Kaeshan Se'Lhane acquired the Arcane Tower's lease from Cordor's city authorities and assumed the title of Archmage after the war's end. To restore the Tower's neutrality it was relocated to the Bramble Woods, outside of the settlement's influence.




* Book(s):
[1] Unknown, "The Sharran Wars"
[2] Unknown, "History of the Arcane Tower"
[3] Unknown, "The Era of Shadows"
[4] Unknown, "The Quiet Embrace of the Pearl"
[5] Unknown, "The Se'Lhane Reformation"
[6] Unknown, "History of Cordor, Vol. I"
[7] Unknown, "The Time of the Seven Seals"

* Special Thanks:
Lilian Williams, "Data Collection"

* Dedication:
"This book is dedicated to Ain Ameleen. For reminding me that the treachery of emotion is often hidden behind a pleasant smile and humorous remarks."



[The modest portrait of a young vermilion-haired lady with pallid flesh is positioned next to the paragraph below. Her emerald gaze looks intently at the reader, betraying the aspect's alluring facade with callous indifference. The suggestion of a predatory smile appears hidden within the corners of full upturned lips.]

"The Vampire Adelyn Belle'rose has been charming readers with her historical works upon the island of Arelith for years. As the former curator of the Cordor's Museum, she helped bring the past to life through exhibits and displays. Later, as a member of Andunor's Erudite Arcanum, she would lead the research team to investigate Shadow Wharftown's Third Iteration. Through the founding of the Arelith Antiquarian Society and the East Arelith Trading Company, she continues to advocate for the preservation of knowledge across the archipelago."

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue Apr 20, 2021 1:51 pm

Skull Crag Schism

Author: Adelyn Belle'rose
Rozen Chalice Publishing, a division of East Arelith Trading
Original Publication: 169 AR "Skull Crag Schism"
Revised & Updated Edition: 175 AR "Arelith: Skull Crag Schism"

"The Arelith Antiquarian Society is instituted to examine, preserve, and publish all antiquities as connected with the art, language, literature, and history of the Arelith Archipelago. Articles bearing this notation have been selected for conservation regardless of race, faith, alignment, or affiliation. While all efforts have been made to ensure the information within is accurate regarding the subject matter covered, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein, whether such errors or omissions are the result of negligence, accident, or any other cause. If any such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions are discovered please contact the author who will address the issue."


The great tragedy of mortality is the loss of truly exceptional individuals. The ogre Ikarus is one such creature. Having known him in his life, I feel compelled to not only record his great deeds, of which there were many but comment on the Elder himself. He was one of the few to stop and speak with me rather than simply resorting to a blade. A rare and treasured state of mind in this realm of constant bloodshed. Where many want to outcast and exile on rumor alone, Ikarus would seek to understand the matter before passing judgment. He was Andunor's greatest strength, possessing a mind of wisdom and contemplation. As such, I found it hard to pinpoint what of his many endeavors should be recorded in-depth for such a soul. For he has fought in many conflicts, the last of which was the flooding of Cordor's sewers with oozes and slimes. So, ultimately, I asked Ikarus himself which he wanted saved for prosperity. Of his many feats the one that brought him peace was his retribution upon Guldorand. So that is the tale I record in these pages. A last request granted for a friend. While I adored our conversations and games of 'Tit for Tat' your absence in this world makes me thankful I can no longer feel such things.


Hostilities between the frontier logging village of Guldorand, known as Westcliff, and the Ogre tribes of the Skull Crag Mountains began the moment settlers first appeared in the area. A policy of human expansionism and logging forcing the two factions into conflict. This animosity was ingrained in the Crag tribes by the time the ogre Ikarus was born. Growing in both size and prowess the young Ikarus rose in favor among the Gods to eventually claim the mantle of shaman. Standing beside Chief Dadaluk, they led their tribe in continued warfare against the invaders of Guldorand. This feud waged until the winter of 131 AR, when the mayor of Westcliff, Alice Highfen, ordered a daring assault upon the ogre clan's cavern home amid a blizzard. The settler's militia attack fell upon the unprepared tribe and what followed was described as slaughter. Shaman Ikarus, guarding the birthing chamber where his wife Brunnk had just given life to his newly born son, fell gravely wounded and left for dead. His mate and the females within the chamber were slain, while his unnamed son was speared.

With their Chief fallen in battle, home destroyed, and shaman lost to despair those that survived the slaughter scattered. However, within this moment of personal torment Ikarus was given a vision of purpose, offered by his God Vaprak, to travel below and guide a new war chief who was on the rise. Making the sojourn, Ikarus found himself in Andunor and in the service of Chief Karstaag.


Years after he arrived in Andunor, now old in age, Ikarus learned the magic of far-seeing from the magi of the Erudite Arcanum. Once again able to view the surface, he observed his old homeland in passing until the events of 167 AR. The scried actions of Guldorand's Shield leader Axeman Derristan Barley stirred the old flames of loss within the ogre shaman. Even now, the settlers of the logging village raided the Skull Crags, slaying the tribes for writ and gold. Never a coward, Ikarus strolled to the gates of Westcliff and declared that "doom was comin' from my horde".

Shortly after the declaration, the Guldorand Elder Angela Amana approached the ogre to speak of peace in the Undergarden. While unsuccessful, her action was respected by the shaman for few surfacers ever bothered to ask the most important of questions . . . "why". Angela Amana was rewarded for her courage by learning of Ikarus' past and while her tear-filled pleas fell on a heart hardened by loss, she did earn the Elder's admiration.


With the city of Andunor in a period of relative calm between the various factions, Elder Ikarus sent out a call to battle. Bounties were placed on the Shields of Guldorand, the village's militia force, and a declaration for a city-wide war moot was made. Many answered the call of the new Warchief, though not all from Underdark city. Pirates from the isle of Sencliff, Banites of the Black Host, and demon kin from the Black Citadel swarmed to the ogre's banner by the scores. Reminding us all that nothing can bring such natural enemies together as that of mutual hate for a shared adversary.

The campaign was launched after the war moot established leaders and roles. Strike packs moved on outlying ranger stations and outposts of Guldorand. The encampments leveled and totems placed to mark the fall. Warbands roamed the trade routes, ambushing patrols and caravans alike.

To help ensure triumph, Warchief Ikarus spoke with Archdruid Raven Burin of the Heartwood Grove. As Guldorand had been logging the Skull Crags far and wide for years, he felt the Druids might take a chance to level the field in the ogre's favor. Unfortunately, the Archdruid replied that it was a fight between two peoples and not Nature. He did agree however, to keep the Grove out of the conflict.


Roughly half a year into the fighting, Warchief Ikarus led a war party into the Guldorand coal mines. The strategy was to blow the tunnels with powder kegs and open the way for the Crag orc clans to reclaim the passageways. The raid went as planned, though it took most of the night, and the sun had risen above the mountain peaks. An issue arose when several Drow members of the raid failed to come prepared and were trapped in the surface caves with no lens to return below. Using his supplies and magic, Elder Ikarus was able to return the Drow to the safety of the Underdark. Unfortunately, before those that remained could rest and recover their spent powers, the shaman felt the eyes of scry magic upon them. Unable to rest and having lost their wards, the three who remained decided to run for the Weather Stone and its portal. A task they nearly completed before a party of Cordor and Guldorand soldiers intercepted them.

Knowing victory was out of grasp and unwilling to gift the honor of his death to humans, Ikarus and his escorting warrior named Frank surrendered. The third group member, a goblin named Sham, managed to fight his way free past the heavily armored shins of over a dozen soldiers. It was stated to be one of the goblin's "finest scraps".

For the next two days, Warchief Ikarus was imprisoned and interrogated. The clever ogre managed to send a message via magical means to the Drow Zilka during his captivity. This drow slaver, renowned for her charm and lust for slaves, spread word to the city of the shaman's situation. First Keeper Schezalle of the Erudite Arcanum led negotiations for their freedom, securing the human Frank's release during a Shadovar Trade Post meeting.

While some spoke of prisoner release, Matron O'annir of House Z'ress rallied a force from the city and her guard to take more direct action. When night fell, they struck the logging village of Westcliff. The torture of elder Ikarus at the hands of Samantha Goodman and her dwarven subordinate Frida Vintergrad was interrupted by the sounds of chaos. The Duergar Pani led the way into the settlement with an axe held high as the Matron of House Z'ress followed with the war party. In an echo of Guldorand's raid on Ikarus' clan so many years ago, the undertakers waded into the unprepared logging village to bring retribution and vengeance. The fighting that followed was vicious and wanton. The Shaman Ikarus, freed from his cell, was rushed under guard to the Matron's created portal in the town's tavern.

When the dust settled, Andunor had secured eight prisoners among which were Guldorland's Second Axe (Second in Command) Reina and Cordor nobleman Markus Hawkwinter. Gathered in the Treadstone Locks, the prisoners were enslaved or exchanged. Warchief Ikarus secured his totem staff, taken from him as captive, and Guldorland called for mercy. Accounts from the time state First Axe (Commander) Derristan proclaimed Warchchief Ikarus mightier than himself to the chancellor of Cordor as part of the prisoner release.

[The children of Andunor Prevail over Guldorand]

"On a dreaded nightfall during the last tencycle period, the audacious settlement Guldorand took captive two favored sons of Andunor: a retainer to House Z'ress and Elder Ikarus of The Sharps. Their efforts were in vain."

"Promptly, and decisively, a joint coalition with the Archpriestess and Matron Mother Oannir Z'ress at the helm as Field Marshall led the forces of House Xel'vraxa, Z'ress, Xun'viir, Ril'ynervs, The Erudite Arcanum, The Temple of Lolth and citizens of each district; we marched upon Guldorand with purpose and conviction in pursuit of reprisal, with intention to retrieve Elder Ikarus from enemy grasp."

"In our wake, much destruction and death was wrought in Her name and our enemies settlement razed to the ground. Elder Ikarus was subsequently rescued from their jail in the aftermath of the battle and a decisive and overwhelming victory was firmly in our grasp."

"I wish to congratulate and commend all whom participated in this landslide victory. If anything is to be inferred thus on reflection of this overwhelming and successful conquest it is this: to take a son or daughter of Andunor will only result in severe consequences; in this respect, you captured two and all the sunlands consequently achieved is a ruined settlement and the decimation and capture of The Shield; moreover, the capture of your allies, such as affluent figures in Cordor. Do not provoke the ire of the dark, nor underestimate that which can bind us; this reaction was spontaneous and I encourage your imagination as to what can be achieved premeditated.... "

"Whilst I derive great gratification in the First Axe of The Shield, Derristan, pleading for mercy in the aftermath - he must know that Lolth is merciless, for She has none. However, we will not be gratuitous. Yield to reason and concession, for perhaps an accord can be reached."

"I urge the coalition of the sunlands to see reason and accept certain realities: the will of Lolth is inevitable. End this indiscriminate and gratuitous slaughter of Elder Ikarus kin; concede to defeat and yield to the demands of Elder Ikarus and the unison of Andunor in this conquest."

"Praise Lolth, for She will test us all. May the Ilythiiri reign."

<> High Priestess Chenizra to The Temple of Lolth and Matron Mother of the Noble House Xel'vraxa <>
(Day 9, Month 12, Year 167)


Several small encounters were fought after the sacking of Westcliff, including a failed surface attack on Warchief Ikarus' celebratory victory feast hosted in Andunor. Surface raiders' second attack in the Underdark's Petrified Forest also met a similar end. However, it did give a chance for the mage Emily Bitterbloom to increase her fearsome reputation in battle. These counterattacks by the surface would break the uneasy peace that settled after Wescliff's fall in 168 AR.

[Da Hunt's Back On]

"I'z'll give 'em dis: da Sunners is real scrappers, ain't no doubt."

"Da forces o' Andunor united crushed 'em in Guldorand ta free me from deir clutches. Da Church o' da All Shadow sent 'em packin' when dey tried to bust into da Plane o' Shadow. An' when a scraggly bunch o' 'em came right inta da cave o' my kin an' crashed our feast, we sent 'em runnin'. But *still* dey fight on - as if dey had a hope!"

"I was finkin' ta let my foes, da Shields o' Guldorand, stew in fear after all dese losses, but it's bein' clear deyz wantin' more! So let da word go out - my bounties is back on. I'z payin' good cash an' my best healin' brews fer Shield heads an' Shield prisoners. My war-board in da Hub's got all da details - look fer it across from da kobold banka."

"Dis war rises to a burnin' heat. Soon'll be da time fer a ranky strike, one dat'll grind dem manky Shields inta paste. But 'til ya hear word from me, all dere's ta do is hunt - so hunt on!"

Said but ain't read by
Elder Ikarus
(Day 3, Month 3, Year 168)


After several years of warfare, Warchief Ikarus received word in 169 AR that the ruling chiefs of the Skull Crag tribes wished to speak. The Jarl of the Giants, The Shaman of the Orges, and Chief of the Orcs met with Elder Ikarus and bellowed he did not speak for them, nor fight for them, nor did they wish him to. He had been gone too long from the mountain and was no longer an Elder of the Skull Crags but Andunor. Despite attempts at reason, the tribes of the Skull Crags denied Elder Ikarus and his war on their behalf. With his revenge over the loss of his family fulfilled and the reason to wage war for the sake of saving the Skull Crag tribes no longer his concern, Warchief Ikarus called for a Moot of Peace with Guldorand.

[War's Soon Ta End]

"Oy all,"

"My warrin' 'gainst dem o' Guldorand is soon ta end. Dere's peace ta be forced, an' gains fer us ta be made in it. All my bounties on da Shields is over an' done. Dem chiefs in my horde I ain't spoken to yet - keep ya ears peeled fer my messengers, an' call fer me if'n yaz seein' me! Dere's words wez needin' ta have."

Said but ain't read by
Elder Ikarus
(Day 7, Month 9, Year 168)

The meeting was held in the infernal city of Dis between both sides. A five-year peace between Guldorand and the Mountain Tribes would be agreed upon from this accord.

[Da War o' Guldorand is Settled Fer Good]

"Last tencycle, a pack o' my chiefs an' I were meetin' wif da leaders o' Guldorand an' some o' deir allies - from Brightburst ta Gauntlet an' more in between. Much words was spoken back an' on, an' in da end da war were settled."

"Da Shields o' Guldorand' ave sworn ta stay well out o' da caves o' my kin in da Skull Crags fer a time o' five years, 'til da end o' da first month o' AR 174. Da chiefs in da Skull Crags ain't much happy fer makin' deals wif humies, but mebbe dis time'll show 'em dere's good ta be had in keepin' da humies outta our caves, an' lettin' our younglings grow up wifout gettin' stabbed in da cradle."

"So be standin' down, all my chiefs an' warriors! My war-board in da Hub is taken down an' my rage against Guldorand is bein' settled, leastin' fer now. Bring yaselves instead ta feastin' an' arms-sharpenin'. Dere's merriment an' war both ta be had yet - but not against Guldorand."

Said but ain't read by:
Elder Ikarus
(Day 16, Month 2, Year 169)

While not the end Ikarus desired, his army managed to defeat the military of Guldorand and, at least for a time, bring peace to the younglings of the Skull Crag clans. A victory earned and claimed by all but Ikarus himself.


Ever a servant of the Gods and feeling his age, Ikarus challenged General Arak of Andunor to single combat after releasing his beholder familiar Ghazghul back to the depths.

[Ritual Death by Combat]

"Da time 'as come fer my passin'. I ain't neva were one ta go down from age - a death by da blade is what I claim! Arak, General o' Andunor's armies, will be da one darin' ta best me in battle an' give me a warrior's end...since fer all da war I'z waged, dem Sunners ain't neva managed ta get da job done!"

"My last battle'll be in Andunor's colosseum in da Devil's Table. Come if'n yaz wantin'. Still, my road ends even if'n its just Arak an' me."

Said but ain't read by:
Elder Ikarus
(Day 10, Month 8, Year 169)

At the appointed time, citizens of Andunor gathered in the benches above the arena sands to bear witness to the great ogre's final moments. With the count done by the Drow Zilka, Ikarus charged Arak in what was to be his last battle. In a final blessing, the Gods saw fit to remind the shaman why he had first been chosen and the mighty warrior Arak fell before the Elder's feet to the spectator's astonishment. Not one to be denied his rest and reward, Elder Ikarus challenged those from the stands the honor of fighting him. From the crowd stepped forth the Minotaur Mar'grath Bloodhorn, Remembrancer Adelyn Belle'rose, the slave Ilith Ilyana, and Imp Xarmarir Karxus. Another count was given and Elder Ikarus faced the gathered foes in battle. While ferocious, it ended quickly. The Elder of Andunor lay upon the sands bleeding, where his life was ended by his friend Arak with a warrior's stroke of a blade.

Thus on the nineteenth day of the ninth month of 169 AR, Elder Ogre Shaman Ikarus and former Warchief of Andunor died in ritual combat upon the sands of Andunor's colosseum. Earning his place among his Gods after a long life of service.

[Upon the next page of the book is a detailed illustration]

A blue-skinned ogre, whom is clearly no spring chicken, is center of the page. Hunched over, armbands appearing to jangle as he would sway against his staff. He resembles a huge, wrinkled prune more than a savage beast. Eyes sharp with wisdom stare back upon the reader. Sprawled across his chest is a large brand in the shape of a taloned claw. The claw on his chest is the symbol of Vaprak, while his armbands are engraved with the icons of a number of beast blood deities: Baphomet, Gruumsh, Kurtulmak, Laogzed, and Yeenoghu.

Hoovering next to the ogre is a young beholder. His eye stalks gaze about, while his central eye is marked by vague annoyance, its mouth set with a dry expression.




* Written Records:
[1] Matron Chenizra, "The children of Andunor Prevail over Guldorand"
[2] Elder Ikarus, "Da Hunt's Back On"
[3] Elder Ikarus, "War's Soon Ta End"
[4] Elder Ikarus, "Da War o' Guldorand is Settled Fer Good"
[5] Elder Ikarus, "Ritual Death by Combat"

* Interview:
[1] Elder Ikarus, War Chief

* Dedication:
"This book is dedicated to the Elder Ikarus. While Andunor stands, so shall you. Crack On!"



[The modest portrait of a young vermilion-haired lady with pallid flesh is positioned next to the paragraph below. Her emerald gaze looks intently at the reader, betraying the aspect's alluring facade with callous indifference. The suggestion of a predatory smile appears hidden within the corners of full upturned lips.]

"The Vampire Adelyn Belle'rose has been charming readers with her historical works upon the island of Arelith for years. As the former curator of the Cordor's Museum, she helped bring the past to life through exhibits and displays. Later, as a member of Andunor's Erudite Arcanum, she would lead the research team to investigate Shadow Wharftown's Third Iteration. Through the founding of the Arelith Antiquarian Society and the East Arelith Trading Company, she continues to advocate for the preservation of knowledge across the archipelago."

Last edited by Edens_Fall on Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:15 pm

The Prying Eye

Author: Adelyn Belle'rose
Rozen Chalice Publishing, a division of East Arelith Trading
Original Publication: 172 AR "The Prying Eye: Cordor's Magocracy"
Revised & Updated 2nd Edition: 175 AR "Arelith: The Prying Eye"

"The Arelith Antiquarian Society is instituted to examine, preserve, and publish all antiquities as connected with the art, language, literature, and history of the Arelith Archipelago. Articles bearing this notation have been selected for conservation regardless of race, faith, alignment, or affiliation. While all efforts have been made to ensure the information within is accurate regarding the subject matter covered, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein, whether such errors or omissions are the result of negligence, accident, or any other cause. If any such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions are discovered please contact the author who will address the issue."


In the middle months of 153 AR (Arelith Reckoning), Cordor's election cycle saw the magi Katernin Bersk run for the position of Chancellor. Her platform centered on change within the government, national defense, and patriotism. Her appeal to the masses carried the majority vote and allowed her to win the election.


[Chancellor's Inaugural Address]

"Citizens of Cordor, thank you for coming to my first formal address as your new Chancellor. I appreciate the faith you have put in me to run this great city and I will not let you, nor the legacy of those before me, down."

"There are several things I wish to do during this term which I will outline the first steps during this address. The topics are as follows:"

"The Cordorian Guard; the ministry positions; streamlining the legal procedures; and, mostly importantly, forging Cordor into a strong and sovereign nation. Please hold your comments, questions, or concerns until the end."

"First, the Cordorian guard. Over the past year, I have been working directly with the guard and military and have found them, with a few exceptions, well run."

"That said, no group should be immune to auditing procedures and I have already spoken to a former commander whom I have asked to fulfil this auditing role."

"A well-run group should never fear an audit, they should embrace it to show their superiority. In an effort for transparency, the findings of that audit will be publicly available."

"Secondly, the Cordorian ministry and my cabinet. The cabinet will consist of four members: The Chancellor, the Minister of the Foreign Affairs, the Minister of the Interior, and the Minister of the Arcane. Each of these positions can open subgroups that operate with their direct supervision."

"The Minister of Arcane Affairs role is to provide oversight on arcane usage within the city and monitor it on all of Arelith. This includes, but not limited to: oversight of wild magic, necromancy, and other vile magics; consulting with other esoteric arcane matters around the isle."

"The Minister of Internal Affairs role is to provide oversight over everything that occurs within the city of Cordor. This includes, but not limited to: agriculture, culture, guards, and economics."

"The Minister of the Foreign Affairs role is to provide oversight on the ongoings over the entire isle. This includes, but not limited to: military (including the navy), diplomacy, and typically, the vice chancellorship."

"Finally, the Chancellors role is to provide oversight over each of the other ministers. They will fill in any vacant roles as needed and ensure that all the offices are operating at peek efficiently. Their votes in cabinet meetings will break ties and they maintain general veto power when necessary."

"While this is my current thinking, it may evolve as the month's progress and I collect additional ideas from our citizens."

"One thing that became clear to me during the most recent trial, was that it was very time inefficient. It was obvious that there was a lot of extraneous time spent on litigation as the processes are not clearly defined."

"I plan to review and streamline the current law system as well as the procedures to run a trail in a reasonable amount of time. As a former magistrate myself, I am uniquely suited for this role."
"And finally, the topic of how to strengthen Cordor. For a long time, Cordor has been looked upon as secondary to other groups and settlements on Arelith. While I believe the Cordor needs to maintain its defensive alliances and cooperation against the vile forces that hide below our city, Cordor also needs to maintain its sovereignty."

"You have put your faith in me, and I will return that belief in the way of safety for you so that you can concentrate on other parts of your life. I am certain that many of you know that I am a diviner and one of our abilities is foresight; the ability to see things before they occur."

"But that power is not absolute though it can be improved. Devices attuned to me will be installed around the city in order to take a hands-on approach at extending my sight to multiple places at once from the safety of my private sanctum."

"I am certain that you will appreciate this kind of direct methodology from the Chancellor and alleviate one less thing chaotic thing you need to navigate in on this isle."

"The plans above are the first steps at strengthening our nations, it is not only me than will invoke this change. I need you, each and every one of the good citizens of Cordor, to do their part. I am counting on you as much as you are counting on me."

"Thank you for listening Cordor, and Eye open."

<>Sealed with an image of a raven on top of the seal of Chancellors Seal of Cordor<>
Katernin Bersk
Day 27, Month 8, Year 153


The Chancellor's first term began with hopes, promises, restructuring, and interviews. Utilizing the Cordor City Guard to conduct background investigations on city council applicants, Bersk interviewed and appointed three people to positions as Ministers in the Government. Peram Flint, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Priscilla Plaskett, Minister of Internal Affairs; and Dimitrios Hal-Nyxos Minister of Arcane Affairs. She also appointed Valencia Cruz as Admiral of the Cordor Navy against the advice of investigating Guard officers Mather Allias, Savol Corthala, and Cei Mornshield.

At the start of her reign, Cordor's coffers held a total of 9,141,683 gold. Approximately two million was left in the main account, 300,000 to each Ministry account, and the remaining 6,000,000 went into an excess fund account.

It was announced that Loretta Ashby, Priestess of Savras, had arrived in the city from the mainland after being sent to aid Bersk in matters of faith.

Chancellor Bersk soon experienced her first significant military victory, though at great cost, with the defeat of The Beast (See Book' Arelith: The Beast').

[From the Desk of the Chancellor: A Call to Action]

"On this glorious day, I come to you basking in the splendor of our City. The military has succeeded in a victory against the forces of the Shadow, but that victory did not come without price. The price of our Commander but I know she would not have allowed any other in this city to take her place. Commander Gawain did what was best, not only for Cordor, but for the entire island."

"I am not devoid of emotion, for I shed a tear for our late Commander. But we must move forward."

"Are you certain you are serving your nation the best way you can? Are you sitting in the background hoping that those around you will carry you into this glory? Are you happy that you were not asked to make the choice that the Commander had to? In my Cordor, we all do our part. In my Cordor, those that serve would make the same choice as Commander Gawain did."

"There are times we must stay our hand but there are times when a reserved hand is the wrong approach. Let Fate show us the wisdom of when to act and when to hold back. Nothing is ever won in history without bloodshed."

"The time to act is now. Join the forces of the State today."

Katernin Bersk
Day 22, Month 10, Year 153


The opening of 154 AR witnessed Katernin Bersk tightening her grip on the city with the Cordor City Guard's disbanding and its officers' dismissal. The force was replaced by her personal bodyguard known as "The Eyes of the Chancellor" which were accountable only to her. Bersk further moved to evict city citizens who she felt to be 'unproductive' while working to weed out agents from other settlements, such as Mabel Dyndarack employed by Andunor. Those of the old guard that gave knee to the new regime were rewarded, as former guard Mather Allias was named Knight-Commander of Gloom Keep.

[The Eyes of the Chancellor]

"As we embark on this new path of safety, security, and most importantly, Prosperity, there is much change on the horizon. In my first few months leading this great city, I have seen much that I would like to modify and to start, that is with the Cordorian Guard."

"Today, I am dissolving the entity known as the Cordorian Guard."

"The guard have served adequately for many years, but the focus is now on a different type of service and providing that service will be the Eyes of the Chancellor. The Eyes will be led by a man known as Ardent who has been in command of the Chancellors Guard for the past few months."

"The Eyes will oversee general Cordorian law enforcement but will also be following up on leads that results in information gathered by the Ministry of Arcane Affairs as the results of the Lodestar observations."

"I understand that change is difficult, but I have faith that you will realize this is a step forward for Cordor."

"Note, any former members of the Cordorian Guard are welcome to approach Ardent for new order should they wish to continue their role; otherwise, the City thanks them for their service and wishes them the best in their future endeavors."

Katernin Bersk
Day 25, Month 12, Year 153


[From the Desk of the Chancellor: Knight-Commander Mather Allias]

"Since arriving to this island a few years ago, Mather Allias has served with the Cordorian guard with exceptional skill, discipline, and honour fitting of a faithful of Helm. My Eye has often looked upon him and saw one who was serving as an extreme example of the best that our trained forces can produce."

"Due to this, Sergeant Mather Allias of the Cordor guard has been given title and land by the Chancellor of Cordor. He will serve as Knight-Commander of the Western front of Cordor and be stationed within Gloom Keep. He will have a retinue made up of members of the Cordorian Guard and will be free to command as he sees fit under the Overview of the Minister of External Affairs."

"His watch beings now."

Katernin Bersk
Day 1, Month 3, Year 154


The greatest apparatus of control for the Chancellor was the development and implementation of the "Lodestar Array". A collection of magical devices placed around the city that would record and transmit their observations to the magi of the administration. A sort of remote, constant scrying that allowed the Chancellor and her subordinates to perceive all happenings within sight of the devices. Needless to say, such magic raised concern within the general populace of Cordor.

[A New Era for Cordor: The Lodestar Observational Devices]

"Today, is a glorious day for all of Cordor. Today, the civil Magocracy has brought into operation that which I promised you from the beginning: the additional safety and security measures that this city has been craving. Through the tireless efforts of the Arcane Ministry, we are finally able to deploy the Lodestar observational network in a joint Gondar and Savras operation."

"Naturally, the exact methodology of how the network functions is considered to be a state secret, do know that it is operates under my Eye. While the process of observations is extremely taxing to me, this is the sacrifice that I am willing to make for the betterment of this entire city."

"Finally, to the vile out there that walks our streets know that I will be watching. When you want to take what is not yours, we will be there. When you want to use violence and intimidation to get your way, we will be there. And should you think about damaging the network? Then you will be sentenced to death and/or exiled."

"No longer will this city stand idly by."

Katernin Bersk
Day 2, Month 3, Year 154


Chancellor Bersk, her positions secured, declared the Settlement of Cordor a Magocracy. A form of government where only those with an ability in magic can wield power. Under this new decree, users of the arcane could apply for patrician social status, which carried with it certain privileges above those of the common citizens.

Known individuals who received such social status:
Patrician: Wotan Woodberry
Patrician: Siobhan Gray
Patrician: Miranda Magna

[Patrician-class: Expanded Rights]

"1: Patricians accused of wrong-doing have the inalienable right to a private trial with no civilians present. The High Arbiter, the Bailiff, the Scribe, (one) Eye and any members of the Cabinet who wish to view the proceedings."

"These defined individuals are the only ones allowed to be present, in addition to the prosecutor, one individual designated as defense if required and the accuser."

"Witnesses brought forward for either the defense or the prosecution, one way or the other, are not allowed in the courtroom. They must wait outside, in the lobby, until called for. Then depart afterwards."

"Any and all punishments rendered against the patrician, if convicted of wrong-doing, must be kept private unless the matter concerns the wholeness and security of the Kingdom of Cordor, as defined by the High Arbiter or a representative thereof."

"2: Patricians have the right to request security detachments if they feel it needed from the Eyes for short durations."

"3: Patricians have the right to make accusations of wrong-doing, remaining anonymous to the defendant(s). This privacy is only guaranteed in patrician-vs-plebian situations."

Signed: Vice-Chancellor
Ministry of Internal Affairs
Peram Flint


[Patrician Writs]

"If you already qualify as a patrician by the standards defined the Societal Classes of the Magocracy letter posted by the Chancellor, this does not concern you. Though you must request a license if desired for physical proof."

"Henceforth: any and all individuals who do not meet the typical criteria for the status of patrician as defined in this Magocracy and have not received it as a reward for excellence in the Magocracy."

"May, if they feel their contributions to the city profound enough, request for the social-status of patrician from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If granted, you will receive a writ. Do not lose it."

Signed: Vice-Chancellor
Office of Internal Affairs
Peram Flint


While Bersk worked on forging the military and city into a personalized Kingdom, her spiritual advisor operated upon the common citizens with public announcements and guidance to community leaders. It was not long before Savras was declared the State Religion, only aiding the woman's influence upon the city.

[The Path Ahead]

"Why do we choose? Do we choose because we are helpless? Because we need someone else to decide for us? No. We choose because we believe. Those who can choose, do it because they believe. All of them. All of us. For one reason or the other, we all believe in a plan. The plan."

"Even if it's impossible for everyone to See eye to eye with each other, we all believe that a certain plan will lead us to prosperity."

"And it is common for ideas to often be lived not individually, but uniquely, to think that the plan we believe in, is, as I said, /the/ plan, the only one possible, the only one that is worthy of being followed."

"But we must not be foolish. We all know what is happening in the city, we all know what is happening in the island. I've heard you, you who complain about the devices the Chancellor has recently installed in the city, and I understand. Seeing is not for all, and all are not meant to See, or even be Seen, but now is the time, Cordor."

"Now is the time to put uniqueness aside, to understand that our plans are not the only ones and that there is a path ahead, a path that we can all See, and that we can all follow."

"And I am not asking you to be mindless! No! I am asking for Clarity. I am asking for reason. Put your plans aside when they are not meant to be executed, but not to simply accept somebody else's, to understand it."

"Take your time, See how their logic works, and understand how their schemes are to happen. Don't simply tremble in anger and burst out the first time you can't see to accomplishing your objectives."

"Wait. Listen. Think. Plan, again and again. Never give up on planning, but understand that you are not the only one who does it, and that there is no need to push your intentions on to everyone. There is a time for all of us. All we need is to be able to determine when. Be clever. See how your Plan fits in theirs. Understand the city as what it is, understand life as what it is: a complex puzzle that we all put together, collectively."

"And in that process, adapt. Don't be ill intentioned. Don't look to just benefit from someone else's plan and then impose yours when they fail. No!"

"Be clever. Realize that all our plans are meant to coexist, just as we coexist too. But, once more, don't be foolish. Understand my words as a call for unity, but not for deviation. I am speaking to a city of good, to a city of prosperity, to a city of lights. Don't twist my words and put them to foul uses, for I will not allow it."

"Do not compete for what is not worth it. Lend your aid to those who you think have a righteous heart, to those who you trust in, but specially, to those who, even if you may disagree with, will show the city a path to success. Let us be unique not in our plans, but in our intent."

"And now, Cordor, say yes! To respect, to understanding, to Clarity, to Seeing! Eyes open, Cordor! Now! Now more than ever."

Day 28, Month 3, Year 154
Loretta Ashby


[Faith of Cordor]

"In consideration to the direction we will be taking the city and thought toward the efficiency of our operations we will be considering Savras as the patron deity of Cordor."

"With the beneficence and guidance of Savras we can guarantee a greater security for our people and a stronger vision moving forward."

Katernin Bersk
Day 1, Month 4, Year 154


[Chancellor Bersk - Priestess Ashby's Report]

"Since the very first time I spoke with her, Chancellor Katernin Bersk has been very honest about the rumors regarding the Banites' involvement in their election, spread mostly by a paladin of the Lord of Spells, Paige Mosbrooke. Miss Mosbrooke has been contacted, and she presented a very intricate series of events that she deemed to be evidence enough to condemn the Chancellor, though most of it are just theories and assumptions."

"Trying to get a better understanding of these accusations, I spoke to Ministers Peram Flint, of Exterior Affairs, and Priscilla Plaskett, of Internal Affairs. Mister Flint is a cordial, patient halfling arcanist that disclosed quite a lot about Magistrati Mosbrooke, who leads an order called "The Azure Scroll", and held private conversations on the subject of executing wild magicians. She intends, or intended, to enforce the Magebond of the Azuthan Church in the Island. Mister Flint was once a part of Mosbrooke's faction but decided to leave them after events similar to the one I have mentioned. It is important to note that the Magistrati Mosbrooke is, according to Mister Flint, close to a pirate named 'Drossaico', who has been endorsed by the Banites."

"Miss Plaskett, an Eldathan, seemed to be more concerned for the general well-being of the city, which is quite logical given her position. The, as far as I am aware, arcanist preaches for peace and love, asking the people to be 'good'."

"Both Ministers seem knowledgeable in their fields, and capable of following the Chancellor's plan. Their intentions are the right ones."

"The third Minister, Dimitrios Hal-Nyxos, of Arcane Affairs, creator of the Lodestar Observational Devices, is yet to meet with me, but his work clearly speaks louder than any words. The system is magnificent, and the Chancellor's objective is very clear: safety for the people of Cordor. A dedicated report on the devices will be issued as soon as possible."

"The City's Guard has been disbanded by the Chancellor, and the new Cordorian Navy has been tasked with law-enforcement. Valencia Cruz, an Amnian woman, is their Admiral and leader, seemingly capable and confident."

"It is important to note that the King's consort (of Cordor), Jennifer Eldren, is a Banite, and that their Church's influence is considerable throughout the Island. The topic is quite sensitive and emotions are probably at an all-time high, but statements such as those made by the Magistrati Mosbrooke are merely an insult to the Chancellor's abilities. With time, and once the people of Cordor reach Clarity, the path ahead will be clear, and they will understand what the Chancellor is trying to accomplish, for her plan is not an easy one to execute, but a clever and necessary one."

Loretta Ashby
Day 22, Month 4, Year 154


With such success, the appearance of complications was inevitable. True to form, the decision to ignore the guard's guidance came back to haunt Bersk with controversy over Admiral Cruz. Surrounded by corruption, the Admiral was dismissed, the scandal marking the first of many that soon followed.

[New Admiral of the Cordorian Navy: Serephis Valkaim]

"The Magocracy of Cordor has selected a new Admiral to replace the disgraced Valencia Cruz. Serving as the Admiral of the Navy will be a man by the name of Serephis Valkaim who is a long-term Naval Officer and loyal to Cordor."

"In addition to Cruz's abuse of power, verbal and physical assaults on Cordorian citizens, and general insubordination, she has also been lying to members of the Navy about pay when and how much. It is even possible some of the missing funds have even found their way into her pockets."

"Admiral Valkaim will be given the original planned budget for the Navy to ensure the members get fair pay for work done, but he will not be filling the promises made by the snake-tongued Cruz of one million coin to each member who stood guard at the Banite debate since that was never promised. I am sure that every taxpayer realizes how absurd that would be."

"Despite this unfortunate turn of events, you can be comforted that we have a good Cordorian back in charge of the city's naval forces."

"Eye open."

Katernin Bersk
Day 23, Month 5, Year 154


[From the desk of the Chancellor: Status Update]

"The Lodestar Array"

"This network has been extremely successful at continued observation around the city. The extra work that the Arcane Ministry has provided has not only extended the range but also the strength of the focal point. The array has been instrumental in observation and targeting active crime scenes and allowing the Eyes to arrive on sites quicker than usual. Progression of these devices is ongoing as a high priority."

"Reports on the success of this network will be publicly available in the upcoming days."

"The Chancellor's Cabinet"

"Many people have read the response from Minister Plaskett. I have addressed this during the public forum a few tenday ago, but I shall again."

"There are two key points here, the first being that it is important that your inner circle can toss out all ideas, good and bad, in order to come to the most optional conclusion. Just becomes someone mentions that they should jump off the cliff, does not mean it should happen, but it was certainly an option at the time."

"The second is that I strongly feel that the optimal cabinet is one that does not have the same viewpoint on everything. This allows for a dialog of ideas to happen which is why the minister has not been removed from her position. Her views are just as important as any other that is present. She fills the role adequately and she will continue as is unless she should violate the Magocracy's law."

"If I were truly what you are erroneously claiming me to be, then I would have had her removed, or worse. We are not censors."

"Cordor's Navy"

"This has been a difficult time at placing trust in the wrong people. As mentioned, at no point did Cordor promise to empty the entire coffers to pay the navy for one afternoon of guardwork, and certainly not to pay them to protect the Banelaw. My wish was to provide protection for the citizens and ensure that open rebellion against the Crown did not occur."

"It destroys all sense of logic that I would make this kind of agreement. And that so many of the members of the Navy would believe such? This is just as unbelievable. Doubly so because Cordor did pay them for what was ACTUALLY agreed upon and not painted with the snaked-tongue of Cruz. As unfortunate as it is, the Navy is now dissolved. Discussions will be conducted on the way forward by the Minister of External Affairs."

Katernin Bersk
Day 12, Month 6, Year 154


With the ever-tightening fist of Katernin Bersk over the city, agents from the criminal gang laired in the city's sewers moved to put an end to her administration. The attempt on her life by assassins failed and only earned the mage's ire. In one of the more controversial actions of her reign, the Chancellor ordered the sealing and flooding of Cordor's sewer system. Killing an untold number of gang members and rumored innocents alike.

Without trial, the order for mass death sparked a considerable backlash from the city's populace that accumulated into the government takeover of the Cordor Press to silence dissent.

[Assassination Foiled]

"The lowest forms of life, leaches who live in the sewers of Cordor, never pay taxes or their citizenship fees, attempted an assassination on my life. Their plan was not successful. I do expect that more attempts will be made."

"But I do not have any intent of allowing them to send this city into chaos."

"Eye open."

Katernin Bersk
Day 15, Month 6, Year 154


[To the Sewer Rat Gang]

"This is addressed to the mage, or whomever is in charge of the Rat Gang,"

"The Chancellor of Cordor is requesting you cease and desist any actions against the city of Cordor. This includes, but is not limited to: sedation, assassination, creating chaos (of all forms), damaging the lodestar array, and attempts to seize power."

"If you continue, Cordor will have to take more drastic approaches to shut down these attempts to sew chaos in our Lawful city."

"Please take this into consideration as we have no wish to turn to these measures."
"Eye open."

Katernin Bersk
Day 15, Month 6, Year 154


[Concerning the Paper]

"It is clear to me that the paper is being used as tools of sedition. All of the topic discussed were not researched in the slighted and only created to defame this Magocracy. Anyone willing to run the paper and give a neutral, non-biased view should come to me."

"I had wished that the paper would remain useful for the city of Cordor, but with such terrible editing and fact check, I will be forced to close it as soon as I am able to notify those owning it."

Katernin Bersk
Day 24, Month 6, Year 154


[Victory in the battles against the Sewer Rat Gang]

"Today, was an excellent day for dealing with the terrorist group known as the Sewer Rat Gang. The short-term salutation was always hiring adventurer to venture down there and kill any number of them they could and who among us has not done that? But those were always temporary solutions."

"Under the guidance of Sewermaster Vastano, the sewers were sealed and the flooded in order to deal with the rank and file of the gang members. Numerous concerns were raised about the farms and other areas; however, the sewers are designed to deal with this process (which is why it occurred so quickly) and the grey water was diverted into the runoff area as per normal procedures."

"The Sewermaster reported that countless gang members have lost their lives and they will be cleaning it up in the meantime with the help of the Eyes. It is possible some other were caught as collateral damage, but one must wonder why they would choose to live in the sewers over the Almshouse. Logic dictates that it is due to their criminal nature, even if they were not in the gang proper."

"And let us be honest, how many of us saw huddled masses down there when we made our trips? Vagrants and Lunatics, from what I recall. An unfortunate result, but the ending is that the good, tax paying citizens of Cordor have less to fear today. That said, the danger is not over. The few most senior members will still exist, but their efforts will now have to concentrate on the Magocracy proper rather than Cordor's more defenseless citizens."

"Today, Cordor owes a debt of gratitude to Sewermaster Vastano and Minster Peram Flint, for both their quick action and stalwartness in the face of adversary from the loudest of the adventuring population who seem to have forgotten when they used to work for the writ master. I will personally see to the Sewermaster getting a few days off and hand him a tidy bonus of gold."

"Cordor Prevails. Eye open."

Katernin Bersk
Day 8, Month 7, Year 154


After a term of ironclad control using her personal enforcers' The Eyes' and the magical surveillance system known as 'The Lodestar Array', Katernin Bersk faced her first re-election. A political campaign that saw her declare the 'Harpers' enemies of the state for attempts to interfere with the election and depose the Mage Chancellor.

By this time, the Bersk administration relied on heavy use of mercenary companies to supplement the ranks of 'The Eyes' to maintain peace within the city. Such contracts were awarded to Scarlet Son's and Whitemountain Trading.

[Katernin Bersk: Why You Should Vote]

"You should vote because your vote is meaningful. This is how you help forge the path of the city. To note vote means you are apathetic which is an even worse position to take than supporting any other candidate. But why should you vote for me?"

"I am what you know. I am aware that not everyone sees eye to eye on all my efforts that I have made in the city (nor should every citizen agree with every action of their government) but the process to switch to this more efficient form of leadership has taken a bit of time to set up and it would be disruptive for someone to do it again."

"One thing you do know is that I have the best interests of the city in mind. There has been no theft of funds from inside the Cabinet (nor will there be regardless of how the elections ends). There have been no creditable nor proven claims of corruption. I work towards what is best for the city. My two years of civil service have shown me what is best for Her, even if an individual may disagree."

"Cordor is in a golden age of both security and prosperity under the lawful rule of the Magocracy. My wish is to continue with the processes I started. The adventurers, the voters, and the non-voters will continue to experience safety and protection under his Eye."

"Cordor prevails. Eye open."

Katernin Bersk
Day 19, Month 9, Year 154


[Katernin Bersk: The Most Logical Choice]

"In one year in this city I have accomplished a lot of positive progress. All my previous election promises were put into action and we developed an unparalleled security platform which myself and the cabinet were able to operate to assess security threats in the city."

"I am going to list a few of the highlights over the past year, starting with the obvious."

"A) Lodestar Network"

"I think I can speak for everyone when I proclaim the Lodestar array a huge success. Not only has it helped to decrease crime in the city, my continued use has shown it to have precognitive abilities. It predicted both a pirate attack and more importantly, the elemental attack (including the locations). While these two incidents prove proof of concept, more work needs to fine tune the process to get the timing and the exact nature of the visions correct. Personally, I would consider it a shame not only on a personal research level, but also on Cordorian security if this work cannot be continued."

"B) The Eyes of the Chancellor"

"One of the large promises from the previous election cycle was a reformation of the Cordor Guard. And to do that, I pulled people from my personal guard and turned them into a city-wide guard force that not only works to ensure general security in the city, but also to follow up on the various Lodestar reports that the network provides."

"Currently, the Eyes are at sixteen members. Ongoing efforts will be into continued recruitment efforts as well as improving the general leadership structure for optimal performance."

"C) Castle Gloom"

"Recently, we have assigned a Knight-Commander of the keep and plan on continued efforts to build up the western front of the Pax. I understand that the swamps are not the most ideal live nor attack through, but it does provide a potential land-based weakness and we should not waste a resource that has been paid for. Efforts will focus on assisting the Knight-Commander as a plan is developed."

Katernin Bersk
Day 19, Month 9, Year 154



"Due to their illegitimate meddling in lawful Cordorian elections, the Harpers are her-by banned from this city. Any known member of the chaotic group is considered a persona non-grata and will very likely be killed on sight when entering this city."

"The Magocracy does not accept those who sew discord and will do what it takes to ensure proper representation for all the citizens."

Katernin Bersk
Day 21, Month 10, Year 154


Winning re-election Katernin Bersk continued her authoritarian policies. Pressing her campaign against the 'Harpers' and any others attempting to weaken her Control. So notorious was Katernin Bersk and her administration's actions that the member states of the Axehold Accords, an alliance of surface settlements for mutual defense to which Cordor belonged, attempted to use the treaty against the Magocracy. This foreign pressure was aimed at curtailing the rigid control within the settlement and achieving change. It failed. In response, Chancellor Bersk withdrew Cordor from the Axehold Accords and stepped-up recruitment of military forces. Cordor seemed destined for isolation and war.

[Another Year of Success]

"Thank you to the good citizens who have taken to the polls and voted to continue the path of strong rulership in Cordor. Aside from the anti-Harper Mandate already announced, there are a few changes moving into the next year:"

"1) After a year of service to the city of Cordor, Minister Plasket will be stepping down from the role of Minister of Internal Affairs. Minster Flint will be transitioning over to her old role for the next year."

"2) Observer Alexandra Kerras will then transition over to the role of Minister of External Affairs. I am sure that any whom have met her have been dazzled by the woman and thus, she makes a natural choice to converse with the leadership of other settlements."

"3) Given the status of the temple in the city and the number of citizens who support her, The Red Knight has been added as an official faith of the city."

"More updates will follow in the coming tendays."

"Cordor Prevails. Eye open."

Katernin Bersk
Day 22, Month 10, Year 154


[Inquisition called on the chaotic forces of the Harpers]

"Let it be known that after the banning of Harpers within the city, it was felt that it was only a half measure. To allow these forces to only be caught when circumstances make it so it not an active enough role to root out these chaotic forces."

"To that end, the High Inquisitor Tyros Iaret has been called upon to take up the task of finding these forces. In addition, he will take the new position of High Arbiter of Cordor, being directly in charge of the maters of law and judgement in the city. We are always thankful when someone steps forward to do their part for civil service and I believe there is no better on the island to fill this role."

"Given the support that the Minmir Congregation has offered to support these efforts, and the number of those in the city who worship Him, Bane will take a position as an official faith of the city along with Savras and the Red Knight."

"Finally, after a year of civil service, Peram Flint will take the role of Vice Chancellor, which is in addition to his current role. I can think of no other better suited for the role and look forward to another year of efficiency within the city."

Katernin Bersk
Hour 3, Day 5, Month 11, Year 154


[ANNOUNCEMENT: Cordor Vacates from the Axehold Accords]

"As of this moment, Cordor is formally withdrawing from the Axehold Accords. While the time the Accords were signed was an extremely tense period on the surface, that is no longer the case. Cordor no longer see the uses to remain in such a defensive agreement and thus, it is in our best interest to remove ourselves from any formal ties."

"The Dominion was making extreme demands of Cordor and they were using the threat of our removal as leverage against us. In my opinion, that is rather abhorrent behavior and not the sort of thing that I wish held over our heads by those we considered allies. Cordor does NOT respond to blackmail by backing down. No, we stand stronger. We stand taller. And we stand up for Her. I have always stated I wished Cordor to take the strongest position on the island and capitulating to those demands would only weaken us. No longer."

"Despite leaving the Accords, Cordor will still stand with anyone who requires it to fend back the forces of Andunor. Those vile underdweller forces cannot stand against the combined might of the surface working together and no formal signed agreement is required for that to happen."

"Cordor, and the surface, prevails. Eye open."

Katernin Bersk
Day 27, Month 4, Year 155


After governing Cordor for nearly two terms Katernin Bersk, Mage Chancellor of Cordor was slain. Immediately upon her death, the now acting Chancellor Peram Flint moved quickly to dissolve most of the late leader's accomplishments.

The era of Cordor's Magocracy was over.

[A Great Tragedy]

"Katernin Bersk has been assassinated. The individual(s) responsible for this will pay. This administration is operating under the assumption that Lord Arcleone is responsible for the assassination after receiving threats from him."

"I'm deeply saddened. I've never respected a leader so much in my life. Despite this, she was not perfect. There were mistakes made and wrongs that need to be righted."

"As I assume her role, I announce now that have put my name forward in the next election. There will be no changes to the current Cabinet, but I will be finding a Vice-Chancellor soon."

"The Lodestar Network will be dismantled. Cordorian citizens no longer have to worry about their leaders spying in on them."

"The Patrician and Plebian class system has been dismantled. All citizens are now equal under Cordorian law."

"Cordor will continue to refer to itself as a Magocracy, but we will do so in the sincere spirit of developing our potential as a respected city of magical institutions."

Signed: Peram Flint
Chancellor of Cordor
Day 13, Month 8, Year 155



With the next election cycle, Peram Flint lost control of Cordor and the new Chancellor completed the dismantling of the Magocracy. The Eyes of the Chancellor were disbanded, and the City Guard restored. All Mercenary contracts were voided, and the Lodestar Network devices dismantled. Cordor rejoined the Axehold Accords, and the 'status quo' returned to the surface of Arelith.

The sorcery behind the unique magical devices was secreted away by agents of King Edward, to later return in 174 AR as the newly installed 'Lodestar Network Mk.II' under the order of his Banite Queen Jennifer Eldren.

The ultimate Fate of those who served Katernin Bersk remains unknown, but many are believed to have faded quietly into history with her loss.

The grand experiment and vision of Katernin Bersk ended, though not by an assassin's blade. In truth she was slain while attempting to pilfer a portion of the god Savras’ power through use of a magical looking glass. Failing in the plot, her soul was trapped within the shattered shards of the now broken mirror.


Four years later, in 159 AR, shortly prior to the State Magi of Cordor establishing themselves as a ruling faction, a ritual was performed by unknown persons to reforge the shards of the shattered looking glass into a sentient greatsword. With bulging eyes all over its length, the maddened and hungry weapon which now housed the soul of Katernin Bersk nearly managed to slay Emma Young before escaping to the Plane of Shadows.
Afterwards, the sword would be known as 'The Unblinking' and seen in the company of the island's Void Cult. A large sect of various dark faiths united in their quest to convey Arelith into Darkness. While with the cult, The Unblinking would consume several of their seers, for the weapon showed a great hatred towards any with the talents. Its preferred tactic in such events was to entrap the diviners within a labyrinth of visions center on their possible future deaths until, drowning in despair, they took their own lives. Rumors would also be whispered of the weapon’s spirit being betrothed to the Sharran Cult's Nightseer
After the Third Iteration of Shadow Wharftown in 168 AR and the following conflict between Andunor and the Void Cult, the whereabouts of ‘The Unblinking’ soul sword of Katernin Bersk became unknown.


[Upon the last page of the book is a detailed illustration of a Lodestar Cynosure (Slave) Device]

Four angular steel arms rise from a solid, stone base, grasping a perfect sphere of glass. The octagonal base is etched with identical arcane symbols in sunken relief, pure molten copper filling them. The symbols, to a trained observer, would be a hexagrammic depiction of a spell theory associated with divination, dovetailing in places to etchings of place-magic. Two of these symbols, at all times, are gently aglow and warm to the touch – which two, though, changes regularly according to some indeterminate, inscrutable timetable.

The glass sphere is of high quality, and within is house eight square mirrors, slowly rotating about a steel axle. If one were to look closely into these mirrors, one could see an outline of the nearby area, as if viewed on a map, its edges hazy and indistinct. Multiple points of light appear and disappear within this map, seemingly at random.



* Book(s):
[1] Katernin Bersk, "Cordor Political History; The Chancellor's Notes AR 153, Month 8"
[2] Katernin Bersk, "Cordor Political History; The Chancellor's Notes AR 154, Month 3"

* Interview(s):
[1] Lysrithien

* Special Thanks:
Lilian Williams, "Proofreading and Data Collection"

* Dedication:
"This book is dedicated to the remembrancer Kels Vetian. For protecting Arelith's history and continuing the work on Cordor's Museum when I was no longer able. Thank you."



[The modest portrait of a young vermilion-haired lady with pallid flesh is positioned next to the paragraph below. Her emerald gaze looks intently at the reader, betraying the aspect's alluring facade with callous indifference. The suggestion of a predatory smile appears hidden within the corners of full upturned lips.]

"The Vampire Adelyn Belle'rose has been charming readers with her historical works upon the island of Arelith for years. As the former curator of the Cordor's Museum, she helped bring the past to life through exhibits and displays. Later, as a member of Andunor's Erudite Arcanum, she would lead the research team to investigate Shadow Wharftown's Third Iteration. Through the founding of the Arelith Antiquarian Society and the East Arelith Trading Company, she continues to advocate for the preservation of knowledge across the archipelago."

Last edited by Edens_Fall on Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:23 pm

A History of Wharftown

Author: Adelyn Belle'rose
Rozen Chalice Publishing, a division of East Arelith Trading
Original Publication: 167 AR "Fall of Wharftown"
Revised Edition: 176 AR "Arelith: A History of Wharftown"

"The Arelith Antiquarian Society is instituted to examine, preserve, and publish all antiquities as connected with the art, language, literature, and history of the Arelith Archipelago. Articles bearing this notation have been selected for conservation regardless of race, faith, alignment, or affiliation. While all efforts have been made to ensure the information within is accurate regarding the subject matter covered, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein, whether such errors or omissions are the result of negligence, accident, or any other cause. If any such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions are discovered please contact the author who will address the issue."


Founded by Cordor's First Knight Lenore in 10 BR (Before Arelith Reckoning) for refugees, the village of Wharftown grew into a thriving fishing village. Later, in 10 AR (Arelith Reckoning), Aristotlus Bibliophilius the Fifth left Cordor to become Mayor of Wharftown. With aid from Rune Degrem, The Waymen of Wharftown were established as the settlement's premiere guard force during his term.


In the year 40 AR the Thayan red wizard, Ayin Savvix-Urhun Zrask Mesmer, won Wharftown's election to become Mayor of the fishing village. Fearing the formation of a Thayan stronghold on Arelith Herial Ghalen, Magil Mahr, and Kathele Se'Lhane formed the 'Wharftown Liberation Movement' to counter the new Mayor's influence. This conflict reached a climax when a bloody purge was launched against Wharftown's red wizards in 41 AR. The red wizard Ayin Mesmer and almost every male defender were slain in what would later be known as the 'Massacre of Wharftown.' This butchery would mark the end of Thayan control over Wharftown and Jheramaine Naethandreil would be elected the village's new Mayor. After elections, the settlement's guard force would remain mostly female under the village's new Anti-Thayan leadership. Later in 42 AR a treaty of neutrality and mutual military aid would be signed between Wharftown's Mayor Jheramaine Naethandreil and the Temple of Bane's Dreadmaster Gorgath Deathcrush.

Over four decades later in 98 AR The Guldorand Mayor Gil'thilak, Wharftown Mayor Khayal Khamsin, and Bendir's Mayor Elanor formed a coalition known as 'The Dominion.' This partnership would last less than a year before dissolving.


While very few documents pertain to such interventions, various notations within other works lead one to conclude that from 35 AR to 115 AR Wharftown was involved in the multiple conflicts that occurred across Arelith. As such, those events of paramount importance have been detailed below.

-Urblexis Grond-Wharftown War: 35 AR-
Skeflock, The Tyrant of Urblexis Grond, sent an army to siege Wharftown. Bendir's Captain Biad Scheppen would launch a counterattack, forcing the svirneblin's army to retreat into the Underdark.

-Myon, Bendir, Brogendenstein, & Light Keep - Wharftown War: 57 AR-
As a result of Caster's mayorship, Myon, Bendir, Lightkeep, and Brogdestein declared war on Wharftown. Mayor Caster then stepped down as a Banite mayor was elected. A peace treaty is signed, leaving Wharftown as a vassal under Myon. Sometime later, the Church of Bane was able to break the vassalage.

-The Wharftown Clash: 69 AR-
During the mayorship of Valorie Slades Infernal followers, who at the time controlled the Arcane Tower, attempted to subjugate the fishing village with a massive assault. At the onset of battle, the Tower's tiefling Archmage Houndgot was captured by Sando Saikoro of the Sea Leopard. As the engagement continued, Abyssal reinforcements from the Black Citadel assailed the flanks of the sieging Infernal army and routed the enemy. This timely intervention saved Wharftown and caused many casualties among the Arcane Tower's forces.

-The First Banite War / The Second Mistican War: 71 AR-
A skirmish between Myon and Wharftown forces resulted in a full-scale war between Wharftown, which was under Banite control, and Cordor. While aiding the Forsworn, Ser Ubaldo Ferraz of The Knights of the Road was killed during an engagement near Guldorand by Dredoc Khraa.

-The Great War: 115 AR-
War was declared when a former Wharftown official, on the eve of being ousted in an election by challenger Roxite, was believed to have fled to Guldorand with the town's treasury. With the start of hostilities between the two settlements alliances were called upon and the Duchy of Sencliff responded by declaring war on Guldorand. With Wharftown's allies fielding fresh forces, Guldorand called upon the Cordorian Alliance of Myon, Cordor, and Brogendenstein for aid. In short order the land was engulfed in an island-wide conflict. Cordor demanded Wharftown's surrender, however the terms for capitulation were refused and the war would roll over the isle of Arelith for the next two years. 'The Great War' finally ended in 118 AR as the city-states involved met at the Myart Shrine to finalize a peace treaty.


Elections in Wharftown were called after Mayor Roxite's departure in 117 AR. Sensing an opportunity Rosenkranz III of the House of Ezekiel, First Chaplain of the Reformed Church of Bane in Minmir, stepped in to fill the void by declaring himself the next Mayor. Winning the election through violence and intimidation, the new Lord-Mayor of Wharftown consolidated his power base and countered the Cordorian Alliance of city-states by declaring the formation of a confederation called 'The Second Dominion.' During his reign Rosenkranz would vassal the Duchy of Sencliff to Wharftown and dispatch an armed expedition to Andunor in 117 AR to assist allies against the Cult of Tiamat whose figurehead, Achuakiejir Stormwind, was Tyrant of the Sharps District. The conflict began when the blue wyrm Zeshyrr'kalik'straza, a dragon in human form and member of the cult, murdered a legionnaire of the Dominion. In response, Rosenkranz marched his military from the surface to Andunor, killing those encountered along the way until reaching the city's center. Within the Hub of Andunor, the High Priest Tyrael of the Cult of Tiamat was found and crucified. The nails were driven in by a young warrior who had recently arrived on the isle by the name of Sydney Harrow. The display was left as an example before the Dominion forces withdrew. Known for his gruesome displays, Rosenkranz would later have Sir Rannos hanged outside the settlement's walls before another election was called in Wharftown the following year. Winning this second election a final peace was signed in 118 AR, ending 'The Great War' which had been waged for the last three years.

In the period after the war, approximately 123 AR, Rosenkranz dissolved the Second Dominion and left the region with the Damkianna Azuilah Misotho of Sibayad. It is speculated that 'The Second Dominion' was a foundational interest, or testbed, for a larger project concerning the reclamation and restoration of the lands of northern Minmir, once held by the Lost Kingdom of Kohlingen. Ultimately Rosenkranz's efforts were unsuccessful. The former Sovereign and his followers elected to depart the island after their full momentum had fallen away rather than wait for another cycle of intrigue to re-found the Dominion.


The beginning of 129 AR saw Wharftown inaugurate one Armenius Caedare (b. 94 AR) as Mayor. He was described as a pale-skinned, black-haired human male known for his skill with a forge and faith in the God Tempus. He was known for his controversial election platform to convert Wharftown into a neutral refuge for all races. At his appointment, the Wharftown stockpiles were high in metals and low in cloth. The treasury was 1,201 million gold, with a tax rate of 4.90% and a population of 56 citizens. The town was independent and traded with both Cordor and Guldorand. The significant members of his regime were the Ashwood twins, Clive and Mira, who led the militia.

-Mutiny of Faeren Ashlight: Early 129 AR-
Dissatisfied with the neutrality policies of Mayor Caedare, notably his hiring of a Banite into the militia, Faeren Ashlight took up arms against her former town in mutiny. Whether she was killed or escaped after attempting to kill the town's Mayor by arrow remains unknown.

-Ashwoods Resign from Militia: Early 129 AR-
The Ashwood twins, closely involved with Mayor Caedare's regime at the time of his inauguration, quietly resigned from their posts as militia commanders due to concerns over the settlement's new policies. The Ashwoods were believed to have changed their allegiance to the Duchy of Sencliff, the Duchess Arianne de Fleur, who was notable for supporting their crusade against lycanthropes.

-Wharftown Sacked: Mid to Late 129 AR-
Wharftown was sacked numerous times by the Iron Order of Elven Death, House Xal'Rae, and affiliated mercenaries as a direct result of Mayor Caedare's controversial neutrality policies that allowed monster races within the town. Likely seeing such practices by a surface settlement to be perceived as weakness.

-Fleet of Three: Late 129 AR-
A pirate armada led by the black orc Urelesh, the Fleet of Three, was sighted off the eastern coast. The fleet docked in the harbor and struck a protection bargain with Wharftown's Mayor Caedare. An alliance that greatly concerned the other regional settlements of Arelith.

-Wharftown Declares War: Late 129 AR-
After a minor disagreement, Mayor Armenius Caedare struck down the Cordor General Jharock Never in Wharftown. High Chancellor Casmir de Lanze and his retinue visited after the news was received, hoping to avoid a more significant conflict. As the leaders of both settlements spoke, a member of the Cordorian party fired upon the Wharftown forces. A skirmish ensued, driving the High Chancellor from the village proper. Mayor Caedare summarily marched to Cordor's gates with the Wharftown Militia and declared war before besieging the city. Though countless lives were lost, the settlement held until the King's elite guard could be mobilized. By the time they joined the battle, Wharftown forces had already disengaged and retreated from the field.


The start of 130 AR saw the Mayor of Wharftown escalate the war by establishing several Underdark alliances and promoting "Death to Cordor" as a way of life. When an attempt toward peace was made, the Wharftown Mayor responded by delivering a large vase filled with the cremated ashes of Cordor's fallen warriors to the city's gate. Forced into a desperate situation, King Edward I reached out to Amn through Ambassador Aldo for assistance. The council of six responded by dispatching an Expeditionary Fleet under the command of Admiral Hernan aboard the flagship "Grand Ballena" to support Cordor in finding a permanent solution to the crisis.

While the Amnian fleet eventually arrived, their journey was delayed by the intervention of the Sahuagin, a type of fish people, who blocked its passage. Fortunately for Cordor, these same Sahuagin had also kidnapped the princess of a local Sea Elf clan which struck a pact with the city's adventures. If the princess were safely returned, the Sea Elves would see that the Amn fleet arrived safely. General Dan'ethe, Vice-Chancellor Thorn, Ara of Myon, Green Hawk Faeren, and Captain Kareshk of Arelith successfully rescued the princess, and the Cordor fleet was freed to continue its journey.

With the reinforcements now anchored in Cordor harbor, King Edward I made the following decree:

[The Wharftown Proclamation]

"It is with a heavy heart that I today sign the necessary documents to order the razing of the fishing settlement of Wharftown on the Bitter Coast."

"At the end of the next month the army and navy of Cordor, together with the Amnian expeditionary force to begin the bombardment."

"This has not been an easy decision, but it comes after years of intermittent conflict, and we can no longer permit such a threat to exist so close to our own borders. We ask our friends sever any remaining diplomatic ties to Wharftown."

"I urge all citizens who have not yet done so to leave the town at the earliest opportunity. If, before that date, the conflict is ended and the leader of Wharftown in custody this order may still be rescinded."

<>This letter is signed by the hand of King Edwards Cordor and bears the seal of the city<>

The middle months of 130 AR saw Wharftown citizens fleeing en masse, at the threat of bombardment and at the Mayor's refusal to surrender and vassal to Cordor. In short order, the town was entirely evacuated. The bank closed, homes were abandoned, and looters ransacked now empty shops. Mayor Caedare made a last attempt to bar his citizens from leaving, but his efforts were unsuccessful. Many of his former subjects turned against him, speaking out about his mounting paranoia and erratic behavior. Several settlements of Arelith soon ended trade with the village of Wharftown and stood with Cordor by founding Refugee camps for those displaced by the conflict. Both sides martialed military surplus while stockpiling resources.

[Letter to King Edwards I from Amnian Admiral Hernan]

"To King Edward,"

"And so Armenius Caedare's monstrous dream is a harsher reality then any of us could have envisioned; Necromancers practicing their rotten art amongst the backdrop of children and fair traders, beast crawling out from the depths to kill in the name of Wharftown with chants of "Death to Cordor," deals struck with local bandits to harass anyone with intent to live a peaceful life, and most horrific of all a vase sent to your own government containing the ashes of your own people."

"Do you not understand that there is no course open to us but to fight it out with the aggressors once and for all? Will you risk having the island spiraling out of control if the example is set that a Fishing Town run by kobolds can bloody the nose of a Titan? Will you risk emboldening Guldorand, or Brogendenstein, or Myon to be the next to try their hands at pot-shotting Cordor and continuing this cruel strife?"

"I am Admiral, not a King as you are, but you must now see that firming your grasp on the reigns of Cordor's destiny and bringing Wharftown to kneel is now more than ever nothing but the process of peace, for all Arelith. The Grand Ballena is at your side whatever your decision, but if the only conflict my fleet experiences in this chapter is the knowledge that we are mere spectators in Wharftown's War we shall all be greatly disappointed."

<>Signed, Admiral Hernan<>


By late 130 AR, King Edwards I gave a final speech to the people of Cordor before dispatching the local fleet under the flagship 'Avora' along with Admiral Hernan's expeditionary force to anchor in Wharftown harbor.

[King Edwards Speech before the assault on Wharftown 130 AR]

"My fellow Cordorians, members of the Military, and esteemed guests in this city. We stand at a most difficult time in history of this island, and of this city. There are, no doubt, many who feel as I do that the coming action is necessary by the events that now unfold before us."

"Cordor has never sought to be a conqueror, never sought to build an empire. We have led not through force, but through example. Ours has been a benevolent state and the freedom enjoyed throughout the northern territories has been testament to that fact. But at what price? How many or our fellows have died in these interminable wars? How many innocents must die to satisfy the pride of these toy-box tyrants?"

"I come to you now, with an answer to that question. No One More! The great irony of this, is that Wharftown itself was itself founded by refugees, and guided by paladins of light. Yet, over the last hundred years that light has died. It is a place now synonymous with evil, bloodshed, and cruelty. To petition for peace would bring what? A few weeks, perhaps months of stability before this cycle once again began? I know, that many of you have long since tired of that."

"We also know that the many of those there have pledged to continue their fight with or without the town, and likely they shall. But stripped of their legitimacy they will fight only as the common cutthroats and outcasts they have shown themselves to be. Proven, without a doubt, that they cared nothing for those they once pledged to protect."

"Fellow Cordorians, let us not take pride in our actions, for there is no glory to be had in what we set out to do. The pride is here, the honor is here. In the stones, in the streets, taverns, and houses of this fine city. In the peace we live by, and the tolerance we preach. Long Live Cordor!"

With weapons trained upon the settlement, the final demand for Mayor Armenius Ceadare to surrender himself and vassal the fishing village to Cordor was made.

He refused.

High Chancellor Valentina Ortega effectuated the order to attack.

An army of the unified settlements assaulted the town's palisade as the combined fleet unleashed a bombardment upon Wharftown's coastal fortifications. The engagement that followed was brutal, and while not lacking in determination, Wharftown did ultimately lack a superior naval force. Within a short period, the small village's coastal fort was overwhelmed by the concentrated bombardment and the village proper was laid to ruin. Those that survived the slaughter either surrendered or fled into hiding.

Cordor stood victorious and declared that Wharftown was to remain as it was, a ruin, never to be rebuilt. A testament to the cost paid for the foolish pride of a toy-box tyrant.


As with all things, Shadowfell reflects the material world with its own twisted representations. This effect is multiplied for locations where significant events or tragedies have occurred. Thus, the tragic past of Wharftown would instigate an event that altered the very fabric of the Shadow Plane. It would later be referred to as 'The Third Iteration.'

-First Investigation: 168 AR-
Adelyn Belle'rose, Adept of the Andunor's Erudite Arcanum, conducted an evaluation of Shadow Wharftown on Month 1, Day 19 after hearing reports of strange happenings within the echo of the fishing village. She would discover a newly constructed stone keep in the middle of the village, garrisoned by the shades of Amnish Soldiers. Anchored in the shadow harbor was a nearly formed fleet of Shadow Amnian vessels, while the above void was filled with swirling magical energies and lightning. Lady Belle'rose would encounter the Amnian Naval Captain, Elisabetta Izaro Selemchant, who misidentified the historian as a subordinate officer of a commander's rank. Adelyn would learn the shades were echoes from the first attack on Wharftown in 130 AR, doomed to repeat the conflict as per their original orders. The recent changes to the shadow village, which was a near-perfect copy of the original Wharftown, resulted from this echoing of events which was now on its third iteration. The Captain would refer to a recent attack by the "Fish People" taking place in the town the prior tenday, and "Commander" Adelyn was instructed to complete a patrol for any lingering threats. It was later noted that no such event took place in the original history of Wharftown and the Amnian shades, at least those in leadership positions, mainly appeared aware of themselves and the passing of time, which set them apart from the typical shadowfell aberrations. The Captain gave the current year's date, which confirmed the theory when asked. A cross-comparison of the material plane's Wharftown, accessed via a shadow door on the keeps far side, found translucent structures from the original Wharftown atop the ruins in a ghostly parody of life.

-Second Investigation: 168 AR-
A second examination on Month 1, Day 21 by Lady Belle'rose encountered a large group of Underdarkers, Banites, and Void Cultists gathered in front of the Amnian Keep. They were in a passionate quarrel over who had access to the village for writs. It should be recorded that the Sharran Void Cultists had been patrolling the town for some time and claiming it as the domain of their Goddess. Also, during this period, the Writ Master was located not within the Shadovar Trade Post as it is now, but within Shadow Wharftown. This led to many complications and travelers being required to pay a 10,000 gold coin fee to the Sharrans for a safe passage 'Travel Permit.' During this squabble, Naval Captain Elisabetta Izaro Selemchant spotted "Commander" Adelyn from the keep's walls and ordered her to bring the 'rabble's leader' inside to converse. A Drow named Ryalla Z'ress stepped forward to claim the leader's position, and they entered the keep. Here Ryalla Z'ress attempted to persuade the Amnian Naval Captain into enforcing the neutrality of Shadow Wharftown. The Captain stated her forces would not police the village, nor did she have any regard for local politics. Her only concern was accomplishing the orders of King Edward I, the destruction of Wharftown, and nothing more. "Commander" Belle'rose was then instructed to escort the Drow out of the keep. Afterward the gathering continued their discussion on who had the right to control the town, clearly oblivious to the threat posed by the Captain's words. It was noted that even while staring directly at Ryalla Z'ress, the Amnian Captain failed to realize she was speaking to a Drow. This, along with the shade's view of Lady Belle'rose as an Amnian officer, led many to believe the shades still viewed the world as it had been and not as it is currently was. Lady Belle'rose tested this theory by using her 'rank' on an ordinary Amnian shadow soldier in the town. The attempt resulted in a string of wordless sounds followed by salutes, confirming that only shades of rank held any rational thought.

-Third Investigation: Month 3, Day 25 168 AR-
Tasked by the Erudite Arcanum to form an expedition and examine the happenings of Shadow Wharftown in-depth, Lady Belle'rose gathered a research party on Month 3, Day 25 and traveled to speak with the shade Captain Elisabetta Izaro Selemchant using the false identity established prior. The expedition's cover was that of a recently arrived company of reinforcements from Amn. However, during the discussion, Captain Izaro stopped one of the group who was, and to this day none know why, carrying a fish for a weapon. Attempts were made to explain this man away as a fishmonger of the village; however, the Captain viewed the fish as a symbol of the local rebellion. Ordered arrested, the man was escorted to the side of the Amnian keep. When taken to the location, a large field of bodies lay on the ground in a scene of mass execution. Being ordered to kill the 'rebel,' the group instead resisted. The Captain and her escort shades faded into mist upon the battle's end. An examination of the field revealed the bodies to be made of the shadow plane and not real people. All the remains bore signs of arms and armor which spoke of the mass killing only including rebel combatants and not civilians.

Shortly after the engagement, Captain Elisabetta's shadow reformed with no knowledge of prior events, including her death. She then ordered eight of the gathering into the keep to make a report. Once a group was selected, they entered the keep's interior to find a fortress in a constant state of flux. Large chunks of the wall and floor-breaking away to dissolve into nothingness, the void left behind replaced in an endless cycle of destruction and repair. A condition the Captain failed to notice or acknowledge. A chance to examine the Captain's war table revealed maps and battle plans, but every single one was different. Sometimes Wharftown was in the right location or the wrong location. Sometimes it was even landlocked. There were plans for occupations, pure bombardments, and overland assaults, though all the projects appeared to conflict. Speaking with the Captain, the party learned this iteration was an occupation by the Amnian shade forces, which had devolved into a gorilla war with local Recidivists in exile. When asked what orders the Captain had, she tasked the group with locating the nuns in the Forest of Weir. The Captain did not know what these nuns were planning, only that their mere presence was an issue. She stressed that the situation should be handled with 'delicate' care, suggesting that their deaths were not the goal, only their removal. If the Nuns were returned to the Captain, she would be forced to execute them, a fact the Amnian officer seemed hesitant to do.

After a broad search of the Forest of Weir, a nun was located within Castle Gloom standing watch over a secured steel door. She was a living person of the material plane stationed to protect the castle's shadowfell entrance. After much hesitation and persuasion, she spoke of the events taking place in Wharftown.

"... There is suffering here, yes. The suffering, loss, and grief of so many who were harmed and made less than whole in the razing of Wharftown, is finally coming 'around,' here."

"We are aware more will suffer. Both those minds and souls who are real upon the Prime, and the minds conjured out of the shadows, which exist only to suffer, to re-live every variation of their sufferings."

"... this Wave is coming, through It shall swell, and rise, and it must ultimately crash. If we cannot ease the suffering in the Waves re-living, then we can only pray it should be steered to fall quietly and painlessly as it can."

Upon conference with those gathered, Lady Belle'rose's proposal to study the effects of the mentioned 'Wave' by increasing the suffering in Wharftown was accepted. To this end, the nun was taken after some struggle and returned to the Captain in Wharftown. Surprised by the nun's presence, Captain Elisabetta ordered the humans' fate sealed and dismissed the investigation team.

-The Wave: 170 AR-
The 'Wave' finally arrived in 170 AR to crash into Shadow Wharftown with such violence and destruction as to tear a gaping chasm in the very center of the village. This maw would swallow the entirety of the Merchants building and leave the community in disorder. The once-proud lighthouse and bastion of the Void Cultists was ruined and laid bare. No part of the town escaped untouched. Even the village's Writ Master relocated to the Shadovar Trade Post, abandoning the town. Further investigation would confirm Shadow Wharftown's Third Iteration had ended with the Waves passing.

[Excerpts from Adelyn Belle'rose Research Notes]

". . . The overall investigation exposed the event in Shadow Wharftown to be the direct result of the initial attack by Amn forces upon the fishing village in 130 AR. The physic echo of passionate emotions and violent deaths from that day gathered within the plane of shadow until of such strength as to manifest in a 'Wave' of Negative Energies to reiterate past events to a similar conclusion. As they are happening, various material plane events appear to shape how these memories reenact their final orders. While each iteration is different in detail, the outcome remains the same. As shown, the 'Wave' can be increased in potency or decreased in power by the actions of those from the Prime Material."

". . . While the Amn Fleet and Keep remains at the time of this writing, no reports of their forces have been made since the event's conclusion and attempts to contact Captain Elisabetta Izaro Selemchant have met no success. I will admit this fact dispirits me as much as anything can. I grew rather fond of the Captain and her dedication to duty, even if she was but an echo of a person now long gone. At least some solace can be taken by those who fear mortality that even after death, much like the charming Captain, our actions in life might still echo in eternity."

". . . I can then only deduce that with so much energy expended, the shadow forces of Amn have faded into the Void, again to swelter in the negative emotions left by the past until the time arrives for a Fourth iteration to occur."


To this day, Wharftown remains a grim example of the cost paid for ambition, pride, and one man's refusal to compromise. However, unlike Benwick and Kohlingen, Wharftown remains lost only so long as King Edwards I decree remains. Perhaps in time, with effort and forgiveness, the King might rescind his proclamation and allow the site to be reclaimed once more.




* Book(s):
[1] Erasmus Bishopthence, "Wharftown Political & Regional History: AR 129-130"
[2] Unknown, "Wharftown: Collected Texts Before the Fall"
[3] Admiral Hernan, "Amnian Correspondence with Edward Cordor, 129-130"
[4] Unknown, "History of Cordor, Vol. 1"
[5] Erasmus Bishopthence, "Cordor: Political & Regional History, AR 126-130"
[6] Unknown, "Ayin Savvix-Urhun Zrask Mesmer"
[7] Unknown, "The Sack of Wharftown"
[8] Ser Nelehein of Impiltur, "The Second Mistican War"
[9] Adelyn Belle'rose, "Arelith: The Second Dominion"
[10] Adelyn Belle'rose, "Arelith: A History of the Underdark"
[11] Unknown, "Everything Bendir, Vol III"
[12] Unknown, "Aristotlus Bibliophilius the Fifth"

* Written Documents:
[1] Jheramaine Arcastus, "Colav's Retirement"
[2] Various Authors, "Letters From the Thayan Liberation/Massacre"
[3] Adelyn Belle'rose, "Research Notes"
[4] Hadriel, "Beloved Wharftown"
[5] Ayin Mesmer, "Exile Order: Kathele Se'Lhane"
[6] Unknown, "The Liberation or Massacre of Wharftown"
[7] Unknown, "The Wharftown Clash"
[8] Sigurd Moonspell, "Treaty of Wharftown and Temple of Bane"
[9] Marya Althschuler, "Wharftown's Supplication"
[10] Airk Dar'Danowin, "Vela'Shil Report 14 Nightal 38"
[11] Shaalira the Younger, "Capture of Villains"

* On Sight Investigations:
[1] Erudite Arcanum

* Dedication:
"This book is dedicated to Ilith Ilyana, my deadly elven golem, a loyal servant and calculating protector."



[The modest portrait of a young vermilion-haired lady with pallid flesh is positioned next to the paragraph below. Her emerald gaze looks intently at the reader, betraying the aspect's alluring facade with callous indifference. The suggestion of a predatory smile appears hidden within the corners of full upturned lips.]

"The Vampire Adelyn Belle'rose has been charming readers with her historical works upon the island of Arelith for years. As the former curator of the Cordor's Museum, she helped bring the past to life through exhibits and displays. Later, as a member of Andunor's Erudite Arcanum, she would lead the research team to investigate Shadow Wharftown's Third Iteration. Through the founding of the Arelith Antiquarian Society and the East Arelith Trading Company, she continues to advocate for the preservation of knowledge across the archipelago."

Last edited by Edens_Fall on Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:45 pm

The Second Dominion

Author: Adelyn Belle'rose
Rozen Chalice Publishing, a division of East Arelith Trading
Original Publication: 167 AR "The Second Dominion"
Revised & Updated Edition: 175 AR "Arelith: The Second Dominion"

"The Arelith Antiquarian Society is instituted to examine, preserve, and publish all antiquities as connected with the art, language, literature, and history of the Arelith Archipelago. Articles bearing this notation have been selected for conservation regardless of race, faith, alignment, or affiliation. While all efforts have been made to ensure the information within is accurate regarding the subject matter covered, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein, whether such errors or omissions are the result of negligence, accident, or any other cause. If any such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions are discovered please contact the author who will address the issue."


The early-100s AR (Arelith Reckoning) saw relations between Cordor and the Duchy of Sencliff, who was a close collaborator with the Reformed Church of Bane located in Minmir, strained. This tension culminated with the banishment of all the inhabitants of Sencliff from the city of Cordor and its lands. This act was met with public outcry as diplomacy between the two powers continued to collapse.

[In Response to the Exile of Sencliff]

"Good day, Cordor. I am Count Rosenkranz III, Chaplain of the Reformed Church of Bane (Minmir Sect), and I serve my suzerain lord, Duchess Ann I of Sencliff of the House Thrule. I am writing here today on behalf of the Duchess, to offer our reply to your challenge."

"You think you can destroy us, hold us at bay like a guttering candle against the dark. You think you can banish us, but even as you read these words it is evident that our hands will not be bound by petty shackles. You hide behind laws, walls, and words so weak that their replacement is an inevitability. Every citizen and friend of Cordor who is hurt, afraid, or dead as a result of our responses is a direct challenge to the viability of your rule."

"When the majority of our members cannot roam freely, you will claim victory, when all you have done is glimpsed the End from a window and closed the curtains. You claim to be the "good of the isle", united and together. As if you cast a light to rival that at Benwick. You need not follow the metaphor long to realize that the brightest light often casts the darkest shadow. Sencliff in not a guild of thieves to be outlawed, anarchists to be killed, or rebels to be suppressed. Sencliff is not the sum of its people or its leaders."

"Sencliff is an idea."

"Sencliff is a parallel society to your own fading, diseased on; we will peel back the scabrous bandages barely concealing your wounds, and let them fester and rot for the world to see. Your self-righteous, hypocritical persecution of warlocks, necromancers, the outcasts, those who never fit in, while tolerating worse individuals that are useful to you is a shameful display of your lack of conviction."

"If you live to expose the truth of this island and its self-proclaimed custodians and guardians, then consider this a call to arms. We invite those who see the rotten core behind the gleaming façade to join us in tearing it down and building something true, something great, and something better upon the ashes."

"Orbis Non Svfficit"

With the death of Impreceptor Pelaguis of the House of Castillian, Duke of Minmir, in 112 AR the Reformed Church of Bane's First Chaplain Rosenkranz III of the House of Ezekiel rose into the position as secular leader. This promotion allowed the man to focus on his ambitions by strengthening the ties between the Reformed Church of Bane and The Duchy of Sencliff.


In 115 AR war was declared when a former Wharftown official, on the eve of being ousted in an election by challenger Roxite, was believed to have fled to Guldorand with the town's treasury. With the start of hostilities between the two settlements alliances were called upon and the Duchy of Sencliff responded by declaring war on Guldorand.

[Reformed Church of Bane's Response to Sencliff's Declaration of War]

"Dear Seneschal Asen:"

"I have resolved to instruct the Courtiers of my Household to notify the Incumbent of Guldorand Government of the beginning of a state of war between the Duchy of Sencliff and Guldorand. I command you, therefore, to publish the enclosed manifesto throughout the archipelago."

"TO MY PEOPLES! It was my fervent wish to consecrate the years which, by the omniscience of the Ever tyrant, still remain to me, to the works of enforced peace and to protect His peoples from heavy sacrifices and burdens of war. Providence, in her wisdom, has otherwise decreed. The intrigues of a traitorous apostate compel me, in the defense of the honor of Wharftown and her fledgling stability, for the protection of its dignity and its position as a power, for the security of its possessions, to grasp the sword after mere minutes of peace."

"A halt must be called to these intolerable proceedings and an end must be put to the incessant provocations of Perfidious Guldorand. Thus I bid the varied and vexatious forces arrayed at my command to arm and grid yourselves, for a just, defensive war must be waged that the survival of Wharftown, a town for which I, in my paternal affection, extend the fullest of confidence in assuring victory."

<>The tract is sealed with wax, the seal depicting a stylized letter 'R' within an archducal coronet.<>

Manu propria
Wharftown, Flamerule 26 115 AR

With Wharftown's new allies fielding fresh forces, Guldorand called upon the Cordorian Alliance of Myon, Cordor, and Brogendenstein for aid. In short order the land was engulfed in another island wide conflict. A demand was made by Cordor for Wharftown's surrender.

[Cordor Terms for Peace]

1. The Unconditional surrender of Wharftown to Cordor
2. Wharftown must become a vassal of Cordor.
3. The Zhentarim leadership of Wharftown must submit themselves to arrest to be tried for their crimes.
4. Reparation paid to Guldorand for damages done.

Wharftown has one month to deliver their acceptance of these terms if peace is desired.

11 of the 8th, 115 AR

The terms for capitulation were refused and war rolled over the isle of Arelith for the next two years. During this time, the Reformed Church of Bane made the below declaration.

[What is Wharftown Worth?]

"5,454,110 gold sovereigns. As of the date of writing, that is the worth of Wharftown, incorporating her bullion, her buildings, her stockpiles, her agglomerated wealth and furnishings, and her citizens in general. This year, a war is being waged which has been ongoing for over a year by now, between the free state of Wharftown and her ally, the Duchy of Sencliff, versus Guldorand and her allies, Cordor, Brogendenstein, and Myon."

"If gold alone could cease this war, the many banks of Arelith would have had their holds plundered nine fold to see it come to a rapid close. As it stands, as of the present date, neither side holds the key to victory. No end is in sight. The banks remain safe."

"War was declared when a former Wharftown official, on the eve of her being ousted, was believed to have fled to Guldorand with the town's treasury. The fact that she did not do so was not verified by Guldorand for many months, and war was already in full swing. It is evident that the casus belli (cause for war) is an irrelevancy, now. Both sides - the Wharftown-Sencliff Dominion, and the Cordorian Alliance - remain locked in bitter conflict. With the point of the war null and void, for what do they fight?"

"The right to exist."

"'Nonsense', the cry returns, 'you fight for territory! You fight for greed, for the fun of it! We know well the deeds of Sencliff and those that willing associate with her!'. It is true that we have attained a certain reputation that I cannot deny. And yet I think, I feel. I am a rational human being, and not a monster-made-flesh. What mortal truly wishes unceasing war without end? Only the anarchist, the nihilist, and the renouncer would seek such, and though we salt the earth, we do so to build foundations anew. The arrayed deities worshiped in or castle are those that seek civilization, purpose, and the rule of law."

"I will not insult Cordor by claiming they are bloodthirsty warmongers, nor the intelligence of the reader by stooping so low. They, too, seek the triumph of their own civilization, of their own purpose, and of their own rule of law. This is, simply put, the sticking point. Two vastly opposing ideologies are here arrayed against one another. A simple conflict over a disappearing pile of gold has turned into a war of ideas, with a death toll surpassing many wars in living memory. It is a sad fact that the honored dead of both sides were ill-informed of the why, truly, they were fighting."

"The means by which Cordor rules are of no concern to Wharftown, but vice-versa is so. Cordor trembles whenever power transfers to anyone not beholden to that southern hegemony, or at least isn't harmless enough to not be worth bothering with. The moment any with vision - and I speak not aggrandizing of one's own side, but factually; that is to say any Mayor possessed of vision or drive of purpose beyond 'the Waymen are a nice idea this week' - takes power in Wharftown, Cordor stirs. Cordor is unhappy. She snaps at the heels of Wharftown. Only this time, Wharftown declared war on an ally of Cordor first. We have already established that the war was just, based on the facts at the time. It was not until Guldorand had called her allies to arms that the fact the money was never in Guldorand, was discovered. By then, it was too late."

"Wharftown has been unfairly painted as an aggressor, and a malevolent neighbor, too close to Cordor for comfort. Zhents run the place, they cry (the Banites of Arelith reject the Zhentilar Communion), Sencliff controls it (Roxite, not a member of that Castle, is adamant the town be independent, sovereign state without religious interference). What other HARD FACTUAL problems can be produced? The townsfolk are treated fairly. The laws are simple, and common-sense. The only problem that can be brought up is with the personal leadership of the town, and with the overall ideology and philosophies followed by those in power."

"Conversely, Cordor's actions under the reprehensible Administrator Provine, in addition to a self-professed desire to see Wharftown come into the Pax Cordoria to ensure the Mayor is favorable to Cordor, is indicative of a disturbing attitude. Cordorian hegemony, buoyed by their alliances with the largely inactive states of Brogendenstein and Myon, and with the recently transferred Guldorand leadership to those rejected from Cordor, is enforced by her foreign policy and the sword. It is evident, now, that the Amnians are perfectly willing to lend themselves to Cordor in this War. The 'heir' business being little but a cover-up."

"This conflict is centered around the self-declared 'right' of Cordor to administrate Arelith entire!"

"Fortifications springing up at the present borders (and beyond) operate under false names. Docks are built by the Amnians for Guldorand, and so Guldorand is entirely indebted to Cordor and her own puppeteer, Amn."
"These are facts. Hard facts that cannot be denied."

"You may not like us. You may despise us for who we are, for who we worship, for what we do. But understand this: we are the only thing standing between the Arelith of today, and an island entirely under the banner of Cordor."

"What is Wharftown worth?"

"Physically, nothing. Mere coin. Mere stone. Mere flesh, blood."

"And yet? Everything."

Rosenkranz Ezekiel
Wharftown, 8th Flamerule, 116 AR


Elections in Wharftown were called after current Mayor Roxite's departure in 117 AR. Sensing opportunity Impreceptor Rosenkranz quickly stepped in to fill the void by declaring himself the next Mayor by degree.

[Rosenkranz Declaration of Running for Mayor of Wharftown]

"Elections have been called in Wharftown. Do not be deceived, however, by the illusions of oligarchic democracy from the south. Warftown will have the glory of becoming the newest province in my demesne, and will continue to enjoy the autonomy it has thus far."

"Likely more, in fact, with the departure of Roxite and the retirement of Asvokar. My people have fought and bled to defend your freedom from the southern hegemon, to ward off the predatory Provine and his attack dogs."

"Thus, I declare that I will be installed as the Lord-Mayor of Wharftown by the end of this pretend at being a republic. Any who think to stand against me with support of "the people" (certain stringed instrumentalist, you are welcome) will find themselves executed without regard for sanctuary, jurisdiction, or peace processes."


<>The tract is sealed with wax, the seal depicting a stylized letter 'R' within an archducal coronet.<>

Manu propria
7 -27-117 AR


Winning the election through violence and intimidation, the new Lord-Mayor of Wharftown consolidated his power base and countered the Cordorian Alliance by declaring the formation of a confederation called "The Second Dominion".

[Declaration of a Dominion]

"Citizens & beings of all lands from across these islands,"

"This day marks a turning point, one where war will be put behind us, and we can press on with the enforcement of law, order, and prosperity."


"Each province of The Dominion will be granted a high level of autonomy, with a DIET comprised of Burgermeister Marya Althschuler (Wharftown), Emir Penerith Silaya (Sibayad), and Duchess Ann I of House Thrule (Sencliff) ruling over His provinces, and will be convened on a regular basis to meet to discuss issues of the day."

"Any self-governing territories or settlements who wish to join our confederation is invited to contact His Grace or His Court."


<>The tract is sealed with wax, the seal depicting a stylized letter 'R' within an archducal coronet.<>

Manu propria
Wharftown, 1 Anno Imperii / Eleint 117 AR (Day 12 Month 9 117 AR)

Rosenkranz enacted several policies, one of which was the 'Anno Imperii' an attempt to restructure history and dictate the configuration of its retelling by phasing in a new dating system. It did not persist. Rosenkranz's other notable action was to vassal the Duchy of Sencliff to Wharftown while de-escalating and eventually ending the war that had been waged for the better part of three years by this point. His newfound rule was not without issues however.

The new Sovereign dispatched an armed expedition to Andunor in 117 AR to assist allies against the Cult of Tiamat whose figurehead, Achuakiejir Stormwind, was Tyrant of the Sharps District. The conflict began when the blue wyrm Zeshyrr'kalik'straza, a dragon in human form and member of the cult, murdered a legionnaire of the Dominion. In response, Rosenkranz led his military from the surface to Andunor, killing those encountered along the way until reaching the city's center. There, within the Hub of Andunor, the High Priest Tyrael of the Cult of Tiamat was found and crucified. The nails were driven in by a young warrior who recently arrived on the isle by the name of Sydney Harrow. The display was left as an example before the Dominion forces withdrew.

Rosenkranz also had Sir Rannos hanged outside the settlement's walls before another election was called in Wharftown the following year, to which he replied in public postings.

[Day of Dissent]

"Citizens & beings of Wharftown, the day of dissent has once again cast a black sun across our lands. Do not be deceived by this shadow of 'elections', my people. Have you not prospered under my rule? Has peace not been arrived at, with Wharftown in a far stronger position than she has been in a decade or more?"

"Some may come crawling out of the woodwork, prophets of doom, anarchists, the spineless agents of foreign powers - foreign powers who would bombard you with artillery in their own name. You remember what happened, and need only consult the cenotaph to see what chaos brings to town."

"As last year, the following edict is in effect: anyone who dares stand against my rightful rule, who would challenge me for this town which I have defended and whose people I dearly love and cherish as I would my own household; any such being who 'stands' for 'election' in that peculiar, Cordorian fashion, shall find themselves executed without regard for sanctuary, jurisdiction, or peace treaties."


<>The tract is sealed with wax, the seal depicting a stylized letter 'R' within an archducal coronet.<>

Manu propria
Wharftown, 2 Anno Imperii (118 AR)


[Day of Dissent II: Events Going Forward]

"Dissent Month has concluded with the status quo being upheld and utterly unchallenged, giving me a supreme mandate to work from. The IMPERIAL DIET will be convened to discuss matters of state, thus do I call Burgermeister Marya Althschuler (Wharftown) and Duchess Ann I of House Thrule (Sencliff) to meet with me in WHARFTOWN in one week's time, to counsel me on affairs of the day and advise me accordingly. Topics to be discussed include:"

- The vacant Emirate of Sibayad
- Methods of raising revenue
- Queries/requests from the public
- And anything else the estates of the realm, and I, deem worthy.

"ALL are WELCOME to attend, but priority for speech will be given to known citizens of The Dominion, then foreign diplomats and leadership, the unknowns."

"This shall also be named a FEAST DAY, the FEAST OF PERPETUITY, celebrating the start of the THIRD YEAR of my reign and signing of PEACE, to include wine, boar, and merriment."


<>The tract is sealed with wax, the seal depicting a stylized letter 'R' within an archducal coronet.<>

Manu propria
Wharftown, The Lighthouse
2 Anno Imperii (118 AR)

Winning re-election, a final peace was signed. The Wharftown & Guldorand War finally came to an end with the below agreement.

[Wharftown & Guldorand Peace Talks]

*Attending Delegates*

Councilor Twiggy Gallowmere
Former Councilor Rin (Standing in for Councilor Adalbrandt)

Lady Protector Storm Harthglen Teu'aerron
Mayor Aspirant Rannos Susidian

Councilor Maeralya

Duchess Ann of House Thrule, on behalf of the Province of Sencliff. Commander of the Waymen, Grand Marshall of the Dominion.

Seneschal Roland Asen of Castle Sencliff, personal aide to His Grace and Emissary Sinister to Andunor

His Grace, Rosenkranz Ezekiel, Lord over the Free Port of Wharftown, Vassal-Liege of the Duchy of Sencliff, Protector of Sibayad, Count of the Unterwald, Voice of the inheritor and Defender of the Faith. Heir Apparent to The Seat of Minmir and Sovereign over The Dominion

Marya Althschuler
Marsland, scribe and assistant to Althschuler


"All representatives arrived at the Myart Shrine, in addition to representatives from Sencliff. Adalbrandt objected on the basis that Sencliff was not originally included. Additional delegates from Myon arrived. Adalbrandt departed when Sencliff delegates declined to leave."

"Ezekiel proposed terms, which were amended by Myon to exclude Drow on Myon lands from the peace. Myon requested Clarity on the terms, which was provided by delegates from Guldorand, Sencliff, and Wharftown. Agreement was taken by show of hands, and verified by the scribe."

"Wharftown and Guldorand are to immediately cease hostilities. A grace period of one year is to follow, and extend to all allies and interests of both settlements. This is to include Cordor, Guldorand, Myon, Sencliff, and Wharftown. Cessations includes electoral interference by these settlements and their allies. As requested by Myon, Drow caught within Myon's borders are not subject to this peace."

In Agreement:
Cordor: Gallowmere, Rin
Guldorand: Teu'aerron, Susidian
Myon: Maeralya, Ophelia
Sencliff: Thrule
Wharftown: Ezekiel, Althschuler

Sencliff: Asen

Cordor: Adalbrandt

All delegates left in peace.


In the period after the war, approximately 123 AR, Rosenkranz dissolved the Second Dominion and left the region with the Damkianna Azuilah Misotho of Sibayad. It is speculated that 'The Second Dominion' was a foundational interest, or testbed, for a larger project concerning the reclamation and restoration of the lands of northern Minmir, once held by the Lost Kingdom of Kohlingen. Ultimately Rosenkranz's efforts were unsuccessful. The former Sovereign and his followers elected to depart the island after their full momentum had fallen away rather than wait for another cycle of intrigue to re-found the Dominion.




* Interview:
[1] Sydney Harrow, Retainer to Duchess Ann of House Thrule

* Written Documents:
[1] Rosenkranz, "In Response to the Exile of Sencliff"
[2] Rosenkranz, "Reformed Church of Bane's Response to Sencliff's Declaration of War"
[3] Adalbrandt, "Cordor Terms for Peace"
[4] Rosenkranz, "What is Wharftown Worth?"
[5] Rosenkranz, "Rosenkranz Declaration of Running for Mayor of Wharftown"
[6] Rosenkranz, "Declaration of a Dominion"
[7] Rosenkranz, "Day of Dissent"
[8] Rosenkranz, "Day of Dissent II: Events Going Forward"
[9] Rosenkranz, "Wharftown & Guldorand Peace Talks"

* Special Thanks:
Lilian Williams, "Proofreading and Data Collection"

* Dedication:
"This book is dedicated to Misa Aers, the spider in human form. Never stop spinning your web."



[The modest portrait of a young vermilion-haired lady with pallid flesh is positioned next to the paragraph below. Her emerald gaze looks intently at the reader, betraying the aspect's alluring facade with callous indifference. The suggestion of a predatory smile appears hidden within the corners of full upturned lips.]

"The Vampire Adelyn Belle'rose has been charming readers with her historical works upon the island of Arelith for years. As the former curator of the Cordor's Museum, she helped bring the past to life through exhibits and displays. Later, as a member of Andunor's Erudite Arcanum, she would lead the research team to investigate Shadow Wharftown's Third Iteration. Through the founding of the Arelith Antiquarian Society and the East Arelith Trading Company, she continues to advocate for the preservation of knowledge across the archipelago."

Last edited by Edens_Fall on Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:07 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:49 pm

A History of Benwick

Author: Adelyn Belle'rose
Rozen Chalice Publishing, a division of East Arelith Trading
Original Publication: 167 AR "Benwick and the Capitulation of Light Keep"
Revised & Updated Edition: 175 AR "Arelith: A History of Benwick"

"The Arelith Antiquarian Society is instituted to examine, preserve, and publish all antiquities as connected with the art, language, literature, and history of the Arelith Archipelago. Articles bearing this notation have been selected for conservation regardless of race, faith, alignment, or affiliation. While all efforts have been made to ensure the information within is accurate regarding the subject matter covered, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein, whether such errors or omissions are the result of negligence, accident, or any other cause. If any such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions are discovered please contact the author who will address the issue."


Early in Arelith's history, around the year 15 BR (Before Arelith Reckoning) a paladin known as "Galahad the Builder" approached the druids of the Grove with a proposal to build in Arelith Forrest. Once granted permission, he constructed the Light Keep around which the town of Benwick developed. Galahad would marry the elven druidess Xyndal and be crowned the First King of Benwick.

*The Light*

During the founding of Light Keep, as myth has it, 'The Light' was brought to Benwick by a Gold Dragon who entrusted it to the paladin order within the settlement in order to suppress a great evil buried deep beneath the fortress. Whether this account is correct or not is unknown. What is understood is 'The Light' connected directly to the Shores of Lunia in Celestia, allowing travel to the plane. While 'The Light' can still be visited in the ruins of Benwick, its function has long since been lost due events later explained in this chronicle.


Soon after the King's coronation, a disagreement occurred between himself and Lord Darius Tristam over ideologies. With the estrangement, Lord Tristam departed with his followers from Benwick to settle in the Kingdom of Kohlingen which had been established on an isle north of Arelith. Once there, he would be granted leadership of the kingdom and the title of First Justiciar.


The Kingdom of Kohlingen flourished under First Justiciar Darius Tristam, with its southern border expanding to include the lands of Minmir. Montgomery would be named Duke of Minmir and Manfried its Earl during this time. In 02 AR (Arelith Reckoning) The Earl Manfried, with the aid of the Twisted Rune, conducted a necromantic ritual during a celebration held within his Estate. The act of butchering the feeble-minded son of Duke Montgomery, which he then fed to his guests, acted as the ceremony's catalyst. The rite turneding the party-goers into ghouls and spread the revelry's music across Minmir. Being part of the sacrament, the song corrupted the inhabitants of the nearby village, transforming them into undead. Only the children and nearby temple of Bane would be left unaffected. The ritual concluded, Earl Manfried marched upon Kohnlingen with his undead army. Foreseeing the fate that would befall the kingdom, First Justiciar Darius Tristam hastily evacuated the island's citizens before gathering the kingdom's wizards. Together they would draw upon the area's magic in their own ritual, collapsing the nearby leylines to destroy the city. With his prize lost below the waves, Earl Manfried returned to his Manor in Minmir, where he remains to this day. The undead hordes under his command forever marching upon Arelith across an endless battlefield. Darius Tristam and the last of the Kohlingenites found their way back to Benwick and resettled with King Galahad's blessing.


Upon king Galahad's death in 11 AR, the crown was transferred to Queen Xyndal. Under her reign she appointed Lady Meegat, wife of the knight Duty Bond, to the newly established position of 'Lady Protector'. Known for being a strict and disciplined commander, her role as the Queen's right hand would end after a mental breakdown in 15 AR when it was discovered she hired an assassin to kill Sir Frand, whom she suspected of causing the death of her children. Lady Meegat would be sentenced to life imprisonment within Light Keep, where she eventually died. Legend had it, years after death, her spirit haunted the keeps many passages to spread omens of ill fates yet to come.


After the brutal attack on Bendir in 13 AR by the Banites of Stonehold, Benwick mustered a large army under the command of Queen Xyndral's husband, the Praetorian Grandmaster Lord Severian. Along with the knight Duty Bond, the gathering marched against The Black Hand's bastion. Knowing the Banites employed large numbers of Devils in their ranks, the Benwick clerics called upon the heavens for aid and a host of celestials descended. Together the army of mortals and gods assaulted the fortress. Though gravely wounded, Praetorian Severian defeated the infernal army of Dreadmaster Ryan Valtheran and his Drow Mistress, bringing Stonehold to the ruin. Praetorian Grandmaster Severian would later die from the wounds suffered in the battle.


Overtime 'The Light' would grow weak due to inactivity and isolation until in 15 AR a Harbinger of the Triad, a Knight, approached the paladins of Benwick to inform them that 'The Light' was waning and would soon be gone. This occurrence marked the end of Queen Xyndal's rule as she chose to ritually sacrifice herself to 'The Light'. An act of surrender that strengthened the Holy artifact with her life force and kept the gateway to Celestia open.


Benwick would fall under the control of a council who abolished the tradition of 'divine right' after the Queen's death. Instead, the title of 'Lord Protector' was repurposed to serve as the head of state, with the Council providing administrative rule. This practice appeared to have continued uninterrupted until approximately 72 AR when Lord James Malhinde attempted to restore the monarchy. However, his effort failed to gather enough support and he departed for Guldorand to establish "The Forsworn" with his followers. After this challenge, no other attempts were recorded to have taken place against the Council's rule. While records of who served upon the Council could not be located, one can safely reason it functioned much as any other settlement at the time. With counselor's serving terms until replaced by election.


Around 52 AR, "The Gate" beneath Light Keep was revealed. This one-way entrance to Baator spurred the creation of the current portal room and Last Bastion beyond. While little is known about why a rift in the planes even occurred below Benwick, some have theorized this darkness had been lurking beneath the surface since the arrival of 'The Light' - a counterbalance to the celestial connection to the Prime.

Whatever the reason, the Last Bastion manned by the Chosen Ones, held the Baator side of the Gate while the defenders of Benwick maintained the material plane entrance. The Silver Dragon Imperator aided them in this task, who is said to have judged the souls of mortals attempting to pass through the Gate. Paladins of Arelith were also encouraged to visit regularly, thus supporting the Chosen Ones in combating the hordes of devils or in fending off Underdark attempts at a siege, which occurred often.


While very few documents pertain to such interventions, various notations within other works lead one to conclude from 15 AR to 85 AR Benwick was involved in the multiple conflicts that occurred across Arelith. As such, those events of paramount importance have been detailed below.

*The Blood Sail Incursion: 22 AR*
Under the command of Admiral Valmer Faulschtaff, a great pirate fleet invaded Arelith in a campaign that culminated in two unsuccessful sieges against Stonehold and the Crouching Lemur Monastery. A united force from Light Keep, Myon, Cordor, and Stonehold managed to drive the pirate army off the island.

*Battle of Gamblers Bluff: 35 AR*
A large Underdark army led by Skeflock, the svirfneblin Tyrant of Urblexis Grond, seized the small palisade fort on Gambler's Bluff for nearly a week in an attempt to create a surface outpost. The Underdark force eventually withdrew after repeated counterattacks from a surface coalition army.

*War in the North: 74 AR*
The Frost Maiden Auril, in an attempt to steal the slumbering god Ulutiu's power, cursed land to eternal night & winter. With the aid of three servants, the goddess planned to birth a new avatar with Arelith serving as its womb. The island united and defeated the three servants of Auril, saving Toril from the goddess 'Endwinter'.

*The War of Horns: 76 AR*
The Twisted Rune's attempt to recover an ancient artifact known as 'The Crown of Horns' resulted in a massive undead assault upon Arelith. With the resurfacing of the Lost Kingdom of Kohlingen in the North Sea, a united force of surface settlements defeated the threat and recovered the crown.


Captain of the Keep Thomas Miller, last ruler of Benwick, would collapse under the burden of leadership. During the sieges spawned from the 'Rift Crisis' in 86 AR, a cult of infernalists known as 'The Sencliff Institute' took advantage of the weakening barriers in reality to besiege Benwick, Miller would witness many of his companions fall in battle. Among them was his close confidante, Caldus Oat, who Haston Reyne slew.

During one of these sieges, an army rose from the Hells and assaulted the Last Bastion directly. With the help of a large group of adventurers, the attack was rebuffed, but not before the 'Last Bastion' itself lay in ruin. Afterwards 'The Gate' would only be protected by the magical barrier preventing entry from Baator's side and the mortal defenders of Light Keep.

Cultist Haston would later try to take credit for Thomas's fall into despair, but it is believed that the grief of battle and his addiction to Mordayn were the true catalysts that crumbled Thomas Miller's psyche. Allegedly by the end, Miller only wanted peace at any cost and an end to the endless cycle of fighting and death.

So whether by corruption or desperation, following several years of holding against constant threats, Captain of the Keep Thomas Miller surrendered Benwick as a vassal settlement to the Infernalist Lord Governess Jel and Arch malefactor Vippin, who ruled over Guldorand and Sencliff.

[Terms of Benwick's Vassalage to Guldorand]

"This document lays out the terms by which Benwick (alias Light Keep) is in a state of vassalage to Guldorand. This document is not binding until such a time as it is signed by Knight-Captain of Light Keep Thomas Miller, Lord Governess of Guldorand Jel, and Arch malefactor Vippin of the Ninth Sect. In addition, one witness must be present, the Count Klemens von Reichenbach."

"The reasons for this vassalage are manifold - primarily to finally secure peace for our time between the often-conflicting factions present between Benwick and Guldorand's present occupants, while also retaining Benwick's freedom to "be Benwick" and all that entails, with few revisions."

"From the date of this documents signing, Benwick is a vassal and protectorate of Guldorand. All members of the Institute of Sencliff are henceforth removed from any and all lists of exile, bounty, and/or war in Benwick and will be given amnesty for any and all crimes. Select members to be agreed upon between the signatories will be afforded access to the Castle of Light Keep."

"Members of Benwick - to include citizens of the township, standing and reserve members of all militias, factions, guilds, groups and individuals associated with Benwick and/or the Order of Light Keep - will not commit any acts of harm, detriment, destruction, sedition or subversion by any possible definition to both the Institute of Sencliff and the parent vassal of Guldorand."

"In return, Benwick's people will be assured safety along similar lines, as long as they do not break the aforementioned terms. Benwick will continue to be allowed self-governance and given full neutrality with leave to continue operating in its own interests at home and abroad, including Avernus. We will allow them freedom of faith, freedom to make their own laws, and freedom to deal with domestic matters and trade."

"Guldorand will appoint an ambassador (title pending) with an associated embassy from which to operate within Benwick. The ambassador (title pending) will be given the authority to 'count' for two votes in the event of an intra-Council dispute."

"In the event of a defensive war in Guldorand or its Protectorates, Benwick will aid in the defense. Guldorand will also maintain the power to define Benwick's foreign policy. In addition, Sencliff will mediate peace-talks between Benwick and Wharftown. The outcome of these peace-talks is irrelevant to the rest of these terms."

"In the event that the non-aggression terms are violated, Benwick forfeits all benefits, with the remainder of the terms still in force."

[Count Klemens von Reichenbach's Legal Recognition]
"I, Klemens von Reichenbach, Count, do certify that the Treaty of Vassalage concerning Benwick and Guldorand was signed and ratified in my presence following all the rules on international law."

<>Signed Count Klemens von Reichenbach, Chancellor of Guldorand<>
Day 7 Month 4 Year 88 AR

This political defeat allowed the followers of Hell to step inside Light Keep sanctum without resistance for the first time. The Infernalists would act quickly on their fortune, wreathing 'The Light' in shadows, sealing passage to Celestia, and preventing it from being used as a weapon against the devils. A dark ritual was then conducted upon 'The Gate' itself, altering the very nature of the portal to allow two-way passage through it. With this change, the Baatezu were able to travel into the prime unhindered, and an army of the Nine descended upon the town of Benwick, razing it to the ground in 88 AR.

FOOTNOTE: The Fate of Thomas Miller

Miller himself fell entirely into insanity and despair after the Fall of Benwick. No doubt tormented by guilt and remorse over the series of unfortunate events his decisions set in motion. His fate was an entirely ignoble one, becoming a homeless wretch upon the various settlement streets of Arelith. While we are unable to know the ultimate fate of Thomas Miller, an optimistic soul might imagine the man finding redemption and happiness in lands far away from the shores that still carry his shame.


The self-declared daughter of Benwick's last matriarch, Ophelia Blackheart, attempted to claim the title of Queen after the city's destruction. Ophelia would spend her life in exile with her claim disputed until she suffered a mysterious death in an undetermined year. Sometime later, her tomb would be discovered empty, with the belief she had transformed into a Demilich with the power of her vengeful spirit. While a whimsical theory, it is far more probable that her reawakening in death resulted from the Twisted Rune's direct intervention.

The last Queen of Benwick would return to the island in 163 AR. Her stated aspiration was to create an undead army to protect Arelith, thus never allowing the tragedy that was her home to be repeated. The invasion commenced with the Twisted Rune's successful plot to kill Archmage Mila Brown, the greatest student of the Archmage Thoramind, and de facto leader of the Arcane Tower with a magical bomb. Believed to have been the only mage capable of challenging Ophelia directly, her removal opened the way for the main incursion. Reclaiming the ruins of her old kingdom, Ophelia launched a series of campaigns against Bendir, Arelith Forest, Minmir, The Arcane Tower, Guldorand, and Brogendenstein over the next year. The prolonged conflict finally culminated with the establishment of 'Camp Young' west of the Benwick ruins and the long siege of Light Keep. All Arelith's surface settlements, excluding Myon whose presence was curiously absent, mobilized for the final assault into the heat of Light Keep. Upon entering the inner Citadel, Ophelia Blackheart made the below declaration.

[Ophelia Blackheart's Pronouncement]

"Within this hall, all that you touch and all that you see is all your lives will ever be. No things of steel, mithril, adamantine, fire, or else, can breach my defenses, nor can things of magic sway me from my course. I was not unprepared for the resistance of which I have been the object. For those of course who have a free choice in the matter and do not follow blindly their leaders, war is the greatest of follies. And if the only choice was danger in resisting and instead having your entire isle be brought to oblivion; and submission with the hope of preserving your lands, in such a case it is he who will not accept the negligible injury of loss of independence that deserves blame, not he who will. The offer is made, and it shall not be made again. Offer yourselves to me, and the glory and honour of Brogendenstein, Guldorand, Cordor and Bendir Dale shall not be diminished, while your lands shall be kept safe under the rulership of Ophelia and the Twisted Rune".

The Last Queen's offer was rebuffed, and the battle ensued. Having publicly repented for his evil ways, Vance Gravelle sacrificed his life to seal Ophelia's collaborator, Demilich Xhazhygix. With a Greater Seal, crafted by the mages of the Arcane Tower, the remaining adventurers imprisoned the Demilich Ophelia Blackheart. Both were interred in the Arcane Tower's Spellhold Prison upon the conclusion of the assault. With the threat ended, life on Arelith returned to normal.


Many attempts have been made to seal the Hell Gate below Light Keep or reclaim the settlement of Benwick after its collapse. Of these, the 'Sword of Benwick', 'Devil Steward of Benwick', and the search for the 'Celestial Keystones' are most noteworthy and can be found recorded within other transcripts.

To this day, Benwick remains a subject of controversy and remorse. Regardless of how one chooses to remember the once city, its history remains a lesson to heroes and villains alike.




* Book(s):
[1] Corbin, "Benwick Research"
[2] Aramentia Sendia, "The Bendir/Stonehold Wars"
[3] Loomwarden of Azur, "A Study of Minmir Manor and Kohlingen"
[4] Nelehein of Impiltur, "The Lost City of Kohlingen"
[5] Unknown, "Bloodsail Incursion"
[6] Unknown, "Erik Silverarms: Early Years"
[7] Unknown, "The Fall of Benwick"
[8] Unknown, "The Seize of Gambler's Bluff"
[9] Kensin Torellus, "The Forsworn: A History"
[10] Archamus Schelen, "The History of the War of 164 AR"
[11] Kaliyah Serafine, Anden Smith, Elwood Thron, & Anden Smith; "Librum Draconis: Arelithica Vol. I"
[12] Elanor Shortwick, "Rifts: Interview with Amadeo Pnuema"
[13] Amadeo Pneuma, "Interviews & Writings"
[14] Nelehein of Impiltur, "The War in the North"

* Written Documents:
[1] Count Klemens von Reichenbach, Chancellor of Guldorand, "Terms of Benwick's Vassalage to Guldorand"
[2] Light Keep Council, "The Reign of the Great Queen"
[3] Baron Conway, "Conway Announces Candidacy"
[4] Geoffrey Talbert, "Ghost of Benwick"
[5] Geoffrey Talbert, "The Gate to the Nine"



[The modest portrait of a young vermilion-haired lady with pallid flesh is positioned next to the paragraph below. Her emerald gaze looks intently at the reader, betraying the aspect's alluring facade with callous indifference. The suggestion of a predatory smile appears hidden within the corners of full upturned lips.]

"The Vampire Adelyn Belle'rose has been charming readers with her historical works upon the island of Arelith for years. As the former curator of the Cordor's Museum, she helped bring the past to life through exhibits and displays. Later, as a member of Andunor's Erudite Arcanum, she would lead the research team to investigate Shadow Wharftown's Third Iteration. Through the founding of the Arelith Antiquarian Society and the East Arelith Trading Company, she continues to advocate for the preservation of knowledge across the archipelago."

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:52 pm

A History of Sencliff

Author: Adelyn Belle'rose
Rozen Chalice Publishing, a division of East Arelith Trading
Original Publication: 167 AR "Sencliff: A Forgotten Past"
Revised & Updated Edition: 175 AR "Arelith: A History of Sencliff"

"The Arelith Antiquarian Society is instituted to examine, preserve, and publish all antiquities as connected with the art, language, literature, and history of the Arelith Archipelago. Articles bearing this notation have been selected for conservation regardless of race, faith, alignment, or affiliation. While all efforts have been made to ensure the information within is accurate regarding the subject matter covered, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein, whether such errors or omissions are the result of negligence, accident, or any other cause. If any such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions are discovered please contact the author who will address the issue."


The island of Sencliff, as I learned over the course of my research, is an anarchistic gathering of souls fixated on existing in the moment. The residents value an attitude of individual freedom which often results in documents of historical significance being misplaced or destroyed. Even more notable, any artwork of antique origins is often stolen or vandalized. While I have assembled what was uncovered in this chronicle, such laissez faire governance has regrettably resulted in most of the island's own history being eradicated from the realm. While lamentable, such is the nature of time.


Located to the Northeast of Arelith, off the Bitter Coast, the island of Sencliff was first settled by a cult of Cyric worshipers who constructed the island's oldest edifice, a tall stone tower. At some point the followers of the Black Sun vanished and the pirates arrived around the late 70s AR (Arelith Reckoning) when new shipping lanes allowed for the island's discovery. These new residents continued to build upon the island with their own sense of aesthetics into what we see it as today.


Little is recorded of this organization, though it appears to have been a cabal of various infamous individuals formed with the purpose of colonizing and subjugating the local populace around 86 AR. Most infamous among them was Archmalefactrix Jel, who would become Lord Governess of Guldorand and leader of Sencliff. This faction would eventually annex Benwick as a vassal city before leading the settlement to ultimate destruction in 88 AR. A glimpse of the institution's goal can be seen in the well-known report titled "Audit of Sencliff: Observations & Summaries" written by Ambassador Damask in the year 86 AR which reads:

"Making the island a little more self-sustaining (the land seems arable enough), introduction of industry (the Malefactrix suggests whaling or similar, with manufacturing facilities in the underdocks), increasing security against those who will inevitably take notice, and playing host to other outcasts and aiding those already on the isle (beneficial contracts, loans, exchanges) would earn the respect and trust of Sencliff. This also lays the groundwork for Sencliff's population to embrace and create the future we bring, willing and voluntarily paving the road of good intentions -straight into our ultimate and direct control. For their own good."

The organization emerged once more at the end of the island's "Rift Crisis" in 89 AR. Collaborating with the renowned monk Amadeo Pnuema in the creation of the Astrolabe. No further information was located after this point and we can safely assume the Sencliff Institute never completed their plans, or at the very least were unable to hold control over the island for much longer.


Captain Jovanni 'Joron' di Dolcemarea of the galleon Liberator and High Priest of Umberlee ruled Sencliff as High Lord after the Sencliff Institute from 90 AR until his death in Guldorand around 94 AR. Little is recorded of his life or deeds.

The island presently known for its free-spirited lifestyle and inability to be managed was at one time governed as a monarchy known as "The Duchy of Sencliff". Such a regime remained for the next thirty odd years, with only a few interruptions.

The first recorded ruler of the Duchy, Her Grace Ann I of House Thrule, would reign the longest. Little is known of her initial arrival and life before Sencliff, though her name appears in Andunor's History of House Xun'viir dated 97 AR. From such, we can reason that her ascension began in Andunor.

"Meanwhile notable humans such as Merovech, Roland Asen, Ann Thrule, and Azuilah had formed an anchor head in the Sharps. Backed into a corner by Drow expansionism and violence, the outcasts were forced to band together and match the Drow in their aggression. The streets often ran red as each party satisfied their bloodlust."

Known for being a skillful negotiator who detested politics, she would leverage her prestige into power and consolidate Sencliff for her own around 100 AR, compelling the island onto the world stage.


The Duchy of Sencliff joined the Church of Bane under High Inquisitor Vistigor Torkill (Minmir Sect), Mayor Skyja Steinblad of Wharftown, and 'Hetman' Ilya Popvich leader of the Murom Cossack Host in Coalition around 103 AR against:

Item #1: Gabriel Lance in relation to The Lace Situation.

Item #2: The Blood Pact united under Kharne Riscorve, High Priest of the Black Sun, and Queen Elzi I of the Iron Citadel, the Church of Cyric, the Abyssal Forces, and Malarites.

The outcome of these alliances remains unknown.


The time between 105 AR to 109 AR saw relations between the city of Cordor and the Duchy of Sencliff, who was a close collaborator with the Reformed Church of Bane located in Minmir, strained. This tension accumulated when Cordor banished all the people of Sencliff from its city and lands. The act was met with public outcry as diplomacy between the two collapsed.

[In Response to the Exile of Sencliff]

"Good day, Cordor. I am Count Rosenkranz III, Chaplain of the Reformed Church of Bane (Minmir Sect), and I serve my suzerain lord, Duchess Ann I of Sencliff of the House Thrule. I am writing here today on behalf of the Duchess, to offer our reply to your challenge."

"You think you can destroy us, hold us at bay like a guttering candle against the dark. You think you can banish us, but even as you read these words it is evident that our hands will not be bound by petty shackles. You hide behind laws, walls, and words so weak that their replacement is an inevitability. Every citizen and friend of Cordor who is hurt, afraid, or dead as a result of our responses is a direct challenge to the viability of your rule."

"When the majority of our members cannot roam freely, you will claim victory, when all you have done is glimpsed the End from a window and closed the curtains. You claim to be the "good of the isle", united and together. As if you cast a light to rival that at Benwick. You need not follow the metaphor long to realize that the brightest light often casts the darkest shadow. Sencliff in not a guild of thieves to be outlawed, anarchists to be killed, or rebels to be suppressed. Sencliff is not the sum of its people or its leaders."

"Sencliff is an idea."

"Sencliff is a parallel society to your own fading, diseased on; we will peel back the scabrous bandages barely concealing your wounds, and let them fester and rot for the world to see. Your self-righteous, hypocritical persecution of warlocks, necromancers, the outcasts, those who never fit in, while tolerating worse individuals that are useful to you is a shameful display of your lack of conviction."

"If you live to expose the truth of this island and its self-proclaimed custodians and guardians, then consider this a call to arms. We invite those who see the rotten core behind the gleaming façade to join us in tearing it down and building something true, something great, and something better upon the ashes."


-The Great War-

In 115 AR war was declared when a former Wharftown official, on the eve of being ousted in election by challenger Roxite, was believed to have fled to Guldorand with the town's treasury. With the start of hostilities, alliances were called upon and the Duchy of Sencliff responded by declaring war on Guldorand to aid her close ally of Wharftown. Guldorand in return called upon the Cordorian Alliance of Myon, Cordor, and Brogendenstein for support. In short order, the land was engulfed in an island wide conflict. A demand was made by Cordor for Wharftown's surrender.

[Cordor Terms for Peace]

1. The Unconditional surrender of Wharftown to Cordor
2. Wharftown must become a vassal of Cordor.
3. The Zhentarim leadership of Wharftown must submit themselves to arrest to be tried for their crimes.
4. Reparation paid to Guldorand for damages done.

Wharftown has one month to deliver their acceptance of these terms if peace is desired.
11 Day of the 8th Month, 115 AR

The terms for capitulation were refused and War boiled over the isle of Arelith for the next two years.

-The Second Dominion-

With the death of Impreceptor Pelaguis of the House of Castillian, Duke of Minmir, in 112 AR the Reformed Church of Bane's First Chaplain Rosenkranz III of the House of Ezekiel rose into the position as secular leader. This promotion allowed him to focus on personal ambitions by strengthening the ties between the Reformed Church of Bane and The Duchy of Sencliff. The ongoing war with Guldorand also provided the Banite leader many opportunities to win popular support of the people which peaked in 117 AR. Winning the election in Wharftown through violence, reputation, and intimidation the new Lord-Mayor of Wharftown consolidated his power base by countering the Cordorian Alliance with one of his own making. Rosenkranz declared the formation of a confederation called "The Second Dominion" to which Her Grace, Duchess Ann I joined.

[Declaration of a Dominion]

"Citizens & beings of all lands from across these islands,"

"This day marks a turning point, one where war will be put behind us, and we can press on with the enforcement of law, order, and prosperity."


"Each province of The Dominion will be granted a high level of autonomy, with a DIET comprised of Burgermeister Marya Althschuler (Wharftown), Emir Penerith Silaya (Sibayad), and Duchess Ann I of House Thrule (Sencliff) ruling over His provinces, and will be convened on a regular basis to meet to discuss issues of the day."

"Any self-governing territories or settlements who wish to join our confederation is invited to contact His Grace or His Court."


<>The tract is sealed with wax, the seal depicting a stylized letter 'R' within an archducal coronet.<>

Manu propria
Wharftown, 1 Anno Imperii / Eleint 117 AR (Day 12 Month 9 117 AR)

By the end of 118 AR, tired of warfare and financial loss, the Cordorian Alliance agreed to talks of peace. Within a short time both sides met and agreed to the following treaty.

[Wharftown & Guldorand Peace Talks]

*Attending Delegates*
Councilor Twiggy Gallowmere
Former Councilor Rin (Standing in for Councilor Adalbrandt)

Lady Protector Storm Harthglen Teu'aerron
Mayor Aspirant Rannos Susidian

Councilor Maeralya

Duchess Ann of House Thrule, on behalf of the Province of Sencliff. Commander of the Waymen, Grand Marshall of the Dominion.
Seneschal Roland Asen of Castle Sencliff, personal aide to His Grace and Emissary Sinister to Andunor

His Grace, Rosenkranz Ezekiel, Lord over the Free Port of Wharftown, Vassal-Liege of the Duchy of Sencliff, Protector of Sibayad, Count of the Unterwald, Voice of the inheritor and Defender of the Faith. Heir Apparent to The Seat of Minmir and Sovereign over The Dominion

Marya Althschuler
Marsland, scribe and assistant to Althschuler

"All representatives arrived at the Myart Shrine, in addition to representatives from Sencliff. Adalbrandt objected on the basis that Sencliff was not originally included. Additional delegates from Myon arrived. Adalbrandt departed when Sencliff delegates declined to leave."

"Ezekiel proposed terms, which were amended by Myon to exclude Drow on Myon lands from the peace. Myon requested Clarity on the terms, which was provided by delegates from Guldorand, Sencliff, and Wharftown. Agreement was taken by show of hands, and verified by the scribe."

"Wharftown and Guldorand are to immediately cease hostilities. A grace period of one year is to follow, and extend to all allies and interests of both settlements. This is to include Cordor, Guldorand, Myon, Sencliff, and Wharftown. Cessations includes electoral interference by these settlements and their allies. As requested by Myon, Drow caught within Myon's borders are not subject to this peace."

In Agreement:
Cordor: Gallowmere, Rin
Guldorand: Teu'aerron, Susidian
Myon: Maeralya, Ophelia
Sencliff: Thrule
Wharftown: Ezekiel, Althschuler

Sencliff: Asen

Cordor: Adalbrandt

All delegates left in peace.

In the period after the war, approximately 123 AR, Rosenkranz dissolved the Second Dominion and left the region with the Damkianna Azuilah Misotho of Sibayad. It is speculated that 'The Second Dominion' was a foundational interest, or testbed, for a larger project concerning the reclamation and restoration of the lands of northern Minmir, once held by the Lost Kingdom of Kohlingen. Ultimately Rosenkranz's efforts were unsuccessful. The former Sovereign and his followers elected to depart the island after their full momentum had fallen away, rather than wait for another cycle of intrigue to re-found the Dominion.

Duchess Ann I of House Thrule was soon persuaded, after the Dominions dissolution, to relocate and serve as the Captain of Cordor's city guard. Eventually she would leave the island of Arelith altogether and return to her place of birth.


Captain Arianne, a Cormyrean ex-soldier mercenary, arrived on the island and managed an outfit called the Hellebore Company. Conversely, she was secretly a cultist of the Black Strategarch Bel and raised a coven in plain sight. However, after taking a mercenary contract in Andunor, Captain Arianne ultimately lost the Hellebore Company's components. The business below frightened too many of her rank-and-file members. Captain Arianne would re-branded herself, with considerably more success, as a military advisor and counsel for hire. She flitted from faction to faction, aiding in this conflict or that, above or below, and made a considerable hoard of wealth in the process. She later ousted the then-owner of the Sencliff Estate and based her operations from Manor. Effectively in 125 AR, Arianne was the first to take up the mantle of Duchess after Thrule. Under her guidance Sencliff prospered in peace, as no one dared targeted her for the aid she lent during Arelith's various conflicts. Then in 127 AR, Duchess Arianne de Fleur sold her holdings in Sencliff to one Sydney Harrow and retired from Arelith with her accumulated wealth.


Installed as de facto Duchess in 127 AR by the Estates new owner, she ruled for the next seven years. Upon Sydney Harrow's return to Sencliff, Lady Dragonsong relinquished her title of Duchess, handing over control of the isle. This action thus ended the legacy of Sencliff as a Duchy.


Based out of the Sencliff Estate, the famed 'Witch of Lies' Sydney Harrow turned the isle from a Duchy to one of free market enterprise in 134 AR. While few transcriptions remain of their activities, her reign can be summarized by the following flier posted across Arelith during the time.


"We are the SENCLIFF ESTATE, and ours is the industry of Brokerage and Facilitation. Ours is this island's oldest continuous legacy, and thus we oblige ourselves to your SERVICE."

"We are buyers and sellers of all things, foremost knowledge, power, and opportunity, with those willing to seek us for PROFIT."

"We are sponsors of new residents to this island to ensure its collective growth, consolidation, and means to relation and ASSEMBLY."

"We are the gracious machinery of influence, wealth, access, secrets, and connections, and shall assure the promise of OPPORTUNITY."

"Interested parties should contact named Associates of the SENCLIFF ESTATE for consultations and trafficking."

"For all affairs on Sencliff, Sibayad, Andunor, & Arelith, seek:"


By 139 AR, Sencliff had made a name among the various ne'er-do-wells and brigands of the region. As a result, the small isle was flooded with criminal inhabitants and vagabonds. Any sense of a well-organized community collapsed under the influx. Sydney Harrow, the last ruler of Sencliff, soon departed to aid the establishment of 'The Erudite Arcanum' in Andunor. Her loss marked the end of any structured leadership in Sencliff. Without direction the isle's more momentous history fell into obscurity.


Various attempts by one Dread Pirate or another over the years to rule the island have met with limited success. Most such individuals are quickly dispatched by the various militaries of Arelith's major surface settlements before reaching any level of success; or their cause of unity is dismantled from within by the island's own inhabitants under the slogan of individual freedom.

Yet the 'Great Reform' of 174 AR has seen a revitalization of Sencliff thanks to an unidentified investor funding the reconstruction of the island's many facilities. With these improvements, a new heavy warship can now be moored at Sencliff's docks to rival the flagship of any current major settlement. Along with this change came the abolishment of Angie "The Carver" Yonner's slave trade, construction of a modern bank with vaults, additional shops, and a direct ferry from the atoll to the Free Port of Guldorand's Fortress City. Combined with the building of several large barracks to house the island's crews and the recent innovations in naval technology, one can undeniably see the early stages of a new age for Sencliff. Though what future the inhabitants will make of this opportunity is yet to be perceived.




* Book(s):
[1] Ambassador Damask, The Sencliff Institute, "Audit of Sencliff: Observations & Summaries"
[2] Princess May'riina Xun'viir, "History of House Xun'viir Part 1: Founding"
[3] Elanor Shortwick, "Rifts: Interview with Amadeo Pnuema"

* Interview:
[1] Sydney Harrow, Retainer to Duchess Ann of House Thrule

* Written Documents:
[1] Rosenkranz, "In Response to the Exile of Sencliff"
[2] Adalbrandt, "Cordor Terms for Peace"
[3] Rosenkranz, "Declaration of a Dominion"
[4] Rosenkranz, "Wharftown & Guldorand Peace Talks"
[5] Ilya Popovich, "Cossack Circle Minutes"

* On Sight Investigations:
[1] Belle'rose, Adelyn

* Special Thanks:
Lilian Williams, "Proofreading and Data Collection"

* Dedication:
"This book is dedicated to the people of Sencliff. May you never forget your history and the power such knowledge brings.



[The modest portrait of a young vermilion-haired lady with pallid flesh is positioned next to the paragraph below. Her emerald gaze looks intently at the reader, betraying the aspect's alluring facade with callous indifference. The suggestion of a predatory smile appears hidden within the corners of full upturned lips.]

"The Vampire Adelyn Belle'rose has been charming readers with her historical works upon the island of Arelith for years. As the former curator of the Cordor's Museum, she helped bring the past to life through exhibits and displays. Later, as a member of Andunor's Erudite Arcanum, she would lead the research team to investigate Shadow Wharftown's Third Iteration. Through the founding of the Arelith Antiquarian Society and the East Arelith Trading Company, she continues to advocate for the preservation of knowledge across the archipelago."

Last edited by Edens_Fall on Mon Feb 20, 2023 3:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:59 pm

The Beast

Author: Adelyn Belle'rose
Rozen Chalice Publishing, a division of East Arelith Trading
Original Publication: 167 AR "Gertrude Gawain and The Beast"
Revised & Updated Edition: 175 AR "Arelith: The Beast"

"The Arelith Antiquarian Society is instituted to examine, preserve, and publish all antiquities as connected with the art, language, literature, and history of the Arelith Archipelago. Articles bearing this notation have been selected for conservation regardless of race, faith, alignment, or affiliation. While all efforts have been made to ensure the information within is accurate regarding the subject matter covered, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any other inconsistencies herein, whether such errors or omissions are the result of negligence, accident, or any other cause. If any such errors, inaccuracies, or omissions are discovered please contact the author who will address the issue."


In 153 AR, a shadow creature of incredible power, known simply as The Beast, was released from the Arcane Tower's spellhold prison by the shadow mage Xavier and traitor Warden Gordon. To guarantee the wellbeing of this creature, the two assaulted the wild mage Allestrius Thoramind within his magic shop in Cordor. As a founder of the Arcane Tower, Thoramind had knowledge of the "Orbs of Sealing," devices that could be used to bind The Beast again and end the twos scheme. While the city guard initially feared the worst based on evidence at the scene, Thoramind was later located having escaped from the attack. With his aid the settlements of Arelith worked together to recover the orbs for later use.

When information of these events reached the cult of Shar located upon the island they took steps to interfere. Attempting to intercept, mislead, or stop the representatives of each settlement in their respective quests. Perhaps this was done to aid a fellow shadow mage or, more probably, it was undertaken so they might take command of the situation which had been provided. This dance of shadows continued over the next several months until the attack on Brogenstein.


The dwarven city of Brogendenstein was attacked and taken by a host of shadow creatures under the control of The Beast. Members of the Axehold Accords; Cordor, Bendir, Darrowdeep, Guldorand, and Heartwood Grove mobilized to recapture the settlement. This combined army marched upon Brogenstein, and with the use of powder kegs, blasted a path into the dwarven stronghold whose main entrance had been collapsed.

With the army's attention focused on Brogendenstein, Agents of Shar, with the aid of portals to the shadow realm, assaulted the hin village of Bendir. A small force was redirected to aid the Dales in this new threat, and with the assistance of a device known as the "Shadow Guard Beacon" the shadow portals were closed. However, it was discovered that the Orb located by the Bendir forces in the months prior had been spirited away by Sharran agents in the confusion.


After the breach into Brogendenstein was made, the coalition army discovered the surviving dwarven defenders had managed to regroup and entrap The Beast within the settlement's Hall of Legends. Couriers were dispatched to retrieve an Orb of Sealing, of which two were previously located. With the attack on Bendir, the last Orb, under the care of Cordor's Commander Gertrude Gawain, was utilized as the only viable option.

With the retrieval of the Orb, the combined forces of the Accords stormed the Hall of Legends, plunging amongst the multitude of shadow creatures to assault The Beast directly. In a final moment of triumph, Commander Gertrude Gawain hurled herself upon the monster, Orb in hand, and struck the creature while shouting her last war cry. Upon contact, the Beast was sealed within the Orb along with Gertrude Gawain.


The Orb of Sealing was conducted overland to the Arcane Tower through throngs of trailing shadow creatures. In a final desperate bid to release The Beast, Shadow mage Xavier ambushed the escorting forces and lost his life in the ensuing skirmish.

Attempts were made to separate Commander Gawain from the Orb of Sealing to no effect. The decision was made to transfer both into Spellhold prison, trapping the two in each other's company for all time.


In the aftermath, Brogendenstein and Bendir were both heavily damaged but not beyond repair. The Shadow mage Xavier was dead, and the traitor Warden Gordon escaped to a Fate unknown. The Beast was returned to its prison with the sacrifice of Cordor's Commander Gertrude Gawain.




* Book(s):
[1] Katernin Bersk, "Cordor Political History; The Chancellor's Notes AR 153, Month 8"
[2] Gully Longbuck, "Earthkin Under Siege"

*Written Documents:
[1] Gully Longbuck, "Earthkin Under Siege"

* Special Thanks:
Lilian Williams, "Proofreading and Data Collection"

* Dedication:
"This book is dedicated to Ezri Tinfoot. A Servant, a Hin, and an adopted Gnoll with the emotional disposition of a sweetberry bush. Never change and never stop the Awoo's."



[The modest portrait of a young vermilion-haired lady with pallid flesh is positioned next to the paragraph below. Her emerald gaze looks intently at the reader, betraying the aspect's alluring facade with callous indifference. The suggestion of a predatory smile appears hidden within the corners of full upturned lips.]

"The Vampire Adelyn Belle'rose has been charming readers with her historical works upon the island of Arelith for years. As the former curator of the Cordor's Museum, she helped bring the past to life through exhibits and displays. Later, as a member of Andunor's Erudite Arcanum, she would lead the research team to investigate Shadow Wharftown's Third Iteration. Through the founding of the Arelith Antiquarian Society and the East Arelith Trading Company, she continues to advocate for the preservation of knowledge across the archipelago."

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue Apr 20, 2021 3:00 pm

Ok that should be enough for now! 😜

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia » Tue May 04, 2021 2:37 am

Were you uh... Planning to credit any of the players, several of whom we both share Discords with, and which includes myself, with the texts you're presenting here? Or even inform them that you were trying to submit their writings for inclusion to the module on their behalfs?

Since I can't speak for any others but personally I'm a bit sketched out here (enough so to actually poke my head in and post). This is not really what I had in mind to enable when I shared most of these with you *in-game.*


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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Kuma » Tue May 04, 2021 6:13 am

There has got to be better and more creative ways to write these than just lifting or paraphrasing from the Encyclopedia Arelithica. I put much of those on there for OOC reference and interest since the IC-ness of the EA is not and has not been announced.

It isn't an IC resource.

And it isn't in the same spirit of in-universe reference documentation that Irongron asked for, in my opinion.

edit: wait these were delivered ic? well, whatever. compilations of message board posts are probably not what gron wanted either

House Freth: Reference Information
House Claddath: Reference Information
"What's a heretic?": a guide to religious schism terminology

Irongron wrote:

4. No full screen images of the NWN gnome model (might frighten the children)

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by The GrumpyCat » Tue May 04, 2021 1:42 pm

Point 1
What differentiates the Soulhaven school texts from those in the other game libraries, or the Arcane Tower, is that I specifically want to create a reference library, NOT place for pieces of creative writing, or character theories about a spell school, or the cultural significance of the Bendirian badger.
This to me really straddles the lines, this is fine for an IG player library, or maybe as perminent fixtures in other libraries/part of the book matrix if Irongron agrees, but the soulhaven library seems (and he may correct me if I'm wrong) more for general information about Forgotten Realms, and even some Real World Topics. As interesting (and wildly innacurate!) as some of these are, they are not that.

More seriously though

Point 2)
At Batcountry said, if you're including books written by someone else for the matrix it's best to A) Ask them first B) State them as sources for all the text. To do otherwise is supremely rude.

It's ultimatly up to Irongron to decide whether or not to add these to the Soulhaven Monestary - but leaving asie point 1 I will be advising him not to until you can tell me that point 2) has been fulfiled (that al the above text will be placed with credit and permission of the origional writers).
This too shall pass.

(I now have a DM Discord (I hope) It's DM GrumpyCat#7185 but please keep in mind I'm very busy IRL so I can't promise how quick I'll get back to you.)

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue May 04, 2021 1:51 pm

Hello! I came in from the approach of a historical record (such as a college text book) versus a brand new retelling of the information. As such I do use alot of "historical references" such as entries from other writings and inserts of board posts. I have given credit as you see to those authors who are known from thier work (ie the signature listed at the bottom of posts) though there are writings that had no author listed. In between those references I used my own words to convey/sum up information. If I missed something or someone please let me know and I'll correct it.

I'm definitely not out to steal credit and undermind anyone. I saw a need IG for a consolidated history collection of Arelith’s greatest historical events that shaped the world. Yes the information was there, such as the battle of Wharftown, but it was scattered over half a dozen books and in no clear order. My goal was and is to collect all that scattered information and bind it into a historical text were a player could lean the history of a location without the need to hunt as me and others did to compile the work.

It is true I did not reach out OOC to the authors to see if they wanted thier work submitted. Mostly as all I had were the player names from thier writings and most are likely rolled IG minus the one or two I did find. I'd be more then happy to reach out to them if you have thier info though and if it's required.

That aside, I understand if they are not used. I noticed the post and figured to add what I had collected. My intention defiantly wasn't to start a conflict or upset anyone as it seems I have? For that I am sorry. The topic of preserving Arelith History has been a somewhat sensitive one of late.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Tue May 04, 2021 1:58 pm

Batrachophrenoboocosmomachia wrote:
Tue May 04, 2021 2:37 am
Were you uh... Planning to credit any of the players, several of whom we both share Discords with, and which includes myself, with the texts you're presenting here? Or even inform them that you were trying to submit their writings for inclusion to the module on their behalfs?
Tots reachout to me, discord is fine, and let me know what I missed and I'll correct it post haste! Even if Ironguard doesn't use these let me know so I can fix the IG player made copies! I don't want anyone not given credit.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Baron Saturday » Thu May 06, 2021 9:54 pm

A Beginner's Primer to Climbing
By Hyacinthia ys'Andalis

Hello, dear reader! Know that what you hold in your hands is the first of what I hope to turn into a series of primers useful to the explorer - unless I get distracted, or bored, or too lost within the Planes to find my way back to the printing houses of Arelith.

Such are the dangers of being an explorer. Which is what all Planeswalkers are, in the beginning, aren't we? And I can think of no more key skill for the budding explorer than climbing. (Actually I can think of several, but this is where I want to start and you can't stop me!)

~Chapter 1: Necessities~
While one can load oneself with tools and aids, ropes, pitons, picks and the like, the barest necessities of the climber are remarkably few. You shall need:

> Supple, close-fitting leather boots with flexible soles.
> A cliff face to climb, henceforth called the "problem."
> Nerve equal to the challenge.

And that is all! Though, if you can arrange it, a soft spot to land never goes amiss.

~Chapter 2: Getting Started~
For the beginning climber, I recommend tackling shorter problems close to civilization, and preferably in the company of someone who won't mind dragging you back to town should you break something. Pick a clear day and a dry problem - climbing a wet surface is foolhardy without additional equipment. Likewise, pick a problem that is vertical or gently sloped. While overhanging problems are doable, they are much more demanding in terms of strength and technique.

Before so much as laying a hand on the problem, step back to consider it. Look for potential hand- and foot-holds. Map out, within your head, the route you will take to the top of the problem.

~Chapter 3: Basic Technique~
While beginning climbers will find that much of climbing is instinctual, there are a handful of techniques and maneuvers that ought to be specifically noted.

> Static Maneuver: A movement in which one changes only a single hold, such as reaching for a new hand-hold. Static maneuvers can easily be reversed, should the new hold be unfavorable, allowing the climber to revert to their previous position.

> Dynamic Maneuver: A movement which radically alters the climber’s position on a wall, typically a leap. Much more dangerous than a static maneuver, as failure to stabilize oneself after a dynamic maneuver almost always results in a fall.

Hand Techniques
> The Basic Grip: This basic technique has the climber sharply curl their fingers in an upside-down J shape, with the thumb pressed against the first knuckle of the index finger. A very stable grip.

> The Hang: Uses the tips of the middle three fingers to hang from a hold too small for a basic grip, with the thumb, little finger and palm splayed out against hold. Surprisingly steady.

> The Pinch: Precisely what it sounds like, a pinch involves clinging to a very small hold with one’s thumbs and as many fingers as will fit. While more difficult problems may require this technique almost exclusively, it requires considerable hand and finger strength. Beginning climbers, however, can still use this hold to briefly stabilize themselves as they reach for a more secure grip.

Foot Techniques
> The Basic Step: Likely the most important part of climbing. While hand-holds will keep you from falling off the problem, it is foot-holds that will allow you to advance up it. Most upwards momentum will come from your legs, saving your arm strength for holding on. There is a tendency, with foot-holds, to want to use the center of the foot, as it feels most secure. However, it is preferable to use the toe instead, which allows the climber to more easily pivot their weight from side to side.

> The Bunny Hop: Used for switching feet on a small foothold, keeping the climber stable while freeing up a foot to move to another hold. Much like doing a little hop on a flat surface, here the climber bounces off a foot-hold with their toes and lands on it with the other foot instead.

> The Heel Hook: Extending a leg and hooking one’s heel around a protrusion or edge can provide the stability and momentum needed to advance one’s hands further up a problem.

> Flagging: Even bare rock can be of use to a climber. Extending a leg to rest a foot against the face of the problem can stabilize the climber, such as after a dynamic maneuver, thereby reducing the strain on hand- and foot-holds.

And that is it! You now know more than enough to begin. The journey to becoming a masterful climber is a long one, built upon years and years of practice, but is most rewarding.

The author accepts no responsibility for any bruises, scrapes, broken bones, concussions, or other injuries incurred from falling off a cliff. It’s a dangerous pastime and you have to be a bit mad to try it. Don’t come crying to me, I will not kiss your boo-boos.
Rolled: Helene d'Arque, Sara Lyonall
Shelved: Kels Vetian, Cin ys'Andalis, Saul Haidt
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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Fri May 28, 2021 1:14 am

[Redacted by Author for Review]
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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Thu Jun 10, 2021 5:00 pm

After feedback from the staff and reaching out OOC, I am going back through tomes written to include a WORKS CITED section to give credit where it is do.

I apologize for not doing this right off the bat and hope my corrections honor the work of those that came before. It was never my intention to plagiarize anyone, but to collect the various records into a single cohesive tome for ease of use.

All writings marked "Third Edition" are the most current. Please let me know if I missed anyone when giving credit to the source material. I should have them all updated within a few weeks.

Thank you all for your help in this matter!

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Edens_Fall » Fri Jun 25, 2021 2:21 pm

Ok! Last of the books have been updated. *wipes forhead* time for a break I think!

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:31 pm

Arelith History: The Ruination of the Court of Nightmares
By Lorekeeper Vaeryll Aistra in Elasias 22, 177 AR

During early years of colonization, the people of Arelith entertained the integration of Underdark races and practiced tolerance for things most of the mainland would not. This was mostly due to most of the original habitants of the main city port, Cordor, having been lost outcasts, misfits, and refuges containing such races. The people of Cordor were able to sustain this dubious group of people through use of an artifact called the Rod of Amorous Inmate. The rod cast an enchantment within a large radius that would put a shield over Cordor and prevent anyone within from attacking one another. This forced peace was temporary, as the shield eventually failed for unknown reasons, but it bred a tolerance and ideology that would last the island to modern day. [5][6][7]

This ideology of tolerance in the face of survival bred a complacent and neutral tolerance of many evils of a similar kind. In the summer of 70 AR, this complacency would hit a threshold which would erupt into one of the most horrific and unprecedented slaughters the people of Arelith have suffered.

This historic event starts with a hinnish woman named Sariah Popkins. Also known as ‘Blue’, this hin was described as being cheerful, caring, and had a generally positive outlook on life. Despite her positive outlook, at some point in Sariah Popkins life she felt the need to pact with an Unseelie Fey of the Winter Court. While her reasoning for this is unknown, this choice would soon become the catalyst of this crisis.

After arriving in Cordor, Sariah began to gather many around her and convinced them to pact with the Unseelie as well. While many of these newly pacted had different reasons for doing it, it is suggested that most of them did not know or understand the consequences of these actions. Mimicking Popkins, these new warlocks exuded exceptionally bright and happy attitudes. Also like her, they would utilize their eldritch magic to “benefit” others and claimed to do so. While at first Sariah’s Fey-lock Coven would be exceptionally well received and even tolerated by all, eventually many of Cordor would come to grow suspicious. Often, they would use their reasoning of ‘helping others’ to defend themselves from nay-sayers and those who rightly spoke out against fey-pacting with the Winter Court. [8][2]
Considering a majority of this coven were also hins, Sariah would move her Fey-lock Coven to Fort Bendir to escape persecution within Cordor. Despite any tension, these warlocks began to settle down and make a happy life for themselves. As these newly pacted warlocks began to seek out others to try and improve the happiness of others, more covens would begin to form in Fort Bendir until they were a very common sight.

This unfortunately drew the ire of the Queen of Air and Darkness, Queen of the Unseelie Court. These warlocks, pacted to dubious members of her court, were utilizing their eldritch gifts in order to benefit and help others. As their actions were in fact the opposite of what she desired, the Dark Queen took action.

Deciding it was time for each pacted to pay for their debt to her, the Queen sent her court to Fort Bendir. When the fey arrived, they demanded that the pacted obey. Of course, Sariah and her coven fell silent and were reluctant to cooperate. Upon this insult, the winter court fey attacked. Their first strike would be the taking of beloved Priestess of Yondalla and member of Fort Bendir, Sasha Silverscales-Dizonne to hold as ransom. This would become a common tactic used by the fey in the struggle of months to come.

Endless hours were spent by Sariah and her Coven to save and free the priestess. Their journey led them to the plane of Faerie where the Queen made her court. Once there, the Coven were given the demands of the Queen. The Coven was to sacrifice a hin of Bendir to her. Of course, Popkins and the Coven were insulted and repulsed by this demand. While efforts were given to bargain, haggle, and negotiate, the Queen would accept nothing else. Priestess Sasha was eventually released, but the Coven was heralded with a warning of what was to come if they did not comply.

Soon after this, the Queen decided a more direct approach was needed to teach these arrogant warlocks a lesson. The Dark Queen sent her court to the various settlements on the island to attack and kill. These attacks started as small skirmishes that would erupt into full on battles with the settlement and resulted in much unnecessary bloodshed.

Each time they attacked, the fey would blame the bloodshed on Sariah and her Covens in Fort Bendir. While Sariah and her Coven did their best to help defend these attacks, their attempts were futile. Few others in this harrowing time rose to the occasion, attempting to defend the settlements from various unseelie fey attacks. Some credited for this bravery and heroics were King Trintiren Elraiendel of Myon, Riordan Blackpaw and High Priestess Maelee of Myon. [8][2][3]

Still though, even with the bloodshed, those of Fort Bendir continued to harbor and shelter Sariah and her warlocks. While many came to the Fort to air their grievances in mobs demanding justice for the bloodshed, the warlocks would be secreted away and protected. For better for for worse, the Hinnish people of Fort Bendir stood with the Coven against the Lynch mobs and hope was running out as the onslaught continued.

This bloodshed was not enough for the Queen and so she escalated the attacks. Soon, the winter court fey began a series of “takings” of different people from each settlement. Over and over again, a person would be kidnapped and in order to provide their safe return, the fey would demand a sacrifice of one warlock from each surface race. While it is unknown if these trades were carried out, a large number of fey-pacted warlocks were targeted and hunted. Many of them were killed or they were forced to strip their eldritch powers through various means. [2][3]

During this tumultuous time, a spirit called the Great Badger appeared within the Fort of Bendir. Originally, this Great Badger Spirit was thought to be sent by the hin goddess Sheelah Peryroyl. This Badger spirit would appear to help the hin of Bendir throughout the Fort’s history on the island.[10][11] Later, however, he would be revealed to be a Spirit of the Arelith Forest who had a friendship with the Summer Court of Fey. Regardless of the Badger Spirit’s origins, he offered a deal to the fey-pacted Coven of Fort Bendir. [1][2][3]

The Great Badger would offer a deal as he was interested in saving many of the hin Coven. He would help broker new pacts with the Summer Seelie Court of Queen Titania; in exchange for this deed, the hins would need to pay a price and prove their worth to Queen Titania and her court. The Badger, of course, was vague on how the pacted hins could accomplish this.

Assuming the Badger Spirit to be sent by Sheelah Peryroyl, Sariah and her Coven began to try and convince the badger to broker their deals by displaying their love and adoration for once another within the Coven. One hin, Midnight, even went so far as to suggest that he would give his life for each member of the group. Love and warmth was spread among the group, attempting to move the Badger. However, this was not enough to prove their worth. And so, in the spirit of hin and fey alike, a special mushroom wine was brewed for the Great Badger. Moved by the Covens acts of mercy and mushroom wine, the Badger agreed to help the Coven null their pacts to the unseelie court by pacting with the Seelie Court of Summer. [9][1][8]

Thus, the Badger began to break these pacts en masse. The Badger did favor hin warlocks over others, however, soon warlocks from across the archipelago too would seek the same deal. As long as they met the Badger’s price, they were able to break their pact. However, this did not solve the issue that the Queen of Air and Darkness had with the island. And so, the takings and ransoming continued to happen. In response, warlocks pacted to the winter fey began to be hunted. Those who pacted to the Badger and broke their unseelie ties survived, but any who refused to were hunted and killed.

Bendir was not the only settlement that continued to be attacked despite the declining numbers of fey-warlocks. In Myon, the elves sacrificed an aasimar priestess of Ilmater named Rowan Willows to save their princess who had pacted to the fey. In Cordor, several of their guard force were also pacted. At a particular Cordorian ball, the fey struck once again and demanded a sacrifice. True to Cordorian nature, Cordorian leadership failed to give into the terroristic demand of the Winter fey. In attendance of this ball was Sariah Popkins, who in the end offered herself up to the Winter fey as a voluntary sacrifice despite her pact having been broken. [2][3][8]

After Sariah’s death, the Dark Queen was seemingly satisfied with the bloodshed that had been paid for their debt and the fey attacks gradually stopped. However, this event spurred forth the creation of many warlock and rogue-mage hunting groups such as the Mage Hounds of the Arcane Tower led by Valden Stormbright. Other note-worthy groups are the Knights of the Road led by Archmage Verankht Zarunkumar who was noted most for his rogue mage hunts. It also created fierce anti-warlock policy across the island which has persisted in modern day legislation across several settlements. The rippled effects of this event continued throughout centuries even leading to the bloodshed of innocents accused of being warlocks. Most notably among these groups are the ‘Brown Cloaks’ created by Regent Provine during the last days of Vetinari’s reign.

Ultimately, this event would later be shared and named the Uprising of the Court of Nightmares by the Badger Spirit upon one Summer day in the year of 84 AR to Archdruidess Navira Ashwood and fellow Heartwood Grove members over sweet berry wine. The point of retelling this story, the Great Badger imparts, is to teach what it truly means to become pacted to the Winter Court of Fey. So to every new curious adventurer reading this historic tale, remember this:

Remember Sariah Popkins and the Court of Nightmares. Do not ever make the mistake of falling for the Winter Court’s promises or offers as it will lead you to ruination.

[1] The Legendary Badger Visit by Navira Ashwood
[2] The Unseelie Court’s Attacks by Azurra Sel’ky’a
[3] The Unseelie Court’s Attacks, Part 2 by Azurra Sel’ky’a
[4] History of Cordor, Vol. 1
[5] The Wild Spark of Thoramind
[6] Aristotlus Bibliophilius the Fifth
[7] A Study of Early Cordor and The Thayan Enclave
[8] Lesson of Sarah Popkins by Amy Silverscales-Dizonne
[9] Navira Ashwood, A New Archdruid, 23 Mirtul 81 by Ha’ren Thensbane
[10] Andriarna Dirtytoes and the Unseelie
[11] The Spirit Hunt by Corbin the Spiritwalker

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:36 pm

Early Arelithian History: The Foundlings of Myth Myon

Written by Lorekeeper of Myon Vaeryll Aistra in 176 AR.

It is claimed by Evermeet historians that the archipelago of Arelith was birthed as a result of the events of the First Sundering or Ever'Sakkatien. The First Sundering was an event involving the creation of Evermeet by way of a miscalculated, highly destructive high elven magic ritual. The spell was meant to merge a piece of Arvandor, or Arborea, with the prime material plane. This spell was successful at the cost of countless lives across all of Toril. (1)

Arelithian scholars today still debate and discuss the origins of this strange island to date. However, no other theory carries as much supporting evidence as the First Sundering theory and is largely accepted as fact among the community. One of the biggest pieces of evidence supporting this theory is the interference caused by faerzress areas located unusually close to the surface of Arelith.

Arelith's leyline system is strongly affected by a force of wild magic called the faerzress. The faerzress itself was created during the Fourth Crown War, when the drow were forced into the underdark. Its original creation was to ensure that the drow couldn't escape their confinement through arcane means. The radiation itself most strongly hinders conjuration, teleportation, and divination for this exact purpose. Some scholars have found that Arelith's leylines are split into two different transportation networks and the very magic created to imprison the drow actually hinder our own spells directly on this island. This is why various schools or specific spells are varied, limited, or impossible to practice without special circumstances involved. (2) (3)

Further evidence of this theory can be found by researching the archipelago's leyline system, the Astrolabe*, and further reading on the faerzress beneath Arelith's surface.

The scholarly community of Evermeet considers the creation of the Arelith Archipelago as a result of the Sundering to be a universal fact. However, this fact is not something that Evermeet is proud of. An archmage of Evermeet was even once recorded to have claimed 'Arelith was our Greatest Sin'. Others, such as the elven bard known as Talagon, suggested an alternate explanation to the recorded statement. Talagon suggests that the Sundering was the reason why Kohlingon dropped into the sea, noting that an earthquake caused by an 'unknown force' and plunged it into the sea. (4)

However, this suggestion is factually false due to evidence and records disproving key points of Talagon's theory. We know that Kohlingon's fall was within the last few centuries whereas the Sundering happened over 19,000 years ago. Therefore, we cannot place the events of the Sundering during Kohlingen's fall. It is further proven false by the fact that Kohlingen's descent was caused purposely by the mages of Justiciar Tristam. They used their extensive and collective knowledge of local leylines to explode key leylines in Northern Minmir. Which in turn caused a cataclysmic earthquake and sink it to hide a secret unknown to this day.(5)

The creation of Myth Myon is recorded to have happened around a thousand years ago, however the exact date has been lost to time. Sometime after the Sundering, yet four centuries before the Fall of Cormanthyr, Evermeet sent the first colonists on a founding expedition to arrive on the island of Arelith. These first colonists were dubbed as the 'Foundlings' and were thought to have made several points of interest among the island including the Heartwood Grove, and the Weatherstone. Evidence of this can be found in the elven architecture which still persists within the heart of the heartwood Grove. It is thought that the colonists used stone from around the grove to carve out the city before the mythal's creation, using the hearthstone to protect them from the island's natural dangers. Given the Foundlings ample use of High Magic, It may be even possible that the dryads who protect the hearthstone were once Foundlings who dedicated their lives to nature and the protection of the forest. Once Myon was in the air, it was then positioned protectively above what is now the Heartwood Grove where it remained until it was rediscovered, further giving evidence to this theory.

The purpose of the Foundlings' expedition to the archipelago of Arelith was mainly to create a safe staging post between the mainland and Evermeet that would serve the elven People during the Retreat. Once the original city of Myon was completed and carved, we know that Four Selu'taar, or High Mages, sacrificed their lives to create the mythal and caused the city to float. Their names are lost to us, but we know that pieces of their souls inhabit the mythal to this day.(1)

Before their death, the four Foundling Selu'taar created an artifact known as the Mythal Shard during the creation of the Mythal. Due to most items of old, traditionally passed between monarchs, becoming lost during the coronation of Coronal Karathas Morathil, it is largely unknown why exactly this shard was made. It is likely the Shard was used to help maintain the status of the Mythal and also served as a magical way to restore the Mythal in case anything ever happened to it. Unfortunately, the Shard was used up in the ritual done to restore the mythal's stability during the Mythal Crisis. Because of this, not much else can be gleaned from its existence and use. (6)

During the Foundlings' time on Arelith, as mentioned earlier, the Foundlings practiced quite a bit of high magic to prepare the island for the Retreat to Evermeet. It is suspected that the Weatherstone was created by the Foundlings to help control the wild and disastrous weather of the archipelago. Furthermore, we know that they created a Baelnorn by the name of Avalion the Protector. Not much information can be found on Avalion the Protector, as his existence is only noted by King Trintiren and a few unremarkable notes from the era. Avalion was noted to have served in protecting the Lye Astalderea before Daedin Angthalion, the Inheritor, became a Baelnorn and took his place. Avalion's current whereabouts is unknown. It is thought that after he allowed Daedin to take on his role and duties, he was guided by Sehanine Moonbow to his final resting place.

During the Retreat to Evermeet, elves did in fact arrive on the island of Arelith. However, these elves didn't know anything about the Foundlings, and arrived via the docks of the Amnian Colony then named the Kingdom of Cordor. The Elves of Minmir settled to the North in the hills near where the Radiant Heart now calls home. They started to explore the surrounding forest, and discovered the ruins of Myth Myon's mythal. Considering the Grove and the forest was often utilized in the time of Manfried, it is theorized that Avalion the Protector revealed the Mythal entrance and the Lye Astalderea to the elves of Minmir for some unknown purpose.

The Minmir Elves described Myon to look nearly untouched except for the erosion caused by the weathering elements. As if all of the inhabitants had simply disappeared in their daily life, only to be later discovered. It was suggested by Lord Forlindel that the Foundlings suffered some form of magical illness which killed them. A story likely supported by Avalion given its recording by Snowflake.

The floating city was not immediately resettled, and it would be after Earl Manfried's betrayal and the fall of Kohlingen that the Minmir elves would resettle in the lost city of Myon once more.

Before 176 AR, the mystery of what happened to the Foundlings was unknown with little evidence to suggest what happened to them past Avalion and the Mythal. In 176 AR, a ruin from the Foundlings' time was uncovered by scholars of Evermeet. The revelation of this ruin was announced by Evermeet's representative quite randomly, and happened to fill in many answers to the mystery of the Foundlings' disappearance.

This ruin, called the Lye Ansrivarr, appeared to have been unfinished catacombs for Foundling commoners of Myon. The catacombs are all empty, except for a mass grave which sits in the farthest corridor. The Elven People always cremate their dead. It is a very sacred and religious act to care for a loved one's body by burning it to ensure it cannot be raised by animation magic. Therefore the concept of mass graves do not exist in elven culture except in the circumstance of magical plague or war. Given its proximity, time period, and lack of other races existing on the island then, it is unlikely the Foundlings found their end via war. This mass grave appeared to have special divine warding in place above the grave as flowers and other plants unnaturally grow and thrive without the presence of sunlight.

We can conclude that it is likely the Foundlings found their end at the hands of an unknown magical plague. Because Avalion was the only Foundling that would have been unaffected by such a plague, it is likely that he was the one to bury them. A statue of what appeared to be some sort of guardian sits across from the mass grave, and appears to once be a dedication to Avalion. It is theorized that having suffered the loss of his People, he destroyed the dedication out of shame and anger. It remains the only item within the ruins that is purposely destroyed from an unnatural source.

Within the ruin, there also exists an unfinished temple of Sehanine Moonbow. While the contents of this temple cannot be discussed publicly due to cultural reasons, it can be noted that it remains unfinished and possibly has a magical tie to the divine protections in place on the mass grave. Within it is an active ritual circle, often used by high mages of old, to conduct powerful divine magic. Considering its placement and the unfinished nature of this temple, it can be concluded that whatever ritual took place to confine the remains of the Foundlings took place here.

While the Foundlings' story is curious and still full of many questions, anyone seeking out their final place of rest should take heed of Myon's restrictions on entering our burial grounds. The Lye Astalderea serves as the resting place of our dead and is considered holy ground. Any without Corellon's blood needs permission from the current Coronal to enter this sacred place.

For all investigating this curious mystery, I implore you to heed the warning of the descendants of the Elves of Minmir, least you end up with an arrow to your back.

[1] Brief History of Minmir and Myon by Snowflake

[2] The Pinch by Vanya Dae'ia

[3] Faerzress by Nicolaas Duval - History, Lore, Myth Vol. 1.

[4] Ever'sakkaitien / The Sundering By Cassima Sal'enden - History, Lore, Myth Vol. 2

[5] A Study of Minmir Manor and Kohlingen

[6] Myon History: The Mythal Crisis and the Reconstruction of Myth Myon

[7] The Alwcalala Amaccla (Deep Wells of Guldorand) by High Delver Perdan Carmenor

  • - The Astrolabe is a curious invention specific to the archipelago of Arelith that currently monitors and keeps the main island's natural leyline system in check. Further, it acts as a planar anchor which allows for artificial planeswalking via mechanical ritual by use of an attuned item. Before the Astrolabe's creation, the natural leyline system was maintained by the Red Wizards of Thay for the original colonists who used the leylines for short distance travel.

Further Reading: The Alwcalala Amaccla and the Foundlings of Myth Myon

Please note that this section is largely written and based off the book The Alwcalala Amaccla (Deep Wells of Guldorand) written by High Delver Perdan Carmenor

Underneath the very elven quarter of Myon, adjacent to Guldorand, exists a place that the People have named the 'Alwcalala Amaccla', or known colloquially by adventurers as the Deep Wells. To understand this theory, we must also define where exactly the term Alwcalala Amaccla comes from and why its context is so important.

Nearly 20,000 years ago, during the time of the First Flowering, there existed an empire called the Shantel Othreier. During the time of Shantel Othreier, there existed tales and legends told by an individual called the Shepherd Alamsidar.

This Shepherd was known as a great elven sage who lead a large group of moon elven people across the very corners of Faerun in order to settle and discover the nature of the world. Over time, this Shepherd and his People would return to the Shantal Othreier, telling of their many adventures and experiences from across the world.

Due to the Crown Wars having destroyed the empire of Shantel Othreier, many of these stories have been lost to poor documentation and time. However, quite a few of these stories remain either written down or passed from word of mouth through the descendents of this empire. The Shepherd's stories almost always, though not exclusively, revolve around leading this group of moon elves to settle on an island located 'at the edge of the world', and the discovery of a series of mythical and mysterious endless tunnels called the 'Alwcalala Amaccla' or 'The Endless Wells'. Due to the nature of poor preservation and documentation of these stories, they were considered to simply be myths and legends for a long time among the People.

The Shepherd's stories would almost always describe these endless tunnels as being something of a large, everchanging 'luminal space'. Often this shepherd and his followers would discover old strange and ancient ruins, or strange creatures deep within that would test their resolve. Others described the wells as being almost like a dreamscape where they would learn grand life lessons or overcome eldritch powers of the earth. In other strange and exotic retellings, the endless tunnels brought them to different and strange worlds by means of strange portals or emerging from the caverns to find themselves standing beneath foreign and unknown skylines.

When the city of Guldorand first started to be excavated so that foundations may be built, an ancient elven settlement was discovered just underneath the surface. The appearance of this settlement was shocking and gained the attention of Evermeets' scholarly community. With digging stopped, historians and experts from the Evermeet isle investigated the unearthed ruins. Inscriptions of Old Espruar, fragments of pottery, architecture, and other items left behind identified the settlement to be a previously undiscovered colony of the Shantel Othreier. Once digging for the foundation of Guldorand continued deeper to lay out the sewers of the city, the excavators discovered a serious of both artificial and natural caverns linked even deeper without any seemingly unified purpose. It was then that an ancient elven burial site of a Shantal warrior bearing the inscription 'Beloved of Alamsidar' was discovered and it was decided that these tunnels were the Alwcalala Amaccla.

This burial isn't exactly hard proof of this place being the Endless wells that the Shepherd himself discovered. It could be that this burial site meant the person buried there had a profound love of the tales told about Alamsidar, or that it referred to someone else entirely. [7]

Of course, considering that the tales of Alamsidar were told during the golden age of a now fallen empire, it's highly probable that many of these tales have been changed or exaggerated via word of mouth retellings through the centuries. While many of them are based on fact and share curious similarities, it's entirely possible that the ruins within the deep wells may be attempts from the Foundlings to establish multiple cities. It could also be possible that the settlement found was a failed elven settlement around the time of the First Flowering when the elven people crossed over to this world.

Regardless of these explanations, it is difficult to find concrete proof of any of these theories. According to the High Delver, creatures old enough to actually have experienced the founding of these settlements on Arelith refuse to speak about the Deep Wells.

Despite the uncertainty of the true birth of this abandoned settlement, the Founder's Charter of the Republic of Guldorand lays out in the Evermeet Accords that any elven artifacts, settlements, or sites are owned by Myon. The main entrance to this mysterious series of caverns can be found in the elven quarter of Myon within the Republic.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:39 pm

Myon History: The Mythal Crisis and Reconstruction of Myth Myon

A recorded retelling of the events that led to Myon's Mythal failure as told by Coronal Karathas Morathil. This recording was transcribed and illustrated by Lorekeeper Vaeryll Aistra in 176 AR.

There are several events that lead to the failure of Myon's Mythal and the reconstruction of the Fair City. It begins during the end of the reign of Coronal Ren Engeve'te'lyn. Karathas Morathil was but a newly arrived avenger who was barely welcomed in Myth Myon. He traveled to the Fair city often to get news and do his usual trading. Upon arriving, a Sentinel, the guard force of Myon at the time, informed him that a maddened elf named Doctor Herian Harashandal considered to be a traitor of the people was on the loose.

This Doctor had experimented with a poison on a group of a 'hundred' black archer avengers in an underdark camp. The poison had some sort of effect which addled the mind and made people see what was not real.

This information was shocking as it is unheard of to have so many avengers in one place, but the Sentinel claimed he and his other co-workers had gathered the bodies for burial. In response to this news, Karathas swore to execute this traitor as soon as his location was discovered.

Soon after this, an elven woman arrived in Myon claiming to hide from a group that this Doctor was a part of. This elven woman's existence would be kept a secret from all of Myon except the reigning Coronal at the time, Ren Engeve'te'lyn. This fact will be important later.

This group, that the woman was hiding from, was identified as 'Darkened Blade' and was a splinter cell of the Victorious Blades. For those unfamiliar with the Victorious Blades, they are also known as Eldreth Veluuthra (Victorious Blade of the People) and also sometimes as Eldreth Veluuthara. This is an extremist group of Tel'Quessir who are dedicated to the full eradication of all humans from Faerun. They view humans specifically as vermin and will do anything to succeed in their genocidal goals. It should be noted that many old noble houses in Evermeet have some sort of association with this group.

This splinter cell, the Darkened Blades, had infiltrated the Evermeet noble house of Durothil. This house is claimed to be one of the founding houses of the sun elves of Evermeet and has a grand reputation for producing excellent warriors and wizards to join in Evermeet's army. This splinter cell had managed to benefit from much of House Durothil's profits and funded a plan to eradicate the human population of Cordor. They decided to, for whatever mad and heretical reason, test their methods on their own kin.

It is noted by Coronal Morathil that it is unlikely these elves that were tested on were actually avengers. He did not see the bodies, but only went off the word of the Sentinel who approached him. Avengers of the Night Hunter are extremely rare across the land of Faerun and it is unlikely that over one hundred of these were in one place at one time in the underdark. It is believed that this account by the Sentinel is dramatically exaggerated.

It should also be noted that even these connections with House Durothil are somewhat shrouded in questions, but Coronal Morathil does confirm that he was in correspondence with the Queen of Evermeet at the time whose commentary supported these statements.

The Darkened Blades had stolen an item of unknown importance or origin from Blackstaff Tower. Blackstaff tower is a tower in Waterdeep owned by a powerful mage known to be a last descendent of a powerful moon elven noble family from Myth Drannor, House Maerdrym.

The elven woman who had arrived in Myon had stolen this item from the Darkened Blades and secreted it away to find refuge in the Fair City.

As this information was shared, there was a hunt for Darkened Blades agents throughout the island, and a number of them were killed before they were able to do much harm. The Doctor was eventually caught. While he had plotted to harm Cordor, he had not actually harmed the People and his capture was not high on Myon's priority list. Therefore, months went by before the People of Myon learned that Cordor had captured him and hid him in their jail.

Before the capture of the Doctor came to light, a city meeting was called by Coronal Ren Engeve'te'lyn. All of these events happened under the guidance of Coronal Ren. These events, coupled with lots of dissenting opinions and political drama had Myon's People displeased with her as a leader. With a large host of supporters in tow, Karathas Morathil visited the Crystal Tower (this tower is now in present day the same tower within the Great Oak) and called an election. Morathil meant to go to the city meeting to challenge her in front of the People and declare his intent.

The meeting had barely begun when the entirety of the old great tower began to shake. Chunks of stone were cut and separated from the tower in a violent attack. The roof broke down and rained upon all within the tower. Unfortunately, the meeting had been held in the council hall in the very top floor of the tower, which showered those inside.

A booming voice of a wyrm was heard as some shadow-like creatures invaded through the broken roof to attack the elves within. This dragon demanded that Myon hand over the elven woman who had been in hiding and what was stolen from the group it represented, the Darkened Blade. No one understood what was going on, or who the dragon was talking about except for Coronal Ren as, noted earlier, she was the only one who knew of the woman's existence.

People were highly confused, and eventually they were able to best the wyrm. But as the wyrm died, it spoke a curse with its dying breath. By way of foul and malicious luck, the wyrm's curse managed to damage the high elven magic that was used to create the Mythal. What kind of dragon did this, is uncertain. But it is suspected to be the work of a shadow dragon given its minions were either obscure or shades. At the same time that this attack happened, a band of orcs also gathered on the ground below the Mythal with the intent to aide the dragon in breaking the mythal's magic. This suggests that it is possible the dragon always intended on destroying the mythal and grounding the city. The orcs had brought with them large catapults which were aimed at a short distance from the floating Myon.

By this time the whole of the Fair City was quaking, and all kin still alive assumed the city was going to fall in that instant. The city was immediately evacuated to the forest and eventually it seemed that all had calmed down.

Coronal Ren Engeve'te'lyn was reported to have fallen frozen with fear in the midst of this crisis and chaos. With the city looking as if it was going to fall out of the sky, even her closest supporters had lost faith in her and none of the People listened to her words any longer. At this time, Morathil took command of the situation and led the remaining kin into war against the orcs attacking the city. The People fought waves and waves of a horde of orcs in order to make it to the ballistae and destroy them.

Once the orcs had been dealt with, Karathas gathered the People beneath the mythal once more. With everyone assembled, Karathas demanded to finally speak. Coronal Ren assumed that Karathas would take this moment to declare his intent towards election. She callously made a statement about how Karathas was about to be inappropriate with no sense of timing.

However, this was never Karathas Morathil's plan after living through all of the events that day. Instead, he spoke of the People's courage, and thanked them for all of their effort in defending their home that day.

The Mythal, and the city, did not end up immediately falling on the day of the attack. However, the attack by the dragon left it in a highly weakened, disturbed state. Avenger mage Pinlyn, who would go on to become Coronal Morathil's first Lorekeeper, began to research the mythal's status.

After the attack, Cordor announced that it had caught the Doctor responsible for the poison and was to put him on trial. During the trial, the Doctor was executed within the Cordor Court by a female avenger after extreme frustration with Cordor's often long drawn out trials. The Avenger was killed by Drad An'ash of House Rivorndir per Cordorian Law as she had killed the Doctor before the end of the trial and before a verdict was made. The avenger was buried in the Lye Astalderea, though her name has been lost.

While many of these events appeared to be very chaotic and confusing, the culmination of these events resulted in the Mythal being disturbed and corrupted. While the city did not immediately fall out of the sky, worry continued to spread for the weakened Mythal. The People of Myon in this time attempted to purchase a Wish Spell from the Archmage of the Tower and Thayvian, Yusmena. This negotiation was lead by Lorekeeper Pinlyn and despite having won the elections, Coronal Karathas kept pushing off his coronation due to these events.

The negotiations were not going well, and it looked like if Myon went through with them, then Myon would have been indebted to her. Other options were sought after as this was far from ideal for the People.

Reprieve was found shortly before Coronal Karathas coronation in that Coronal Ren then passed over an artifact known as the mythal shard along with the other artifacts passed from Coronal to Coronal. This Mythal shard was an original piece of the mythal from its creation and a solution was able to be woven around this artifact.

A plan was drafted by Lorekeeper Pinlyn that included a ritual, but unfortunately this plan was needed to be made quicker than expected. One day, suddenly, wild bursts of magic erupted all around the Fair City. It shook the city and made all arcana highly unstable and dangerous. The Portal was nearly deadly to use.

For the second time, all of the People evacuated the floating city and those who were able to, on hand, conducted the ritual Pinlyn had planned. One elf gave his life during it in order to ensure that the ritual would succeed. A conversation started between the elf and the Archmage souls stored inside the Mythal as the high magic ritual succeeded and stabilized. The souls within the Mythal that spoke were noted to have sounded whole and restored at this time. The Mythal only spoke to Karathas as far as the Coronal could recount, and what was spoken was not something he could remember. Therefore, their message has been lost to time. The male elf who sacrificed himself was on Coronal Ren's council and he was known as Shaman Wyn of the Plains and Fair City.

The People of Myon for a time believed that the bleeding of the Mythal had been sealed. Soon after though, a portal opened between the City and High Hall in Guldorand for kin to pass to and fro. The Architect, responsible for the transition of the floating city to what it is now, came to Coronal Karathas and spoke with him about the portal. Despite the People's apparent success, it so happened that Evermeet insisted on ensuring Myon will not fall again, by bringing their own mages and druids there.

The Architect organized these Evermeet arcanists in order to raise a platform to support the green city. This is when Myon changed and the portal to the high hall became what it is today.

Planned, the old stones of Myon fell to the forest chasm below. There was great forewarning of this, so all valuable history, religious artifacts, and art was preserved naturally. The Crystal Tower at the center of the city was transformed into the great oak tree and it is there that most of our history was stored.

This process would be a massive undertaking and spanned across a very long stretch of time. Elves were even escorted by some kin on foot to Guldorand in caravans before the portal was stabilized in the Great hall.

It is noted that this entire affair killed Lorekeeper Pinlyn's spirit and he soon left the island after the Mythal was mended by ritual.

Last remaining notes on this incident which ties the absurdity of it together was that after all of these events, and the city was forever changed, Mithreas came to Karathas and spoke with him. Apparently, a wizard of the Blackstaff had showed up in the city to reclaim the item that was stolen by the woman who was hiding in Myon. Mithreas had been asked by Ren to keep the item safe and hidden away. Apparently, Myon had the item all along. Mithreas just had forgotten about it due to being overworked with 'administrative paperwork'.

The residents of the Fair City were reasonably not pleased with this discovery, as people had died over it, and it has left many bitter over the ordeal. For, if not for Coronal Ren and Mithreas, the fair city may still be floating.

Once Mithreas had remembered about the item, it was then thusly handed over to the Blackstaff's people to seal it away more securely. The nature of the item is still unknown.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:41 pm

==Aniseph: Guardian of the Arcane Tower Library==
By Lorekeeper Vaeryll Aistra in Flamerule, 22 177AR

In the year of 23 Before Reckoning, a young arcanist would wash up onto the shores of Cordor. This inexperienced wizard sought to find a place where he could practice and experiment with his wild magic without the prejudice of the mainland arcane community. This young wizard would come to be known infamously as Archmage Allestrius Thoramind the progenitor and creator of the Arcane Tower School of Magic.

Illustrious and talented as he was, however, Allestrius Thoramind did not build what he has today on his own. During the twilight of Thoramind’s years experimenting with wild magic, he met a gnome whose name has been lost to history. Despite that, this particular Gnome would come to be known as one of the most important people in Thoramind’s life. [1]

At first, the Gnome agreed to be Thoramind’s partner. An equal exchange was struck between them. Thoramind would share his secrets of portal travel and arcana with the Gnome. In exchange, the gnome would agree to participate in many of Thoramind’s experiments revolving around wild magic. This Gnome would help Thoramind actually participate in helping with the slow construction of Thoramind’s Arcane Tower within the Forest of Despair utilizing physical materials and wild magic.

While this construction included the use of wild magic experimentation in the process, Thoramind was not satisfied and conducted many separate experiments utilizing the chaos magic he obsessed over. This prolonged use of wild magic seeped into the soil of the Forest of Despair. After years within the soil of the forest, the wild magic’s effects began to evolve and irrevocably changed the forest. Because of the excess amount of wild magic in the soil, the trees and ground became semi-awakened. This awakened state would give the forest a semi-sentient intelligence. However, its evolution evolved in unpredictable, and negative, ways. [2]

During this time of extreme experimentation, the Gnome began to actively advertise and make promises to arcanists across the island in order to get support and attention for the Tower. Their Tower attracted many prospective students while it was being constructed. Arcanists began to flocked to the tower seeking to satiate their curiosity or seek opportunity to hone their craft. Thoramind would continue his experimentations which resulted in both rampant failures and successes. His experiments would quickly become the center of criticism and praise across the island, and the Arcane Tower became something more than it was meant to be. Eventually, one such group of arcanists led by Innatist Halen Van would take leadership control of the Tower. Thoramind would accept stepping back to administration duties in order to focus full time on his experimentation.

The Tower would now rise above the Forest of Despair’s treeline and the once single hall structure would become a nexus of multi-layered floors made up of the Arcane Art. The First Conclave would be formed under Halen Van’s direction and would consist of Halen Van, Shane Gramble, and Zoral Baenre. This first Conclave would import books from the mainland and create the Arcane Tower Library. [3][6]

Focusing his attention on his experiments fully, Thoramind would then conduct one final wild magic experiment with his dear friend, the Gnome. The point of the experiment was to create a new spell that would allow an arcanist to quickly absorb knowledge from books. The experiment was a terrible failure and it transformed the Gnome’s form permanently. [3] The Gnome’s body and soul would be transformed into an Ethereal Gyrosphinx. [2] Gyrosphinx are known as very knowledgeable and wise creatures that love to collect ancient lore and knowledge. They delight in solving riddles, puzzles, and mental challenges.

The Gnome, now an Ethereal Gyrosphinx, would become an entirely new being and would take on the name name: Aniseph. Because of the spell, Aniseph’s soul would be bound to all the books within the Tower’s library. He lived in a symbiotic state with the library, and was able to jump from book to book at will. Aniseph also simultaneously gained the knowledge contained in the library at the time of his transformation. Unable to revert to his previous form, Aniseph would become the guardian of the Arcane Tower Library. This would be Aniseph’s final experiment with Thoramind, though he remains close friends with Thoramind to this day. [3]

Thoramind would diminish his duties at the tower even further after this event and the Tower would be magically moved from the Forest to Cordor. He would simply only oversee micro-administration and simple trade, preferring to allow the active Conclave to lead the Tower instead. It is suggested that this was in direct result of what was colloquially referred to as the ‘Aniseph Experiment’, which was seen as a failure. Perhaps looking to turn the tide of gossip, Thoramind turned his attention to his newest young apprentice, Wesley. Wesley was a young Cordorian boy and Thoramind’s patient devotion to the boy earned many Cordorian’s cherished favor. He would go on to mentor many Cordorians to nobles and commoners alike. [4]

Because of Thoramind’s newfound popularity, the tale of Aniseph started to fade year after year until it had faded into history. The Library would be renamed to the Library of Aniseph to honor the Gnome. Although he is known to speak only in riddles, Aniseph would be called upon by the Conclaves of the Arcane Tower as a source of invaluable guidance, wisdom, and information.

The traditional name of the Library would persist past 40 AR. [5] While the true history of the name was lost over time, the name of the library was passed down from conclave to conclave until the final Conclave of Archmages was disbanded by one of Thoramind’s apprentices, Mila Brown.

While not much documentation exists today on Aniseph, he certainly still haunts the same halls of the Library of Aniseph within the Arcane Tower and is rumored to offer secret knowledge in exchange for solving his riddles and puzzles… Should you be able to get his attention.

*Reference Material:
[1] The Wild Spark of Thoramind

[2] On Nature: The Forest of Despair

[3] Arcane Tower History #2 - The Time of Seven Seals

[4] Arcane Tower History #3 - Quiet Embrace of the Pearl

[5] Conclave Announcement, 32 AR

[6] Life Essence Research - Oghma’s Copy by the Earthkin Arcanum

*Author’s Note: Since publishing this book, I have noted that the statue of Thoramind within the Dueling Grounds of the Arcane Tower contains a plaque which named the gnome as Aniseph. This suggests that the Gnome’s original name was in fact Aniseph, though there is nothing else to confirm this. It is entirely possible that the Gnome carried the name Aniseph before he was transformed into an Ethereal Gyrosphinx.

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Re: Soulhaven School

Post by Peachoo » Tue Feb 07, 2023 6:51 pm

Before I add more books, do you want more than just history books?? Like song books from bards? I actually collected a LOT of ig songbooks on Catalina that have a lot of original arelith songs on them. I just wasn't sure if I should post them since Irongron mentioned this being more of a Non-Fiction project rather than fiction or cultural. I have more IG/player written Non-fiction books that I didn't write that I think would be excellent additions here though.

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