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Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho! Pirate Event Kudos

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 5:12 am
by Rockstar1984
So it was Alice's first voyage sailing to fight pirates and scoundrels at sea, and it was a huge success and a fun ride! Kudos are certainly in order.

DM Grumpycat: First, to the DM that organized this whole thing and stayed up extra late for the sake of our fun! This plot was hanging around for a while, so I'm happy that it was finally thrown on ALice's plate and we got to do something about it! The rp interactions between npcs was fun, the entire encounter I think was balanced well, and the flow of events was interesting. We came up with solutions to problems, such as speeding up the Timberfleet with an air elemental, and you reacted fluidly to our decisions. It was an amazing event and one that I"m sure we all feel very fulfilled with! Grumpycat was also a very patient dm through the whole thing.

Ghestaldt, Ragnhild, Falgrim, Dalin, Demetrius: I'm going to make one shoutout to all you guys. It was fun to have these dwarves along and make up the bulk of the force. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I do. It certainly led to a lot of fun moments, and I look forward inviting these landlubbers along for more seafaring shenanigans and perhaps, get Ghestaldt his sea legs and make him into a seadog yet!

Calia, Rhaeg, Damien, and Aldrich: You all were whisked away on a whim with very little context and direction, because of the plan's slightly secretive nature. Nonetheless you all came along and and had a lot of fun I hope.

Drusylla: An excellently played rough and tumble tsundere Valkuran healer. Although Drusylla wasn't high enough level to really contribute much in the fights, Drusylla clearly was having fun rping being Alice's lieutenant and following orders and interacting with pirates. Occasionally she said something that made me crack up. The character certainly has some good sass.

The little ethical dilemma of what to do with Bloodbeard's cabin boy was certainly an interesting debate and it was fun to see people forming sides over it, while Alice was just trying to get things done.

All in all it was a fun event! If I missed anyone, do let me know. And I look forward to more sailing exploits and hopefully being able to rally the actual crew I've recruited itself in the future!

Re: Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho! Pirate Event Kudos

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 8:12 am
by DM Sollers
A big thank you to Grumpycat for letting Apollo and I come along and help fuel the adventure. It was very exciting to see everybody for this quest on the first day. I'm looking forward to more!

Re: Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho! Pirate Event Kudos

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2018 11:39 am
by A little fellow
Very good fun! I didn't want to sleep that night anyway.