shanty posts kudos, yes.

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shanty posts kudos, yes.

Post by Toukaze » Mon Jul 03, 2023 11:45 am

To start off I'd like to provide a little OOC, December 2022/Janurary 2023 was a really rough spot in my life where I wasn't sure what was going to happen going forward, this was exactly when I managed to get a super lucky major reward and began playing my favourite D&D race, the Kenku.

Shanty is a huge amount of emotional release for me, I put so much effort into his character, into his mimicry patterns and his background that I sometimes question why I care so much for this silly little bird man. Over the past several months, I've managed to meet and enjoy some seriously fun roleplay through people's interactions with him and I feel like with his temporary shelving, I should throw up a post to give some appreciation back to the players.

This is going to be a long one, so buckle up.

Zemys - I think Zemys was Shanty's first friend, and OOC we had been discussing the idea of a seafaring kenku that resulted in the "DING DING" that would be heard so often. To think such a memorable character could be made from the simple idea that mimicking ship bells would be really funny is great, I've loved interacting with Zemys, I'm mad that he can't speak Kenku.

Sili - pulls out his gonne Mexican standoffs inside Cordor Square never fail to amuse me, especially when people around don't have any idea what we're doing. Sorry you died doing that writ that one time, at least I had raise dead, right?

Flynn Moonwillow - Flynn was Shanty's second friend, and one of the few people that realised just how smart the bird was if you ignored his eccentricities. I massively appreciate this player, and if you've not had the opportunity to roleplay with them, I urge that you do so. The fact that we managed to have conversations that made perfect sense so early in Shanty's journey is such a great feeling.

Cordor Navy

I already know I'm going to miss people off this crew, so I'll preface this all by saying you are all fun to sail with. We had great times, Shanty ate a kraken, and when he's back, we're going to have more. Keep up the good work, keep being inclusive, you guys are spectacular. But, I do have to mention a couple big names.

Juniper Oakley - The only person Shanty told he was going anywhere, and the only person Shanty has ever shared a secret with. From her complaining about not knowing Kenku, to becoming 'fluent' in it, to becoming Shanty's flock, to becoming someone he genuinely cared for. I never expected these two would end up with such a partnership. I can keep writing and writing here, but I really need to kudos other people. Juniper is great.

Luc Emmarask - A pund pund through and through. Shanty and Luc became the duo of Navy food eaters, and even though Shanty never quite understood how smoking worked, he damn sure gave it a good go. Shame, ding ding.


I'm not saying anything here that people don't already know. The Jotunhold players are all amazing. Their dedication to the lore and the speech is honestly so amazing, I can't remember why Shanty intruded in the Halls that one time, but I'm so glad that he did. From doing illicit substances with Grymmiirn and nearly drowning in the hot springs, to accidentally becoming the first of the Ovounjaegyr to complete his hunt, Shanty has always adored being around the giant not-feathers.

Imor and Grymmiirn - Shanty's Grandparents, through and through. I will never forgive you for trying to find him a mate, even if it was really funny. I still swear that I, as a player, never read the whole advert. I saw that there was a threat of no feast if Shanty did, so he never did.

Phyrra - I remember when you started, and I came along to annoy. From that, blossomed a friendship that I didn't expect. Speaking Kenku, then speaking Auran. Phyrra is fantastic, you should be proud!

Izora - Shanty was always confused by Izzy's formality and seriousness, but boy, was he proud of her.

And to everyone else that I managed to stumble on in my journeys around the isle, I appreciate you putting up with the annoying, pudgy bird. This isn't the end of Shanty's journey, just an off screen adventure that he must take alone. If I've missed you off, don't think I didn't appreciate our talks. I simply can only remember so many names while I type this whole post out.

Ravn & Alaina - I will keep eating your food.
Chomas Tastemont - Minister of Desire (Stop being so fun to play with.)
Ginny Rivorndir - Shouting "FIRE!" on the deck while Shanty was there to overhear was possibly the most dangerous thing you ever did.
Snap & Twang - The only other kenku I ever met, our interactions were small, but I really enjoyed them.
Khorin Cinderstone - I really can't overstate how much I love this merchant rp. Cinderstone Loyalty Cards are incredible.
The Dwarves of the Ironhelm - We met briefly, a few times. Dwarf RP is fantastic, you guys are amazing.
Desmond (who changed his surname and I forget what it is) - Another kenku talker, it was fun to let someone else in on his mischief.
Dimble - Every time he panics when Shanty mimics gonnefire has me losing it. I love this guy.

This isn't goodbye, this is just a "See you later."

Please make more kenku, I'm extremely lonely.

Jack Lynch - Elf on the Shelf
Gwendolyn Gallowmere - Justice Clown
Shanty - Holy Questing
Daniel Castemont - Historian

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Re: shanty posts kudos, yes.

Post by D4wN » Mon Jul 03, 2023 2:02 pm

I thoroughly enjoy Shanty. Every interaction with you makes me laugh and brightens my day.

Currently playing:
Thomas Castemont - Active

Liv McDowall - Shelved
Theodor Helbrecht - Rolled
Emma Young - Rolled
Ember Joyleaf-Underfoot - Rolled

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Re: shanty posts kudos, yes.

Post by Morgy » Mon Jul 03, 2023 3:08 pm

Good bird, good bird.

I liked this character a lot. Very original and not something I've seen done before - well done!

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Re: shanty posts kudos, yes.

Post by Cthuletta » Mon Jul 03, 2023 3:24 pm

Shanty has probably become one of my favourite characters I've ever been able to play with.
I'll never forget how they initially met, either, with Shanty mimicking Zemys 'EVIL BLIND HIN!' annnnd said blind hin coming over to yell at 'Zemys'.
Head bobs with silent laughter.

I really love kenku, and you play one perfectly when it comes to their mischievous nature. Shanty is one-of-a-kind, and I look forward to his return!

Juniper Oakley - A Little Bitey

Ny'aza 'Peggy' Philor'tyl - Travelling
Tiffa Took Hss'tafi - Happy in Sigil

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Re: shanty posts kudos, yes.

Post by Svrtr » Tue Jul 04, 2023 11:39 pm

Melting my heart. By far the best kenku I've seen yet, your dedication and list of words and phrases you kept was astounding and made for both great and hilarious RP. But I shall never forgive you for stealing an entire feast's worth of food when no one was looking you thieving bastard bird who stole enough food for 200 men! (love you all the same I can't actually be mad its still hilarious you took it all)

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Re: shanty posts kudos, yes.

Post by QueenOfCookies » Wed Jul 05, 2023 5:29 am

I loved Shanty, no matter who I encountered him with. Catherine thought he was neat for certain and I hope you will return.

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Re: shanty posts kudos, yes.

Post by kirisin » Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:11 am

Shanty shall always have a place at our table. and Imor shall always cook for him.
Loveable little scamp that Imor would have no qualms treating like any other grandchild.
he brightens up the room and the roleplay when he's around and I felt honored when he mimiced something from Imor. I think her heart probibly melted a bit too even if she'd not show it.
Come back any time, I'll miss you
"Lo shanty, ding ding."

Out... Out of mine kitchen. Away with thee!

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Re: shanty posts kudos, yes.

Post by Deep Fried Thinking Emoji » Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:29 pm

My king, fly high. :kneel:

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Re: shanty posts kudos, yes.

Post by Chronicler0 » Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:14 pm

You forgot about your birb avariel frien!
Syl being surprised how he went from being silly and repeating words, to a full intelligent conversation in auran!
Hope to see you back as a kenku soon, I kinda want to play one also :)

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