Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

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Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by sylaes_green » Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:00 am

Greetings, everyone! I'm the player of Xalden Grantz.

It may come as a surprise, but Xalden is my first character on Arelith. As The Chapterhouse is nearing our five year anniversary on the isle, I wanted to take the time to reach out and thank you all of those that have stuck most in my memory, welcomed a new player into the fray, and helped build me into the player I am today, and the rest of us into the team we are today. When I first started playing Arelith, I started with a group of friends from IRL on Skal. After they stopped playing, I wasn't sure if I was going to continue, as I didn't know anyone in the community. But all of you, every single one of you, have been so welcoming, helping me find my way in a new world, with new friends. I can't thank you all enough for the great memories thus far, and I can't elaborate enough how excited I am to make many more with you in the years to come.

I did want to give some special shoutouts to those who I remember most fondly, and those who were there for Xalden in the best and worst of times.


Tera'thiel Eldafire -
Xalden's boss, best friend, and mentor. It doesn't matter how long Xalden has been or will be the Knight Commander. Tera will always be revered as Xalden's mentor. You took a new player, gave me the opportunity of a lifetime, and it has grown to be the thing I look forward to doing most each day. None of the following names would be here without you, and I likely wouldn't be here writing this post without you. I can never thank you enough for all that you have done to welcome me into this team, and make Xalden the leader he is today.

Alis Dionadair -
Xalden's wife, lover, and paramour. We fight hard, and we love gently. Just like a real relationship. You are without doubt one of the single most memorable people I've ever roleplayed with. Everything in the Xalisden story has always felt real. Your writing has always inspired me to be better, and Alis has always inspired Xalden to be his very best. If I was to separate the story we have written together from everything else here, it would still be a best-selling fantasy romance novel. Alis completes Xalden. And I hope the story we have written so far is only the prelude of more to come.

Pylia and Iliza Maximus -
I freaking love you two! Both of you! So much fun! So much energy! Not even paladins, yet you were right by Xalden's side helping him build the Chapterhouse. And OOC, you're both delightful people. I'm happy to call you both friends.

Aerdrick, Edward, and every other Silverarms ever -
Dude! You are the reason Arelith has legendary heroes. From the very beginning, you've been the heroic bastion against all the baddies. I couldn't be more delighted and honored to be writing phenomenal stories alongside someone with so much history and experience. You make RP look like fine art and every one of your characters I've had the pleasure to experience are so unique and diverse, and equally fun and engaging. Even that weirdo H.P. Thaco lol.

Max Storm -
What can I say about Max that Xalden doesn't already tell him every day? Every time I interact with you, even if I'm having the best day ever, you always seem to brighten it more. The kindest, most engaging and magnetic player I know. IC and OOC, you are an absolute delight to talk to, write with, and work beside. I couldn't imagine Arelith without Max. I'm not sure anyone could. You've become a mainstay in all of our lives. A bright and smiling face that we can all look to for hope and good times. We started playing the game about the same time. Whether that be coincidence or good fortune, I will always consider myself lucky to grow on this server alongside you. So whether we're Max and Xalden, or on different characters down the road from now, I will always look forward to writing more inspiring stories with you.

Bryn Hart -
In Xalden's head, his second in command, though he rarely says it out loud. Bryn is who Xalden turns to when he's not sure what to do. She's his brain when his own is too tired to function. Yet she's more than an advisor. She's a kind and loving friend. A true dedicated healer, always looking out for everyone. If Alis and Xalden weren't the Chapterhouse mom and dad, that position could just as easily be filled by Bryn and Max. Whether it's helping with the busy work behind the scenes, or helping keep all their friends safe out in the field, Bryn is a Chapterhouse legend and icon that no one will soon forget, and perhaps not ever. I know I won't.

Albet Lianlen -
What would the Chapterhouse be without our druid? Well, we'd be quieter, and a lot more boring. You are always a bundle of fun, sparking joy into even the dullest of moments. I couldn't be happier that you decided to join our team! I know I don't say it enough, but we love and appreciate you, Albet.

Kylar Huxley, Elinee Fynn, Efren Raphael, Dantin Patson -
Xalden's first team. While we weren't an official team, being of different factions within the Radiant; you all welcomed Xalden into the Radiant with open arms. You helped build the Chapter, even though most of you weren't involved in it at all. And you continued to offer him, and me, friendship and guidance over the years. While three of you are gone to other characters, and the fourth is off on their own adventures, you will always be remembered fondly, and with great appreciation.

Sarah Goodmane, Ilne, Devon Marshall -
You three have inspired me in ways that I don't think I've ever properly thanked you for. Ilne, while Xalden joined the Paragon close to the end of the order, he still recognizes you and the other members as those who truly gave him his start. Sarah, you inspired my inner history nerd, and opened a pathway for me to bring that into Xalden as a character. From our very first conversations about Benwick, well over a year ago; you opened the door that no one can close now. Xalden built a massive library and spends so much time reading the histories of the isle and its people. And it's all because you gave me that initial spark of inspiration, reminding me how much I love a good story. Devon, while Xalden doesn't know you as well as he would like, I've always considered you to be a big part of his story. Devon's return to the isle came at a time when Xalden was feeling down, and I was feeling a bit lost on where to go next. When you showed up, you helped reinvigorate my love for the Chapterhouse and everyone inside. We didn't even know each other yet, but you were a source of inspiration to me when I needed it the most. I cannot thank all three of you enough for being my inspiration and motivation. Whether it's competing to be as awesome as you are, or simply following in your example, you've all molded how I write Xalden's story.

Les Neihr, Brock, and Laeroth Silveroak -
I know you're all fairly new to the Chapterhouse, but each of you really go all out to liven the place up and make it feel like a family. You're all great, and I couldn't be more excited to have you with us!

Velasco Perfecta Banderas Durate -
Xalden has always been incredibly tough on Vel, and you have always taken it in stride and made good laughs about every bit of it. I loved being part of Vel's redemption arc. It was a lot of fun to witness and write with you, the DM team, and Ryana. You and Ryana both make stories thrive and feel more real. Whether it's inspiration or frustration, I know that every time I'm writing with you, I'm going to feel every emotion that Xalden is feeling. Thank you for that.

Terik Lightblade -
We miss you buddy! Stop having kids and come play Arelith lol. J/k. I love you, man! I hope you and your family are doing well, and we are all blessed to have as much time with you as we do!

Sedaene Lamott, Estelle Misthollow -
Sisters! Whether sisters in faith, or sisters in friendship. It doesn't matter. Xalden loves you both and so do I! You've been a big part of his story from the very beginning. You know how awesome you are, so I don't have to tell you. But I will anyways. You're both awesome and none of this would be the same without you.

I'm running out of room on this page so I'm gonna do a mass shout out here... lol
Osma, Levi, Celestia, Callibrae, Malcolm, Havarlys, Garthion, Argon, Kyros, Mebrien, and so many others! -
You guys are what make the Chapterhouse great! It doesn't matter how many meetings Xalden attends, how many missions Aerdrick leads, or how many people Max says hello to in a five minute period (it's a lot btw), none of this would be possible without you. You are the backbone that keeps us going, the every day members that grind out every effort to see us thrive. Whether you've been with us for a year, a month, or a day; whether you can log on to play with us once a week, once a month, or every day; each of you have written a story and a history here. So whether you continue to be with us for years to come, or call it quits tomorrow, you'll all be remembered fondly as the best of the best, and some of mine, and Xalden's, favorite people.  

Pebble/Aita/Alunor -
My first friend on Arelith. There I was, walking around in the middle of nowhere, with no clue of where I'm at or where to go. Pebble showed me the way and came back to take me on wild adventures. I learned something new every day Xalden traveled with Pebble. And I still learn something new every time Xalden has interacted with any of your other characters. But Pebble will always hold a special place in Xalden's heart, as his first friend on the isle; and in my heart as being my first friend in this incredible community. While none of your characters hold the "big wig" status of the rest on this part of the list, you'll always be one of the most important people in Xalden's mind and heart.

Thomas Castemont -
Xalden's Tyrran bestie. While they don't always see eye to eye, and sometimes are quite intent to let the other know about it lol, Thomas has always been there for Xalden. When Xalden was almost taken by raiders, Thomas rallied half the isle to get him back. Thankfully Xalden wasn't actually taken, and he was just in a nearby cave. That would have been wild. But even in the quiet moments, when they're relaxing with a plate of snacks and mugs of coffee, Thomas has always been one of Xalden's most trusted confidants. IC, they've always been close. And OOC, Dawn, you have always been a good friend and a guide, helping me learn my way around this community and make new friends.

Minto Cloudpaw -
We never have enough time together, bud. I've always found you to be one of the most interesting people Xalden knows. It's a shame they're both two of the busiest people around. I'd love to spend more time writing with you. You're an astounding roleplayer and an absolute delight to talk to. And you've helped me and Xalden both so much along the way. Whether it was helping me with build ideas after I accidentally broke Xalden during a relevel, or helping Xalden follow his passion building his library; you and Minto have always been there for me and Xalden at every corner. I just hope one of these days we finally set up that tea party we've always talked about lol.

Priscilla Derlson -
Another one I've always wished to have more time with. I've enjoyed every moment written with Priscilla. She's a wonderful soul, and so freaking cool! One of these days I hope you'll finally join the Chapterhouse and don that purple we both love so much, perhaps even make us more fashionable along the way.

Karathas Morathil, Oak Vintergard, Viveka Blackstone -
Most people don't know this, but without these three, the Chapterhouse never would have happened. Lord Eldafire presented an idea, and these three helped provide the means and resources to fulfill it. And even on a personal level, you've all inspired Xalden in ways that I never expected, or thanked you for. Oak, truly firm as an oak, was a beacon of nobility and trust. Xalden always aspired to be like him. And that character development in his early years was essential to me and him. Karathas tought Xalden many lessons, even ones that he didn't want to learn, but sorely needed to. And those are often the most important lessons. Viveka was always offering support and guidance as Xalden grew into his own. And each of them continued to offer support and guidance to the day they left the isle. You're all amazing and I hope you're all having a wonderful time on the characters you're playing now, or whatever life has led you to these days.

Ginny, Khara'gos, and Aldros Rivorndir -

Each of you, in your own way, has been a big part of Xalden's story. Between your endless support offered to the Chapterhouse and its members, and the council you've always offered Xalden when he needs it most, you've been developmental in his life, and hella fun to RP with. It's always fun partying with the Rivorndirs! And a special shoutout to Khara'gos for his amazing work officiating Alis and Xalden's wedding. It was perfect, in every way. Don't tell my ex-wife this, but it might have even been more memorable than my own wedding HAHAHAHA.


Lefric, Rolf, Flamma -
Total bros. From the moment Xalden rode in on a horse, in that tournament that he had no business in, you guys have been great! Thank you for fighting with him, and RPing with me all the days since!

Drezen, and drow named C whose name I can't spell -
I hate PVP. You made me love PVP. Seriously, you changed the game for me. Whether it was fighting along side you as Drezen, or planning to fight against you on your villain PCs, you inspired a love for something that I never thought I would enjoy.

The Black Rider -
I don't even remember your character's real name, but oh man I remember you. I had so much fun in our jousts. You still stand strong as one of my most favorite and memorable baddies. Massive kudos to you, my friend!

Ravnhart -
Such a sweetheart. Xalden's former spicy paramour. Every moment with you was a delight.

Stryder -
Another one of my favorite and most memorable baddies. Despite being a bad guy, Xalden always had a certain level of respect for Stryder. Too bad we never got our rematch. I know Xalden and I both were looking forward to it, and still are!

Andras Wormwood -
Banite scum! HAHAHA Another favorite baddie that really made Xalden's job difficult, for quite some time. The frustration, the rage, and the excitement were always at maximum intensity when Andras was around. It truly felt like we were fighting a war! Thank you for bringing those stories to life in the way that you did! An amazing story all around!

Dethos, the Spider Druid-
Everyone says that Xalden being friends with Dethos is weird, and it might be a little weird if I really think about it lol. But somehow, at random moments, we always find ourselves in the most engaging conversations. You're a joy to write and RP with, always.

Domila ...Nodlegodle? Noodlegoodle? Close enough? Heh -
Domi is a total bro! From when Xalden first arrived and showed up to Bendir to defend against raiders, or the radnom other times they've found themselves in the same room or sharing a battlefield, Domi has always been a whole lot of fun! She is one I've always thought Xalden got along with well and would like to see more often. But both of them often being busy, I'm still delighted to have shared the time that we've been blessed to have.

And now with some specifics out of the way, I still want to extend a huge THANK YOU and KUDOS to all of you. While it was never exactly my intention for Xalden to end up this big of a character, you guys have always been there to support and guide him through it. This server has a great community and I'm lucky to have discovered it and been welcomed into it with open arms. Arelith has become something that I love, and logging in each day is something I look forward to every day when I wake up. And it's all of you, the community, that make it the wonderful place that it is. From the DM Team to the Players, this is undoubtedly my favorite RP group I've ever found. Now let's go write more stories together! <3

With love,

Your friend,

Sylaes ((Xalden))

Current: Xalden Grantz (AR177-current), a few unimportant side characters

Shelved: Petra Cystafein (AR 175-176), Phyrra Ssambra (AR178)

Dead and gone: Shandor Reyne

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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by sylaes_green » Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:27 am

I don't know why the font size is way larger on that one section lol....

But a few quick mentions to add:
Abdiel, Reivan, Salasker, Calduran, Thekla, Roffin, Seitera, Rastellia, Lor, Evemere, Azalea, Vaeryll, Khardar, Haanibal, Viktoria Helbrecht, Viktor Helbrect/Arkebeltz, Kohlim Van Dorff, Victor Gallincourt, Viktor Dreven, Lyann Reyer, Villi, Myst, and I'm sure I could go on and on at this point....

Keep being great! I love all the moments of RP that we've shared, and look forward to the many more to come.

Current: Xalden Grantz (AR177-current), a few unimportant side characters

Shelved: Petra Cystafein (AR 175-176), Phyrra Ssambra (AR178)

Dead and gone: Shandor Reyne

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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by D4wN » Tue Sep 19, 2023 1:47 pm

Awe, Xalden is one of Thomas's best friends and even if life keeps them both too busy to frequent each other, Thomas cares deeply for him and would do a lot to support him. But also knows Xalden would in turn. I love their friendship dynamic and you are a great person OOCly as well who takes feedback and recommendations from anyone and have helped to create a lot of fun for many people on the server.

Currently playing:
Thomas Castemont - Active

Liv McDowall - Shelved
Theodor Helbrecht - Rolled
Emma Young - Rolled
Ember Joyleaf-Underfoot - Rolled

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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by MintoCloudpaw » Tue Sep 19, 2023 1:59 pm


We never do! I'm glad for all the times we do have together though. Xalden is great and it's been a lot of fun seeing him grow over time. Xalden will always be one of my paladins to RP with, and one of Minto's favourite tallfolk to hang out with. I've also adored the little family-friend aspect they have going between their kids; even with it all entirely off screen. We'll have to setup the tea party (with Minto's lemon squares) soon!

Keep being awesome, and thank you too for all your support over the years.

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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by Aellowyn » Tue Sep 19, 2023 11:26 pm

Thank you. <Redacted> considers Xalden the shiniest and most agreeable of paladins. The character is enjoyable to run into and I'm happy to see him still around.

Keep up the great RP!

<redacted> Main
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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by Edens_Fall » Wed Sep 20, 2023 12:38 am

Xalden has been a pleasure to tease and torment in those rare moments I can steal his time or get past his bodyguards. Though such is the issue with a PC so well-loved and respected. Never enough of them to go around. Still, be proud of your accomplishments and of the many lives you have touched. Few can hold such an honor or claim.

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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by AstralUniverse » Fri Sep 22, 2023 3:46 pm

Xalden is awesome.

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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by Illu » Tue Sep 26, 2023 6:57 pm

Awee, thank you! Joining the Chapterhouse as a druid seemed an odd choice at first but it's added so much to Albet's story! I love the contrast between the rest of the Chapter being serious and Albet constantly doing Albet things. Xalden has always been in her corner, helping her grow, and it's really wholesome. All of those mentioned above, besides the few that Albet hasn't met, have been a pleasure to rp with, and to speak with OOC. The most enjoyment part of playing her for me are her antics that have helped other characters and the players behind them to laugh, so I'm glad to hear that others are having fun with it!

The Chapter has such a good community both IC and OOC so I'm glad I got involved and I'd recommend others to consider it! None of my prior characters have gotten involved with much, but every other day I play Albet something crazy happens involving her, and she always has characters to interact with, so it's been a lot of fun. I made Albet at the end of my last semester without thinking I would play the game much, but I ran into some good characters during Albet's writworking days, and she was rather abruptly sworn into the Chapter soon after. Discussing her reasons for serving the Chapter with people has been interesting. I started playing her without knowing D&D mechanics or lore, so a lot of her development in both was through other players, mostly those in the Chapter, patiently helping me. Now, I think she's at a point where I have a decent enough grasp on the lore relevant to her, and she's a plausible backstory.

Looking forward to more stories with you and everyone else who's been part of Albet's journey!

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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by BiglySmalls » Wed Sep 27, 2023 6:38 am

Callibrae here! The Chapterhouse continues to be the best faction I ever incidentally became a part of ever. I don't get to play with y'all near often enough due to a bunch of reasons, but I look forward to doing so more here in the near future.

Xalden is a great character, and the sheer openness and inviting nature of the group he (And you) have made is legendarily good. It's so hard to strike a balance where you're on everyone's good side and you've done so in a way I've not seen replicated on such a large scale before on Arelith.

Keep doing awesome and being great

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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by Hyrland D~Kaya » Tue Dec 05, 2023 5:58 pm

Thank you so much for playing Xalden!

Xalden is an exceptionally special character. It is rare for a faction to go on strong after a couple years, and that depends on the dedicated role play of the faction leader. Consistency, organization, recruitment and interest for The Chapterhouse is rock solid because the way Xalden is played. He is not played as a simple, vanilla paladin, but as a vanilla paladin with sprinkles of nuts and chocolate fudge with a cherry on top.

Played with cool intelligence and wisdom, Xalden is the biggest badass that directs the faction without an ounce of conceit. With an arsenal of scrolls, wands, and books, he is the charismatic nerd whose versatility allows him to conduct complex surgeries, topple evil organizations, and shine as Arelith’s GREATEST INTERIOR DECORATOR EVER!!!

Thank you for playing Xalden! Professor X has nothing on you, Xalden! You’re the best!

Hyrland D’Kaya/ Bashagain
Playing as Aerdrick Silverarms and Flynn Eldafire

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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by EnigmaticSpirit » Tue Dec 05, 2023 9:57 pm

Xalden is a treasure. And flawed, too! Far too many cookie cutter perfect paladins out there so seeing someone who's not afraid to bean up is great.

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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by TavernRoleplayer » Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:19 pm

Xalden is pretty ok.

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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by Lass is Class » Mon Jan 08, 2024 12:12 pm

Xalden is so much fun to interact with, and what speaks most of him is that he is known far outside the Chapterhouse, with how much his actions touched lives and stories of other characters.

Xalden and Seitera's story has went a very long way, from that iconic sus ritual at which they meet, till the very recent dynamic - the interpersonal arc was stellar and can't wait already to see what more is in store :).

Keep doing what you do, you and your PC are awesome.

Sythaeryn Dawnwing (Shelved) .
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Landarel Skyseeker (Rolled).
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Re: Not going anywhere. Just wanted to say thanks.

Post by MarkRed » Thu Jan 11, 2024 3:19 pm

Much love from Warre and more, I miss yall at the Chapterhouse and wish I had the time or energy to play like I used to! I do have plans to come back onto her, but both her and I need more time on the mainland! Cormyr and the Dalelands are a nasty place in the 70s and 80s! Stinkin Zhents...

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