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Jinghue Fleet Escort Kudos!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:14 am
by Rockstar1984
This event was a lot of fun and very very perfectly executed! Everyone enjoyed themselves and it was an amazing blend of rp and action. Every player that was involved deserves Kudos. Aligonda, Pierce, Sheng, Eirik, Taelina, Afya, Hilde, Landon, Quillian, Vale, Drusylla, and Jasper. Thank you for tagging along and contributing to the shenanigans!

Now DM Titania deserves some massive and I mean MASSIVE kudos. This was easily the single most fun event I have ever done. The PVE was dangerous enough without being aggravating in fact it was quite thrilling. And balancing encounters for a party that ranges from levels in the teens to level 30 and then one level 6 is very difficult but it was really well done! But above all the rp interactions that we had were just pure gold and so much fun. We all got some laughs out of Walker D. Plank, and the brief interactions in the middle of the battle added a lot to the fighting to make it dramatic. It also felt very fluid, as we came up with plans and solutions and executed them. I have had a lot of fun on Arelith but this was something else. So many many kudos to Titania! <3

Re: Jinghue Fleet Escort Kudos!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:40 am
by Twohand
It was a very fun event, but unfortunately I'll have to press F for our Boatswain and for our Helmsman too. I really want to see more pirat-- "privateering" events in the future too.

Screenshots for those curious:

Re: Jinghue Fleet Escort Kudos!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:12 am
by TimeAdept
A fun time. Thanks for running the event!

RIP the Timberfleet

Re: Jinghue Fleet Escort Kudos!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:15 am
by -XXX-
I missed it... *sadpanda*