Legends of the Fall(en)

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Legends of the Fall(en)

Post by Ambigue » Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:44 am

The graveyards of Arelith are filled to bursting with epic and powerful heroes. Like, at least six deep! Sure, plenty of folks have monuments to commemorate their passing, but nice words on a rock ain't the whole story. Memories fade and their exploits eventually become Legend. If they've been dead a while, they may even slip into Myth.

Feel free to leave legends and myths of your dearly departed characters. Maybe they can provide the basis for a cool item someone might craft, a book they might write, or even a whole adventure built around uncovering their amazing or shameful truths. These aren't detailed accounts of their exploits. Rather, they are kind of thing that might get gossiped about in a tavern or mentioned, in passing, in a book about something or someone else.


Rey Angelus Bibliophilius - Legendarily Indiscriminate Philanderer: Rey Bibliophilius, shapeshifter and shameful son of the famed hero Aristotlus, has fathered no fewer than three dozen children of nineteen different species, including a particularly stunning harpy, and the matriarch of a rather laid-back clan of goblins. When asked about self-restraint, he is alleged to have responded that he has trouble with the knots.

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