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Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:06 am
by Mithreas
While in my local game shop last weekend, there were two different groups of D&Ders playing.

And I thought, "I wish I had an Arelith flyer that I could hand out to them that would concisely explain Arelith and get them to come play".

So - my challenge to you all is - design your own flyer!

- One page of letter/A4 paper (or half a page)
- Concise - light on text please
- Something that will draw in other RPers!

I think the main draw of Arelith is "Role play whenever you want to", as RP groups have to meet at fixed times, while we have RP available 24/7. Alternately, "Total immersion" is another possible slogan - my personal experience is that Arelith is more immersive than anything else I've seen.

I'll put up all entries I deem good enough on the website, and print out the one I like best for local use - and encourage you all to do the same!

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:21 am
by The Man of the Moon
You're the Chosen One.

The legacy of your ancestors: your passion for the fantasy worlds and the traditional RPGs, your ability to portray heroes or villains and your ability to travel through the doors of your imagination, make you the chosen one to entry into:


Where your dreams can become real!

Arelith flyer.pdf
(37.35 KiB) Downloaded 713 times
EDIT: Added the doc pdf and updated with the web site for Arelith.

Let's go people, you can make a better one and win WIN the competition for the best of Arelith! ;)

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 10:28 am
by Mithreas
Ideally, actually typeset it and upload a PDF, .doc or whatever with the flyer. That way we can include images.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:38 am
by The Man of the Moon
Arelith Flyer II.jpg
Arelith Flyer II.jpg (77.73 KiB) Viewed 27319 times
Are you a lover of:
Real Role Play Games?
Enchanted fantasy Worlds?
Legendary and deep adventures?
Immersive events and environments?
Truly changes in the world with your actions?
Honestly, then you should come here... into ...
Arelith flyer II.pdf
(42.12 KiB) Downloaded 561 times

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:08 am
by livingNPC

Direct link to full image (

I've the photoshop file readily available if you want any additional text.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:32 pm
by Mulled
That looks great. Is it perhaps desirable to include information about how to get online in the form of links (a) where to get NWN (gog) and (b) how to get a working cd key, as I imagine both of these could be barriers to entry.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:12 pm
by The Man of the Moon
Mulled wrote:That looks great. Is it perhaps desirable to include information about how to get online in the form of links (a) where to get NWN (gog) and (b) how to get a working cd key, as I imagine both of these could be barriers to entry.
There is a link to find the home page, where they can find all the required info.

Sincerely, if they were as lazy as to need even that we managed their wc paper to clean they down-back...then maybe they are not those who we want :lol:

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 4:13 pm
by The Man of the Moon
livingNPC wrote:Image

Direct link to full image (

I've the photoshop file readily available if you want any additional text.
I like it ^^.

Direct, concise, efective!

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:13 pm
by KregorRanger
For the Devs' sake, and best interests in mind, it would be best to use images on a flyer that are either:
a) Public domain, or,
b) Have a clearly stated community use policy.

While it may seem an innocent use of someone's work, it is still someone's intellectual property, and WotC is not known for lenience with its IP. And yes, even a flyer posted in public places counts.

At the least, it could mean a cease and desist letter. At worst U.S. Copyright laws allow for statutory compensation for violations without even a need to prove intentional misuse.

As an example source, Paizo Publishing allows some of their artwork to be used on private sites, materials, etc as outlined in their own community use policy:

Just saying this to encourage the effort, not to be a killjoy. As a creative myself, and a former art director, I'm very mindful of IP.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:37 am
by livingNPC
All images within the flier are property of wizards of the coast, which promotes their product, neverwinter nights.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:40 pm
by KregorRanger
The legal quagmire that is Bioware, NWN, and WotC is a huge story in and of itself as far as copyrights and IP cases go. Nothing is cut and dried in American Copyright, and that WotC owns the images and -at one point- licensed IP to Bioware for NWN does not constitute fair use.

Also we are not promoting NWN as a representative of the licensee. We are promoting a site built upon it. A site that also is actively soliciting money for it's upkeep. It's a bad enough risk that it's not worth it, no matter how pretty the flyer is. The flyer looks awesome. My suggestion is to revisit it using images that we can have the boilerplate of text behind them to CYA.

I'm not a lawyer, but I was a schooled editorial copy editor for many a year, I consider myself a fairly good reference for current U.S. Copyright policy.

And that said, let's not detract the thread and submissions with further debate. It was just a helpful suggestion with the devs in mind.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 5:17 am
by dragoneyeIIVX
While I understand this is slightly out of the scope of this (aren't my ideas always!?), and that the solution can't always be "throw money at it", an available option might be JenJen. I know she's busy with commissions right now, but you could get some seriously high quality work done from her that, I have no doubts, would truly capture the spirit of Arelith.

Plenty of taglines, really, but I like: "Adventure awaits, anytime"

I'd almost 100% buy one to frame.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 2:37 pm
by The Man of the Moon
Use a difuminated image of the Artos13's Arelith map behind the flyer.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:30 pm
by Rattus_norvegicus99
livingNPC wrote:Image

Direct link to full image (

I've the photoshop file readily available if you want any additional text.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 3:24 am
by William Steele
someone should point out that the "free" part is a bit misleading. you do have to purchase the game in order to play, even if arelith itself is free.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:03 am
by The Man of the Moon
Maybe just stating, "Free NWN Server (With no premium accounts)"

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:39 pm
by Windude
Is this still alive and needed? If yes, I would like to try something!

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 6:34 am
by Mithreas
livingNPC was going to do another iteration based on some feedback, but it's not happened :) Still looking for a 'final' version to pass out in local game stores...

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 6:55 am
by Dunshine
Some suggestions on the text.

RP -> Roleplaying
I would add a reference to Neverwinter Nights (the actual game you use) somewhere.

Perhaps like this:

You like roleplay?
At any time you want?

Arelith is the place for you
An online Neverwinter Nights server
Immersive Roleplay
In a huge persistent world
Available 24 hours a day
Adventure awaits, anytime

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:08 pm
by Irongron
I'm very keen on this idea, not just for Mith's local RP shop, but to be spread throughout the world by our players interested in promoting the server.

By completing a professional flyer, and having a PDF available online anyone who is willing can print a few out, and approach their local Role-playing clubs and shops about placing them.

A bit of commitment to this project and I feel we could go a long way to bringing new players to Arelith. It could a be a great 'grass-roots' approach, and far more effective than forum posts elsewhere on the internet; as Mithreas said to me earlier - Arelith would likely be be far more appealing to 'role-players' than to gamers.

Here are a couple of things I'd like to see happen!

1. Testimonials. I feel the flyer would have considerably more 'punch' if it included some selected quotes from the player base, just a couple of lines to be quoted as a footer. I think it would really prevent the flyer being perceived as the work of a single person out to promote their own project.

2 Flyers in different languages. I'm in Germany, and I know we have plenty of players in other non-English speaking countries. Producing a flyer in these languages, though naturally including the caveat that the game itself is in English would be a good idea. I've spoken to a lot of people who have said Arelith has vastly improved their English skills (Non-Goblin players of course). Once we have arrived at a text for the flyer those non-English players should be able to request a version in their language (Or better yet help produce one)

I'd like to give this flying thing a high degree of priority, as I'm sure many of the people who would most enjoy Arelith simply haven't heard of it.

With that in mind I'd ask anyone willing to write a (very) brief testimonial of a couple of lines to PM them to me. The best will appear on the final version along with the name and home city/town of the author. If you're living in a non-English speaking country and would like to help distribute them there please keep any such testimonials in your native tongue.

I hope we can get the Arelith community on board with this idea.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:36 pm
by Windude
I'm discouraged to try and make one. >.> I'm sure we have some graphic designers around here, don't we?

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:16 am
by The Man of the Moon
Irongron wrote: 2 Flyers in different languages. I'm in Germany, and I know we have plenty of players in other non-English speaking countries. Producing a flyer in these languages, though naturally including the caveat that the game itself is in English would be a good idea. I've spoken to a lot of people who have said Arelith has vastly improved their English skills (Non-Goblin players of course). Once we have arrived at a text for the flyer those non-English players should be able to request a version in their language (Or better yet help produce one)
Once there were an official flyer, I will gladly help with the traslation to Spanish (the second more spoken language in the world, if we consider Chinesse as first one :D )

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:33 am
by PixilPixi
Eh, I'll give it a go.

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:32 am
by furryn
still looking for a flyer? Did the project die? Did you get one which was satisfying?

Re: Competition: Arelith flyer

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:52 pm
by Mithreas
Still waiting :)