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Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 6:52 am
by stop bullying bards

Hi, Arelith. I wanted to write a post in some attempt on a conclusion to the many faces Phyrra Grevyre met in her year of play on the server! She had ups, downs, moved plenty about the island, and met a lot of great faces. I’m certain I will forget some of the many she met, but if you are worried about not having made the list and still know her, know that I loved every day I had the chance to play her. Some know it, but I’d say it here that she was my first character ever on the server and I am so glad about how it went.

The Cordor Arc!:
The first she met, a friend I wish she knew better: Salasker Dusk—both the character and the player were a much needed lifeline that kept me actually playing and learning more and more about the server. From crafting basics, to writs, to how portal travel worked- he is a joy.

Thomas Castemont! The man who gave her what I thought was an outrageous item very very early into her travels … A greensteel shield. A character I always had a blast with time and time again through the months.

Flynn Moonbriar! A first bardic friend, and the one who shared songs with Phyrra before I knew how to use commands to teach songs, and before she had the levels to give him songs back.

Estelle Misthollow: The noble woman who Phyrra convinced to get drunk and gossip with her far more than she should have.

Flamma: Who gave her the first quarter she owned, and let her be part of the staff at the Flaming Lotus! Burn brightly and drink on!

Evemere Dundragon: One of Phyrra’s best friends through /all/ of the madness that happened through her time on the server. Thank you for all the wonderful conversations that helped me make Phyrra who she was!

Laurene Pike! The best work friend that left the island too soon. Missed often and not forgotten!

Shanty! The first Kenku she met that changed /so much/ about her and one of the very earlier 'award characters' I had come to know was actually, an award character! (Sorry Thomas I never read the description to realize he was an aasimar until months late)

Marlana Cheerbringer! Phyrra’s first writ-working-associate who happened to play at the middle of the night and I managed to somehow miss too often!

But! Then! And! Wait!

Zemys! I'm fitting you in here, even though they really become close close friends during her time at Jotunhold, but it was a wonderful to know you, and I'm sad Phyrra never learned where he went off to!

Those I wish I knew better, and wish I knew more: Aelf, Hilde, Zindae, Ginny, Khara’gos, Sion, Lynn, Lor and some few others that my mind forgets. Thank you all. <3

The Jotunhold Arc!

Sometimes when life doesn’t go as you hope, and a guard in Cordor spits on your face, you make a radical move. What started as me seeing Svrtr in discord speaking about some weird place in the mountains, lead to me eventually finding Grymmiirn in game and asking him genuinely if it was possible to hunt dragons. Many hundreds of dragon hunts later, I can confirm, Arelith has dragons.

Somehow Grymmiirn was a grandfather to the elf, and his beloved Imor- the Iahl-jarl, saw Phyrra as a sister. The pair of them showed me an entire world of lore and generated an incredible amount of roleplay, stories, and reasons to log in for myself- and many others.

Galvuhn, Iridith, Aigyr, Halkur, Hrim and Hrim, Feanara, Izora: Thank you all, genuinely, for the collective tens of hours we all shared in that place. Days and weeks went by as I went cross eyed giving tours of Jotunhold and learned to recall all of the sagas and lore points Grymmiirn displayed masterfully in the mountains, and I only hope whatever adventures come next for the present cast, and prior cast, of Jotunhold will leave them laughing and having fun.

New friends from Cordor arrived through it all!
Zalata, Juniper, Minto! A trio that I never caught with time enough to enjoy them. So many fun stories were shared sailing, at Jotunhold, or just on the streets traveling.

The final piece that saw her story conclude: The Myon Arc

From a Bartender in Cordor, to Steward in Jotunhold, to Peridan Twilight meeting Phyrra and exclaiming that she was the most loud and annoying elf he’d ever met—calling on her to arrive to Myon.

So, I want to give thanks in full to those who saw my many months in Myon a wonderful journey.

There were a short few days I considered if it would ever actually happen, before a late night of conversation with Koeh’athma led to them both deciding to move to Myon and become citizens. It was one of the best decisions I’d made on the server.

Anorfilien, Vaeryll, Melyanna, Nuthar, Lalaith, Gwyn, Ameria, Aerlynn, Nestraphine, Maitiel, Kalreith, Wavey, Naljren, Carmine, Victor, Celitha, Elinde, Conrad, Renestrae, Sig’nisia, Lyrian, You.

The list goes on, and on. I mean to say. You all became the heart and soul of Arelith to me and I loved every terribly long meeting and every terrible long night we all stayed awake too long so we could rant about ‘how did things even end up this way’ between each other. So many times, was I emoting Phyrra’s tears and actually crying behind my monitor as you all asked ‘how is she even crying, it is just a poem’ – but in this post I’d share I was and will ever continue to be a sappy mess when nice things are shared.

The Aegis, the many council members, the many political meetings between Myon and Guldorand- or Myon and Cordor. As much as I loathed them in the moment, I will look fondly back at the time spent.

To Guldorand, to Brogendenstein: Thank you for the meetings, the intrigue, the roleplay twists and turns between the cities. I will admit I do not know the names well enough to speak to them at length before some few. So to you all: Gedat, Roffin, Brinja, Salah, Kyelet, Rikus. Thank you all.

And, one final message to the character that kept Phyrra the most well off, and often just a chance for me to enjoy my time on Arelith: Thank you to Eledain Grevyre, Phyrra’s partner and later wife. So many hours shared between the characters between politics, rituals, research, dramatics, fights and feuds. It was a wonderful journey from the start to where the chapter ended. Phyrra spoke it to those she told she was leaving, but it is not some full ending to the character and her place on the island, but for now. She shelves and in some many months, she will return to walk around and greet those she has missed while away from the island. Thanks to everyone who made my first character’s journey something I will remember a long while. And, “Fair winds.”

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 6:57 am
by omnirikku

Beloved Phyrra. Where to start?

Eve met a bartender. And just adored her ever since. Day in, day out. She's not ever been subtle about it, not ever been shy about it. But you brought a joy into Evemere's life that is hard to characterize as anything other than her constant nickname for the former Coronal: Sunshine.

Wherever Phyrra was, Eve feels like the whole world is brighter for it.

Eve loves her. Eve will miss her. And Eve will count down the days.

Seven hundred and twenty four days remain.

Until then, enjoy whatever else you do with your time. I'll not gush too long. But know that if people ask, I'll gush more and more.

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 7:07 am
by TatteredFates

cool character

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 12:57 pm
by VerdeVerde

Aw♥♫♪ I'd rather hope to keep playing with you as well! It's been so fun from Aelf cautiously chatting with Phyrra at the corner of the mercantile, thinking her some sort of undercover agent type because she was always talking to important people, to just talking about what all's been going on and looking for dooting advice before her stuff came to a close.

Then the whole mess with Koeh, and the progression from Phyrra just helping her out a bit to them becoming great friends! It has been quite a fun year about the server, honestly. 8) From stumbling in awkwardly asking if she happened to know Seitera, to moving in with her for a bit at the Jotunhold, them talking about their reservations about Myon before deciding to try and make things more fun there. . . All the boat trips and casual walks to find some coin, to then working together on the same council. It has been quite a fun ride. nodsnods

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:02 pm
by Hedgehog

My interactions with Phyrra as Tristan Elur'on JR were nothing short of amazing. I had no idea she was your first character, you roleplayed her like a pro! Kudos.

I look forward to seeing what you do next!

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 8:02 pm
by Vaeldria

I never really expected to keep Lor around long-term, but you and Evemere were great motivators. I never expected to spend so much time in Myon of all places, and yet- somehow it happened.

Absolutely staggering turnaround for the place between Phyrra and Anorfilien; both amazing characters, and I hope their impact is felt for years. The pair of you were incredible; I can only hope to see Phyrra back in the months to come!

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 11:18 pm
by D4wN

Absolutely adore Phyrra. You did great and I'm glad we got to know each other better!

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 2:50 am
by kirisin

Phyrra has meant as much to Imor as Grym and Ragnara, her own sister does. She does not give out affections easily, but with phyrra it was. Out of all the little pebbles she was definitly the pebbleist of them.
You gave me a lot of reasons to log on and enjoy the day as well (Especially when I really did not want too), I'm going to miss phyrra and I'm excited to see what you do in the future.
Maat Alv.

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 5:08 am
by Carrion Eater


Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:38 pm
by Peachoo

im not crying, ur crying.

gonna miss Phyrra. What an awesome pc!! I had loads of fun with our interactions on vaeryll. I hope we get a chance to rp again soon on your next pc!

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:08 pm
by Svrtr

I'm never good with these kinds of things, so put simply cheers for all the great rp and can't wait to see where your next PC goes

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 4:23 pm
by TavernRoleplayer

Phyrra was cool

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 4:50 pm
by MintoCloudpaw

Phyrra is great. I wish we had found time for that last Lanceboard game; but I'm glad to have met you through it. Our games will live on in epic history!

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 12:15 am
by Cthuletta

I loved Phyrra! She will definitely be missed, she always brought a smile to my face every time I got to interact with her ^^

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2023 12:16 am
by LurkingShadow

Impressive journey in the short time she was on Arelith! Well done. To get this far takes some good interactions and RP.

Re: Fair Winds and Be Well - Phyrra Grevyre

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 2:09 am
by Lass is Class

One of the most impressive characters I met and had a privilege to play with. Good luck and have fun!