Population loss...

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Re: Population loss...

Post by Durvayas » Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:11 pm

Gotta give credit to Willdigforfood on the arelith discord for this gem, but it sums up quite nicely the situation regarding the people who were banned, and given the near herculean effort it has historically taken to get permabanned here, I can truly say I don't have any sympathy for the people who got the hammer. I'm confident they deserved it.

Thats not to say I don't have a shred of sympathy for those people who are friends with various rulebreakers who were banned. It sucks when a friend is banned, but being real, nobody is banned in a vacuum. No one who gets the hammer is a rose, and to pretend otherwise is disingenous at best. The people being removed are not martyrs; They're perpetrators of injustice to those who do follow the rules faithfully. Some of them are good RPers, perhaps, but nobody gets banned for good RP. Simply being able to type and make stories does not make you valuable here. This is a roleplay server, being a good roleplayer, or someone slowly becoming a good roleplayer is not special, it should be the norm. Its easy to RP being a bastard without ruining someone's fun or cheating if you actually make an effort at it.

Irongron is right. Some of these people belong on other servers. Action servers, RP-light servers, some would thrive on a PvP server I'm sure. But they don't belong here. 'Winning' is not the goal here, making stories that are fun for everyone involved is.
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Re: Population loss...

Post by darthkitteh » Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:14 pm

Can personal attacks stop now?

Bambi's mum died to teach us a valued lesson!
Well Thumper was the one who said it... but still! BAMBIS MUM!!! :(

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Re: Population loss...

Post by Irongron » Mon Apr 15, 2019 8:29 pm

Yep, time to lock this one again. Its only going to degenerate further at this stage. I've no interest to dwell over departing players, and we can give them a cleaner break with Arelith by no longer discussing their exit.

Besides I'm beginning to find this manufactured sense of drama a bit embarrassing now.
