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Mythic Characters

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 7:06 pm
by great balls of fire

Hello everyone;

In a short list, who would you say are some Legendary Figures in Arelith History? Characters that made a lasting impact, are enshrined in In Character legacy of books, paintings, lasting laws, statues, their policies/practices are still implemented today, OR, you just really remember the character and their impact on you.

My own example:
Katerin Bersk is one that comes to mind for me, as even her Lodestar Network is still implemented in Cordor's areas, for example, and I think her tenure as Councilor was one of the biggest shake ups.

Edit: some people have asked for further clarification of 'mythic'
Can they still be alive? Yes.
Do they HAVE to have some footprint in a material object IC? No. it can be someone who is still vehemently talked about and remembered. Who is still being name dropped?
Do they have to have done something really cool/memorable? If they haven't, I'm really interested to hear why they're still being remembered/talked about so, shoot.

If you don't agree with my definition of 'Mythic', add your own!

I'm gathering this information to study what kinds of PCs are remembered either by the public conscious of the community or by the in character setting by some kind of lasting presence in items, module, policies, ethics, procedures, etc etc. This is spoilered because I don't want it to effect who you put forth!

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:10 pm
by Autumn Wind

Dread-Matron Chenizra Xel'vraxa

The most "drow" Matron I have ever played with. The Don of the Devils Table.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:29 pm
by Amateur Hour

Daedin still gets referenced regularly by non-historians.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:30 pm
by Cthuletta

Theodor Helbrecht. One of the biggest, well done, and talked about villians, even long after he died!

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 2:43 am
by Ellisaria

Vance Gravelle!

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:27 am
by The GrumpyCat

Amadeo Pnumea
Ayin Mesmer
Katar Black
Scar Bloodletter

(Note I've absolutly gone for characters that no longer exist as a concious choice. I actually think a few of our current pcs are/may be mythic too? But I'm choosing not to list those because they're still active and it doesn't seem quite... fair? So like - we do have plenty of potentially 'mythic' pcs now, IMO)

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:57 am
by Rei_Jin

It's difficult to talk about such things, because the majority of names that will come up are names from the past of Arelith when things were done differently and the server was smaller.

Comparing folks from the age of slower levelling and more DM events, and now, is like comparing theatre actors in the time of Shakespeare, and youtubers.

Not saying that there aren't valid folk in both eras, but that what quantifies one as mythical from one era, will by necessity be different from someone in a different era.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 9:20 am
by Old Lies Die Harder

Va'sarra Xunviir.
Thomas Miller.
Giogi and Alia Silveroak.
Moira Krauss.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 9:38 am
by Drowble Oh Seven

Ayin Mesmer and Vivian LeChance are two that have consistently stuck with me. Their legacies keep on popping up here and there in subtle ways that are usually more tied to items and vibe than to direct memory of the character.

LeChance's strife tree creeps into memory now and then. As do Mesmer coils.

I interacted with LeChance maybe once, and Mesmer never, but they're both very cool nonetheless.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:29 pm
by Aradin

Most of the legendary folk who have made an impact on me personally and my characters' stories are still alive! Seeing how this thread is probably best reserved for the rolled...Vance Gravelle, Katernin Bersk, Amadeo Pneuma, and the ogre chief Karstaag come to mind.

My nostalgic Vance Gravelle tidbit: I met him once and only once on my first character Revyn, a golemancer. Revyn worked at the Tungsten Turret, around AR 150ish if I recall correctly. One day I was in there sorting through project archives when in strolled a man, soaked through from the rain. He very politely asked if he could use the printing press and we had a twenty-minute chat about nothing in particular while he did so. All the while there was a peculiar sense of gravitas about him, something compelling I couldn't place. When his copies were printed we wished each other well and he walked back out.

I never saw him again. It was only much later I learned who he actually was, and later - when he made it - of his sacrifice. I still remember that moment at the Turret, though. Characters like him are always mobbed by people, wreathed in friends and enemies both. As a first-time player, those characters were intimidating and felt impossible to approach. Everyone wants to be "in" with the cool kids, of course. Or at least I did. And suddenly, for a moment, I got to speak with an Arelithian legend one on one...and I didn't even realize it!

Who knows, perhaps he liked not being recognized for once.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:31 pm
by Cataclysm of Iron
Rei_Jin wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:57 am

Comparing folks from the age of slower levelling and more DM events, and now, is like comparing theatre actors in the time of Shakespeare, and youtubers.

I'm interested, is it an established/known thing that there were more DM events back in the old times when most of the characters on Grumpy's list were around?

I remember playing back then and a DM event was still vanishingly rare.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 3:55 pm
by Eira

I don't think any of these characters became mythic just of DM events. It was for their own merits, and how they swept up anyone in their vicinity. Not because they were specifically trying to become mythic; there are several I would explicitly not mention because their striving for fame felt a lot like they were deliberately trying to emulate other well-known characters instead of doing it for the story.

I'd of course chime in on Amadeo and Vance. Perhaps Rhaeg. Sydney Harrow. Katernin Bersk. Vippin, absolutely. Ilphaeryl Xun'viir. And I wasn't around for Ayin Mesmer, but my characters still hear about him.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 4:12 pm
by Cataclysm of Iron

I'm a bit biased because I had a character who spent a lot of time around Ayin and was heavily shaped by his RP, but I feel like he's probably a strong shout for the mythic character of Arelith.

Like if you had to pick one from all of them, it has to be Ayin right?

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 4:22 pm
by The GrumpyCat
Cataclysm of Iron wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:31 pm
Rei_Jin wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:57 am

Comparing folks from the age of slower levelling and more DM events, and now, is like comparing theatre actors in the time of Shakespeare, and youtubers.

I'm interested, is it an established/known thing that there were more DM events back in the old times when most of the characters on Grumpy's list were around?

I remember playing back then and a DM event was still vanishingly rare.

Oh good lord no, that's not it at all!

Ok so be clear? The list above is very much a uh . Me The Person List, as much - if not more, from a player perspective than a DM perspective (Heck I probably should have answered on my player account, but NM)

I'm not sure of much? But I'm pretty much 100% sure that all the above weren't remembered for DM events - or at least not purely for, but they're epic in my mind for the general roleplay they gave!

Hells, you think DM events are rare now? You should play around Ayin mesmers time when, as I recall (I invite please someone to correct me here, I could be wrong) DM events were activly discouraged by the admin.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 5:01 pm
by Malloney

Whether you love him or hate him, you have to put Karathas Morathil on this list. I almost feel like it doesn't even need to be explained either.

Very few characters maintained the notoriety, the fame or infamy (depending on your outlook), and led a Settlement for as long as he did.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 5:18 pm
by Party in the forest at midnight

Vance Gravelle, Sydney Harrow, and May'riina. They represented an era in the Erudite Arcanum that was really cool, and all went and did their own stories and did wild things. They're all characters I delighted in meeting because excellent conversation was going to follow. I wish I got to RP with Harrow and May'riina more.

Angela Amana. I know a lot of people are going to disagree with this, but she's someone I've always found reliable if I ever want to do mage RP or need to know something esoteric. She's a living library. And I know some people hate her for it, but I really like that she offers some form of stability and reference.

Red Ropes characters. He would go and shake things and had a tremendous amount of energy for it and would breathe life into areas. I especially miss Tyros and Aurlyn, they both breathed a lot of life into their respective areas. Qasi was really cool too, I wish the character was around longer but I get why he rolled. I'd love to see more high energy Waukeeners.

Kuma characters. Whatever Kuma plays, he will go and leave a mark on the server that people will be talking about for years to come. I have no idea when he played Ayin, but everyone talks about Ayin. There's some great Ayin books out there. Dimitrios was highly involved in the Cordor scry orbs, along with Katernin. The writing surrounding Dimitrios was exceptional. Uri made a museum in the Erudite Arcanum and gave me a tour once, it was so cool. And I've not RPed with his latest character much, but I'm looking forward to seeing what his foodie focus will lead him to do.

Charon characters. Ilphaeryl is a legendary drow that is so influential I know about her as a surface player. I met her a few times and had fantastic interactions with her. It was always terrifying seeing her and figuring out how much trouble I was in. Similarly, Ayiesha is an amazing character, and I'm glad to have been able to do so much RP with her. Probably less well known than Ilphaeryl, but was always up to a lot of things.

Elindros and Mariangel. They led a really inclusive sailing faction and focused on trying to get people into sailing, it was my first introduction to sailing. If all you wanted to do was fish, they'd bring you on board and let you do your thing, which is nice. Sometimes as a fisher it's hard to get out to do ocean fishing.

There's probably more people but I'll have to stop and think about it.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:48 pm
by MarkRed

Everyone on this list has brought me to tears for one reason or another through RP, and I suppose that would be my personal qualification for a "Mythic" PC, I truly felt and still feel like it was more than just pixels on a screen, and I would not at all see Arelith in the same way or even still be playing it now if it weren't for our time together.

I wish I could go on for hours listing the reasons that they have touched my experience on here, but this is already a large list and some of these PCs are still active, but I entirely stand behind every name I have listed.

Brogendenstein: Honestly all of Brog during 2021-2022
Malek Dorn-Sternheart | Valdrin |Taggert Redbeard | Oak Vintergard | Maev...something? She was a Swash Elf who always hung around Brog in Late 2021 to early 2022

Mariangel Del Tortilla | Ayeisha | Zemys |Pentunia Weatherby | Grymmriin | Hermes | Galanodel (The Selunite) | Rarade

Estelle Misthollow | Merialeth | Luc

Azariah & the Aelorothi | Levius Tristimdorion (Silver-Wind)

Radiant Heart:
Slag Ironvein | Devon Marshal

"Nightmare" | Ambros | Vielyn(?)| Quillian | Faeris Orthae(?) | Saslae Xun'viir | Stink

Artemis Baatori | Sarah E. Rosewind | Clark TRIBE

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 9:16 pm
by Curve

Ran (where is the button)
Brenda Almsson (stole the words right out of my heart)
Ranuari (yma elf slave looking for love in cordor's red light district)
Vippin (self destruct button)
Joron (also im a werewolf)
Vonevar (then i ate my parents)
Volgbrot (papers please)
Huemacoatl (the way to the heart is throug the chest)
Gabriel Lace (angry garble)
Daniria De Sarr (dangerous pirate mommy)
Amadeo (be my father)
Nhymax (my actual father)
Erik Silverarms (wake up swinging)
Morgan Gracehold (play dress up and beat up the literal world)
Lucia (duh)
SAMIEL (the undefeated)

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:53 pm
by MegaJeff

gaderel anjou

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:56 pm
by Tarkus the dog

I'd say the half-orc Horun was pretty myth worthy.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:01 am
by TatteredFates

johnny twin fang



Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:07 am
by Ork


Anything that Archon plays (Khayal, Vance, Karathas . . I mean c'mon)


Va'sarra and Taly

Vivian LeChance and Heinrich

Tyros and company

Sydney Harrow

Anyone that shakes up the status quo gets remembered.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:42 am
by Captain_Siix

Jhaamdath and his brother whos name escapes me currently

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 3:38 am
by Marsi

It's a fascinating subject!

People tend to privilege the present or the distant past when they talk about this.

Character legacy, who is and is not remembered, can be very incidental and unfair. There are a lot of characters who did great things but played during or shortly before unfortunate times. There are times and places that feel more subject to canonisation than others. Some characters brute force their way into "mythicness" by refusing to ever go away, by possessing a settlement or faction for continuous stretches of time.

Cataclysm of Iron wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:31 pm
Rei_Jin wrote:
Mon Oct 09, 2023 8:57 am

Comparing folks from the age of slower levelling and more DM events, and now, is like comparing theatre actors in the time of Shakespeare, and youtubers.

I'm interested, is it an established/known thing that there were more DM events back in the old times when most of the characters on Grumpy's list were around?

I remember playing back then and a DM event was still vanishingly rare.

Yeah they were definitely much rarer. Months, almost years, could go by without any significant DM activity. I don't think being mythic has anything to do with DM events anyway. A truly mythic character is upstream of DM events, causes them, they don't merely attend them.

Re: Mythic Characters

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 7:14 am
by Rubricae

that salasker fellow is really the only character i can think of - as someone that's more of a recent arrival to the community.