Sunday Dustwrought Pilgrimage 2.0: Technically Sunday in Australia Edition

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Sunday Dustwrought Pilgrimage 2.0: Technically Sunday in Australia Edition

Post by Penwize » Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:41 am

We did it again! On Saturday the kobold tribe took another march through the underdark to kick doors down, look at shadowy doorways, watch the All-Watcher get puked on, and get turned into chickens. I had a great time and I'm pleased as always so many people came!

The Dustwrought brought folks on a walkaround. There was portal attunement, language learning, hunting, magical hijinks, and even a showing off of a new-ish game mechanic. And of course excellent storytelling.

All according to plan.

I can't wait for the next event with us all. Thanks for being a great crew to play with.

Carterr: Our newest new kid took everything with good humor. Bringing a level seven character to go delving into Crinti ruins couldn't have been more safe. Hopefully antidote potions also stack super high with the latest update – he hit every single poison spore cloud at least once.

Lyra: You made it this time! Our translator in chief was relegated to babysitting Rakan for the duration but, as always, was super involved. From keeping everyone alive to offering encouragement, Lyra was essential to the success of this.

Rakan: How many level seven characters are you even allowed to bring into the ruins of Tollidor? This new character's been jumping into roleplay with the kobolds in a great way. He got a fantastic lesson in draconic and was treated to a big show in the process. Looking forward to more and more.

Igrix: We don't see you often enough! So happy you came to play! I enjoyed having Mire grumble at him and his wolf. Hopefully this event inspires him to grow even faster and maybe even put some points into Spellcasting. Eh? Eh?

A'Yix: a'Yix always pushes the bounds, even without realizing it. He almost died before the adventure even started. Lying on someone else's cushions like that. a'Yix is constantly entertaining and encouraging to others and honestly now I can't imagine the tribe without you. Great work.

Vurzhross: The man with the shiftiest feet and mysterioust qualities. Thanks so much for attaching yourself to the kobold tribe. We'd have a harder time figuring out grand roleplay ideas without you. Things are going to great now! Mire's going to be the most popular girl in school thanks to him.

Shishess: I'm sorry Mire didn't get to admire the incredible work of magical art that Shishess laid down for everyone to look at. But I suppose that's okay because Shishess managed to steal the entire show (while Vurzhross wasn't looking, thank you) with her wild magic surges. Thank you for not rolling exploding cows. She rocks.

Idil'vas: The former warmistress was our asskicker today. She made our after-party below the Crinti ruins possible. More than that she is a cool suave and fascinating addition to the Dustwrought tribe. So glad events conspired to send her our way.

Crinukh: Their player got dragged away for an emergency and they couldn't come to the main event. Still they showed and interacted before and after the fact. Crinukh is a constant source of awesome that nobody can duplicate. I wish he had been there for the grand finale just so I could have seen his face of stern disapproval. There's always next time though.

To anyone I missed or who missed the event, sorry! There shall be more! Thanks to everyone involved in planning and execution. You're making the play in Andunor more and more excellent.

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